学園アリス : Rima Akarui [明るいりま].

Rima Akarui [明るいりま]

NAME » rima akarui [明るいりま]

- riri ( リリ ) ; it’s a shorter nickname made by her closest friends           

- athletic master ( アスレチックマスター ); even with her little height. She is quite scary in sports.

 - the cheater ( 詐欺師 ); it’s a nickname made by her classmate, because of her Alice. People hates when she uses their own alice again them. They says that she cheats.

- baby rima ( 赤ちゃんりま ) ;  it’s the most annoying nickname made by her love interest because of her petite look.

BIRTHDAY » august 1st,1999
montreal, canada
HOMETOWN » montreal canada 
canadian – japanese

French – Native ;  she is born and raised in montreal, canada

Japanese – Fluent ; she learned japanese with her father and she went in japan every summer to visit her family.

English – Semi – Fluent ; she learned it since a young age in Canada. 

APPEARANCE » rima has a little dolly look. she has a quite petite body. her height is around 153 cm and her weight is 43 kg. she has very long wavy blond hair and she has golden eyes. her hair is often down and she wears a bow to prevent her hair going on her face. the bow is black. everyday someone who sees her always makes a jokes telling her to go in the elementary school division -.-
FACECLAIM » rima mashiro [shugo chara]
BACKUP FACECLAIM » yaya yuiki [shugo chara]



+ ; funny, lovable, outgoing, confident and athletic

- ;  jealous, possessive, rude, ert


♥ first impression – when people meets rima for the first time, they think three words; adorable, cute and shy. rima has a petite body that people sees her like a little doll. her golden eyes doesn’t help much with the first impression. they always think that rima is a shy girl and mistakes her for a 12 years old child. and no! rima isn’t a little shy girl. she shocks people with her age and also with her outstanding personality who’s full of life, funny and sometimes, scary. despite that, she still has an adorable part of herself.

♥ confident & outgoing – let's start by rima’s first personality traits. she is known for being someone confident. she feels good in her little body and she knows that she is a pretty girl. she isn't affraid to go to people first. she doesn't mind about what you think about her because she knows who she is really. she isn't the type to let the other bring her down easily. rima is very outgoing. most of the time, she is the first one to go and greet new people with a bright smile on her face. she would start a random conversation with you like she knew you since forever. she doesn't mind that all. a simple walk to a grocery store and she would end up having a new friend. she totally love exploring the world.

♥ funny & lovable – rima is a funny person. she is a total gag girl when you are friend with her. she is someone who loves making the other laugh with her weird jokes or sometimes her lame jokes. she is the one who bring a bright smile on people's face. she is like a sunshine who spread the happiness and the joy around her. the fact that she is funny, is the reason why she has a lot of friends. many people calls her a gag queen because of her unique jokes that never fail to make the other laughs. lovable ? why rima is a lovable person ? it's simply because she is the type of person who thinks about the others rather than herself. she isn't affraid to go and ignore her own problem to make another one happy. she has another habit to hug people. even if you are her friends' friend, she would not be scared and hug you for no reason. she even did once a free hug day in the academy with her friends. another thing is that she would be the one who will kiss her friends' cheek even if they hate it so much. she just loves to make the other feel loved and appreciated. you just can’t resist to rima’s lovable personality.

♥ petite athletic – despite her fragile and little look, rima is someone who is quite athletic. she is amazing at sports and she train three times a week to stay in shape. even thought she doesn’t need to look weight, she doesn’t want to be out of shape in case she needs to run for her life. she is a fast runner and she is agile with her legs. she is enduring and flexible. her favourite sports are basketball, soccer and volleyball.

