Chapter One

Saving You
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C H A P T E R   O N E


All else gone, the queen still remains. She moves to protect her king.

After two months.

I sit on my usual spot and blink the tears that threaten to fall. Not again, not this time. I have come this far and there is no way I could sit here and cry again. I've done that for the first month, anyway. My tears should have dried and my sadness should have wavered for even just a bit, but that is not the case. Here I am, silently questioning why this has happened to me... to us. 

I always miss him. I terribly miss his voice - the voice that could always calm and comfort me. I miss the way he wrapped his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder, oftentimes even whispering to me how much he loves me. I miss receiving messages at random times of the day, telling me how he can't wait to see me. I miss his lips on mine, making me feel like I'm the luckiest woman on earth. More than anything else, I just miss all of him.

A knock on my door wakes me up from my longing. "Soojung," Aunt Yoosun softly calls from the bedroom door. Soojung. I repeat the name in my head. This is the new me. Krystal was gone along with that car crash. Away from Seoul, my tainted family and the life I once lived, I am now in a better place where I can hope to find safety. Now, I'm Kim Soojung. 

"It's time to eat, Soojung. You really need to eat." I know Aunt Yoosun had been so worried of me. I haven't eaten much since I got here. She was my nanny as a child, and I have always felt genuine and love and concern from her. While my parents expected me to be the perfect daughter, Aunt Yoosun simply ensured me that she would be there when the little Krystal grew too tired. 

I force a smile, hoping she would stop worrying about me. "I've eaten quite a lot this morning," I tell her, just to make her feel better. "But this looks delicious. Maybe I can pack some and bring it with me to the hospital."

She smiles at me and nods. "Of course, dear. Jongin might wake up when he smells this delicious lunch."

Jongin. That is another name I should get used to - the name of the man I should visit in the hospital like I do everyday. My king.

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bubblylilnin #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: this is plain beautiful omg please updateeee
littlehanridinghun #2
Chapter 3: woww this is just beautiful. i love it how they start a new life as jongin and soojung.
Chapter 3: ohmy!! i love this story! it's really amazing.. update soon please^^
cant wait for the next chap>_< fighting!!!^^
kjxoxo #4
Chapter 3: This is masterpieces a wonderful story .
I love it
nuningsuci #5
Chapter 3: ohmygod. this the second time i typed 'oh my god' in your story and probably will still doing that. i don't know bree. it's too much for me to handle, too beautiful. i even thought i can't read another chapters until this story is completed. selfish me lol
this story is just.... plain beautiful. you make jongin forget almost everything, leaving soojung must bear the pain for herself. i hope you didnt put another woman or man to disturb their relationship because i know soojung will be the one who struggle. well, she's the main focus in your story tho, but still i can't. you hear me? wkwk well, it's up to you. as long as you can enjoy writing and continuing this story, i'll always support you ;)
taeyong389 #6
Chapter 1: Ommoo... I just read your story now... Itsbindeed well writen... Its more mysterious, but what happen to them?
Its so good story plot... Thanks for made a kaistal story...
cchua1993 #7
Chapter 2: wow!! really love where this story is going.. great job author-nim! :D
nuningsuci #8
Chapter 2: oh my god, this is really beautiful! i love how your story goes on and on like a sweet melody. keep it up! gonna waiting for the next update from you, Bree ;)
berlliyanty #9
Chapter 2: Love this story,.... :)
Chapter 2: daebak!!! i love it:) update soon please^^