⊗ private ◦ beaulieu kerry



adjust gif/picture of fc correctly. not too big, not too small.

full name  Beaulieu Kerry
other name/s Hwang Kiyoo [황 키요 ]
- Byuntae Kid ; because Kerry tends to make dirty minded comments following by a "pedo smile".
- The stage monster ; a funny nickname that the trainees plus teachers calls her like that. she is the one who's get super nervous, cries yet, as soon she steps on the stage, she murders everything on her way haha.
- Kiwi ; this is an weird nickname that the members started to call her like that. they simply thought that her name, kerry kind of sounded like kiwi plus, kerry is allergic to kiwis haha.

birthday  december 22th, 1996
birthplace and hometown jeju island, south korea ; seoul, south korea 
ethnicity and nationality full korean
- Korean [native ; she was born and raised in south korea]
- French [fluent ; she went to the famous French School of Seoul since elementary school. also, her foster father is french canadian. she got to know french easily at home.]
-English [conversational ; she is good enough to make short conversations... she isn't that bad. she can pick up some words.]

faceclaim yura from girl's day
backup haeryung from bestie
appearance her natural hair color is dark brown and is quite wavy. she love dying it black or going back to brown. the craziest color she ever have done is blonde. she has typical dark brown eyes. she isn't very tall. she's 161 cm and she has a surprising weight of 54kg because of her cheerleading muscles that add to her weight. her body is pretty toned like sistar soyou.
+ ; funny, kind, athletic,
= ; dirty minded
- ; shy, envious, blunt, possessive
[shy & kind] - First time you meet kerry, you'll meet the most shy person ever. She would totally be the last person to tell you hello in the team behind the door just by waving her hand. The leader would have to drag her to greet people proprely. Also, she tends to not talk loud enough sometimes. Her voice can start loud, but at the end, it would be mumbling. But, the shyness of Kerry would always disapear and turn into a crazy character that you don't expect when you are often around her. When she get to know you proprely and you get to know her well, she'll be another person. Kerry is someone who's very kind. She thinks of people's happiness before her happiness. She helps her friends when they need her. She would totally clean behind people when it is messy without saying a single word. she doesn't mind to help people. If you ask her, be ready to see Kerry doing it proprely wihtout complain.
[funny & dirty minded] - That's when you know Kerry like yourself. Kerry is a funny girl. Most of the time, she uses sarcasm in the funniest ways. When she's totally in a good mood, you'll see a girl who has a lot fun. She's totally a real sarcasm queen. Most of the members are sometimes shocked because of her sarcasm but she still loves it. The moment the most shocking is when ae in is being a real byuntae (.) even thought that she's a girl who seems mature and polite like a real woman. She's can be pretty dirty minded. She can be scary but she's simply joking around to scare the members. She can do dirty minded jokes and turn a simple sentence into something unexpected. She can even a dirty minded comment and after, she would to a pedo smile right after. 
[envious & blunt] - Kerry can be a girl who can react easily to something. She can be pretty blunt by moment. Everything is black or white for her nothing is in between. If she doesn't like something, she'll be straight up and say that she doesn't like it. When you ask for an opinion, do not be scared to hear what she really thinks. When she's annoyed, she might hurt you because you are being too noisy or you are in her personal space. She might tell you harshly then, when she found out that you are hurt by her words, she's always the one who comes to say sorry. Because of her bluntness, the manager scold her that everytime that she's being too blunt. She can give super short answers that you are wondering why she's being like that. it happens when she is one extremly shy or when she's being jealous. Kerry is a girl who's the envious type. her friends, best friend and family know about it. when she's so envious and, she'll not even hide it. she'll totally be jealous and it's going to be obvious. she hates to be negliged and ignored. if she's being negliged, she might be very mad at you. she can give side glares or simply give super short answers. you'll see that she doesn't want you around her that all.
[ possessive ] - Possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. Do not touch what it's hers. She would totally flip your face. She doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. Don't give her things easily. You'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. For exemple her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. Do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry Kerry behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words. 
[variety idol] - on a tv show, Kerry is the one who's pretty much awkward at the beginning making her the victim of the mc. As soon as the show starts to get crazy, she'll turn out to be funny, crazy and sometimes she'll show her moments to make the other laughs. If the show requires a good physical condition, Kerry will totally rock this game. she's a real athlete!
