♔ Superhero Academy ❝ Daugther of Arrow ❞



Let's start at the beggining of her parents' relationship. Oliver Queen, the Arrow, and her mother, Annabelle Marcoux meet due to mutual friends. Annabelle Marcoux was a simple biologist who often helped Palmers Technology. So, meeting often, they grew having feeling for each other and after a year of relationship, they got seperated. That's when Chance come along. Annabelle found out three weeks later that she was pregnant of Oliver's baby. Knowing that their relationship is over, Annabelle kept Chance for seven months until bumping into Felicity in the streets. Seeing the big bum, Felicity told Oliver about it. To not bring Chance in any danger because of his identity, he sended money every months to Annabelle.

When Chance was born, Oliver was there and he got the chance to hold her in his arm and give her a name. "Chance" it means Luck in french. He said that he was lucky to have a pretty little princess in this world. Three years after her birth, her parents came back together again. Chance grew up being a spoiled little kid. Oliver couldn't say no to her. That was the " perfect life" until someone decided to kidnap Chance to threat The Arrow. Somehow someone knew about the baby who? No one knows. For at least six months, Chance was gone. No one knew where she was and Oliver looked everywhere for his baby. Annabelle blamed Oliver telling him to stop being a "superhero". The couple broke up again.

During those six months, a three years old kid was alone, in a cave under the Starlight City subway. She refused to talk to the kidnapper. She said nothing during that time. They gave her food, clothes they stealed. Not even a thank you came out of during that time. Since she haven't talked for a long period of time, she lost her voice. When The Arrow finally found her, Chance was already four years old. She passed her birthday locked under the subway. Oliver reavealed his secret identity to Chance who was clueless about all this. 

After this crazy event, Chance was mute. She learned ALS with Oliver and she lived without her mother. She often with Felicity and Laurel who took care of her when Oliver was the Arrow. Sometimes, Chance would play around like she was a superhero too. Chance was mute until she turned 10 years old. She was slowly showing sign of talking. She started by making small sounds then, a word came out. After that, sentences and now, she was talking. That was when Oliver started to show her how to use a bow and arrow. Also, she learned hand to hand combat so she can defend herself. 

Chance wasn't going to school. She was homeschooled using only ALS. So, she passed all her elementary school at home. Not having actual friends of her age. She was pretty much lonely and she would ask about her mother all the time. Oliver would answer to her that her mother didn't know what to do to save her so, she left. Chance knows that they broke up because of her kidnapping. She simply nodded. Chance and Oliver would often go and hunt together in Quebec, Canada. That was when she learned how to use a gun and a knife. 

Chance went to a private High School in SC and she wasn't the most popular kid. She was pretty much quiet and stayed behind. She wasn't as smart as her father. That was what everyone thought around her. She was simply the average. She would pass her time looking outside and daydream about the day she would be a superhero and kick some . People often looked her down because they thought that Chance was snobing them because she was rich. Chance didn't cared about anyone in school. All she wanted is to kick some outside. Litteraly everyday, Chance could ask her dad if she can be a superhero too. His answer was always no. Why? The incident that happened before can't happen again to her. 

It was also during that time that Oliver met Nyssa. Chance was so furious when she learned that he got into a relationship. She said, "Did you even thought of what I'll feel?!" She didn't want to see someone trying to get her mom's place. Oliver told her to have a diner with Nyssa and him. So they can meet each other. Guess what? Chance didn't went. Instead, she went to meet her dear friend. And during the same time, the Superhero Academy opened. Oliver finally accepted her request to be a superhero with the only rule. "Go to this Academy and get good grades." She accepted with joy. Why? First of all, she wouldn't have Nyssa in her face. Second, her dream is going to be true and Thirdly, her dear friend is going too! Two days before leaving Oliver and Nyssa got engaged. When the announcement was said, Chance exclaimed, "Thanks Lord that I'm not going to be there!"



