talk nerdy to me #2 」Heart Mac


— hearty - only her family use this nickname. it's a shorter version of her name.
little heart- only her friends call her like that. it's because she is short [160 cm] 
shakespear maniac - that's her bff who loves that nickname. heart knows everything about shakespear and it's her favourite author along with another classic.
— mon coeur - only her boyfried use this nickname. it's mean my heart in french.

BIRTHDAY + AGE: Feburary 28th, 1996 [actually born on 29th in 1996] + 19

BIRTHPLACE: Montreal, Canada

HOMETOWN: Montreal, Canada [Moved to Colorado a year ago.]

ETHNICITY: Vietnamese - Canadian

French - Native
English - Fluent
Latin - Conversational [Learning at school] 

FACE CLAIM + BACKUP: lilisimply/ lili mac  ( clothesencounters / jenn im )

APPEARANCE + STYLE: heart has very long burgandy/ red hair. she often wears circle lenses [dark blue, hazel/green/lightbrown]. heart'sstyle is like her face claim's style. she love simplicity clothes and light colors. she isn't afraid to wear heels and dresses at school. if she is hanging out with her friends, she is totally down to wear a ier dress with open back. link 1 link 2 link 3 


+ ; Confident, Smart, Funny & Hardworking

- ; Drama Queen, y, y & Perfectionist

Confident & Smart - First of all when you meet Heart, you think two words; beautiful and confident. That's what she is. She is confident in herself. Tahlia take care of herself well and she feels good in her body, everyone can see this. She makes sure to be presentable before going somewhere and she isn't scared of anyone. She can stand up for everyone if she wants to. She doesn't let anyone step on people. This girl isn't shy to act like a fool sometimes. Beside that all confident personality, there's a little genius inside. Heart is one of the best student there. She is pretty smart. Back in Canada, she had multiple IQ test and it is around 160. She is a Math, Science and English lover. She has a nice logic and she is someone who is able to learn just by listening the class and not writing notes. She has also a pretty good memory too. The funniest thing is when she uses unfamiliar/long words on daily basis, no one understands what she means. Shakespeare language is also her language.

Drama Queen & y - Princess Hearty, do you need something? Yes, she needs something. Tahlia is a little *cough* I mean BIG drama queen. If anything goes wrong. You'll know it right away. She would totally yell at you or scream like no tomorrow. If you offend her, be ready to see the niagara falls on her face. A little thing can turn into the biggest ever if you get her. Oh and Princess Hearty complains a lot. In her works, with her friends or anything, it has to be done in her way. Nothing more or she will end up complaining none stop. Oh! If you want to meet a y girl, then, here's Heart. She can turn out to be scary af. when she wants. Get Tahlia in the wrong way then, y Heart is right here waiting to bit your off with her words. She can be so arrogant and people says that her words litteraly eat you. It's the poison of your psychological death. Her voice stabs you without mercy. If you nice, then, Heart is nice with you too. 

Funny & y  - Here's the fun part of Heart. She is a total creeper with the weirdest humor. This is the moment when her IQ drops sometimes. Wondering where it went at ? She makes lame jokes and likes to call her friends potatoes/rainbows or even unicorns. She can dance like a fool in the mall without any shame and even make dumb word games. At least she isn't boring! She makes her friends laugh a lot and she is always enjoying her time with her friends. The main thing about her is that she has a dirty mind. Hm...Hm... Her mind is dirty. She makes dirty jokes or comments. She isn't scared to talk about rated things and makes innappropriate comments to her friends sometimes. She often shocked people with her dirty comments. She tends to make the WEIRDEST skinship with her close friends, but she doesn't mind that all. "Better to have a weird humor than be boring ",she says.  

Hardworking & Perfectionist - Heart is a hardworker girl. She doesn't give up on anything before she tried everything. She can work hours and hours for something. If she isn't able to do something then, no. no. She would stop and retry later. When she decide something then, she WILL do it. She rather sleep at 3 AM then, to let her work undone and sleep. Ain't about that life! The worst thing is that Hearty is a perfectionnist. Everything has to be done in her way. She is the worst person to work in team with. You do your part and she do her part. At the end, she will end up "fixing" you part of the work because she don't find it good enough for her. HER WAY or you do not work with her. Most of the time, she always ask to work herself so, no one would top her work. She would sleep late to study for an exam. Nothing under 85% is acceptable for her. NOTHING. She would totally ask for a redo if she doesn't have at least 85%.


