Lady Avengers。— simmons, kendall { the archer }

   Kendall simmons。
   ayana   missxox  three out of five
kenny / it's the nickname used by the other girls. since kendall is a huge fan of the tv show south park, her favourite caracter is kenny. they love to call her like that all the time. ;_;
dolly / it's the nickname made by the people from shield. they like to call her like that even if she hates it ;_; 
nuclear bomb / funny nickname that the mad scientist call her because Kendall goes from a fluffy unicorn to a hungry shark in 0.2 seconds during interrogations.
psycho woman / the whole original avengers uses this nickame on her because she is a psychologist. they only know her as the psychologist of SHIELD they do not know her second job in the SHIELD.

AGE 28 years old
BIRTHDAY   april 1st, 1987

BIRTH PLACE  montreal, canada
HOMETOWN  los angeles, ca, us [new york city, ny, us]

ETHNICITY  french canadian - american
french / native / it was the home language. they only used french to communicate at home. eventually, kendall started to speak french before english.
english / fluent / it was the second home language. she often used to mix french and english when she was younger. she got used to both of the language and she went to an english elementary school in canada.
italian / semi-fluent / kendall learned italian in the SHIELD. Because of her second job she had a project with italian mafia and had to learn a very good italian. ;;
— korean / conversational / kendall is slowly learning Korean since they go back and forth between Korea and America. She has an accent when she speaks.
  i'm not a beauty queen. I 'm just beautiful me。 
   people are going to stare. make it worth their wonder...

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FACE CLAIM cheryl cole

BACK UP FACE CLAIM  blake lively

APPEARANCE Kendall has natural dark brown hair. It is quite thick and wavy naturally. She recently dyed her hair a little bit lighter than usually. Her eyes are brown unlike her sister who has hazel eyes why kenny why She has dimples on her two cheeks when she smiles. Kendall has a birthmark on the back of her neck. It is a little circle. She has a mole on her right collarbone.  Kendall has a height of 164 cm and she weights 54kg. Her body type is quite toned because of her training. We can say that she has a nice body. (similar to soyou from sistar).

STYLE  Kendall has a very simple, girly and classy style. Most of the time at work, she wears simple clothes that consist of a blazer, a black jacket, black pants/skirt and a pair of heels. Her hair is always tied in a bun or in a pony tail. She never leaves her hair down during work time. When she is training , she prefers to wear something that will let her do every movement without problem. That's why she likes to wear a matching sport bra and a pair of legging together. She always train with her hair in a bun. Then, when she needs to dress up, this girl never leaves without being all classy and a little touch of iness never hurts. Her dresses have an open back and she wears high heels. Nice accessories that match with the outfit never hurts. When she dresses casually, that is when she can throw her simple and girly outfit. It still has a little classy look at it but, less than usually. When she is at home, she rocks the big shirt, mini short under and fuzzy socks look. Her hair in a total mess or in an ugly pony tail. She rocks the i-dont-give-a--about-my-look look. 

Training : 01

Work : 01 02

Formal : 01 02

Casual : 01 02

  beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself。 
   be who you are, not who the world wants youto be...


+ ; Confident, Kind, Funny & Protective
= ; y/Dirty Minded. Independant, Blunt
    - ; Drama Queen, Manipulative, y & Possessive

Confident & Independant - First of all when you meet Kendall, you think two words; beautiful and confident. That's what she is. She is confident in herself. Kendall take care of herself well and she feels good in her body, everyone can see this. She makes sure to be presentable before going somewhere and she isn't scared of anyone. She can stand up for everyone if she wants to. She doesn't let anyone step on people. This girl isn't shy to act like a fool sometimes. Kendall is very independent. it can be a very good thing or a bad thing. let's start with the good thing. Kendall is able to take care of herself. you don't need to watch her 24/7, you just know that this girl is alright and surviving in this crazy world. she has been living by herself since she started university. she does things by herself and rarely ask for help. that's when it becomes a problem. the bad thing is that when she's struggling to do something, she'll never ask for help. she'll be struggling by herself and if you come and propose your help, she'll decline it and keep trying trying and again trying.