♥ jealous & possessive – jealous, yes rima is a jealous type of girl. everyone around her knows how jealous she can be. a simple thing can make her feel rejected or even unliked. she hates being ignored and she would totally feel useless if you are ignoring her. she would start by ignoring you and just talking back to you rudely because of her jealousness. if you are someone important for her, she would even cry because of this. she can be easily jealous. make sure you doesn't make her feel jealous. possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. do not touch what it's hers. she would totally flip your face. she doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. don't give her things easily. you'll have to cry and roll on the floor then, she will give it to you. for exemple her love interest is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry petite behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words. [*cough*misakiyouarewarned!*cough*]

♥ rude & ert – talking about being rude. she is a pretty rude girl. she can be giving you short and straight answers in front of you without thinking twice. her words can hit you like a brick in your face and she would not realize it right away. few times, she realise that her words are harsh only after the person's reaction is being negative. rima is also a ert. she is a minded girl. she is a byuntae number one. she isnt afraid to make dirty minded jokes and sometimes, it shocked people around her. also, she would not be afraid to make random ert comments to her closest friends or just slap her friend's .


[ the beggining of  a life ] rima was born in montreal, canada. she is the first child of an couple. her mother was french canadian and her father was japanese. rima was born after 7 months in her mother's stomach. rima's mom had a car accident and it broke her mother's water, making her go in the labor 2 months in advance. because of rima's early birth, she was placed in an incubator for three weeks because of her weak and small body. after being at the hospital for a month, rima was finally able to leave the hospital all healthy. rima grew up being a child who loved making the other happy and she loved having attention from her family members. she was a good student in elementary school. sadly, due to her petite look, people loved to laugh at her small height and she never let anyone step on her feet. when rima turned 10 years old, she had a little sister named hikari. rima looooved hikari so much. she was protective and always taking care of her.

[ moving to another world ] every summers, her family would take the plane to japan. that's how rima learned her japanese. she went to her grandparents' home for two months. her grandparents were always happy to see their two little blond grandchilds. her grandmother was an alice and it was their little secret. she had the water elemtn alice. she would create bubbles for them and having fun with the two kids. it was their own little world for them and secretly, rima wished to be like her too. every night, she would pray for this and every morning, she would try to find out if she had powers too. sadly, it never cames...

[ she is different so, i am.] it during the summer 2012 that hikari, rima's little sister, showed some weird powers. her mood was reflecting in the weather. the problem is that everytime hikari was crying or extremly mad, a cloud would appear inside the house and start raining like no tomorrow or a thunder storm would start. another day, hikari was wanted to play outside, but it was raining. without realising it, she used her alice and the sun appeared. hikari's alice confused people in her grandparents' neighborhood and it brought attention of the recruiter of the alice accademy. one day, they showed up to rima's grandparents house to recruit hikari. rima was totally jealous of hikari's alice. she was always praying for powers yet, it's her sister who got powers not her. the recruiters were talking to the grandparents when they sensed rima's alice. without knowing what kind of alice rima has, they also recruited her. they enrolled her temporary until they find out what rima's alice was. rima was 13 years old and hikari was 3 years old when they joined the academy.


likes :

✧ pastel colors -

✧ lemonade and iced tea -

✧ bears and chicks - *^*

✧ winter – it’s her favourite season. It’s always beautiful and fresh. she enjoy winter sports so much.

✧ sports – despite her petite look. This girl is a monster in sports. Every sports = master in it.

✧ adventures and action movies – hm. Hm. this girl is always ready for adventure and she love action movies. explosions, guns and bombs! it’s exciting.

dislikes :

            ✧  being picked on because of her petite size. – bishh are you serious?

            ✧  insects – they are scary af. they have no brain

            ✧ neon colors – it hurts her eyes so much. trynna make her blind?

            ✧ being ignored – she is a jelly girl. do not make her jelly.

            ✧ taking/touching her stuff – bisshh, do not date. little rima will kick yo !

habbits :

✧ she drools when she sleeps

✧ talks to herself in French

✧ play with her pencil during exams/class it helps her to concentrate.


hobbies :

✧ spoooorts – obviously. always playing some bball or soccer outside.

✧ watching movies with her tech friends.

✧ hanging out with her squad!

✧ napping/reading a romantic book under a tree

✧ having no life and watching everyone using their alice and copying them. [bwahahaha evil Rima! ]


trivia :

 ✧ she has a baby sister who’s attending at the alice academy.