WEAPON(S)  Chance is a total package in term of weapons. You can totally see that she Arrow's little baby girl. She is a total expert using a bow and an arrow. She master it since she is 11 years old. Alsom she is quite good with guns and knifes . Enough to be able to keep up in front of an ennemy. Her shooting is quite good, she hits her target 4/5. She wants to ameliorate her shooting skills. She is also a good knife-fighter. Despite her good use of knife, unlike her dad, she totally at swordsmanship and stick fighting


ABILITIES  Let's not talk about her weapons skills! Her strenght is her good stamia and acrobatics moves. She is pretty flexible and can run for a long time without feeling dead. That's two of her outstanding strength. Her emotions tends to help her to push over the limits sometimes and that's her weakness. She can let her anger take over and make her do mistakes. Her second weakness is her lack of logic. Despite having a good memory, she tends to show zero good logic. 


Confident & Lovable/Charming - First of all when you meet Chance, you think two words; beautiful and confident. That's what she is. She is confident in herself. Chance take care of herself well and she feels good in her body, everyone can see this. She makes sure to be presentable before going somewhere and she isn't scared of anyone. She can stand up for everyone if she wants to. She doesn't let anyone step on people. This girl isn't shy to act like a fool sometimes. Beside that all confident personality, Chance is a charming girl. You can't just hate her by first sigh. She is quite unique with her all crazy personality and her hilarious comments. She is lovable and everyone knows it around her. She is quite a character sometimes. The moment when people notices her big flaws then, that's when they can start disliking her. If you don't know her then, you'll automaticly see her as someone nice. She has a charming and lovable personality.

Funny & Dirty Minded - Here's the fun part of Chance. She is a total creeper with the weirdest humor. This is the moment when her IQ drops even more. Wondering where it went at ? She makes lame jokes and likes to call her friends potatoes/rainbows or even unicorns. She can dance like a fool in the mall without any shame and even make dumb word games. At least she isn't boring! She makes her friends laugh a lot and she is always enjoying her time with her friends. The main thing about her is that she has a dirty mind. Hm...Hm... Her mind is dirty. She makes dirty jokes or comments. She isn't scared to talk about rated things and makes inappropriate comments to her friends sometimes. She often shocked people with her dirty comments. She tends to make the WEIRDEST skinship with her close friends, but she doesn't mind that all. "Better to have a weird humor than be boring, "she says.

Possessive, Jealous & Rude -  Jealous, yes Chance is a jealous type of girl. Everyone around her knows how jealous she can be. A simple thing can make her feel rejected or even unliked. She hates being ignored and she would totally feel useless if you are ignoring her. She would start by ignoring you and just talking back to you rudely because of her jealousness. If you are someone important for her, she would even cry because of this. She can be easily jealous. make sure you doesn't make her feel jealous. Possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. Do not touch what it's hers. She would totally flip your face. She doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. Don't give her things easily. You'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. For exemple her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. Do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry Channy behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words. [*cough*attentionopheliahaha!*cough*] Talking about being rude. She is a pretty rude girl. She can be giving you short and straight answers in front of you without thinking twice. Her words can hit you like a brick in your face and she would not realize it right away. Few times, she realise that her words are harsh only after the person's reaction is being negative.


dirty minded & possessive

Chance amelie Queen 





AGE + february14th, 1998 | 17 y.o
ALIAS + Arrow Of The Death
PARENT + Arrow 
+ Starlight City, US
+ french canadian - american // american 
FACECLAIM + kendall jenner 
BACK-UP FACECLAIM + shailene woodley [with long hair]

social circle

» Father, Oliver Queen | 39 years old | Arrow | strong, funny, patient | he takes care of Chance like a baby. he doesn't want her to get hurt again and he would never forgive himself is Chance get unlucky. Despite his protective face, he is very patient with Chance and they show a good father-daugther relationship. They can fool together and make up jokes. Even when Chance shows resistance toward his relationship with Nyssa, he understand her feeling and he is very patient with that. He knows that he wouldn't get married without Chance's agreement of Nyssa.

» Mother, Annabelle Marcoux | 37 years old | biologist | No idea tho. | They don't talk to each other anymore. Chance only received letters from her and she answers it like once or twice a year.  

» Future Step-Mother  Dad's other woman, Nyssa Al Ghul | 39 years old | Member of the League of Assassins | confident, blunt, kind | pretty much bad. Chance doesn't want to know anything about her or any news about her. Nyssa tries to get close to her but all Chance do is pushing her away. 