Drama Queen & Manipulative - Princess Kendall, do you need something? Yes, she needs something. Kendall is a little *cough* I mean BIG drama queen. If anything goes wrong. You'll know it right away. She would totally yell at you or scream like no tomorrow. If you offend her, be ready to see the niagara falls on her face. A little thing can turn into the biggest ever if you get her. Oh and Princess Kendall complains a lot. In her works, with her friends or anything, it has to be done in her way. Nothing more or she will end up complaining none stop. This part is considered quite dangerous with Kendall. She is quite manipulative. Since she knows how pretty much how human's mind works, she uses this to her advantage. She makes people do things for her without the people realizing it by using her words. She make people talk more by turning around the pot. Kendall can be considered a passive-agressive person. She uses a nice voice, a nice looking sentence yet, it is quite agressive. When she works in the Interrogation unity, Kendall goes from soft to passive-agressive to agressive to the suspect if there's no improvisation. From the other side, Kendall uses the passive-agressive daily and people doesn't notice it unless they are close to her.

Funny & y - Here's the fun part of Kenny. She is a total creeper with the weirdest humor. This is the moment when her IQ drops sometimes. Wondering where it went at ? She makes lame jokes and likes to call her friends potatoes/rainbows or even unicorns. She can dance like a fool in the mall without any shame and even make dumb word games. At least she isn't boring! She makes her friends laugh a lot and she is always enjoying her time with her friends. The main thing about her is that she has a dirty mind. Hm...Hm... Her mind is dirty. She makes dirty jokes or comments. She isn't scared to talk about rated things and makes innappropriate comments to her friends sometimes. She often shocked people with her dirty comments. She tends to make the WEIRDEST skinship with her close friends, but she doesn't mind that all. "Better to have a weird humor than be boring ",she says.

Kind & Protective - This girl is protective toward her friends/co-worker. As soon you are part of Kendall's life, you are on her protective list. If happens to you, Kendall would be there for you. If anyone breaks your leg, Kendall would go and break that person's neck. She would never left someone close to her getting hurt. she's that kind of friend who'll be checking on her friend if anything happens. The bullies got nothing on anyone if Kendall is there. that's not the place to bully with Kendall in the same building. She has been like that since middle school. Kendall is someone who's very kind. She thinks of people's happiness before her happiness. She helps her friends when they need her. She would totally clean behind people when it is messy without saying a single word. She doesn't mind to help people. If you ask her, be ready to see Kendall doing it properly without complain.. 

Possessive & Blunt Here's a rule with Kenny. Do not touch what it's hers. She would totally flip your face. She doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. Don't give her things easily. You'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. For example her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. Do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry Kendall behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words. with Kenny, nothing is between white and black. Everything is white or black. If she hates your shoes, she'll say it right away. do not be fooled by this. if you expect a very honest opinion then, go see Kenny. She sees everything in white or black. She isn't scared to say that she dislikes your hair, shirt, and pants. It will be extremely clear like, "I don't like your shoes. it doesn't match with your outfit. You should have wear a pair of combat boots." Everything comes out of like vomit. She won't care.



— sports [ she is a lover of many sports ; hockey, baseball, volleyball, soccer etc.
— science [ this girl always find new interesting facts,thanks to her little sister who kept her updates with new facts.
— iced tea and lemonade [ her two favourite cold drinks
— cappuccino [ always starts her day with a cappuccino three sugar ;_; ]
— kenny from south park  [ he's her favourite character. y he keeps dyin' tho ;_; ]
— action movies
— healthy food [ yummm veggies ]
— penguins, giraffes and pandas [ it is her three fav. animals
— unperfect work [ it drives her cray
— strawberries and peaches [ she just cant
— insects [ grrr... ]
— rude people  [ she is going to show you what is rude
— dirty/messy room [ it litteraly makes her cry
— cliche movies [ aaah annoying 101

— drools and smile in her sleep [ so lady-alike ]
— mumble bad words in french 
— often use old/super long words to mess up with people 
— playing around people [ this girl is ed up ]
— going to the gym [ a little run doesn't hurt.
— shopping!!!! [ a girl is always a girl ]
— just having fun with the team
— baking/cooking new good stuff
— butterflies scares the out of her.
— clowns are scareh. 
— death 


