The Secret of the Sunshine

When Troubles Arises

A faint rumbling could be heard in the distance. The black haired boy looked up to the ash grey sky to see much darker clouds slowly nearing the city. Rain fell heavily from the sky, it didn’t seem it would stop for a good while. The sound of rumbles returned, this time he could spot sudden flash of lightning by the darker part of the sky.



“A storm?”



The more lighting that appeared, the more the grin grew on his lips.



“What a perfect timing.”


“So this is where he lives?” Taehyung gazed the white house infront of him. Periwinkles and bluebells decorated the sides of the house. Flowers and plants was surrounding the house, some plants were even growing along the walls. The rain that was pouring down from the ash grey sky made the flowers bow down as they were not strong enough to stand against the heavy water drops.



The group had decided to pay their friend a visit in the afternoon after the school ended for the day and when they had switched their clothes into regular ones. It took some time to arrive to the household of the Jungs’ since they had to travel by foot in the rain.



“Hurry and press the doorbell! I’m drowning out here!” exclaimed Jungkook as he desperately gripped onto his bright red umbrella that only shielded his upper body from the rain. The wind was blowing harshly and almost ripping his umbrella away from him.



The vampire, who was wearing pitch black sunglasses despite the gloomy weather, rolled his eyes at him and pressed the doorbell. “Serves you right for not dressing for the weather.” said Jimin, who was dressed in a yellow coloured rain cape that reached his knees, a pair of red boots and a navy blue rain hat. He grinned widely to the fire mage who only gave him a judging look. “What? I look cute in this.” The werewolf puffed his cheeks before smiling widely at the mage, who decided to ignore him for now.



“Sorry to break this to you but Soojin looks cuter,” said Taehyung while grinning.



Upon hearing her name being mentioned, the witch rose her brow and looked at the taller werewolf. She was similar dressed to Jimin, the only difference was that the colour of the rain cape was deep purple. “Don’t drag me in this guys,” she said when she noticed Jimin pouting. “Jimin’s no doubt the cute one here.”



“And I’m the manly one.” Jungkook proudly patted his chest with his fist.



Yoongi snorted. “I think the title goes to Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung.”



“Hey!” The fire mage pouted. “Listen, this is how it should be: the manly ones are Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and I; the cute ones are Jimin, Hoseok and I; the pretty ones are Soojin and I and the scary one is Yoongi.”



“You mentioned yourself in every category except the last one,” said Namjoon and shook his head in disbelief. “Unbelievable...” He was wearing a beanie to cover his ears, that had shifted to a cat’s.



“Well,” Jungkook pretended to flip his hair, “what can I say? I’m also the hot one here. Blame it on my power.” He winked.



Jin, who had been listening at their conversation, sighed at them. “Hm?” His eyes snapped to the door that opened minutes after Yoongi had pressed the doorbell.



“Sorry for answering so late,” said the person who opened the door. It was a short, young woman that was a couple of years older than them. She had long straight hair and sparkly big doe eyes. “What can I help you wi— oh?” She blinked her eyes at the sight of them before she cracked a large smile.



“Hello Dawon.” Jin greeted.



The witch jumped up and down with a smile on her face at the sight of the woman. “Dawon!” she exclaimed before she jumped straight into her arms.



“Hey! It’s been a long time since you visited us. Come inside or you’ll drown from all the rain.” She ushered them inside and motioned for them to take a seat inside the living room after they had taken off their rain capes and placed their umbrella by the door. She found it strange when the shapeshifter and vampire kept their beanie and sunglasses on. But she decided to shrug it off as she knew there must be a reason behind it. Her eyes landed on the taller werewolf, who sat squished between the fire mage and shorter werewolf on the tiny couch. The larger one was occupied by Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. Soojin, on the other hand, was sitting on a chair and so did the woman. “You must be Taehyung, am I right?” she said.



“Ah, yes! You’re right.” Taehyung stretched his hand forward for her to take, which she did and they shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you… uh…” What was her name again? Namjoon had spoken about Hoseok’s family to him before they arrived and even mentioned the name of the healing mage’s sister. Heck, her name was even mentioned a minute ago. His cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Dang it...



“Dawon,” she said when noticing the expression on his face. “Jung Dawon. I’m Hoseok’s elder sister and a mage as well.” She smiled. “Speaking of Hoseok,” she said while sitting down, “I’m really glad you are here.”



