( ♪ behind the mask . hwang-matas maya . mai. producer, rapper




yaya ✧ the members ; a short version of her full name, maya.
byuntae unnie 
✧ members and fans ; because of maya's dirty mind
athletic master 
✧ the fans ; because maya is very good at many sports.
✧ the staffs/ceo/teachers/manager  ; it is simply a cut version of her korean name, maeyi. she hates this nickname with passion.
the little midget 
✧ the members ; it is because maya is the shortest member.


french native ; born and raised in montreal, canada
 semi-fluent ; she went to an english high school. she isn't perfectly fluent, but her english is quite impressive. she just can't understand people as soon they have a different accent like australian or british, she can't.
 semi-fluent ; back in canada, she uses to understand everything in korean, but didn't talk a word of it except from 3 years old sentences. she learned the rest during her trainee days.
 basic ; her mom is spanish. she knows simple sentences and words and how to greet herself. the rest is no comprendo. 


+ ; confident, athletic, funny, caring, strong
= ; dirty minded
- ; envious/jealous, blunt, rude

— (confident ) maya is a girl full of confidence and very strong. she's the girl who's not scared of anyone. she's confident and everyone knows it around her. because she's the type of girl who comes to you at first with a bright and warm smile. you're never going to see her as someone sensitive and shy. sometimes, she seems to be the type of girl who can turn you down any moment by not. she's a real wonder woman.

— (funny & y) maya is a funny girl. most of the time, she uses sarcasm in the funniest ways. when she's totally in a good mood, you'll see a girl who has a lot fun. she's totally a real sarcasm queen. most of the members are sometimes shocked because of her sarcasm but she still loves it. the moment the most shocking is when ae in is being a real byuntae (.) even thought that she's a girl who seems mature and polite like a real woman. she's can be pretty dirty minded. she can be scary but she's simply joking around to scare the members.

— (caring girl) maya is a caring girl. she's someone who tends to listen to people instead of talking a lot. she is there to listen to others and give her personal thought about the situations. she's the one who can be found helping cleaning around when she sees something is messy. she loves giving kisses on their cheek (even if they hate it). she also loves hugging them and taking care of them like her sisters. she treats them like her family.

— (blunt & rude) maya can be a girl who can react easily to something. she can be pretty blunt by moment. everything is black or white for her nothing is in between. if she doesn't like something, she'll be straight up and say that she doesn't like it. when you ask for an opinion, do not be scared to hear what she really thinks. when she's annoyed, she might hurt you because you are being too noisy or you are in her personal space. she might tell you harshly then, when she found out that you are hurt by her words, she's always the one who comes to say sorry. because of her bluntness, the manager scold her that everytime that she's being too blunt. few times, maya may be considered rude by moments. she can give super short answers that you are wondering why she's being like that. it happens when she is one extremly shy or when she's being jealous.

— (envious/jealous) maya is a girl who's the jealous type. her friends, best friend and family know about it. when she's jealous, she'll not even hide it. she'll totally be jealous and it's going to be obvious. she hates to be negliged and ignored. if she's being negliged, she might be very mad at you. she can give side glares or simply give super short answers. you'll see that she doesn't want you around her that all.

— (stage idol) on the stage, the fans meets a y maya. with a big smile, she'll give her 110% and dance like it's going to be the last time of her life doing it. she's totally enjoying every moment of it. the fans can totally feel her joy of being on stage. even if it's a small crowd or a big crowd, she'll give the same energy!

— (variety idol) on a tv show, maya is the one who's pretty much awkward at the beginning making her the victim of the mc. as soon as the show starts to get crazy, she'll turn out to be funny, crazy and sometimes she'll show her moments to make the other laughs. if the show requires a good physical condition, ae in will totally rock this game. she's a real athlete!