[on stage] This is the moment when the shy Kerry turns into a brand new character. People wonders where the hell the shy Kerry went at. Because it totally disapears. She goes from shy to a charismatic rapper in  0.3 seconds. She dances and rap with passion and make sure to do a short fan services to the fans. She dances on the stage like it is the last time of her life. That's why people calls her the stage monster.
[the birth of the stage monster] let's star by explaining how this stage monster became part of the world population. Kerry was born in the middle of december in jeju island in south korea. Kerry's birth wasn't planified that all. Her parents wasn't ready to take care of her. Days after her birth, they gave her to an orphanage. Kerry's parents never actually told the orphanage the birthdate or a name. The people from the orphanage took Kerry to the doctor to see if she was a healthy child and they eventually didn't knew exactly her birthdate so they decided to take the date that Kerry was brought to the orphanage which it was on 22th december. Six months later, the nameless baby got adopted by an couple that lived in Seoul. They gave her the name Kerry as her birthname and for a korean name they decided to take Kiyoo. Her foster dad was french canadian and her foster mom was korean.
[beggining of life] Kerry moved with her brand new family to seoul. That was the moment when Kerry was actually someone. She had a name and a new family. Kerry had a simple childhood. She had loving parents and cousins from all over the world because of her dad's part of the family. She was a creative kid that loved to make gags around and troll her family members with innocent pranks. When she started elementary school, her dad decided to send her to a french school in seoul. so, she started to attend to this school. She knew french because of her dad. She was pretty much fluent since a young age. Sometimes, she would mix up korean with french words in the middle of the sentences making people laughs. Kerry started to gain interest in music at a young age. She loved the spices girls so much. She would totally be dancing or singing around even thought her singing was awful. Her mother took her to an interesting dancing place. It was ballroom dance. She did every kind of ballroom dance from waltz to salsa to quick steps.
[builiding my personality] In middle school, Kerry had a passion for 90's hiphop music. Before singing "Happy" Pharell was a rapper? Yes, he was. She loved all kind of hiphop music and she started to rap since she was 14 years old. She didn't looked like a kid who loved rap music. When she would say her favourite rappers people would totally makes weird faces like what? She never actually showed her rapping talents to her parents she kept it for herself. Her dad found out about her rapping and told her to auditionate for companies.
[the rejections made me stronger] She started to audition for many companies. She danced and rapped. Every judges would say very positive comments, but for some reasons, they wouldn't let her go to the next round. Then, at 16 years old, she got accepted to YG Entertainment. She wasn't in fond of people in the companies. She didn't pray attention to anyone. She was focusing in her talents. The funny things was that the rapping and the dancing teachers would totally be happy of her, but at the monthly examination, the CEO would always put her down. It drove her crazy. If her rapping teacher said that lower keys are good, the CEO would say that she should have used a higher key. She didn't knew who to believe. She ended up mad about it and left the company. It shocked many trainees. Kerry wanted to be an idol, but she seriously wanted to show what she is able to do without being controlled all the time. She needed a little bit of freedom for herself. Seeing about the trainee life and how everything was dark around the idols. She wanted to show a side that the korean wave didn't have, but yet companies were the same.
[here i am today]  Kerry did have a very good reputations around trainees and teachers. Her rapping teacher was a good friend of giseong. He told Kerry about his company and how it could be a different company than the others around. So, he prepared a meeting with Giseong and told him about Kerry and she got scotted after that. She got in at 18 years old.
  • She's an ex-cheerleader. she was supposed to go co-ed cheer, but she got accepted to YG.
  • She is an ex-YG trainee
  • She loves ual songs... trey songz is her favourite along with jay park. her favourite songs are slowmotion - trey songz, mr. steal your girl - trey songz and welcome- jay park.
  • She doesn't care that all to sing those songs in the car, in the waiting room, in the dorm. she doesn't care. except in a public place, she would never.
  • She hates with aegyo, but surprising she is good at it. [bomi-apink]
  • Her ideal type is someone who's mature, strong and kind... like bang yong guk or b.i or zico [shecan'tresist]
  • She has a huge celebrity crush on zico. it's one of the main reason why she's watching SMTM4. her other reason is her friend, mino.
  • She says that the three most beautiful  celebrities woman of the world are  Kerri Hilson, Zendaya Coleman and Kendall Jenner.
  • She loves action movies like no tomorrow.
  • She also loves rated R movies
  • She eats all the time. two in the morning? she will totally stand up and go to the fridge. five in the morning? she'll do the same thing. She's bored? she'll eat to feel less bored.
  • She likes hiphop and rnb music. Expecially the older ones from us. like dilemma by nelly it's one of her favourite rnb songs.
  • The only relevant korean groups for her are Block B, Bigbang, BTS and Sistar for her. The rest, she doesn't give a damn
