Kim Myungsoo is a Cat?!

*It's really cold today* You thought as you shivered, fastening your pace down the busy streets of the city.


Saturday. shop for groceries and anything else your mum put on the list. Winter has arrived, but you're still not used to the cold, after all, clammy and icy bodies jostling against each other wasn't your ideal way to spend a Saturday.


There was a bright coffee shop across the road, exactly what you were after! A nice warm coffee shop with just the right amount of warmth to soothe your shivers and a warm cup of hot chocolate, that wonderful liquid gliding down your throat, warming you up to the pits of your stomach!


You entered with a bright smile and addressed  the girl behind the counter, handing over the cash for the chocolate. You sat yourself at table three and pulled out your shopping list, not even realizing a furry black creature crawling under your chair, it's tail flicking against your leg.


"Here's your hot chocolate" the waitress placed the steaming cup in front of you and her eyes instantly glared at your feet. "The same old cat here again, the dirty little thing. If it gives you any trouble, just tell us"


With a shudder, she left you to glance down at your leg and notice the cat for the first time. It had black dirty fur, it's  ribcage was showing and it'spleading hazel eyes held your gaze. A forlorn 'mew' was directed at you. 


*Well, shopping's done...what should I do with this cat?*

(click to choose option)


Ignore it 

Pick it up and take it home with you

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XD I love this story~~
Yeolliepop #2
Whoots go me!!! I'm awesome~ I rock!!! XD Hahas roll like a buffalo~ Author-nim I see what u did there... ;_;
Yeolliepop #3
Please update!!!!!!!!!! I really love this story!!!! <3
woah ! i lyke it i lyke it ^^ update sooooooonnnnn ^^
omg TROLOLOLOLOL....imma download teen top's crazy as soon as i get to australia!!!! i love it tooo!!!!! XDDDDD but so much hip-ing...but who cares???? THEY LOOK MOTHERING HOTTT!!!! XD
riikaLynn #7
UPDATE!!! please?
yeollie_hearts #8
Wow...myungsoo as a cat!!! Although I dont really like cats I still find this an interesting plot! XD I love it~ <3 update soon! (:
nabmyn-ssi #9
ayooo~ Myungsoo! Hurry up, help that poor girl!!!