— ( the beggining of a life ) maya was born in montreal, canada. she was the second child of an couple. her mother was spanish and her father was korean. maya grew up with her older brother marco. maya was the one who loved sports a lot. she started to be a gymnast at the age of five. her parents saw that ae in had a lot love for dancing. ae in danced everyday of her life and her parents enjoyed to see that their daughter had a dancing passion. maya had to leave gymnastic and found out something more interesting. it was cheerleading! a mixing of dance and gymnastic. she loved it! she went to the famous gym . it was fun and she liked cheerleading more than everything.
— ( what changed me ) that moment shock her life when she heard the group the grace,. she enjoyed listening to their songs and made a decision. she wanted to be like the members of the grace. it was simply something new that she wanted to try. she went to her cheerleading practices two or three times a week and on the weekend, maya will be trying to learn how to sing while imitating the group, the grace. she found out that she was very good and that her skills were strong. she was sent to music class to help her rapping skills since she was around 13 years old. she never really took dancing class, she used her cheerleading dance skills to be able to dance. maya was really good in cheerleading.
few years later, her parents knew that she was too good to keep her talent for herself so they told her about to be an idol in korea. at first, she refused. she didn't wanted to be an idol because it was something that she couldn't see herself in. it took around two years when she saw that sm entertainment had an international audition in toronto. she auditioned, but she got refused. she also tried jyp the same year and she got refused. she finished high school when she was 17 years. she was about to go in college in health science if she wasn't a trainee. maya auditioned for starship during her summer vacation in sk. her parents gave her a gift for her high school graduation. she finished high school and her grades were good. her parents sended her to sk to visit her family and have fun in seoul. that time, she decided that she would try to auditionate for yg entertainment. she got accepted under yg and she was 17 years old. she trained three years under yg and left after for sts.

PERSONA:  The wonder woman
POSITION: Producer, Rapper
BACK-UP POSITION: Song Writer, Main Vocal

TRAINEE YEARS:  Four years in total [ 3 under YG and 1 under STS]


maya trained for three years under yg. during her first year, it was quite hard. it was mostly focusing on perfecting her korean because she was mostly using french for and ameliorate her singing. she didn't much took time to make friends under the company. she passed her time practicing and learning korean. since she understood well korean, she had to learn how to talk proprely, extend her vocabulary and make difference between informal and formal. her vocal class it was more about using her stomach, not the throat, her breathing technique and dancing+singing at the same time.

her second and third year in the company wasn't that bad. it was the time that she moved out of her shell. she started her intensive dancing classes with other trainees. it was during that time that she started to get more friends. she met mino who was in her rapping class and lee hayi during that time, who were in her dancing class. she made also other friends in her dancing class. in her third year, maya got lucky and helped with the production of Winner'S first album.

after that, maya knew that yg wasn't thinking of debuting her in his new girlgroup because of the difference of the concept. He knew that maya's appearence didn't suit the hip hop style that he wanted for his girlgroup. maya wanted to debut as fast as possible and decided to go for a smaller company that would start a group soon. she went for sts entertainment and got in.
 in sts entertainment, she wasn't much praying attention to anyone. she knows that if she got in the girlgroup of sts, papa yg would be proud of her. that's what she wants the most. Only her boyfriend, her family members, plus one of her friend knows. So it means that five people knows that she's one of the members of Mask. maya thinks that the concept in an awesome idea. everything isn't all about the look. the talent is the key!



October 2014 ✧ production ; even thought that maya was training under sts, she still had contact with yg and he told her about helping with the production of an amazing hiphop sound. she accepted and worked with the production with DJ Tukutz of Born Hater of Epik High ft. Mino, Verbal Jint, B.I, Beenzino, Bobby .

November 2014 ✧ production ; she worked as a producer for the song with Pilkang, I'm Different of Hi Suhyun ft. Bobby

November 2014 ✧ mv actress ; maya got the chance to be part of her second produced song music video, I'm Different. she played Bobby's girlfriend at the end. around 3:05 


2015   featuring + production ; Maya produced and did a featuring along with Beast's Junhyung, Bigstar FeelDog. The song is called You Got Some Nerve. It is her second very hiphop song that she produced. This time she did it alone.

2015  featuring + co-production ; Maya and Dok2 did produced and featured together in a hiphop song called Follow Me. It is her third hiphop song that she produced.

beginning 2016  featuring ; Maya participated in a song called Catch Me if You Can in English. She did the rap part.

mid 2016  solo, produced ; Maya produced and composed a song Change and Mino featured in this song. [during that promotion, a big scandal hits!]


2015  Mask's Mai being rude toward a member? ; False - Maya wasn't trying to be rude. Maya was super blunt about something. The member asked her opinion and Maya totally told her opinion and it was caught on camera. Fans made a fuss about it, but the member concerned didn't find it rude.