— she is a total fan of the arrow [ hesohoticant ]
— she has a teaccup pomeranian named "Boo". it's a boy and he loves cuddling, hugs and kisses.
— she is currently obsessed with the show, empire.
— she hates chocolate 
— every morning starts with a cup of cappuccino with three/four tea cup of sugar.
— she has a degree and a master is psychology.
— she used to be agent coulson's little favourite ;_; [ then loki kiled him and he met sky/daisy johnson and he forgot kennyy ;_;
— kenny is the expert in being passive-agressive on daily basis
— this girl isn't scared to throw a compliment to a man [ she will totally be telling a guy that he has a nice ] ;;
— she cries in every movies when it get emotional... [ she cries like a niagara falls ]
— she has a phobia of butterflies ;  This is her ultimate phobia. People thinks that butterflies are cute and . Kendall is deadly scared of them. When she was around 8 years old, it was raining outside and she decided to go outside to "eat" the rain drops. She opened and suddenly, a butterly went in . By reflex, she closes . The butterfly was still in "flying". She ended up coughing it out and ran back home with huge tears. That's why she's so scared of butterflies. So when she sees an actual living butterfly flying she would run her life out or end up crying like crazy. She fainted once because a butterfly flew too close from her.
— she loves singing some dirty minded songs... [ all day everyday ] 
— she's allergic to pollen and apples. 
— Kendall has a huge collection of different bows and arrows. if anyone tries to touch any of them, she'll snap your neck 


  you were born to be real, not perfect。
   stars can't shine without darkness...


Kendall was born in 1988 in Montreal, Canada. She was the first child of her family. Kendall had a French Canadian mother and an American dad. Kendall was a wonderful baby and was loved by every members of the family, then, Kendall's sister was born, Jemma.A another little girl came in the world when Kendall was four years old . Kendall's mother was a SHIELD Agent and Kendall's dad was a simple lawyer. Being a child of an agent wasn't something easy. Her mom had missions all over the world and her dad was busy with his clients. So, Kendall and Jemma passed their time with their babysitter who was a neighbor's daughter. 

Growing up with busy parents, Kendall took the time to get close with Jemma. Despite their age gasp, they would play a lot together and have a lot of fun. When Kendall started school, it was fun for her. She enjoyed her time with friends and loved going to school. As soon her little sister started, people started to pick on her little sister. Which Kendall hated with passion. You can see Kendall defending her sister and getting mad to people who loved to put down her little sister. Kendall was mad protective toward her. If you tried to hurt Jemma then, you are trying to get yourself hit by Kendall. Later on, the Simmons moved to Los Angeles.

During High School, Kendall was a girl who loved to explore new things. She got into a gymnastic club and adventure club. The gymnastic club was quite fun for her. She loved doing acrobatic figures and outstanding moves. The adventure club is where Kendall started to use a bow and arrow. The students would go to another country for a week of vacation outdoors. Enjoying the nature and swimming in a lake with everyone. Kendall was quite good with a bow and arrow. Touching her target very often and other students were amaze by her skills. Kendall's school grades were good. Not the best, but it was good enough to get into her dream program. Kendall choose psychology to get a degree and after, get a master.

Kendall went to the California University in Psychology. Kendall studied like no tomorrow. After a good four years in Psychology, Kendall graduated with a highest grade in her program. As soon she finished her degree and master, Kendall got scotted as a SHIELD agent. Thanks to her mother who sent a suggestion to Fury. The year after Kendall graduated, Jemma got to an university overboard in biochemistry and another degree that no one can even pronounce. Kendall got in right away after a long process of 1000 interview until the last one with Agent Hill. Kendall worked in SHIELD as a psychologist. Kendall passed her time working out in her free time until Fury sended Agent May to train Kendall in hand to hand combat and shooting. She trained with The Cavalry for three years and was known for being a very skilled archer. After working as a psychologist for three years, Kendall got another job as an interrogator in the Investigation and Interrogation unit of the SHIELD. That is what she is doing until today.


