the secret relationship ⇢ maya martínez - marcoux [almost done]

love doesn't make the world go round,
love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
 Maya & Yoongi
missxox | ayana | 7/10
full name ;  
Maya Martínez - Marcoux.
nicknames ;  
— may ; it's her best friend who calls her like that - it's just a shorter version of her name.
— aya ; her other friends calls her like that. - it's another shorter version of her name.
— maeyi ; her boyfriend calls her like that all the time.- he created her a korean name. he is the only one who calls her like that.
birthdate - age ;  
may 8th, 1993- 22 y.o
birthplace ;  
montreal, canada
hometown ;  
laval, canada
ethnicity ;  
brazilian - canadian
languages ;  
— french (native) ; she is born and raised in montreal.
— portugues (conversational) ; she is able to make super short sentences. she understands only the basic of portugues. her portugues is enough to survive haha.
— korean (semi - fluent) ; she moved to SK when she was 18 years old with her older sister who waas 22 that time. so she has been living there for four years. even before moving to SK, in high school, she had korean classes. it was an option in her school. maya was quite lucky, she was able to practive her korean with her bestie who was full korean. so when she moved to SK she was mostly between conversational and semi-fluent. she took three years to be able to pick up the language enough. she tends to search her words sometimes and also, the person can't talk super fast. she has to ask to talk a little slower. except from this, she is good.
— english (fluent) - she learned english since elementary school and she went to an english high school. so she became fluent with the time.
occupation ;  
she's a vlogger/youtuber and she's also often an host for beauty events.
face claim ;   
back-ip face claim ;   -.-
appearence ;  
maya has long natural brown hair. her hair is naturally between curly and wavy. her hair legnt is around bra strap legnth when they are in natural state. when they are straighten, it is around mid back. her skin is a caramel brown. she isn't a tall girl. she is around 163 cm and she weights 53 kg. her body is quite toned because she goes to the gym around two times a week. [similar to sistar's soyou body.] her ears are pierced only once. she is thinking of getting her belly button done, but she isn't sure. she has no tattoo. maya has two moles on her right shoulder. 
style ;  
casual -
formal -
describe her style and you can put links if you want.]
personality traits ; 
+ ;   confident, outgoing, funny, lovable, 
-  ;   rude, dirty minded, possessive, jealous
   personality ; 
♥ first impression - maya's first impression is always something negative. the first time that people meets or sees maya for the first time, they would think that she is someone who's rude, overconfident and y. it's her face and the way that she is dressing that keeps giving a misleading first impression. in reality, this girl is someone who's lovable and very fun to be around. you have to learn about her before to realise how heart is an awesome person to be with.

♥ confident & outgoing - let's start by maya's first personality traits. she is known for being someone confident. she feels good in her body and she knows that she is a pretty woman. she isn't affraid to go to people first. she doesn't mind about what you think about her because she knows who she is really. she isn't the type to let the other bring her down easily. maya is very outgoing. most of the time, she is the first one to go and greet new people with a bright smile on her face. she would start a random conversation with you like she knew you since forever. she doesn't mind that all. a simple walk to a grocery store and she would end up having a new friend. she totally love exploring the world.

♥ funny & lovable - maya is a funny person. she is a total gag girl when you are friend with her. she is someone who loves making the other laugh with her weird jokes or sometimes her lame jokes. she is the one who bring a bright smile on people's face. she is like a sunshine who spread the happiness and the joy around her. the fact that she is funny, is the reason why she has a lot of friends. many people calls her a gag queen because of her unique jokes that never fail to make the other laughs. lovable ? why maya is a lovable person ? it's simply because she is the type of person who thinks about the others rather than herself. she isn't affraid to go and ignore her own problem to make another one happy. she has another habit to hug people. even if you are her friends' friend, she would not be scared and hug you for no reason. she even did once a free hug day in seoul with her friends. another thing is that she would be the one who will kiss her friends' cheek even if they hate it so much. she just loves to make the other feel loved and appreciated.