✧ only her and her sister are alice.

✧ she was born 3 months in advance, that’s why she is so short.

✧ she has a huge collection of hair bow. she has a lot of them.

✧ her second collections are romance books. she goes from shakespeare to nicholas sparks.

✧ she is surprisely popular with guys in middle school because of her dolly look.

✧ outside sports, she is good in pasties. *^* she loves baking new receipes.

✧ her jealousy personality scared few girls of the middle school [*cough*noonetoucheshercrush*cough*]

✧ rima is deadly scared of blood. she would totally freak out, cry, scream and then, faint.

✧ she has a 5 years old little sister [ name - hikari ; face claim - ami hinamori from shugo chara ] who's attending at the academy. her sister's alice is the weather control, the shape is childhood and her alice stone is light teal. [imagine a crying 5 y.o child in the classroom = rain everywhere in the classroom.]


the copy-paste  : She tends to copy people’s alice. When she sees someone’s alice, she can copy it only three times. at the beginning, she was only able to do it once, since she got better, she is now able to do it three times. So, if for exemple she sees Natsume using his Alice, she would be able to use the same alice as him three times only. The funniest thing is that she often sit down outside and copy everyone’s alice. after she uses them again themselves. | Special Type | Diffuse | Golden Yellow


actually, rima didn't knew her alice until she saw other student's alice. rima was being picked on on her first day because of her little kid look when misaki came and scared the boys by multiplicate herself in 20. later on that day, rima sneezed and 20 little rima appeared. another one was when she saw her littler sister crying like no tomorrow, the next day, rima hurted herself and there were blood everywhere. scared of blood, rima started crying like a crazy girl and bam! there was a rain storm. 


rima's little sister, hikari, was being scooted because she caused so much confusion in the weather of her grand parents' neighborhood. the same day that hikari was being scooted, one of the recruiter sensed rima's alice, but they didn't knew what was her alice. rima came in the academy at 13 years old and hikari at 3 years old.

NAME » tsubasa ando  (つばさ安藤 )
FACECLAIM » tsubasa ando [gakuen alice]
BACKUP FACECLAIM » akira tonochi
PERSONALITY » [ he is mostly like in the anime.]
they both met on rima's first day in alice academy. because of her alice, she got in the good-for-nothing class type. she got in the class with misaki who saved her from being bullied by other guys. everyone was wondering her alice and she was about to say her alice when she sneezed HARD. Making her fall behind and tsubasa caught her before falling. she thanked him and later on, they found out they were in the same class. rima became friends with misaki and tsubasa.
they have been dating for a year and a month [V-day is their anniversary *^*]
♥ alone - they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two clowns together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other on a couch or simply enjoying each other's presence. if they are together, tsubasa would be sitting and rima would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling on the couch with a blanket on them. they would watch tv and laugh to many variety shows. if they are on a date, tsubasa would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.
♥ public - in public, they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. tsubasa tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he shows a lot to the world that he care of his girl a lot. rima will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes that make the other people around them wondering what's happening. they often act up like two fools and pull up pranks to people around. 
♥ friends - around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they aren't much a lovey-dovey one. they are two best friends together. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, rima would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if they are walking all together, rima wouldn't be affraid to go and look at tsubasa's little . it happens that rima would give a little tap there or poke it which it annoys him a lot. if they are around their closest friends, rima would sometimes give a small kiss on her cheek. 
♥ overall - they are that type of couple that enjoy each other's presence and make up each other laugh a lot. despite their crazy and competitive relationship they are having. they show a lot of love for each other by their skinship and how they often look at each other.  are they together?)
THEIR ALICE, ALICE TYPE AND ALICE SHAPE »  shadow manipulation | special type | diffuse
QUESTIONS » nope! no questions.
COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » hi! hope you like rima! tell me if something is wrong. :) 
rima making a big jealousy scene [ ;_; ]  | her little sis who locked herself in her room and doesn't want to leave until rima comes. like every teachers is searching rima. | rima turning into a meanie because someone is making fun of her height. | 
PASSWORD » triple stars



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