2015  Mask's Mai and Winner Mino caught kissing ; True - They were on a date and Mino kissed her. The picture was took by a Winner fan and after few days, another picture came more clear showing them.

beginning 2016  Mask's Maya caught cheating on Winner's Mino; False - Maya was helping her brother to choose a ring for his proposal for his girlfriend. There was picture showing Maya hugging her brother and holding his hands. Then, another one showing her brother dropping her back to the dorm. 

mid 2016  Mask's Maya and Winner's Mino has a tape online?  ; False - it was a couple that looked like Maya and Mino. It litterally broke the internet that people started to make up rumors about it.  [could be during Change promotion? /more dramatic/]

beginning 2017  Did they broke up? ; True, they did broke up temporary because of the crazy rumors and comments going around internet about the fake tape. Some were saying that Maya was pregnant or went to abort the baby. All those rumors were fake, but they did broke up.

mid 2017  Mino and Maya are back together? ; True. During those six months of breaking up, Maya was into a small depression. You could see her being less powerful on stage or zoning out during few interviews. She could sometimes cry in her room. All her friends would come to see her. No one seemed to work to bring her mood up. Even her older brother tried. Mino was also a little bit down. Fans would see that he was less goofy. Eventually, Maya's brother (Marco), Bobby and B.I went to see Mino to talk about Maya's condition and he came to see her. They went back together again. The picture was showing them walking while holding hands in a mall in Seoul.




name  Hwang - Matas Maya
birthdate  December 22th, 1993
birthplace  Montreal, Canada
hometown  Montreal, Canada
ethnicity  Korean-Spanish
nationality  Canadian
height  160 cm
weight  54kg


» Yura from Girl's Day


» Nana from After School


social circle

» Mother, Matas Germaine | 44 | Nurse | funny, kind, caring | with her mother, maya loves making crazy pranks and jokes. they make pranks on Kyuhoon and Marco. they have a close mother - daughter relationship. 

» Father, Hwang Kyuhoon | 49 | Police Officer | lazy, funny, understanding | he treats her like his baby. he's always there for her. aein loves him so much. they have a really funny relationship. he always calls her my little bunny and she calls him fat daddy.  

» Brother, Hwang-Matas Marco | 24 | gym trainer | protective, kind, outgoing | they are really close to each other. they used to have a not so close relationship when they were younger. now, they laugh a lot together. he's always there to listen to her when she needs him. if someone hurts maya, he'll be ready to take a airplane to south korea right away to kill that person who hurt her. he cares about maya a lot.[he lives in australia]



» friends, Kim Jiwon/ Bobby | 19 | iKon | funny, dorky, confident | He's one of Mino's best friends. That's how they know each other. Maya and Bobby have a very weird relationship. They always end up dancing crazily to music together or crack up lame jokes. (He doesn't know that Maya debuted)


» friends, Moon Hyejung | 19 | Mask | outgoing, witty, fearless | Maya did seems to have realized that Hyejung wasn't much "normal". For some reasons, Maya tends to help Hyejung when she doesn't remember something or when things goes overboard, she helps her. Maya and Hyejung have the funniest competitions together. Since Maya knows that Hyejung cheats, they would both end up cheating to win together creating a crazy atmosphere.


» close friends, Kim Hanbin/ B.I | 19 | iKon | mature, kind, funny | he's actually Mino's closest friends along with Bobby. That's how they know each other. They share a very good friendship. He's like an older brother for her. If Mino is acting wrong, be ready to hear a mad B.I to kick his . xD (He knows that she debuted in Mask. He found the idea of wearing mask cool. He laughed at her and told her, "At least the mask is going to hide that ugly face of yours." Maya kicked him afterward.)


» best friends, Lee Hayi/ Lee Hi | 18 | Soloist | shy, kind,funny | With Lee Hayi, they tends to make up jokes around, talk about everything and also they have a lot of inside jokes together. They are very close. They text each other everyday. (She doesn't know about Maya's debut. She simply know that Maya is training under an unknown company.)


» The CEO, Kim Nahyun | 33 | the ceo of sts | personality | Maya and CEO have a weird relationship. It is mostly between dislikes and loving each other. Maya is pretty close with YG staffs and artists. She hates that because she sees the big 3 like a big rival. So, everytime that Maya comes into her office to show a new song or something like that, Nahyun greets her by calling her, Betrayer. But, she tends to always love Maya's production and calls her a genius when Maya has a new idea for the group. 