» Best friend, Benjamin Allen // Rayn Blake Jordan | 18 years old | Superhero Academy student | intelligent, funny, clumsy | go see at the love interest part ~~~ :)

» Friends, Aurora Danvers | 17 years old | Superhero Academy student | confident, outgoing, funny and rude | relationship with your character  Aurora is Ms. Marvel little baby. She is also Chance's close friend. They are totally loud and crazy together. They talk about anything sometimes Chance make some y moves and it makes everyone face palm.

» Friends, Damien Murdock | 18 years old | Superhero Academy Student | protective, funny, loud & kind |  Damien is Daredevil's son. He's Benjamin's closest friend and Chance's friend. With Chance, he tends to be like her older brother. He is protective and he likes to annoy her a lot. He's often victim of Aurora's kick or punches. haha


» Favourite Person after him, Felicity Smoak | 34 years old | Co-CEO of the Palmer Technology | funny, caring, kind, smart | this girl is considered like Chance mother image. She was there to take care of Chance when she was mute. She was her mother #2. They became very close as Chance was growing up. If she needed something, Felicity was the first one to know and she was always understanding. Plus, they both share their hate for Nyssa [bwahaha im so mean.] 


» action movies
» superheros comics
» green tea & iced tea

» color purple
» penguins and pandas
» benji ? haha


» insects
» horror movies
» subways

» fast food [except pizza]
» roaller coasters
» yassgirls


» smiles and drools in her sleep
» cuddle with her pillow in her sleep
» hang out with her friends

» watching movies 
» reading books and sleeping


» baby spinach are her favourite veggies
» she always starts her day with a cup of green tea
» she is deadly scared of butterflies and subways.

» she only eats healthy.
» she goes to the gym twice a week.

» she never had her first kiss
» her ideal type is someone intelligent and tall.

» black, white and purple are her favourite colors
» she hates the hero black widow [she says, she is too close to steve rogers ;_; ]

»  her favourite hero is captain america 



 Chance's style isn't a specific one. She is a real fashionista. She can go to edgy to a simple cute outfit. Her outfit is always on point. One day she can be a comfy girl and the other a real bad girl type. It's all depends of her mood the morning. She can rock heels and flats. She has a lot pants, leggings and also jegging. All she wants is that she is confortable in her own clothes. She do it because she love it. Right! Her style is exactly like Clothesenounters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 


Her superhero outfit isn't something extaordinary. She has a simple black and dark purple outfit. Her look is quite similar to Black Widow's except that she has shors and she is wearing ankle boots. Also, she has a gun on her right leg. Her knifes are on her lower back. Her bow and arrows are on her back. Her arrows are dark purple. Her long brown hair is in her single braid. She also wears a mask on her eyes similar to her dad's.



» luck | her dad calls her like that at home. her name means luck so.

» chancey | this is a nickname made by Ophelia  and Leonidas who loves to with this nickname. chance hates this nickname.


» channy | it's a nickname only used by her only friend.


» french, fluent | she learned french with her mother. to not loose her perfect french, she kept practicing with her teacher and also, with her dear friend.

» english, native | she was born and raised in US.


» ASL, fluent | she was mute for at least 7 years of her life due to her trauma when she was three years old. when she came back, she learned ASL. she uses it sometimes to insult someone or on mission to communicate.



First impression - This is Benjamin Allen, son of The Flash. When you first see him, you sees his glasses and you automaticly think. He's a nerdy guy. You aren't wrong he is one. He isn't as shy that you think. He's mostly the awkward guy who just doesn't know what to say the first time he meets you. Despite his awkwardness, he's a guy full of charm that Chance is lucky to have in her life.

Clumsy - First thing that you see when you meet Benjamin is his clumsy personality traits. He trips on air and get hurts on nothing. He is pretty clumsy and everyday has his little horror story. His clumsiest is shown by his inability to lie, his way to always fall on his way and other many things. People around tends to laugh at his clumsiest. He doesn't seems to get hurt by all his falling. His body must be used to this. [haha] He is often late in class too.