“How is he?” asked Jin. “We haven’t heard anything from him for a while and he refuses to answer our calls and text messages.”



Dawon’s smile slowly turned into a tired frown. She looked down and sighed, heavily. “I don’t know what has gotten into him. He’s been acting like that for days now. Whenever I try to come into his room he would yell and scream for me to leave him alone.” She rubbed her tired eyes. They could see the dark circles under her eyes, it looked like she hadn’t slept properly for days. “He refuse to tell me and our parents the reason for his sudden change of behaviour but I think I do know it.”



“Has his other ability become a problem again?” asked Soojin, surprising her and confusing the boys.



The shorter werewolf tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?” He blinked his eyes in confusion.



Dawon, who was taken aback by the question but regained her calm, nodded slowly. “Yes, unfortunately.”



“Wait, wait!” Jungkook held his hands up. He didn’t understand what the witch meant. “Can you please explain to us what exactly is going on here? I don’t think anyone of us understand the situation right now.”



“I do,” chirped Jin.



“Of course you do.” The fire mage mused.



“Besides healing, Hoseok has an ability opposite of it—the ability to take the life out of living things.” Dawon said which made the boys stunned.



Namjoon was the first one to get back to his senses. “That’s… an incredible power,” he gasped.



“It’s incredible indeed. But I understand the pain he has to face by having this kind of ability,” she said. “Because of that it has made him very afraid of touching living things as he wouldn’t know if it would keep on living or die in the spot.” The shapeshifter gulped. It was hard to believe that his friend had to live with that horrifying fear for so long. Maybe he had this fear for his whole life? She turned to the witch. “I’m surprised you knew about it, Soojin. I thought Hoseok didn’t want you to know and thus kept it a secret.”



“I found out about it since I first met him,” replied Soojin. “After a living being dies, whether it’s a person, animal or plant, its spirit will linger in the world between life and death.” Dawon had almost forgot about her ability to sense spirits of the dead. She nodded her head, slightly apart, as she continued listening. “When I first saw him there was a lot of spirits around him. I confronted him about it and that’s when he told me about his ability and how difficult it was for him to control it. He made me promise to never tell it to anyone. Unfortunately,” she sighed and jabbed her thumb toward the light mage, “he managed to make him tell him by pestering me - that’s why he knows about it.”



“Well, I did know something was off by the way he acted around us.” Jin said to his defense. “I just wanted to know the reason behind his behaviour then.”



“Can we try to talk to him?” asked Yoongi, who had been silent the whole time since they arrived. “Right now he’s off track and need all the support and encouragement he can get. I believe we unconsciously encouraged him and somewhat helped him controlling his powers.”



“If we could help him then, we can help him now.” Jimin cheerfully pumped his fists in the air, wanting to help his friend as soon as possible.



Dawon pondered a moment before she gave them a smile. “It’s worth a try,” she said. “Thank you, guys. I’m so glad he has you as friends.”


On the upper floor, inside the dark room sat the healing mage by a corner with his knees against his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around them, his face was burrowed between the knee caps. His head was painfully aching, it felt like someone was banging his head against a wall. But it was his chest that was aching the most. The uncomfortable burning sensation had appeared hours after he discovered that his ability have returned and has been lingering since then.



All he wanted to do was to put an end of this terrible pain.



Kind of ironic, he thought. He had the ability to put an end for everyone - everyone but himself.



It hurted. He had this strong desire to grab a knife and carve the sensation out from his chest. But since he didn’t have it in his room, he had been scratching and pressing with the tip of a pen against the burning area. He didn’t want to feel this uncomfortable sensation, not again.



Tears streamed down his face and fell onto his knees. “Why?” he whispered to himself, his voice cracked but he did not care. “Why did it come back?” He stared down to his shaky, cold hands. “Why?!” He slammed his hands down on the floor, not caring how painful it felt when his hands touched the wooden surface. More tears appeared which made his vision blurry. “Damn it! Everyone suffers because of me! Why? Why was I born with such an awful ability?!” he cried.


“Remember what Dawon said; don’t go too close to him,” said Namjoon as they were walking down the hallway on the upper floor.