» The Manager, Jason Park | 27 | manager of mask | personality | Maya tends to love teasing the manager by tellin' him if he has a girlfriend or always ask him if he finds any girls cute so she can go a try to bring them together. Jason trolls sometimes Maya by calling her Maemae even if she hates it. He would make "mean" comments to her. Anyways, he scold Maya everytime she makes 1. Overboard dirty minded comments 2. When she's being too blunt 3. Acting crazy for no reason.   



• (action and romance movies) - action movies are full of actions/explosion/guns and she loves it. why she loves romance movies ? she's a typical girl who dreams of romance.

• (ice tea) - it's taste good, right?

• (sports) - she's kind of obsessed with sports. especially the olympics and super bowl.

• (romance) - she loves romance. how can i explain why ? xd

• (rnb and hip hop music) - rnb music is the type of music that gave her chills when she listent to it and hip hop music too.

• (light yellow) - it's a very cute and bright color...

• (pastel colors) - pastel colors are pretty and light.
• (sneakers wedges) - sneakers + wedges. she loves wearing sneakers and wedges why not both together ?!

• (sneakers) - it's the best thing ever. it's comfortable! <3

• (healthy food) - broccoli...yummy! heathly food taste better than everything <3

• (fashion) - girl, fashion is her life!




• (neon colors) - god! please save my eyes ;_;

• (being ignored) - she dislikes it. she can be pretty jealous xd

• (aegyo) - euuh. this word doesn't exist in her dictionary.

• (her nickname; byuntae unnie) - she hates it when everyone calls her like that.

• (unhealthy food) - it's gross and not good for the body.

• (rock music) - too loud!!!!

• (insects) - anything instect that fly, jumps, crawl, dougie, twerk, 2 step, and all that crap. insect are annoying, they keep doing the bizzz sound. grrrr!!

• (clowns) - clowns= creepy make-up + creepy voices + creepy smile.

• (rude people) - rude vs. someone who can be rude too ? warning. you are in danger, my friend.




• (going to the gym) - she wants to stay in shape tho.

• (sleeping) - need some beauty sleep.

• (taking pics) - selcas.

• (hanging out with her friends and members.)

• (online shopping/going shopping) - she's a girl, what do you expect ?

• (watching youtube videos or being on netflix)

• (trolling the members around)


• she drools and smile in her sleeps

• talks to herself in french all the time.

• curses in english when she's super mad xd



• ( she has a playlist of ual songs. her favourite are jay park-do what we do ; welcome- jay park ; mr. steal yo girl - trey songz ; slowmotion - trey songz. she sings them all loud in the car, at home, in the waiting room, in public she doesn't care. )

• ( she knows how to snowboard and suf she's obsessed with brocoli. she love it! )

• ( her favourite song ever is dilemma by nelly. <3)

• ( she hates diet but she love healthy food )

• ( her favourite color is light yellow )

• ( her favourite number is 14 )

• ( her favourite show is empire and the arrow )

• ( she love kissing her members' cheek and hug . )


• (she's a big fan of canadian hockey team) - the nhl canadian and the olympic team. *^* she was cheering the canadian team in winter olympics and everyone in the company was like you betraaayeeer! xd she also has a lot of jersey of the canadien de montreal [nhl team]

• (she loves olympics, fifa and superbowl)

• (she used to be a cheerleader in canada)

• (she says that she has an amazing athletic body. plus, she goes to the gym with sistar's soyou)

• (she used to be called fat during her trainee days due to her high weight. she always shut the trainees up. because she knows that her weight is high due to her muscle of cheerleader.)

• (she wishes in the future to have 4 childs and to adopt two childs.)

• (she's daebak at baking ,but not the best at cooking.)

• (her american favourite celebrities are chirs hermsworth, chris evans and dylan o'biren /faints.)

• (zion. t is her favourite artist and his song "two melodies" is her favourite one.)

• ( her instagram is @tonpetitcoeur-xo. it means Your little heart)

• ( she is a sport master ;d.)

• ( she is deadly scared of butterflies.)

• ( weekly idol is her favourite tv show.)

• ( she is a big fan of block b and sistar.)

• ( her ultimate talent is tumbling )

• ( she wears invisalign all the time /except when she's performing, she takes them off/)

• ( she has her canadian driving license. she wants to do the korean one this year.)

• ( she wants to buy a mercedes cla 250 white for her first car.)