Intelligent -  Benji is a genius. Unlike Chance who haven't herited of her dad's intelligence, Benjamin did. He is IQ is one of the highest of the Academy. He shows a good understanding in term of science, maths and technologies. He has also an impressive memory. In class, his books are never open. He is sitting down, looking at the teacher talking and he will remember the whooole lesson without problem. He has also a very good logic that always impress Chance. When he shows his good logic in front of Chance, she would totally say, "Hm... your logic is turning me one Benji." [lololol chance is weird]

Funny -  Benjamin has an hilarious humor. He shares his weirdness humor with Chance all the time. They have inside jokes about movies, comics and even about TV show. His IQ drops down with Chance and he seems to don't mind. Chance makes jokes about rainbows and unicorns, but Benjamin makes jokes about anything and even lame jokes. He plays on words all the time. It never fails to make Chance laughs.

Kind - Benjamin is very kind. He thinks about the other's happiness before his happiness. He is always there to listen to Chance and his friends. When someone is having a problem, he is the first one to stop what he is doing and help the other one. He has a nice heart and people around him like that about him.

Short-Tempered - Benjamin has a short temper. Do not mess with him of he'll snap on you. Especially when it's about someone who he is close with. Do not mess with his temper. He would totally be ready to kick yo .

Overprotective - He's very protective about one person, Chance. If you hurt her, you hurt him. You hurt her, he hurts you. That's how he thinks and he won't hesitate to hurt you. He often tells Chance don't do that, and it annoys her a lot. Even during mission, he overprotect her, making her snap sometimes on him. 



RELATIONSHIP + When the Academy started, they haven't communicate since that day [seeinthehistory]. When they re-saw each other, everything was awkward between them. Then, one day they retstarted talking like nothing happened. It disapointed Benjamin a lot. They act like two best friends that like each other, but no one admits it first. There's a lot of sign that they like each other. Sometimes, they look like a couple, then another day, they fight like two crazy. Even if they fight, their chemistry between them is quite amazing. They complete each other so well. He helps her a lot in class. He tries his best to help Chance to get better grades than average. He would tell her to meet at the library to study. Everytime they study together, Chance get distracted by his face 20 minutes later. Making them stop because Chance isn't focusing. When Chance is having emotional moments, she is always drawn toward him. She always goes to see him anytime. Even if it's 3AM, he's ready to see her and cuddle [awwn]. Damien and Aurora are the closest friends of the best friends. Damien knows that Benjamin likes Chance and Aurora knows that Chance likes Benjamin. They are always there complaining about no one making a move. On daily basis, when they both talk together, Chance wouldn't be afraid to fool around with Benjamin and have their crazy time. They get really crazy when they are together. Sometimes, they are competitive. They are so close that Chance isn't scared that all to make dirty minded comments as such as "Hm... your logic is turning me one Benji." [lololol chance is weird]  or even poking us bum sometimes. [she doesn't know that benji got a y body under the shirt im waiting that moment haha.]


Benjamin and Chance knew each other since a long time ago. Their father are both friends. So, they got to meet each other when they were young. It was when Chance was five years old and Benjamin was six. During that time, Chance was mute and was pretty good with ASL. Being a smartass, Benjamin knew ASL. Chance was very shy the first time they met. She litteraly hided behind Oliver's feets. Benjamin tried everything to get her attention, but he didn't won. It took a long hour before Chance decided to go play with him. Using ASL, they started to play together and having fun. He was Chance's first friend and the only one until the Academy opened. After that, they became very close. Even thought they haven't seen each other a long time, they could still send each other messages and text each other. They could tell each other's secret and weird conversation.

Until that day when Chance had to meet Nyssa. She talked to him and he decided to go to SC. He jumped to the train and went from Central City to Starlight City. When they both saw each other again, it was emotional for Chance. She haven't seen her best friend in years, her dad was having a new fiance and her dad refused her to go to the Academy. She cried in his arms and after they enjoyed the evening. They spended the whole evening together until 10PM then, he left. Before leaving, Chance had to chance to kiss his cheek.  seewhatididthere Then, she ran away, shocked by her move. They haven't talked until they re-see each other at the Academy.


