
For The Love of Dance

"So, do you like him?" Youngjae whispered as he sat across from you in the library.

You decided to totally ditch your girlfriends at lunch today and go straight to the library, because you had to explain to him everything that happened at yesterday's lesson with Junhong. You explained to him in great detail, the dialogue, the skinship, everything. He seemed interested but not surprised when you told him about the pretty face comment. He was the one who noticed and told you first, he knew from the very beginning.

So now the question, 'So, do you like him?" come from Youngjae's lips. You hesitated to answer.


"Maybe?" Youngjae didn't believe you at all, he knew you were lying.

you made a face at him, "Okay, so I like him." you buried you face into the palm of your hand, "What do I do about this?"

"Nothing" he shrugged.

Moving your hand away from you face now, you squinted at him, not following along. He noticed your confusion and explained.

"It's obvious that you both like each other, just let it happen." You guessed that made sense, "Whatever happens, happens. Don't stress about it too much." He smiled at you, he was being sincere. Why wasn't he teasing you?

"I guess so, thanks." you rested your head on the table and Youngjae started reading a book again. It became silent between you.

"Hoseok and Jimin asked about you last week." you piped up, still resting on the table.

"What?" Youngjae laughed.

"Yeah I hung out with them after class, and they asked why you weren't there again, " you said now lifting your head off the table, "Do you want to come this Saturday again?" you asked.

He thought about it for a short second, before nodding, "If you want me to go." he smiled.

you nodded enthusiastically, he seemed to get along with all the people there just as much as you did, "Defnitely, we can hang out with Hoseok and Jimin if they're not doing anything after class." you said, before the bell rang and you made your way to class.

omggg I'm sorry, such a short chapter :/ don't worrymore things will be happening soon, i'm sorry there hasnt been a lot of JunhongxRina stuff happening, but there will be soon just wait a bit ^^

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-Evergreen #1
Chapter 27: Waiting for Youngjae's birthday.
Chapter 27: im cryinggggg!!! an update after so longggggg
Yongmi5 #3
Chapter 26: Oh!! They finally kissed! !
This story is so cute and they make a great couple.
Fighting! !
Chapter 15: Youngjae is really the best of bestfriend-material.i wish there is some people like that in real. Lol. Hahaha
zelovearmy #5
Chapter 15: I really like how the story is going. I can't believe you only have 9 subscribers, your story is so damn good, I'll advertise it when I post my next chapter, it needs to be read! I hope there will be fluffy rina/zelo moments, fighting!
zelovearmy #6
Chapter 7: Omo things are so fluffy *o* I really like your story, it's well written and expressed and every scene is introduced at its time. I wouldn't have guessed that this was your first story if I hadn't read it in your forward. I hope things are going to get developed between rina and junhong, they'd make a cute couple, they'd dance together and go out and hug and kiss and do lots of cute and fluffy things together, please don't make me wait more and update the story author-nim, can't wait to see what's going to happen in the one on one dance lesson.
cjiyeol #7
Chapter 3: Wa this is cute xd junhong? Teaching? Take me there pls haha waiting for future chappy fighting >.<