Is this a date?

For The Love of Dance

It had been a couple of weeks since the concert and after party now. There was no dance classes on as everyone was on holidays. You and Youngjae had been hanging out quite a lot as usual and he kept asking about Junhong every time, asking if you two had hung out or if you had finally said something to him, but neither of you had really contacted each other at all. It wasn't weird, we just didn't have dance classes anymore so there was no real reason for you to see each other, not even Hoseok or Jimin had contacted you either.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and You and Youngjae were hanging out at your house, lazing around watching TV like usual, when your phone went off.

"Is that Junhong?" Youngjae asked eagerly.

"Calm down Youngjae it's not-" you picked up your phone, looking at the message, "'s Junhong." Youngjae grew the biggest smile on his face, he seemed more excited about this than you were, asking you what he had said to you.

"Hey, even though there's no class, I've been going to the studio to practice the last couple of Wednesdays...Do you want to come along tomorrow? :)"

You read the message out loud to Youngjae.

"It's a date, he's asking you on a date." Youngjae was teasing you now.

"Calm down would you, no he's not."You laughed.

"What are you going to say? Are you gonna go?"

"Not doing anything tomorrow, sounds good! what time? :)" You said it out loud to Youngjae as you typed.

"Hmmm, I've booked the studio for 4, so meet me at the studio around then? :)"

"Cool, see you then~"

"He's gonna take you on a date." Youngjae said.

"Would you stop saying that, Youngjae." you laughed again, he was way too set on the fact that this was a date.

"Hey, well even if it's not, it's the perfect opportunity for you to finally say something."

He did have a point there. Maybe you should think about how you could possibly tell him. Thinking about it again made you feel queasy you had to get your mind off of it. You and Youngjae started watching some of your favourite TV shows but it was still difficult to get it out of your mind.


Wednesday came and you were showered and ready to go to the studio. Youngjae's voice telling you it's a date kept repeating over and over in your head but you tried to ignore it and treat it like a usual hang out with your friend Junhong. Friend.

You got to the studio a little later than 4 because he was going to be in there practicing anyway, and you didn't want to seem too eager.

As soon as you walked in the door you could hear the hip hop music playing, and you walked further into the room to find Junhong dancing alone in front of the mirrors. You dumped your bag on the ground and took a seat, he looked pretty focused. He looked over to you at one point and smiled at you while he was still dancing.

He stopped and ran over to pause the music playing from the speakers, before walking over to you, greeting you and giving you a hug. Even though he was starting to sweat from the dancing, it didn't bother you at all.

He told you he was just doing the short practice sessions every Wednesday to keep improving and so he doesn't get too used to not dancing. You could kind of tell that he would be the kind of person that would hate to take such a long break from dancing.

"Do you want me to teach you something?" he asked stepping back in front of the mirror.

"Like what?" you asked.

He shrugged, "I can teach you how to pop or something." he laughed a little bit.

You stepped in front of the mirror next to him anyway and he just taught you some little hip hop foundations, he did try to teach you how to pop, but you really couldn't get the hang of it and he just kept laughing at you. You decided you would just leave the dancing up to him and let him practice until his hour that he booked the studio for was up, sitting back in the chair just watching him dance.

You didn't realise how much you actually looked up to Junhong, if he hadn't have been your teacher you probably wouldn't have been able to get out on that stage as confidently as you did. He was such a great support to you and all the other students as well, and he was just so passionate about what he does that it was inspiring at times. When you wanted to do dance classes back at the start of all this, you were just interested in dance again, you didn't think you would become this passionate about it as well, that was all thanks to Junhong.

He paused the music and went to pack up his stuff when it got close to 5, his ime wasn't really up yet but he seemed quite tired now.

"You hungry?" he asked casually as he packed his phone into his bag, "Let's go get something to eat."

You nodded, you really were hungry and food was sounding really great right now.

He closed up the studio and the both of you were heading towards the food court in the city, the sun was starting to set and there was a cool breeze coming in now, you weren't cold at all, but you were wondering if shorts were a bad idea, you were probably going to get cold later. Junhong seemed to notice the cool change in the weather as well.

"Aren't you cold in just shorts? Do you want my jacket? I'm not wearing it, it's too hot after just dancing." he smiled such a sweet smile that made your heart skip a beat when you looked at him.