  • She drinks green tea everyday of her life.
  • She loves trolling the members sometimes.
  • She's deadly scared of butterflies
  • Her ultimate talents are tumbling and stunting.
  • She wears invisalign all the time except when she's eating or performing. She also has a lisp because of her invisalign which is the reason why she takes it off to perform. [it is not comfy to rap with that.]
  • She's a huge fan of the Canadian hockey team. People sees her like a betrayer every time she says that.  xD
  • Her favourite colors are black and white.
  • She hates neon colors
  • She hates strawberries and flowers
  • She's allergic to kiwi
  • She loves EMPIRE, THE ARROW, FLASH AND TEEN WOLF. (Stiles is her babe...)
  • Her male celebrity crushes are Dylan O'Brien and Chirs Hermsworth
  • Her phone background is Dylan O'Brien (cries)
  • Her ringtone is a vine song click
  • She goes to the gym twice a week
  • She hates diet with passion
  • She has a collection of Jordans plus Nike shoes.
  • Plus another collection of Hockey Canadian team jersey [Sharks, Maple Leaf, Canadiens etc.]
  • She's a sport lover woot woot!
  • Everytime she has to perform, her nerves kick in so much that she cries on her way and shakes so much. The makeup artist is always scolding her...
Father ; Beaulieu Martin - He's 46 years old and he's a police officer. He lives in south korea since he was 20 years old. He was there to study and he ended up meeting Yoomi. He loves Kerry so much. He's very very close with Kerry. Kerry is a daddy's baby. He gives her the most ugly nicknames all the time and they love fighting together.
Mother ; Hwang Yoomi - She's 44 years old and she's working as a nurse at Seoul's Hospital. She's pretty close with Kerry. Kerry loves her so much and respects her 1000 times. She wants to make her mother happy and proud of her. Along with her mother, they can get super crazy together.
Younger Brother ; Beaulieu Korey - He's 10 years old. He's Kerry's foster younger brother. He's also full Korean. Kerry is super protective toward him. Even if he can be super annoying, Kerry is always there for him. 
- Lee Hi (Soloist) - 18 - 6/10
- Lee Suhyun (AKMU) - 16 - 6/10
- Kim Jiwon "Bobby" (Winner) - 19 - 7/10
- Jung Chanwoo (iKon) - 17 - 6/10
- Song Minho "Mino" (Winner) - 22 - 7/10
- Lee Chan Hyuk (AKMU) - 18 - 6/10
  • Even thought that Kerry and Lee Hi are friends, Kerry tends to get sometimes jealous when she sees that Lee Hi and B.I are close sometimes. When she sees that she tends to ignore Lee Hi's text or calls for days then will say an excuse to be nice back with her. She sees Lee Hi like a threat of her maybe-not-already-a-relationship with B.I.
  • Kerry's role model is Jessi from Lucky J. She loves her so much. Kerry says that if she sees her in real life she'll faint and her soul would leave her body back and fourth 100 times.
love interest Kim Hanbin  [B.I]
backup Song Minho/ Mino
birthday October 22th, 1996
relationship  they are best friends, but they like each other.
meeting  He met Kerry when they were both trainees under YG Entertainment. The funny thing is that Kerry kind of popular with male trainees, but she didn't seem to notice it that all. She focused on her trainees and didn't took time to make friends around. Male trainees would talk to her, but she'll simply make short answers and get back to where she was. He viewed her as someone cold and careless. Until the monthly examination came, waiting behind the door of the examination room, Kerry and other trainees were waiting their turn. Kerry's nerves were hitting like crazy. Everyone seemed to have their nerves under control but, Kerry's nerves were kicking in like no tomorrow. She started shaking and lowered her head to her knees. She started to cry because she was stressing too much. He was beside her and he hugged her. He talked to her to help her to calm her nerves. When it was his turn turn, she thanked him and he left. Hanbin stayed in the room to look for Kerry's examination. He could see her stressing her life out, but the moment she turned her head toward the judges, a new person came. She killed the examinations.
— (The truth ) - Actually, they are both close friends ,but they have feeling for each other. All members of mujang girls and bts sees the fact that they have feeling for each other. Kerry and B.I aren't aware that they like each other. They seems like boyfriend-girlfriend ; easily get jealous ; having skinship. Around each other, they are joking around, talking, having silly conversation sometimes it's became cheesy. You can clearly see that they like each other.
— (Public ) - In public, they are looking like two friends mostly because they don't want any crazy rumors about them. They are both careful about the group's reputation, they don't want a big scandal to appear. So, they act like two close friends. They make up jokes together and laugh together like two crazy people.
— (Broadcast ) - When they are both on a TV Show, they act like two good friends. Sometimes, they have jealous moment but still. Everytime that the MCs asks who's their favourite, they will tell each other's name.. (which is the reason why the fans are shipping them haha :p)

ending happily dating.

stage name  Kerry
persona The Charismatic Monster
position  main rapper, lead dancer
speaking twin  yura - girl's day
talent twin rapping - jessi ; dancing - f(x) luna
social networking 
@tonpetitmonstre [ig - it means your little monster in french haha]
username missxox
alias ayana.
activity rate  seven out of ten.


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