Dawon decided to stay in the living room to rest while the others would talk to Hoseok. She didn’t have to show them the way as they already knew where his room was, except for Taehyung so he just followed after them like a lost puppy. “I don’t know about you guys but I have this wierd feeling in my stomach,” said Yoongi. “I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but something will happen. I just feel it.”



“I hope it’s good so everything ends well,” said Jungkook.



“Shh! Listen!” hissed Jimin and motioned them to be quiet.



Everybody halted their steps and perked their ears to hear.



“Damn it! Everyone suffers because of me! Why? Why was I born with such an awful ability?!”



It was Hoseok who screamed from his room.



“He’s at his peak now.” Soojin said. She felt her stomach twist upon hearing the pain in his voice. “Let’s hurry.”



“Wait!” This time it was Taehyung who hissed for them to stop. “My pendant is twinkling.” He pointed out and showed them the pendant.



Namjoon cursed under his breath. “Why now?” he muttered. “Hoseok needs us now and that decides it is time to play around with his monsters?”



“He’s probably searching for the stone,” said Jin. “He knows very well that we have one of them and he won’t stop until he gets it. Besides, now we have two and both of them are here with Hoseok.”



“We have to protect the stones and him,” said Jimin. “I’ll stay here with him while you go.”



Jin faced the shapeshifter and vampire. “I suggest you stay here as well since your can’t control your powers.”



“No, I’ll go.” Yoongi said, determined.



“It’s alright I can stay here with Jimin,” said Namjoon. “Now go.”



They nodded, turned around and made their way outside. Soojin hesitated and sent an uncertain glance to the shapeshifter and werewolf. But they only gave her a confident grin and nodded for her to go. Eventually she followed the others, leaving the two behind.



“Who’s there?” They could hear a raspy voice ask from behind a door on the other end of the hallway.



Both glanced at each other at the same time before they, in an unison, neared the door that lead to the healing mage’s room. “It’s me; Jimin, and Namjoon.”



“What… are you doing here?” he asked. It sounded he was right behind the door.



“We’re worried about you, Hobi.” Namjoon said as he sat down on the floor with his legs crossed infront of the white wooden door. “Can you please tell us why you’re locking yourself away like that?”



“Go away…” he whispered. “It’s not safe to be around me.”



“We know,” said Jimin this time. “We are aware of the secret of yours; that you have an ability that can take lives away, even ours.” A faint gasp could be heard from the mage. “But we refuse to give up on you. Please tell us if there’s something we can do for you to help you. We really want to help you.” Judging by the silence on the other side of the door, they could tell he was hesitating. “You know, sometimes the best therapy is talking to your friends. Maybe you should try that? We will listen to you.”



“I... will try.”


“That bastard will pay when I catch him!” Soojin hissed between her heavy breathing. The rain whipped their faces when they ran down the streets in search of the monster and its creator. They had run straight out of the house without putting on their rain capes and taken their umbrella along, which made them exposed to the rain. As time passed their clothes got more wet and heavier. “I’ll beat him so badly for preventing us from comforting our friend like that!”



“Save your energy till later,” groaned Jungkook. “My drenched clothes are already enough to make me annoyed.”



“This way!” Taehyung led them off the street and into a forest. He found a path to make it easier for them to run, but they still had to be careful not to slip on tree roots and puddles. None of them knew where exactly they were heading to. Yoongi began to become frustrated at the seemingly aimless running. He speeded his pace and eventually ran ahead of them. “Yoongi!” the werewolf yelled when the vampire ran past him.



“Yoongi don’t run away from us!” yelled Jin but the vampire ignored him. “Dammit! He can’t control his powers yet and none of us have no idea what we’ll be facing. He might get himself hurt.”



“I’ll get him,” said Taehyung before he began to run in his werewolf speed, catching up with the vampire. “Yoongi wait!” he shouted. Eventually he was able to catch up with him, grab his arm and stop their tracks. They had arrived at an open grass field with only trees surrounding the area. The grass reached their knees, which made it quite difficult for them to walk. “Don’t run off like that,” he said with a firm voice. “You can’t control your powers well. What if you got attacked by Seunghwan’s monster and we weren’t nearby?”



The vampire only stared at him with an emotionless expression behind his pitch black sunglasses. He slowly shook his head, returned his arm to his side with a heavy sigh. “Sorry,” he apologized. “My powers are connected to my emotions and since I can’t control my powers I can not control my emotions.”