"No thanks," you smiled back, "I'm okay." Youngjae's voice popped up in your head again, "it's a date it's a date" was he right? or was Junhong just being a ncie friend? Had Youngjae ruined how you reacted to everything with all of his date talk? This could be the most casual hang out ever but Youngjae was always going to be in the back of your mind making you question everything.

You made it to the food court and found your self a table, before you could even get to a seat, Junhong rushed ahead and pulled the chair out for you, gesturing for you to sit. It made you giggle a bit. Okay maybe Junhong really did intend for this to be a date, but why hadn't he said anything yet. You sat down and he sat across from you. "What do you wanna eat?" he asked, resting his elbows on the table, leaning towards you a bit.

You looked around at the different food stores that were near. But you couldn't think about eating just yet.

"Junhong," you could barely even look him in the eyes at this point, "Is this a date?" just hearing the words come from your mouth made you feel queasy, what if he just straight out said yes, oh god you didn't think this through.

He smiled a bit to himself, that was almost your answerright there. Now he was finding it hard to keep eye contact with you, "Does it seem that way?"

Yes! Yes! 100 times yes! "A little bit, yeah" you felt yourself struggling to hold back a smile.

He nodded to himself a little, " you want it to be a date?" he looked at you in anticipation.

You couldn't help but laugh a bit now, "Are you...are you asking me on a date right now?"

He shook his head, "I didn't say that, I just asked if you wanted this to be a date?"

You laughed a bit again, looking at him suspiciously. Of course you did! You knew that, even he knew that. "Well...yeah that would be nice."you shrugged a bit. He smiled at you.

"Grab your bag." he started getting up out of his chair.


"Your bag, grab it." he said pointing at your bag and standing up from the chair, now next to you with his hand out. You looked at him for a second now with your bag in hand. He shook his hand waiting for you to take it. You felt your heart beating through your throught with nervousness now. And you took his hand as you got out of your seat.

Something about linking fingers with Junhong felt strange, but really nice. He had held your hand before but not like this. He was keeping you close to him, fingers linked, arms together. You didn't know where you were walking but you couldn't even get a word out to ask him because you were so nervous all of a sudden.

You had arrived at a fancy looking restaurant. Now you were starting to think Junhong had planned this all along. Still holding your hand, he opened the door and let you inside first.

"Table for two" he asked the lady waiting at the front of the restaurant with menus, and she directed us to a small table by the wall with two chairs either side. Junhong let go of your hand, pulling out your chair like he did in the food court, "For real this time." he laughed. you snorted as you sat in the chair and he went to sit in the seat across from you.

Now the two of you were sitting in silence for a bit. Looking at each other and looking around the restaurant. He was smiling but you were still a little confused.

"What's happening?" you asked.

he laughed straight away, "You know what's happening...everyone knows what's happening." this was it, this was finally it, Youngjae was right all along. You smiled because you knew exactly what he was talking about now.

"But if you want me to say it," he looked at you, taking a deep breathe, "Rina...I like you." You could feel your temperature rising, you knew this is what he was going to say all along but hearing the words actually come from his mouth made your heart flutter. You smiled at him despite how nervous you felt in this moment.

"I like you too, Junhong." you both smiled at each other. Both already very aware of how you felt, actually saying it was scary but now that it was out you felt refreshed and glad that it happened.

You went about the rest of your night as if it were a real date now. Some of your nerves seemed to disappear once you both got your meals and you were eating in this fancy restaurant. Something about it still felt uncomfortable, maybe the resaurant was just a bit too fancy. He didn't have to go to this much trouble, but you still appreciated every bit. It kind of turned into how you would normally hang out, the both of you having your nrmal conversation about dance and music, there was the element of freindship that you're liking for each other would never get in the way of.

"Hey, how are things going with your little soccer kids?" you asked, remember he still coached his little soccer team.

"They're going good, they just came 4th against all these other schools in this leauge that they were a part of."

"Oh that's good, all because of your great coaching right?" you joked.

"Well I don't mean to brag." you both laughed, "there's still practice on though, you should come by one day." he said in his csual tone.

"Is that our second date?" you laughed, "sounds good, I would love to meet all the kids." from the way Junhong talked about his little soccer team, they sounded like good kids, you were excited to meet his cute team of mini soccer players, but part of you was even more excited to see how cute Junhong was with them.

You finished up your dinner and Junhong payed for everything like usual, more his duty now as your...boyfriend? is that what he is now? It felt weird to say that in your head, and it brought back some of the nerves that left before.