♥ jealous & possessive - jealous, yes maya is a jealous type of girl. everyone around her knows how jealous she can be. a simple thing can make her feel rejected or even unliked. she hates being ignored and she would totally feel useless if you are ignoring her. she would start by ignoring you and just talking back to you rudely because of her jealousness. if you are someone important for her, she would even cry because of this. she can be easily jealous. make sure you doesn't make her feel jealous. possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. do not touch what it's hers. she would totally flip your face. she doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. don't give her things easily. you'll have to cry and roll on the floor and she will give it to you. for exemple her boyfriend is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry girlfriend behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words.

♥ rude & dirty minded - talking about being rude. she is a pretty rude girl. she can be giving you short and straight answers in front of you without thinking twice. her words can hit you like a brick in your face and she would not realise it right away. most of the time,she realise that her words are harsh only after the person's reaction is being negative. maya is also a ert. she is a minded idol. she is a byuntae number one. she isnt afraid to make dirty minded jokes and sometimes, it shockes people around her. also, she would not be afraid to make random ert comments to her closest friends or just slap her friend's . 
background ;

maya was born in montreal, canada. she was the second child of the family. her mother was canadian and her father was brazilian. her older sister, maria was four years old when maya was born. maya grew up close with her older sister. her childhood was quite interesting. she was a crazy troll kid. since a young age, she pulled small pranks around at home. she would play hid and seak without anyone actually playing with her. then, the parents would freak out because they can't find her. maya ended up just under the bed all calm. she was a little pranker. in elementary school, maya was quite a character. she had a lot of friends and she would totally pull some hit blunt questions to the teacher that would blow mind everyone.  during elementary school, she started playing soccer for her city team.

in high school, maya was pretty much part of the athletic group of friends. she loved playing a lot of sports. she played soccer, hockey and basketball during her hs years. it was during those years that maya's older sister, maria, started her career on youtube. maria was making videos about hair and the speciality was about curly hair. thatw as the moment when maya got intro the youtube world. maya was more about fashion and also life style videos. maya did all kind videos from healthy regiment to how to dress up like a boss for your graduation. maya started filming her videos at 17 years old. it was in her senior year that she opened her youtube account. maria always wanted to go oversea to start a business and maya was loving the south korean fashion, how they dressed and how they mix patterns together. thats was how she found about her dream of going there. since maya's channel was growing fast on youtube, she got a lot opportunities. her parents was against her going to sk unless maria accepted to go there too. maria accepted to go and start her big business as a hair stylist in sk.

as soon maya turned 18, they both moved to south korea together. maya lived with maria until she was 21 years old. then, she got a new loft in seoul. maya keeps making videos for youtube, sometimes she vlogs and she is often invited to fashion events and she is also hosting events. 