“Really?” The taller boy blinked his eyes and then smiled. “I will try to stay on your good side from now on.”



Sensing the little tease, Yoongi huffed but smiled back. “Good.” His smile dropped when he noticed something move in the tall grass behind Taehyung, who didn’t suspect anything. With his gaze fixed on the moving spot, he slowly grabbed him by his arm. He couldn’t see anything except for the tall grass. Wait, there was something there. His eyes narrowed and then widened when he saw something sparkling. “Dodge!” He pushed Taehyung to the side when a lightning bolt was shot toward them. They landed on the ground but quickly got up on their feet.



“!” Taehyung cursed, his eyes were wide in shock at the sudden ambush.



Now, infront of them, stood a two meter tall frilled neck lizard. Small electric sparks appeared around its black, scaly body. Its eyes were black as well and its mouth were widely open. A small orb of electricity appeared in its open mouth and grew as each second passes. Knowing what it was going to do next, Taehyung pushed Yoongi back and they began to run. To their shock, the frilled neck lizard ran after them.



In that moment Jin, Jungkook and Soojin arrived at the open field and saw the werewolf and vampire running away from the giant lizard. “Is that a Chlamydosaurus kingii?” The witch blinked her eyes.



Jin nodded. “That’s right.”



“I don’t know if I should laugh or cry,” said Jungkook.



“Why?” Soojin rose a brow at him.



“I used to watch videos of a frilled neck lizard running and it always made me laugh. But now when I see it before me…” He bit his bottom lip to hold back his laughter. Out of sudden he had his phone in his hands and were taking pictures of his friends being chased by the monster. “Jimin will love it so much when he sees these,” he cackled.



Jin sent him a glare. “Put it away, we have to help them.”



“Okay I’m done.” The fire mage put his phone back into his pocket. “Let’s kick some .” He pumped his fist in the air before he and Jin ran to help their friends.



Soojin stayed still, her eyes scanning the area in suspicion. “Where is he?” she mumbled to herself.


“You know, sometimes the best therapy is talking to your friends. Maybe you should try that? We will listen to you.” He heard Jimin say with a soothing voice.



Hoseok blinked his tears away. Maybe it would help him ease the pain? He’d never talked about this to anyone before. He bit his bottom lip, pondering whether he should or not.



“I... will try,” he finally said. “This ability of mine - the ability to take the life out of living things—is something I was born with. I wasn’t aware of this ability till I became 6 year old. My sister and I was playing in the garden…” He closed his eyes when he recalled the memory of that time. His breathing became unsteady and tears rece again to his eyes. He had to take a sharp breath to calm himself down. “Don’t break down. You should tell them,” he whispered to himself. “As we were playing we began to fight. I remember she said something that made me upset a-and it was then I pushed her out of anger. She fell…” He paused. “She didn’t cry, scream or anything when she fell. She was just silent and didn’t move at all. I panicked and called my parents. They rushed her to a friend of our family—a healing witch. Luckily, she was able to save Dawon.”



He sobbed, tears were streaming down his face as he remembered the lifeless body of his sister lying on the ground. “I-I-I almost killed her! I almost killed my own sister because I was upset,” he sniffled. “Now my powers have grown and gotten worse. I can take the lives of living things without even touching them. I am a danger to everyone!”



“Hobi…” He heard Namjoon say. “Think about this; you were able to control your ability back then, and I know you can do it again if you believe in youself.”



“I told you; I can’t. My powers are much worse now than before!” he cried. “I woke up one day and found every plant in my room were dead! I didn’t even touch them…”



“Hoseok.” This time it was Jimin who spoke, “how were you able to control your powers before?”



The mage tried to think but it only made him dizzy. He grabbed his head as he tried to keep his vision clear. “I don’t know..” he managed to utter. “I can’t remember. I only used my healing ability to heal your wounds after every training…” He opened his eyes at the realization.



“That’s right,” mused Jimin. “You pushed away your fears and healed us. We knew you could help us and trusted you. Even through the toughest times we still believed in you, and we still do.”



His words seemed to ease the pain in his chest. He leaned his head against the cool surface of the door in an attempt to ease the dizziness. A wave of relief washed over him. Maybe it wasn’t impossible for him to gain control of his power again. He closed his eyes again, this time with a small smile on his lips.