Powers - Like his father, Benjamin got his superhuman speed. He is a little slower than his father, but he is considered as fast. His father's maximum was around 770 mph while Benjamin can go until 750 mph. He has also an accelerated healing factor, for some reasons, he heals a little faster than his father. He can't repear enormous damage like a ripped organ or an intern hemorragy. Broken bones are easily healed and superficial damages too. He also has increased perceptions. His senses are increased. He can see, hear, smell and touch and even taste at an increased speed and understand it as it is processed.  Unlike his father, Benjamin doesn't have his other powers.

Abilities - He has an impressive memory allowing him to gain so many informations in one shot. He would be able to remember 90% of the speech only allowing 5% to be missing. He isn't the best in hand to hand combat. He tends to relate to his speed to increase the impact of his punches or kicks. He's quite a little expert in chemistry, it is his favourite class and he has a lot of knowledges about it. Oh and his logic is one of his best abilities. He's the one who can make up a very good plan based on his logic and his memory. It works most of the time and he's quite good in it. His weakness are hand to hand combats and Chance.

  • they are totally comfortable together. they can cuddle together *^*
  • Benji is the nickname that ONLY Chance can use on him.
  • Sometimes, he tries to get her attention by acting clumsily. 
  • He is fluent in French and English
  • His mother is from France. 




since Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen knows each other, the story with each other stays the same. the personality stays the same [lazymesorry] the face claim doesn't change too. dylan o'brien is babe.


The Green Lantern Ring's Powers - Like his father's ring, Rayne got his superhuman strength.  Because of the ring, he's able to lift and move extremly heavy weights. Unlike his father, he  is only able to move half of the weight. His father can lift weights heavier than 100 tons, but Rayne's maximum is around 60 tons. Rayne can fly at incredible speeds.  He is a little slower than his father, but he is considered as fast. His father's maximum was around 1440 mph while Benjamin can go until 1300 mph. Limited Cellular Regeneration he is only able to heal physical inhuuries and he can heal himself and other people around him. Strangely, his ring has the power of universal translator, when someone automaticly speaks another language, the ring translates to him. Making him able to speak many languages only when he's wearing the ring.

Abilities - He has an impressive memory allowing him to gain so many informations in one shot. He would be able to remember 90% of the speech only allowing 5% to be missing. He isn't the best in hand to hand combat. He tends to relate to his superhuman strenght to increase the impact of his punches or kicks. If he doesn't use the power of the ring, he simply . He's quite a little expert in technologies, especially in alien technology, it is his favourite class and he has a lot of knowledges about it. Oh and his logic is one of his best abilities. He's the one who can make up a very good plan based on his logic and his memory. It works most of the time and he's quite good in it. His weakness are hand to hand combats, has to charge his Ring's battery every 48 hours and Chance.

  • His mother is none than Carol Ferris.
  • He's also fluent in French and English [he learned with his mom.]
  • Sometimes, he tries to get her attention by acting clumsily. 
  • Chance is the only one who calls him by his middle name.
  • they are totally comfortable around each other. they can cuddle together ;_;
+ missxox
+ ayana
+ group #3

 benjamin [benji] allen




AGE + June 1st, 1996 | 18 y.o
ALIAS + The Lightning
PARENT + The Flash
BIRTHPLACE Central City, US 
ETHNICITY/NATIONALITY  + americcain - french / / american


LOVE INT FACECLAIM + Dylan O'Brien (back-up Tyler Posey)




FULL NAME Rayn Blake Jordan

BIRTHDATE / AGE +  August 17th, 1995 / 18 years old

PARENTS +  Green Lantern 

BIRTHPLACE +  Coasty City 




LAST COMMENT +  heyo! hope you like my application! two awesome characters in one application. 



- a scene when chance walks in benji's/ rayn's room and sees him shirtless. then, mumble, "damn, what a nice body there."


- a super jealous chance when ophelia flirts nicely to benji / rayn and chance litteraly wants to jump on ophelia, but aurora and damien stops her.


- aurora & damien going on a date and chance literaly screams at them to protect themselve.


- an emotional scene when chance has a flashback from her trauma and wakes up not being able to talk again. then, she goes crying to see benji / rayn and they cuddle all night ;_;


- a good scene when chance sees her mother again.


- chance kicking some bwahaha.


- finally a kiss scene. ;_;  


PASSWORD + Loki >//<



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