likes ;  
  • sneakers - she has a huge collections of sneakers ; nike, jordans, adidas are her three main brands.
  • her hair - its her life. she loves wearing her hair in different style. she can straight it a day and the next day she is back curly. she is so careful with her hair. as soon as something goes wrong, just see her running to her sister to fix it haha.
  • hockey and basketball - those are her two favourite sports. she is da boss in those sports.
  • black and white - her two favourite colors, call her boring. she do not care. black and white is life.
  • hip hop, afrobeat and rnb - those are her favourite music type. you can see her jaming on some TI, two minutes later crying over a Neyo song and after, she'll be dancing her life out to some Flavour. 
  • action movies - action movies put her in good moods. she just love watching movies where there's a lot going on. the police, alians trying to destroy the world, super heroes savving the world, car races, gun fires everywhere, explosions. it facinates her. she can't resist to action movies.
  • lemonade, green tea and iced tea - this are her three favourite drink. she drinks green tea every morning and she does homemade lemonade all the time during summer. she always ask for a iced tea in restaurents. for real, she loves those drinks refreshing, good and its love in the tummy.
  • winter and autumn - this is her two favourite seasons. she looooves winter because she can go skating, snowboarding and have snowball fights. autumn has the best fashion moments. she loves wearing boots and long jackets. she goes cray in autum. it is also means that hockey seasons are starting soon!!
  • healthy food - she loves eating healthy food. she makes receipes at home and she makes the healthiest choices at the restaurents all the time. ofc she can have pizza there and there sometimes. she has her cheat days, but she will always go back to her healthy food.
  • spicy food - she is a baws at handling spiciness. she always ask for some spices at the restaurents. not any type of spice, the spiciest one please. she says that spices add more flavour and taste in the food.
dislikes ;  
  • insects - like it's not even cute. eww!
  • horror movies - she can't. she is a scary cat. her soul will leave her body as soon as the scary music starts playing. after that, her inside soul might be leave the soul 100 times. so no, thanks.
  • neon colors - like are you trying to make me blind?
  • rock music - her ears are bleeding. 
  • strawberries and banana - she is the hater #1 of those two fruits. she can't eat them. do not force her. even if you try putting a little piece of strawberry in her food, she'll find it and not eat it.
  • color green - she can't bare with it. she thinks it doesn't match with anything.
  • greasy as food - she always feels like throwing up after eating. i guess that she is used to her less greasy food all the time.
  • shrimps - she hates shrimps with passion. she hates the smell, the taste, the look. all shrimps, hates it. 
hobbies ;  
  • she goes to the gym
  • hanging out with her bestie/friends
  • she films new videos for her channel.
  • sometimes, she stalks army on twitter and laugh at their craziness memes.
  • sleeping ofc
  • she bakes new receipes
  • watching youtube video.
  • watch netflix [whynah]
habits ;  
  • she drools when she sleeps
  • she tends to roll her eyes when she is annoyed.
  • awkward laugh when she is nervous
  • speaks to herself in french all the time -.-
trivia ;  
  • she has a big youtube channel - itsmaya ; it is mostly about fashion, beauty, natural hair and also about lifestyle. she often makes vlogs and posts her beauty events.
  • she has an older sister named, maria who opened a hair salon in downtown. most clients are foreigners and many clients who has curly hair comes there. the hair salon is called, curly dreams.
  • maya has a small maltese called mr. chu and she has a pomeranian called fofo [it means fluffy in portugues] they are both boys.
  • she lives with anna in a loft in seoul downtown.
  • she is deadly scared of butterfly - ever had a butterfly flying into yo mouth when u were trying to taste raining drops? it happended to her when she was 9 years old.
  • she has a huge collection of sneakers, but surprisely, she has also a lot of heels.
  • despite her love for sneakers, she can rock heels like no tomorrow.
  • she is a huge marvel fans. ;_;
  • her favourite tv shows are weekly idols, empire, gossip girls and running man.
  • she loves baking new things. she is like a pasty queen. everything she bakes is
best friends ;  
park anna - 22 years old - co-manager in a hair salon - funny, outgoing, kind, crazy [when she wants to be ] - it is maya's best friend. they are super loud together. no one can stop them when they are together. they greet each other with insults or by hitting or scaring the hell out of each other. when you are with them, you can't stay calm. you'll always end up on the floor laughing. 
friends ; 
hwang aeri - 21 years old - university student in fashion and works in anna's hair salon. - intelligent, kind, loud, and funny  - how they despite the craziness with anna and maya, aeri is also pretty much loud. with maya, they always end up fighting for small things and they end up saying i love you everytime. aeri is like maya's sister that she always wanted. the one who cleans up after her hahaha. aeri is the one who always calm maya and anna when they are being ridiculous.   
love interest ;  min yoongi (suga) - bts
birthdate - age ;   march 9th, 1993- 22 years old 
personality traits ;  [ give me the traits at least two flaws. ]
personality ;
[ elaborate the traits stated before. ]
how you guys met? ;
they both met in a funny situation in september 2012.
maya was vlogging for her channel. she was having a fun day with her friends, anna and aeri. they went shopping together and they were having fun together. crazy like they are they started to do a truth or dare game in the shop. anna did a dare and it was to go in a shop and only talking in french to the sale associate who obviously couldn't understand of french. anna ended up laughing in front of the associate, making her getting kick out of the shop. it was now, maya's turn. they all went in the footlocker together and maya decided to do a dare. anna and aeri decided to tell her to ask a guy his phone number. maya was totally refusing it like hell nah! aeri was yelling at maya to do it. after that, maya accepted to do it. while looking at some nike shoes, maya noticed yoongi looking at some jordans. maya walked to him and told him "oh! nice shoes you are wearing." he looked at her and looked at his shoes then, he realized that maya was wearing the same pair. he laughed at this comment. they ended up talking together. after a good 20 minutes talking together in the shop, maya asked him if he wanted to hang out with her some days something like that. he accepted and he gave her his number. they handed up hanging out sometimes when he had time and they started to officially date in janurary 2013.
how many years together ; 2 years
interaction ;
it has been two years together. [ janurary 11th ]
♥ alone - they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two clowns together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other or simply enjoying each other's presence. sometimes yoongi would be sitting and maya would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling on the couch with a blanket on them. they would watch tv and laugh to many variety shows. if they are on a date, yoongi would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.