“We’re going to die!” cried Taehyung as he and the vampire once again dodged the lightning bolts the frilled neck lizard sent them. He had tried to fight the giant lizard but as soon as his foot touched its scale he almost got electrocuted by it. The way the lizard was running made it ten times scarier to him. “I don’t want to die yet!”



“Me neither.” Yoongi uttered.



“Blast of Light!” they heard someone yell and a second later they heard the lizard scream in pain.



The vampire turned around and got relieved when he saw Jin and Jungkook approaching them. “Fire Dragon’s roar!” Jungkook spat fire at the monster, who backed away from it. “This will give us some time,” he said.



“The monster shoots lightning and is protected by an electric barrier that makes it impossible for us to make a direct hit,” explained Yoongi quickly.



“Well then,” Jin mused. “It’s seems that only magic works on it. Stay back for now.”



Taehyung looked around, searching for a certain someone. “Where’s Soojin?” he asked in worry.



“Huh?” Everyone looked around but couldn’t see the witch anywhere. “I thought she was right behind us,” said Jungkook.



The lizard roared and created another orb of lightning to shoot at them. “She can take care of herself,” said Jin as he prepared to attack. A white circle appeared underneath him as ancient letters began to circle around him. “We must defeat it now.” He brought his hands infront of him just as the lizard pointed the orb toward them. “Laser beam!”



The forces of light and lightning created a collision when they met halfway of each other. A glaring light of white and yellow brightened the place up. As the monster was occupied, Yoongi took the chance to grab Taehyung by his arm and run to the side. Flames appeared around Jungkook’s hands and it made its way up on his arms. He got into his stance and waited for the lights to end. “Ah!” Jin panted and broke his spell when he could no longer hold it up.



As soon as the two forces disappeared, Jungkook ran forward and striked the lizard with fire. They winced when it roared in pain. “Ugh!” The fire mage groaned when the monster smacked him with its long tail, causing him to fly to the side and tumble on the ground.



“!” Jin gritted his teeth when he saw his friend flying to the side. Soojin’s absence had made them undermanned in magic. They had to find the ruby as quick as possible. “Where in the world can the ruby be?” asked Jin himself. His eyes widened when he saw a red spot on its neck when it turned around. “Got ya’.” He smirked. “The ruby’s on its neck, Kook! I’ll distract it and you take it down!”



“Okay...” huffed the fire mage as he standed up, grabbing his aching arm. Small, white electric sparks appeared around him. He let out a shaky breath as he watched Jin attack it endlessly with magic, distracting it. On its neck, hidden behind its frill, he could see a ruby attached on it. Fire appeared around his hands again, “here we go,” he whispered to himself. He flinched when he felt a sharp pain in his lower body, especially the part where he got hit by the monster. The fire around his hands disappeared and he crouched down in pain. “D-Damn it!” he cursed. The pain made it impossible for him to move. His face paled when he couldn’t scream to Jin.



This was not good...






Soojin ran as fast as she could, sometimes she stumbled on some tree roots but she was always quick on her feet and returned her fast pace. She had seen his silhoutte strolling on the sidelines of the open grass field, not far away from the where the battle was held. Thanks to the trees, she was shielded from most of the rain which made it easier for her to move. And it also made it easier for her to follow him. As she neared him, she prepared a spell that made an orb of shadow appear above her open palm. She could see him leaning against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest as he was watching the battle infront of him. Without wasting a second, she stepped out from her hideout and aimed the orb at him. “Found you.”



Seunghwan lazily glanced to her. “Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you went.” He stretched his body by raising his arms and let out a yawn. “The battle’s so boring without you there,” he said before giving her a grin.



She scowled. “Wipe that grin away from your face and tell me why you created this monster,” she ordered.



“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He shook his head. “Impatient as always. Why can’t you just appreciate the creation of mine, huh?” The corner of his lips curved up into a smirk. Soojin noticed how his yellow eyes seemed to glow in the dark, which was quite fascinating yet scary. “I heard you’ve found the second Spiritual Stone.” She was taken aback by his knowledge but before she could question him about it he continued; “I know you won’t hand them over to me even if I kindly ask so—that’s why I created Lizzy to eliminate you.”



Anger boiled from the pit of her stomach upon hearing his words. “You bastard,” she hissed. “Why are you searching for those stones anyway? What use do you have of them?”