Kendall works in the SHIELD in the Investigation and Interrogation Departement. She is working as a psychologist and an interrogator. She is a very busy person because of the many suspects or criminals that comes in. Most of her days start around 9AM in the morning and finished until 9PM at nights. She never does night shifts because she isn't about that life. Calling her sister every there and there so she can have news of her little monster. Kendall would often bump into her mother few times during the week at work which is quite funny.


father / simmons, david  / 53 years old / funny, hardworker, short-tempered, smart
her dad is a lawyer. Kendall and her dad aren't much close. He is often busy with his work and isn't that much present for his two kids. Since the girls are independant and are both working for the SHIELD, their relationship is quite awkward. They don't talk much together when everyone is there. But, he is often the victim of his wife's and Kendall jokes. Even if they are awkward, he likes to make lame jokes there and there when the girls are there.
— mother / bourcier, olivia  / 49 years old /  hardworking, caring, funny, kind, outgoing
her mom is a pilot and rarely, she works as a field agents. with her mother who's often absent due to her duty at the shield, they used to not be close during kendall's childhood and teenage years. since kendall started to work with the SHIELD too, their relationship got better. they could make up jokes to dad in the house and annoy jemma who's trying to do her thing in peace. they get a lot of weird conversation together. Since her mom often goes to the SHIELD office to drop suspects or criminals to Kendall's departement, they see each other very often. Her mom would always ask her funny questions like "who do you like?" " do you have a crush on anyone?" "do you think that Agent ___ is cute?" "oh! Agent ___ likes you." "girl, when u getting married?" "at least get a boyfriend pleaaase!!!"
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younger sister / simmons , jemma / 26 years old / funny, kind, awkward, timid
Kendall's baby sister that she loves so much. Everytime they see each other, Kendall ends up tearing up because she is seeing her little sister growing up and being more intelligent than her. Jemma and Kendall are VERY close. They spend their time together during their whole childhood and high school. They joined the same clubs so, they were in each other's face 24/7. When they both got to university, they went seperate way. Then, they joined in the SHIELD later on. Kendall treats Jemma like a baby sometimes which it annoys Jemma, but she secretly loves it. Jemma is the intelligent and awkward girl while Kendall is the loud and funny girl. Kendall has always her sister's back. If you tries to hit Jemma then, Kendall will shut your face with her knee. While Kendall tries to blow Jemma's mind using her psychologist skill, Jemma uses complex words to blow Kendall's mind.



best friend / hill maria / 32 / Hardworking, Alert, Disciplined, Kind
ha! wasn't expecting one of the highest agents of the shield being Kendall's best friend. The first time the two girls met was quite a funny situation. The serious Agent Hill ended up laughing to tears during their first meeting. How to they met? It was when Kendall was joining the SHIELD as a psychologist of the Interrogation and Investigation Departement. Maria was simply giving her a small interview and it turned that Kendall was messing up with Maria's mind by using her manipulative psychologist skills and Maria totally forgot what she was about to ask Kendall.  They ended up laughing because Maria realized that Kendall messed her up. After that, they kept their funny relationship. Most of the time you see Maria serious but the only time you'll see her actually laughing is when Kendall is around. Maria looses her mind when Kendall is there. She is always there running behind Kendall to stop being a passive-agressive girl in the SHIELD office. Or simplly they are both talking about everything and anything. Kendall loves to put Maria in funny situations so, everyone around can laugh a little bit. Oh! When they don't see each other for a longtime, they always end up greeting each other like this (with Kendall being the one who runs)
— friend / barton, clint / 44 / funny, easygoing, hardworking, competitive
Ha! Her favourite man who keep annoying her when he is around. Kendall is his favourite victim of his challenge. He throws challenge to Kendall in Archery, in hand to hand combat all the time when he is around. He will do ANYTHING to win against her even if he knows that she can beat him with a test that needs the brain as a tool. He cheats during their competitions, he teases her about anything he can about. Kendall hates when he does that but she still play in the competition. He is the creator of the nickname Psycho Woman used by the Original Avengers. As soon he heard the rumors in the SHIELD about another Archery prodigy, he literally run there to throw a challenge to Kendall so, he can keep his place as the best one why so mean barton;; 
—  close friend / jung jessica / 26 / straightforward, prideful, observer, lazy
Jessica is Kendall's co-worker in the Double I Departement. Jessica is an Investigator of the SHIELD. She has been working there for less than two years. As soon Jessica joined, they became friends. Both works together in the office while there's interrogations. Jessica is the laziest girl of the Double I Departement and people are always surprised when she get something right. With Kendall they make a very good team. Jessica is a very calm person, but very straightforward. She won't shut up if she sees something wrong. Kendall and Jessica hangs out together and enjoy their time talking about other things than work. They have very deep convo about relationships, men, futures etc.