He took your hand again as you left the restaurant and the two of you spent some time walking around the city. Everything was closed down now, but there was still lots of lights on everywhere. The sun had completely gone now and it was even cooler than it was before. You shivered once and subtly moved even closer to Junhong to try and feed off of his warmth. He looked at you, tensing up from the cold.

"Do you want my jacket now?" he asked with a small laugh.

You really should have taken it before, you felt a bit stupid for needing it now, "Yes please" he laughed at you a bit, before stopping to put his jacket around your shoulders.

From all the events of today you couldn't help but feel giddy on the inside. Your insides had turned to goo and you never wanted to let go of Junhong's hand now, just like how you didn't want to let go of him when you hugged him. You knew that feeling was still going to be there, if not even stronger than before now.

All of these things felt strange, from the hand holding to just thinking about the fact that he was now going to be considered your boyfriend now. But in a way, it felt right. You had felt all these feelings for him before this and now you could express it to him. You didn't have to hold back and make sure you weren't being too obvious, that was the joy of being in a relationship, be as obvious as you want! That's the whole point.

It was starting to get late, so you decided to head home. You had to catch a bus home, so Junhong waited with you at the bus stop unti it arrived.

"Before the bus comes, I just wanted to say, that I really had a great time tonight. Thanks for taking me out for such a lovely evening." You held on to his hand tighter as you spoke, both of you now smiling at each other.

"Thanks for not rejecting my confession." he said, squeezing your hand back. You laughed.

"Like I would have." you both laughed. The only reason he would have even confessed in the first place was because he was 100% sure you wouldn't reject him.

You looked down the road and could see your bus coming from far away. You stood to say your goodbye to Junhong before the bus got there.

You hugged him tight, already feeling like you didn't want to let go of him as he hugged you back. There was something about the fact that Junhong was your boyfriend now that made the hug feel even nicer. You didn't want to but you pulled out of the hug, "Oh! your jacket-" you started to take it off your shoulders before he stopped you.

"Keep it, you can give it back to me on our second date." he smiled at you.

you laughed a little bit, "Okay then." you smiled at him as the bus finally came to your stop. You couldn't resist and gave him one last quick hug before you left to get on the bus. Before you could pull away from the hug, he held you close and kissed you on the forehead, making you go red in the face, you smiled at each other before saying goodbye and you went over to get on your bus.

You sat at the window, still able to see him standing at the bus stop, you waved to him as the bus drove off and as soon as you were far enough away you sank into your seat on the bus, grabbing his jacket and wrapping it around yourself tight.

There was too many thoughts rushing around in your brain right now, you wanted to get off this bus in the middle of nowhere and just scream. You found yourself smiling to yourself on the bus, you were just lucky wasn't a lot of other people on the bus, so even though you looked a bit crazy, not a lot of people could see.

You couldn't believe that he kissed your forehead. you shut your eyes and re-lived the moment over and over in your head. Now you definitely seemed crazy to everyone else on the bus.

There was only one person you could tell all about this night...Youngjae~

omg okay so all of my chapters keep getting longer hahaha i'm sorry but there's so much more story!! so thank you for subscribing and waiting for updates!

Junhong and Rina are dating now! yay! how exciting!! will she get a kiss on the lips instead of the forehead eventually?? stay tuunneedd~~

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-Evergreen #1
Chapter 27: Waiting for Youngjae's birthday.
Chapter 27: im cryinggggg!!! an update after so longggggg
Yongmi5 #3
Chapter 26: Oh!! They finally kissed! !
This story is so cute and they make a great couple.
Fighting! !
Chapter 15: Youngjae is really the best of bestfriend-material.i wish there is some people like that in real. Lol. Hahaha
zelovearmy #5
Chapter 15: I really like how the story is going. I can't believe you only have 9 subscribers, your story is so damn good, I'll advertise it when I post my next chapter, it needs to be read! I hope there will be fluffy rina/zelo moments, fighting!
zelovearmy #6
Chapter 7: Omo things are so fluffy *o* I really like your story, it's well written and expressed and every scene is introduced at its time. I wouldn't have guessed that this was your first story if I hadn't read it in your forward. I hope things are going to get developed between rina and junhong, they'd make a cute couple, they'd dance together and go out and hug and kiss and do lots of cute and fluffy things together, please don't make me wait more and update the story author-nim, can't wait to see what's going to happen in the one on one dance lesson.
cjiyeol #7
Chapter 3: Wa this is cute xd junhong? Teaching? Take me there pls haha waiting for future chappy fighting >.<