「 rosa。joo hyeja

it's so tasty, come and chase me
give me that ice cream cake.
NAME » joo hyeja (주혜자).
— joohye (주혜) / a nickname used by her peers in school. hyeja used to introduce herself by
this because she didn't like her name and tended to be insecure about it. a lot of her friends still 
refer to her by this.

BIRTHDAY » may 6, 1997.
AGE » 17. 

BIRTHPLACE » yeonje, busan, s.k.
HOMETOWN » gangnam, seoul, s.k.
ETHNICITY » korean.

— korean / fluent.
a sunny, free day wearing a pretty, new white dress.
FACECLAIM » lee haeun.
—  hyeja has a rounded nose centered on a slim face. she stands at 172cm, weighing 58kg. she's held pretty high according to beauty standards in south korea, she has pale skin and wide eyes, pink lips and a graceful smile. hyeja herself describes her beauty like quicksand, something that you get dragged into slowly. her face is one that appeals to you overtime. 

— as a girl who believes that style and class are one in the same, her casual outfits aren't anything to write home about. she has a versatile sense, and though she doesn't really mind what she wears, hyeja tries to stray away from things that show too much skin. she's usually helped by stylists on what to wear, though when she's not she's usually donned in layers upon layers.

a taste that matches how special today will be.
self-introduction »   "hello! i am rosa's main vocal and visual shock, redd. I'm seveteen years old, originally from busan. my real name is joo hyeja, i have a lot to offer so please take good care of me."

overall, hyeja is a very open person who puts honesty before anything else. with a tact for being known of being disrespectful and critical of her seniors, she does have a few redeeming qualities. one of the best friends in the world, hyeja is very loyal, she's quick to forgive and to trust blindly. leaning on the introverted side, joo hyeja is a master at coating very serious issues with horrible sarcasm. 

( will write more later lmao )



— video games. / before joining dream tea, she was famous in her neighborhood for ruling the local Pc-bong and being a master at league of legends. 
— stuffed animals. / she won't ever admit so, but hyeja sleeps with a teddy bear every night. its name is bboongki. 

— carrots. / no one knows why, but she won't ever eat them. hyeja says it's because they freak her out and have a weird texture. 
— roses. / kind of ironic that her group name is 'rosa', don't you think? 

— hyeja studies more than anything. under her bed in the dorm are over a dozen textbooks, each used everyday. she takes pride in her schoolwork, and hopes to graduate at the top of her class. 
— though she doesn't partake in this often, hyeja used to swim. especially when she lived in busan, and even during her middle school years she would go out to public pools and swim for hours. water relaxes her.

— Hyeja bites her fingernails when bored or stressed. rosa's manager gets very annoyed by this and is often seen yelling at her on the subject.

— her rolemodels are her mother, and exid's solji. she's a big exid fan and even went to one of their concerts and fansignings in 2013.
— out of all the rosa members, hyeja is the worst cook. she can't cook for her life, despite trying to learn multiple times.
— hyeja's dream vacation would be to hawaii. she wants to travel there before she dies.
— ideal type? b.i.g's benji. Why? "he's hot and can play the violin. what more could you want?"
i'll keep the candles lit only for you.
plotline »  gallicanae  (main vocalist)
stage name » redd (레드)
persona » rosa's umbrella.

talent twin » lee hi. 

training duration » three years. (2012 - 2015)
trainee life » 
will be shown in teasers, etc.

prE-debut experiences » 
— 20120417  » girl's day "oh my god"  m/v » an extra actress. 
— 20140807 » tvn's surplus princess » an extra actress in episodes one and two.
vanilla and chocolate with a cherry on top.
— mother  » park miyoung » 41 » head of communications department (samsung) 
miyoung hAs always been a firm believer in  chasing her dreams, something she passed on to her daughter. hyeja admires her mother and cites her as her greatest role model. despite miyoung being a bit too harsh at times, the two are very close. miyoung is constantly working and puts a lot of effort into her job, she expects hyeja to do the same. miyoung calls hyeja at least once a week, and after rosa's debut, every time the girls perform hyeja is met with criticism. it's something she's thankful for, hyeja always looks for her mother's guidance (and no one else's). 
— father  » joo sanghoon » 39 » teacher and private tutor
it's usually her father watching her when she's at home. sanghoon looks after hyeja and treats her with the utmost fragility. she is his most precious daughter (okay, his only daughter) and he doesn't want to see anything happen to her. he's always shooting texts to see if she's alright, and insists that she comes home at least once a week. though he's very proud of her, he's very worried that rosa's debut will fall through and fail. 

friend RELATIONS » 
— best friend » shin suji » 17 » student (sookmyung girl's high school)
suji is hyeja's closest friend outside of the rosa members and the person she turns to when idol life becomes far too stressful to handle. their personalities are identical, except for the fact that suji is an impulsive liar, a trait that has no issues getting on hyeja's nerves. suji always stands up for hyeja at school if she's getting around for being an idol, which hyeja's always greatful for. honestly, suji knows hyeja better than hyeja knows herself. (which, tends to flow both ways. hyeja knows everything about suji.) in suji's phone, hyeja is saved under the contact 'joojoo berry'.  
other relations » 
— acquaintance  » lee junyoung » 17 » idol (ukiss's jun)
first meeting after rosa's debut, hyeja is obligied to list junyoung as her closest idol friend. they don't speak that often, but they are friendly with each other, even if hyeja isn't used to being around someone who acts so cute all of the time. 
meet my lips before it all melts.
love interest » tba.
give me that soft-flavored ice cream cake.
comments » example app that will probably never be finished lmao.



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