Caught! (In the Fight)

When Troubles Arises

This chapter is a side story and it will not affect the actual plot!

“Ugh!” Namjoon grunted after the cat-like monster hit his side which made him tumble on the ground. He quickly got up and shifted himself into a Schaefer and growled at the monster who was standing there, looking like it was smirking at him. The monster resembled a werecat with its woman-like figure, but the whole body was covered in golden, leopard-printed fur with white lines circling around its body. Its face, however, did not resemble a human. It had a round, furry face with whiskers beside its pink nose. The eyes of the leopard-woman were bright green with darker shade around the narrow pupils. On her chest was a red ruby attached. Further away from him was Taehyung, Hoseok, Soojin and Yoongi fighting against a similar creature.


A sudden harsh wind blew past Namjoon. It was Jimin running. He had his wolf ears and tail visible, which made his abilities power up. “I’ll take this!” he yelled when he ran past him and immediately attacked the werecat with his clenshed fist in the air. The leopard-woman defensed herself when he endlessly attacked her with punches and kicks by crossing her arms. For each hit he landed on her, the further back she went. “Ah!” Jimin dodged her claws when she aimed for his face and quickly jumped back. She hissed at him while he glanced to someone behind her. “Now!” he shouted.


“Wall of Flame!” Jungkook rose his hands up, making a circle of fire burst up and rise and rise from the ground, trapping the leopard-woman. She hissed as she looked around for an escape but couldn’t find any. Slowly, Jungkook moved his hands closer to each other, making the circle of fire decrease. The leopard-woman hissed more and backed away from the fire around her till she couldn’t move anymore. “Jin!” he yelled, looking around for the light mage.


“Here I come!” A white light appeared between Jin’s hands. He put his hands infront of him and shouted, “Laser Beam!”. The laser hit straight into her chest, where the ruby was placed and it got shattered into pieces. They watched the leopard-woman glow in the colour of golden yellow and then shift her features into a crystal-like form.


“Finally!” shouted Soojin in relief when Taehyung successfully shattered the ruby that was on the similar creature they were fighting against. Just like the leopard-woman, the creature’s features shifted into the form of a crystal.


Everyone was breathing heavily after the intense fight. Bleeding cuts and bruises covered their open skins, mostly their faces and the sides of their bodies. A slow clapping could be heard not far away from them. “Good job.” Seunghwan congratulated, smiling ear to ear. “I’m impressed of you, especially you Soojinnie.” He winked to the witch.


The latter made a face of disgust at his words. “Screw you, Seunghwan!” She snapped. He only chuckled at her and then vanished into thin air. “Yeah, do that. Run away and hide you little chickadee.” She stuck her tongue out in the direction where he’d disappeared.


Yoongi looked at her. “Wow. I never knew you could be such a badass. I think I’m scared of you now,” he deadpanned, his expression matching the tone in his voice.




“Let’s just collect the spirits and return to their bodies,” said Hoseok. His energy was drained from all the fighting and didn’t want anything more than to get home and lay on his bed. Fortunately, everyone thought the same as him.


Little did they know there was someone watching them from the bushes.


“Geez.. My back is hurting so much after the kick you gave me.” The fire mage groaned loudly as he and his friends was walking out of their school.


Jimin laughed. “That’s what happens when you act too cocky around me.” He playfully patted his back which caused the fire mage to groan more and jump aside.


“You’re very good in combat, Soojin.” Taehyung said while smiling brightly to her.


The witch, feeling flattered by the compliment, smiled back. “Thanks. You’re very good too, Tae.”


“Eh, you were okay to me,” said Jin, who was walking beside the witch and heard the compliments they gave each other. “There was some attacks you could’ve blocked and open spots you could’ve attacked but other than that you were fine.”


“Shut up.” Soojin grumbled and kicked his . Now she was annoyed thanks to his comments.


“Now now, don’t fight.” Namjoon circled his arms around the shoulders of the mage and the witch’s. “I’m too tired to hear your bickering so can you, please, be peaceful, hm?” He grinned while shifting his gaze between the two, waiting for their answers.