♥ in public -in public, they are looking like two friends mostly because they don't want any crazy rumors about them. they are both careful about the group's reputation, they don't want a big scandal to appear. when no one is watching them, sometimes, maya will smile at him. if they got to a big date, they would be wearing caps to hid their identity. they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. yoongi tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes that make the other people around them wondering what's happening.

♥ around friends/members - around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they aren't much a lovey-dovey one. they are two best friends together. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, heart would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if they are walking all together, maya wouldn't be affraid to go and look at yoongi's little . it happens that maya would give a little tap there or poke it which it annoys him a lot. if they are around their closest friends, yoongi would sometimes give a small kiss on her cheek.

♥ overall -.they are pretty much a crazy couple who goes from competitive to all cute and lovely together. 
back-up love interest;  -.-


The Interview! - part one
what was your first impression of  yoongi?
A :   I seriously thought that he was cute. I was more worried about the dare that anna gave me. All I was thinking was "why it has to be a dare?" After getting to know him, I'm so glad that anna gave me this dare. THANKS ANNOH! 
 describe your relationship with your boyfriend in three words ?
A :   Fun, Comfortable and ... euhm? I don't know... Swag! /laughs/ i'm joking i'll say Unique. :D
what's his best quality ?
A :  I love how patient he's with me and my craziness. He's also very open-minded and I really love that about him. 
do you see him often?
A :   Unfortunately, not much. He has a busy schedule so when he has time, he comes to see me. So it is like once or twice a month. I remember last year it happened that we didn't saw each other for a full month. All we did was texting. Sometimes, I could go watch the group live and text him afterward that he was amazing on the stage or point out a mistake he did to joke him. 
describe your relationship in three words.
A :   Always, The, Best /smiles/
did you knew that he was an idol/trainee?
A :  No, he only told me after four months dating. I just knew that he loved hip hop music and that he can rap. I had no idea until he told me. I was so surprised haha.
what annoys you the most about him?
A :   His lazy bum! I love sleeping, but there's a limit. If I allow him, he can sleep 24 hours straight. I always end up splashing water on him or just hitting him with a pillow or else, he won't wake up.
do you love him?
A :  Eh! What's that question?! Of course I love my Yoongi, i mean look how oshem he is. /fake faint
any pet name? if yes, what it is?
A :    We don't really have pet name. He calls me sometime babe, but I don't really like calling him oppa -.-
tell us a funny fact about him?
A :   Did you guys know that he snores ? /laughs/ he's going to kill me for saying this. /covers and continues to laugh/

The Interview! - part two

what was your first impression of  maya?
A :   I first thought that she was pretty and funny. Like who randomly comes to you and tell you, I like your shoes when they are wearing the same pair right now haha.
 describe your relationship with your girlfriend in three words ?
A :  Best, Thing, Ever /smiles/
what's her best quality ?
A :   How lovable she is. I can't stay mad at her for a long time. She is always there to cheer me up and just the fact that she is right there makes me happy.
were you scared to date her?
A :  Yes, I was scared. I was debuting soon and I knew that I couldn't always make time to see her. Like what if I get caught or I get in trouble. I'm so glad that Maya is someone so understanding and was able to cheer me up at distance.
describe your relationship in three words.
A :   Crazy, Fun and Comfortable.
do you see her often?
A :  It depends if I am busy or not. In my busy schedule, I can only see her around once or twice a month. It is quite difficult. When I am performing sometimes Maya would come to see me live and text me after the performance that she came to see me. When I am less busy, I can get to see her around once a week something like that.
what annoys you the most about her?
A :   Her poking my but every two minutes. I know that I got a nice one, but can't you not? /face palms/
do you love her?
A :   Yeah, I love this crazy girl haha.
tell us a funny fact about her?
A :   Maya is so adorable when she's sleeping. She smiles and drools at the same time /laughs/


comments?;  [any complains?comments? ] ayo! this is my baby, maya. :)
scene request?;  [i'll try to fit it in the story ]


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