His brows rose up in surprise. “I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet,” he mused. “Well, I don’t know if I should tell you or not but…” He glanced to the side, to where the battle was held. His smirk grew. “Since you will not be here for long I guess I can tell you.” He turned his head toward her and vanished from her sight, which surprised her.



She looked around but couldn’t see him anywhere. A feeling of nostalgia washed over her. He had done the exact same thing at that time she found in inside her school’s inside pool. She groaned, “you know I’m starting to get tired of your constant teleportation.”



“Oh really?” She heard him say from her right. She quickly aimed the orb in the direction where she heard his voice and began to shoot streams of shadow. “Ouch!” He winced when he got struck by one of them and grabbed his shoulder. Soojin took the chance to land flurry of punches on him that made him back away till he eventually had his back against a tree, preventing him from backing further. She placed her forearm near his throat in a threatening manner. “I see you’ve gotten better at this,” he said, completely amused by her.



“Tell me,” she began, “why are you doing this?”



He silently stared at her for a while with an emotionless expression on his face. “I’m doing it because those stones are the keys to revive my master.”



“You do realize that your ‘master’ is a demon, right? The Lord of the Demons in the Underworld!” she hissed. “Why in the world do you have a connection with a demon?”



His eyes narrowed at her. “So you do know the reason…” A low rumble could be heard above them. “Heh..” He smirked, “my master saved me and my sister from dying in the streets of this ugly world. Thanks to Master, my loyalty to her are endless and I will do everything I can to revive her, even if it means killing the people who stands in my way. Too bad you are one of those people, I would’ve played with you longer but my master is getting impatient.”



“You sick, sick bastard.” Soojin breathed heavily, adding pressure on his throat which made him flinch. “I can understand why you’re loyal to that Demon as it has saved you and your sister’s life, but what I can not understand is your pleasure in hurting people. You’ve always called my friends and I foolish but I wonder who’s the real fool here.” Every cell in her body was ready to beat him up but she knew it wouldn’t change his mindset. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. “I don’t know what you’ve gone through but let me tell you this; the world may be ugly but there’s so much to live for. Don’t waste your life on revenge and enjoy what life has to offer. If you still desire finding ways how to revive the master of yours,” she leaned closer their eye contact never wavered, “my friends and I will always be there to stop you,” she said in a dark tone.



The rumbles in the sky grew louder, they could hear the thunder right above them. Seunghwan smirked and looked up to the dark sky. His actions caused Soojin to scowl more, sensing there was something he had planned. She could hear the lizard roar when another thunder appeared in the sky.







“What the—!?” Jin gasped when the lizard suddenly stopped attacking him and standed straight up with its frill open. The lizard opened its mouth and roared along to the sound of thunder in the sky. A sudden lightning appeared in the sky and striked right on top of the lizard. To his shock, the lizard seemed unharmed after the lightning struck. It looked like it has gotten more energy and power. Electric sparks appeared all around its body and it ruffled its head. Something bad was going to happen, he could sense it.



He glanced to Jungkook, who seemed dazed after the hit from the lizard. “Kook! It’s your chance!” he yelled. He had to destroy the ruby before it was too late. “Jungkook!” he shouted again but it didn’t seem he was reacting to his calls. His eyes widened when he spotted thin white lines appear around his body. “Oh no…” he gasped. “Sun’s Reflection!” he casted and snapped his fingers. In that moment a replica of him appeared beside him. He ran to the right while the replica ran to the left, confusing the monster. The lizard snapped its head left to right in search of the real him. It growled in frustration when it couldn’t decide which one was the real one and, to his luck, it began to chase his replica. “Are you alright?” he asked when he approached the fire mage.



“I-I-I’m fine,” stuttered Jungkook as he tried to stand up. “Argh!” he groaned when electric sparks appeared around him. Despite the pain, he was able to stand on his feet, lightly swaying to the sides as he tried to keep his balance. “I don’t think I can move so much…” he said before his body twitched, causing more electric sparks to appear. He scrunched his face and hissed in pain.