— friend / may, melinda / 44 / serious, warm, calm, kind , disciplined
MOOOM! aka Melinda May. Kendall calls her mom everytime she sees her. The Cavalry aka Agent May was Kendall's mentor for three years. Kendall was training with her to developp Kendall's hand to hand combat and shooting skills. Even if Kendall's psychologist can saves her sometimes, she learnt how to fight in case of emergency. The only one who could do that was Kendall. Also, during the training time, Kendall and May would pass time talking about Agent May's trauma story that made her turn into a mad serious person. Even if it didn't made Agent May go back into a field agent, Agent May got better by being around Kendall for those years. Agent May would give her advices about her skills, life, relationship and even more. Agent May and Kendall had fun moments together where Kendall would pull pranks to Fury for fun or to Agent Coulson or to Maria. 



"dad number two" / coulson, phil / 51 / funny, warm, kind,
PHILIP COULSON! Or like Kendall calls him, Dad! He was the one who told Fury to make her join the Lady Avenger. Agent Coulson was always the one who kept looking at Kendall's training with Agent May. He noted her progressions and how she was doing. He was even the one who sended a suggestion to Fury to get Kendall another job in the Double I Departement and welcomed her as a level seven agent of SHIELD. Kendall kept a lot of fun moments with him in her mind [cuz he dead. i mean not really dead.] 



— "lovin' to annoy him" / fitz, leopold "leo" / 26 / awkward, timid, genius, thoughtful
HER SISTER'S CRUSH WOOUH! They both met during Jemma's University graduation. Ha! As soon she saw Fitz, Kendall got mad crazy about him because she knows that Jemma and Leo has feelings for each other but NO ONE has the balls to admit it while it is so obvious that Fury's left eye can see it. So, everytime they meet, Kendall would throw to him obvious hint that she knows that he likes her sister and that she wants to play cupid for them. It makes Leo super shy about it. Kendall can't help it but annoy him about Jemma. Like, "oh! do you saw Jem's hair? it is nice right?" "why not confess?" "i know you love the other Agent Simmons *giggling eyebrows*" "if u hurt my baby sis, i'll break you~" 

  throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack。
   I'm capable of doing anything...

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PLOTLINE  the Acher
CODE NAME   The Bolt Woman [ She is fast like a Lightning. ]Her outfit is similar to Black Widow, but in shorts  and short sleeves. It is black and silver.  Arrows (it is silver and gold)

"Looking Inside Your Mind" Kendall's first job at the SHIELD was being a psychologist. Which is one of the reasons why she got chosen as a member of the Lady Avenger. She has the abilities to look deep into people's actions. Like the job of psychologist, she analyse people with in a direct perception. So, she knows if you may have a bad past, a bad habit in few minutes being with you.

"The Sight Of The Truth" She is a very good interrogator. Using her psychologist degree, Kendall got into interrogation three years after starting to work in the SHIELD. Her interrogation skills goes from soft to passive-agressive to agressive pretty fast. She uses her psychologist abilities to turn around the suspect and mix that person up. So, the suspect would be able to up and tell more without noticing. Quite manipulative Agent Simmons.

"I'm the Little Cavalry" Kendall was training under the Cavalry [aka Melinda May] during her earlier years in the SHIELD.]  Kendall is a solid hand to hand combat girl and is quite fast on her feet. Working with Melinda May wasn't easy that all. Melinda wasn't soft with her during training and it made her being a good fighter in many sittuations. Even if she was trained by the Cavalry, Kendall isn't a god shooter. Which makes people laugh at her because she can't hit vital parts fast enough. It takes her around 8 shoots to finally hit it. Her gymnastic skills helped her a lot in her hand to hand combats.

"The Arrow's lost girl"  Kendall has been into Archery in her teen years. When she got into physical training she got asked which weapon she was the best with and surprisely, it was a bow and arrow. Her ability to shoot with an arrow is quite superrior to most Agents. Agent Simmons has been considered better than Agent Barton until he came one day and slayed her in a friendly (quite passive-agressive) competition. Anyways, she is considered the best in Archery right beside Agent Barton.