STYLE and appearence

her natural hair color is dark brown and is quite wavy. she always cut them bras strap lenght because it suits her face better. she likes to have her front hair in bangs. she dyes her hair black or go back to her dark brown. the craziest color she has ever done was blonde. she has typical dark brown eyes. she isn't tall 162 cm and she has a surprising weight of 54kg because of her cheerleading muscles that add to her weight. her body is quite toned like sistar's soyou.

maya's style isn't a specific one. she is a real fashionista. she can go to edgy to a simple cute outfit. her outfit is always on point. one day she can be a comfy girl and the other a real bad girl type. it's all depends of her mood the morning. she can rock heels and flats. she has a lot pants, leggings and also jegging. all she wants is that she is confortable in her own clothes. she do it because she love it. right! her style is exactly like clothesenounters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 






— (fabulous boy) mino is the type of boy that maya dream to date. he's someone confident in himself. he doesn't like to show any weakness. when he's totally mad, he'll not show it. he will just tell you that he didn't liked what you did. he's pretty honest with everyone. he prefers to tell the truth without to be too harsh or rude. he's very patient. he can wait one hour for you and he'll do it without to complain except if you totally exagerate. he's very honest when he doesn't like something, he'll tell you that he didn't like it. he's a goof ball, he's can pass from the serious guy to a goofy boy in 0.3 seconds. His humor is no jokes. He never fails to make people laugh around him. He's also dorky and full of aegyo when he wants.

— (mr. charismatic) on stage, he's charismatic, he loves showing his nice and patient personality. he shows to everyone that he's a good person who's confident in himself. in an interview, he shows to his fans that they are important for him. around his friends, heis dorky and he likes to tease them a lot. he is like a little trouble maker. he has a funny personality which it makes him even more unique.

— (my bad boy) beside being a good guy, mino can be pretty jealous. when he saw that someone is being too close to someone he likes, he will actually be really jealous. like aein, he refused to see that someone is trying to take the most important person from him. also, when he doesn't like to be ignored or negliged and he will feel jealous to the one who has more attention. he can be also rude when he's mad. sometimes it takes you by surprise because he is always nice but when he's mad. be ready to meet a pretty rude boy. he might do some short answers and when you are trying too much to calm him down, he can shut you up.


♥ alone - they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two clowns together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other or simply enjoying each other's presence. sometimes mino would be sitting and maya would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling on the couch with a blanket on them. they would watch tv and laugh to many variety shows. if they are on a date, mino would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.
♥ in public -in public, they are looking like two friends mostly because they don't want any crazy rumors about them. they are both careful about the group's reputation, they don't want a big scandal to appear. when no one is watching them, sometimes, maya will smile at him. if they got to a big date, they would be wearing caps to hid their identity. they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. jooheon tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes that make the other people around them wondering what's happening.
♥ around friends/members - around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they aren't much a lovey-dovey one. they are two best friends together. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, maya would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if they are walking all together, maya wouldn't be affraid to go and look at mino's little . it happens that maya would give a little tap there or poke it which it annoys him a lot. if they are around their closest friends, mino would sometimes give a small kiss on her cheek.
♥ on broadcast - they tends to show their awesome frienship. since they know each other since the company. they'll act like two close friends. they make up crazy jokes and tease each other like no tomorrow. sometimes, when the mc asks about who's favourite member in the groups, they would always says each other's name [reason why fans are shipping them haha].


they both met in their rapping class. everyone had to to a small rap battle, girls against girls and boys against boys. the two winners has to get paired and do a duo to perform in their monthly exam. maya and mino were the two winners of the battle and they had to prepare together their monthly exam. the first day, they didn't even worked that all. they ended up fooling around and joking like two crazy people. they did work the next days later together. their friendship bloomed into a relationship later on. secretly dating since december 2013 he does know that Maya debuted in Mask. like hanbin, he liked the concept, he said " at least, i can be the only idol who can look at your beautiful face." 


Maya has a lot of Mino's sweater that she tends to steal from him. Also, they both share cute couple items like matching sneakers, keychains or few snapbacks and backpack. They text each other almost everyday the whole day long. Sometimes, the members complain about her smiling like a creep on her phone.


+ missxox
+ ayana
+ number three



»name:  Song Minho
»birthdate: March 30th, 1993
»occupation: Rapper, Composer in Winner
»status: Secretly Dating since 2013






LAST COMMENT : hi! hope you like maya.


SCENE REQUESTS : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. 


PASSWORD : mystical [it is an adjective that means mysterious/secret]



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