“The hit must’ve given you an electric shock. You have to get out of here now,” muttered Jin as he looked around, searching for the vampire and werewolf that suddenly had disappeared. Then he saw the witch, who was dealing with their other enemy on the sidelines. His expression darkened upon the sight but he quickly regained his focus on helping Jungkook. “We can’t afford to injure ourselves now when Hoseok is in a bad condition, but we must stop the monster so it won’t get into town.. Can you run?” The fire mage was confused by the question but slowly nodded as reply. He pressed his lips together into a firm line, turned around and began walking to the monster. “Stay there and keep an eye on Soojin. You know when to run.”



“Jin no.” Jungkook said sharply. “Whatever you’re planning to do—don’t do it!” he yelled. “Ugh!” He groaned when he felt more pain.



The lizard, who had been eagerly attacking the replica of Jin, heard the fire mage’s call and turned around to see Jin walking toward it.



Jin got into his stance when an orb of lightning appeared infront of its open mouth. The lightning struck must have loaded its power since the orb seemed much larger than before. That was no good. His whole body was drenched in water, if he got struck by the lightning it was going to send he may be electrocuted. Yoongi and Taehyung were nowhere to be seen. If he fled now then surely the lizard would target Jungkook, who was defensless in his current condition. In an attenpt to calm down his pounding heart, he took a deep breath as a light appeared between his clasped hands. “I’m sorry Jungkook. I have no choice.” When he seperated them there was an orb of light. He carefully watched white electric sparks dance around the monster’s body as the orb of lightning grew larger.



One hit and he’ll be dead. He only had one chance.



‘Please Goddess, give me enough strength to protect my friends,’ he thought to himself. The lizard roared before it leaned forward and shoot a large lightning bolt at him. He gritted his teeth and stretched his hands forward. “Blast of Pure Light!” he casted and sent the light to it. Their powers collided midway, which created a glaring light with the shades of white and yellow.








“Huh?” Soojin and Seunghwan turned their heads when the field suddenly brightened up. The witch flinched at the sudden brightness and immediately let go of Seunghwan to cover her eyes. “What’s happening?” she asked in surprise. The light caused a burning sensation in her eyes and skin that were not covered. She bit her the tip of her tongue to prevent herself from groaning in pain.



“Looks like Light-head and Lizzy are going off,” the boy replied after he detected two figues standing in the source of light. His eyes snapped to the witch, who still had her eyes covered. He noticed her trembling and how her face was scrunched up behind her arms, almost like she was in pain. Without thinking, he pulled her to the side, behind a tree to shield her from the light. She furrowed her brows in confusion at his actions but decided to keep silent and continue to cover her eyes. His eyes widened when he realized what he just did. Averting his gaze, he took a step away from her. “We’re done for tonight,” muttered Seunghwan faintly. He glanced at Soojin one last time before he vanished into the thin air.



“Soojin!” She heard someone shout. “Soojin!”



Without uncovering her eyes, she responded; “I’m over here!” She didn’t dare to open her eyes. “Jungkook!”



The fire mage limped to the direction where he heard her voice and found her hiding behind a tree. “Are you alright?” he asked when he saw she was covering her eyes. When he stood beside her, his knees weakened which made him collapse to the ground. He glanced up and was relieved to see she still was shielding her eyes and haven’t noticed his condition.



“Yeah.” She nodded. “Is he going to be alright?”



He furrowed his brows. “I.. don’t know,” he replied and glanced to their friend and the lizard on the grass field. “The monster’s loaded itself with lightning before it attacked. I’m afraid Jin won’t be able to hold it for so long,” he said with a low voice, almost like a whisper.



She could hear how doubtful he sounded, and it terrified her.








Sweat mixed with rain drops ran down his face as he focused all his energy not to falter. The lightning of the monster was much stronger than his own magic, he could see how his own powers decreased. “Damn it!” he hissed and tried to add more force into his beam of light. It worked, but only for a moment. He could feel his energy decrease and it was a matter of time before the monster’s force would strike him. His breathing became heavier, his arms started to ache and his legs weakened. But he refused to give up. If he broke his spell now and successfully dodged the lightning it would probably strike the forest and start a fire. So he had to endure it, and when its energy was low it would give him the chance to strike it. Only if he could hold on before that. “Come on,” he muttered to himself as he watched his force decrease in length.



His gaze snapped to the sidelines when he noticed something—a figure—run past him and straight toward the monster. “I got your back, buddy!” the figure yelled. A smile grew on his lips when he realized who it was.