—iced tea - fresh fresh and perfect *^*

— hockey - ok. typical montrealers haha.

— litterature & classic books - old books are the best!

— pastel colors - light and it gives a summer feels to it.

— winter - it's her favourite season.




— neon colors - grr...

— rude people - you gonna meet a rude one too!.

— unperfect work - just go away! she don't need that in her life.

— strawberries and peaches - eww. and again eww!.

— start here.



— vlogging or filming her ytb videos.

— finding new books.

— reading.

— shopping!!!.

— hanging out with her friends.




— she drools in her sleeps - such a princess.

— roll her eyes when she is annoyed.

— curses in french from quebec [totally different than french from france].

— use complicated words all the time - just to annoy her friends/boyfriend.

— talks randomly with an asian accent.




heart is the first child of her family. she is the baby of an couple with a canadian father and a vietnamese mother. being born on the 29th feburary, the nurses asked her parents to choose her birthdate between 28th or 1st, they choosed the 18th feburary. technictly, she is just 5 years old. haha! anyways. heart was a typical girly girl. pink clothes, unicorns everywhere, barbies and princesses. she loved romance stories so much during her childhood.

heart grew up being pretencious about herself. she always had what she wanted and she would totally do anything to get what is hers. so, it doesn't surprise how y and dranma queen this girl can be. her love for romance books and movies grew inside of her. eventually, she started to read the oldest stories about princes, princesses, the classic books and it got worse. every books she found was interesting for her. she would totally start rambling about every books she read. even the oldest book ever, she knows about it.

heart's grandmother had also a lot of books and introduced her into shakespeare. she got into it and no one was able to put her out of thoses books. in high school, she was always in the library finding new books to read in classes. teachers would totally take away her books because she wasn't listening. she finished high school in canada andwent to college in the litterature and language program because of her love for books. she started to learn latin. she moved to colorado last year and  is currently attending at the university of colorado in the language and communications program and she wish to be a translater.  she has a part time job at forever 21 and she has a youtube channel [beauty and makeup].



LOVE INTEREST + BACKUP: shin hyoseob [crush] + park kyung

BIRTHDAY + AGE: May 3rd + 20


the good guy - when you first meet hyoseob, you will think that he is someone who's cute and fun to be around. it's true! he doesn't give a bad first impression. he is someone who's very confident. he isn't easy intimidated by people around him. he would not be scared to say hello to people on the streets. he has a pretty funny personality. he is mostly joking around and make everyone around him laugh. he is eventually someone who's dorky by moments. he loves making the other laughs and make their days. he has a unique humor like heart too. hyoseob has a caring and kind personality. surprisely for a guy, when you are very close with him, he would tend to be very caring around you. he would not be scared to help you and make sure that everything is alright for you.

the bad guy - let's talk about his bad traits now. hyoseob is a jealous type of guy. like heart, he can be pretty jealous. he can be pretty mad easily because he is scared to be rejected by the one he loves. he is pretty defensive for himself. he would totally deny his jealousy with such a rude tongue. he is pretty rude when he is in a bad mood. he would totally shut you up if you are getting on his nerves. you'll have to wait until he get better to be able to talk to him calmly. if you don't his words can be very harsh and hurts you. give him some time to think and he'll have a clear mind again.  


♥ alone - they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two clowns together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other on a couch or simply enjoying each other's presence. if they are at heart's or crush's appartment, crush would be sitting and heart would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling on the couch with a blanket on them. they would watch tv and laugh to many variety shows. if they are on a date, crush would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.

♥ public - in public, they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. crush tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he shows a lot to the wold that he care of his girl a lot. heart will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes that make the other people around them wondering what's happening.  

♥ friends - around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they aren't much a lovey-dovey one. they are two best friends together. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, heart would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if they are walking all together, heart wouldn't be affraid to go and look at crush's little . it happens that heart would give a little tap there or poke it which it annoys him a lot. if they are around their closest friends, crush would sometimes give a small kiss on her cheek. 

♥ overall - they are that type of couple that enjoy each other's presence and make up each other laugh a lot. despite their crazy and competitive relationship they are having. they show a lot of love for each other by their skinship and how they often look at each other. 

CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: dating for a year 

COMMENT: hey! hope you like heartyy! :)

SCENE REQUEST: please go wild

SECRET CODE: A girl wants Romeo, not Hamlet.


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