LADY AVENGERS   Kendall wasn't part of the lady avengers before. She was a recommendation of Agent Phil Coulson who knew her well. He literrally forced her to join the team. beforehedied...(hedidntdiedtho...)

OCCUPATION   Kendall works as a SHIELD Agent. She is a level seven Agent. She works in the investigation departement in the Interrogations field [Psychologist and Interrogator].

   steve  grant rogers。
      oc character 
BIRTHDAY & AGE   July 4th, 1918 - 95 years old [laughs] due to the serum, biologically, he's 31. 


— capsicle / nickname made by tony stark to steve.
— capitan america / his fans and people of the shield.
— grant / kendall calls him by his middle name all the time when they are together.
— stevie / kendall uses this nickname to annoy him sometimes.


Steve Rogers is known as someone loyal. If he trust you, he'll surely be loyal to you and stay close to you unless you betray him. He will always have your back if you are in trouble. He is very kind-hearted too. He sees the best in people before the bad in someone. He thinks about other's happiness before his own happiness. He always tries his best to make people happy and help them if they are in needed. He'll do anything to save someone in danger. Steve is quite reserved and quiet. He isn't the type to love putting attention on himself [unlike tony who loves that.] He stays modest and himself in those situations. He doesn't love to be always the center of attention. It isn't something for him. He'll saw what he thinks freely. He value a lot cooperation, team work, responsability and also duty. He never leave something undone. He doesn't give up easily on something. He'll do his best and does everything he can. He is very responsable in what he does. If he does something wrong, he'll accept that it is his fault. He knows that.

Despite being a "perfect lookin' man", Steve has his own flaws. He is conservative in a way. He doesn't much like to say his opinion out loud and has difficulty to express his feelings sometimes, especially when they are negatives. He would preferably, not tell you and keep it to himself unless it get too much for him to keep it. He let out his anger to the gym and still doesn't talk about it to anyone. Steve doesn't like to get ordered around. He rather follow his own orders and do what he thinks is the best. So, he might get hard headed sometimes because he prefers to follow his own indications rather than your indications. Despite those flaws, he is one of the perfect role model for many people around.

  you were made for me。
   what i have with you, i don't want with anyone else...
They both met for the first time in the SHIELD about a year ago. That day, Kendall was talking with Jessica about him. They were casually talking about his qualities and his flaws as a man. Then, Kendall sid "He is like a walking eye candy. I mean he is so damn hot" Lucky Kendall the moment she said that, Steve and Maria came in an he heard it. Maria and Jessica started to laugh at Kendall's reaction. Kendall's face went pale and she blushed hard. Steve calmly smiled at her. Awkward yet a funny first meeting.

Kendall has a huge crush on Steve Rogers. Even after their first meeting, Kendall never stopped thinking about how dreamy was his nice smile. She can't even make a straight sentence in front of him which makes the situation even more awkward, but they always end up laughing. Steve actually enjoy Kendall's presence. She is often there listening to him talking about everything and anything. Kendall would do her usuall job as a psychologist to help him and give him her thought. They pass hours in the gym together having fun competitions and fights sometimes. Everytime someone mention Kendall's relationship with Steve, Kendall get awkward and laughs nervously. Steve is actually sending few hints when he is with her that he is interested in Kendall, yet even if she is a psychologist, she can't seems to realise it. Their relationship is quite a between getting to know each other and starting to date.
CONCLUSION  they maybe start dating *^*
  I'm off to save the world。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS   haha, i couldn't resist to put phil/ agent coulson in the app. ;_; hope you liked my application! if you have any questions, feel free to ask me :)

- Please make Kendall do an interrogation to a suspect during the story. [It will scare the out of the girls to see her go from calm to agressive on the duty.]
- Kendall seeing Maria after a long time. So Kendall can jump into her arms and bring every agents around into a shock because no one expected Maria to be like that.
- A funny dirty minded moment when Kendall can't help but make jokes. Everyone be like face palmin'
- A scene when Kendall has to shoot with a gun and fail miserably making the assassin snatch the gun from Kendall's hands.
- Kendall doing en drama queen mode during a mission.

PASSWORD Lady Avenger


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