The werewolf ran straight toward the monster as fast as he could. It didn’t seem it had noticed him as its gaze was kept on the light mage. Behind its frill was the ruby, widely exposed and ready for him to hit it. He smirked and when he was nearing it, he jumped into the air with his right arm above his head. He spun around in the air before he dived down head first toward the monster. Without him noticing, his eye colour turned into bright blue. “Ahh!!” he screamed as he flew down and smashed the ruby so it cracked and scattered into pieces.



A purple light shone from the cracked ruby as the monster roared in pain and ended its attack on Jin. The light mage immediately broke his magic and almost collapsed while panting heavily. “Eh?” Taehyung noticed some electric sparks. He screamed when he felt a sudden electric shock coming from the lizard which sent him flying backwards and tumble on the ground.



More roars came from the lizard while it stomped around on its spot. The light from the ruby began to cover its body. Jin watched it struggle to stay alive. To his surprise, an orb of lightning appeared infront of its open mouth and it finally stayed still just to aim it on something—on him. His face paled when he realized what it was going to do but his body didn’t work as fast as his mind. The light had now covered the monster’s whole body and as it was covering its mouth the orb released a lightning bolt just before the purple light made the orb disappear.



With wide eyes, Jin watched the lightning bolt fly straight toward him. When it was right infront of him, a figure appeared in his vision. An ear-piercing scream filled his ears when the figure took the lightning bolt for him. The figure was standing infront of him with his head hung low and its back facing the monster, that had now dispersed into the sparkling light. Smoke was seeping from the burned area on his back and Jin could smell burned flesh in the cold, wet air. The figure tilted his head up. His heart stopped beating when he saw who the person was. “... Y-Yoo..” he uttered in shock. The vampire smiled weakly to him before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious. “YOONGI!” he screamed from the top of his lungs as he flung himself to the ground beside the unconscious vampire. He did not dare turn the body around as he was afraid to cause more damage to the burned back. The vampire’s clothes had been burned off and was now revealing his burned, red skin with smoke seeping from it. “No, no, no! Yoongi no!”



“Jin! Yoongi!” the others shouted as they approached them. Soojin was supporting the limping Jungkook by having his arm around her shoulders while Taehyung sprinted toward them without caring how his arm was painfully aching from the electric shock.



!” Jungkook cursed when he saw the lifeless body of his friend and nudged Soojin to check the vampire’s pulse.



Soojin carefully placed her index finger and middle finger on his neck. They watched her in tension as she kept moving her hand to find his pulse. “His heart is still beating,” she announced, “faintly though.”



“He must be healed immediately,” said Taehyung.


“Someone call Hoseok,” ordered Jin. “We need him right now!”









A/N: Oh yeah some angst in this chapter yeaaah~

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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 44: Your updates always make my day. I never knew I could love fantasy stories so much.
I can't wait for the next updates, FIGHTING
mariaceciliaeusebio #2
Chapter 44: Please up date real soon on yhe next chapter
eechangel #3
Chapter 44: Yonggiiiii!! Oh gosh hoseok he need you!!
I'm so sad I'm up to date with the chapters, I've been binging this for the last few days. I hope you update soon, I love it!
eechangel #5
Chapter 43: Aww i want more TT
thekeytodestiny #6
Chapter 41: Okay, I'm honestly a Yoonjin shipper. They are just adorable! Typical Jimin to forget their homework! Hahahah.
hlakupaw #7
Chapter 40: Even though I want to be a journalist when I grow up, I don't have the slightest energy to do anything. I don't think I can even write a good story. And we'll wait for your story, author-nim, no matter what problems or challenges you are facing.
Chapter 40: Oh my gosh!! Thanks for updating author-nim! I've been waiting for this story to continue... hope to be able to read another new great chapter soon... hopefully they're fine... I was hoping that Jin could play a big part for their next hunt for the other jewel... anyway, Fighting!
thekeytodestiny #9
Chapter 39: Wow. The book is interesting. I think it's a clue, clue into the past. But why was it about Yoongi and not any other person? That's strange, was it planned by someone? Or does each person have their own book and Taehyung just so happened to grab Yoongi's book,
hlakupaw #10
Chapter 39: Now that we've seen yoongi past let's finish this journey. Man I don't want this to end, this is one of my favorite BTS fanifics.