“Of course we can,” replied Soojin. “Only if he stops annoying me.”


Jin scoffed. “Looks who’s talking. You are the one who annoys me.”


“Why you little—“


Yoongi managed to grab the witch and pull her back before she could jump on the mage, who was now held back by the shapeshifter. “Cool down, cool down now.” He patted her head. “I guess you’re still heated after P.E. Why don’t we go to the mall and buy something to cool us down?”


“Sounds great!” Jungkook nodded in excitement.


They exited the school gate and immediately headed to the mall.


Hours passed. They spent most of the time playing arcade games (except for Jimin who watched them play while eating snacks) and before they decided to quit and go home they went to the nearest bubble tea stand to buy drinks.


“Ah~!” Soojin let out a sigh of relief after she took a sip from her chocolate flavoured drink. “This is exactly what I need.” They were sitting on some park benches outside of the mall. Soojin, Jungkook and Hoseok was sitting down while the others stood around them.


“I agree.” Jungkook, who sat beside her. He sunk down on his seat while sipping on his drink. “Bubble tea always cools down my inner flame.”


His words caused them to snort. “It’s been a long time since we could rest like this,” said Jimin. Nods along with grunts of agreement could be heard around him.


“Hm?” Hoseok blinked his eyes when he noticed a head of a person sticking out from a corner of a building. The person immediately hid behind the corner as soon as he turned his head toward her. He slowly faced forward, away from the person and saw the person slowly stick its head out again. “Guys.. There’s someone spying on us,” he said.


“Oh, so I was not the only one who noticed.” Jin mused and sipped his tea. “That girl has been following us the whole time.”


The witch blinked her eyes. “Eh? It’s a girl?” She glanced to the small girl who was still peeking at them. “I thought it was a boy.”


“Am I the only one who didn’t notice?” Jungkook scratched his nape in embarrassment when everybody shrugged their shoulders.


Namjoon tilted his head to the side. “I wonder if she wants something from us.”


“We won’t know if we don’t ask,” said Yoongi before he walked to the opposite direction of where the girl was. Understanding what he was going to do; the werewolves and the fire mage waved their hands to him as they watched him walk further away from them before disappearing behind a corner of a building.


Yoongi looked around his surrounding to see there were not many humans at the street, most of them had their backs against him. He eyed the street and when he spotted an alley not far away he immediately headed toward it. As soon as he entered the empty alley he used his vampire speed to run to the building the girl was hiding behind. He didn’t worry about getting spotted by the humans he ran past. For the humans he was only a sudden gust of wind blowing past them. When he saw the figure of the girl he ran into an another alley to stop the running. With his hands inside his pockets, he quietly walked out of the alley, looking around his surrounding in case a human found him suspicious- thankfully they didn’t seem to care about him as they did not spare him a single glance- and he approached the girl from behind. As he came closer, he noticed she was holding a smart phone in her hands, recording his friends. His eyes narrowed at the sight. With a scowl on his face, he did not hesitate to to grab her by the collar of her uniform and pull her out of her hiding spot.


“Hey!” the girl shouted as he dragged her toward the group. “Let-let me go!” She tried to punch and kick him but he only grabbed her backpack and lifted her up above the ground. “H-Hey!” She paniced when she couldn’t feel her feet touching the ground.


“Be careful of her, Yoongi.” Hoseok frowned at the way he held her. “She’s only a child.”


The vampire placed her between Jungkook and Hoseok as Soojin decided to give her her seat. Namjoon crouched down infront of her and gave her a soft smile. “So, little girl, is the—”


“Why are you spying on us?” asked the vampire, cutting the shapeshifter’s sentence.


The girl shook her head. “I’m not!” she said in defence. “I’m just admiring you from afar.. that’s all…” She looked down to her hands that was lying on top of her lap with the smart phone between.


They exchanged questioning looks to each other. She admired them? Why? “What’s your name?” asked Taehyung with a gentle tone in his voice.


“Kim Hwayoung,” answered the girl.


“Oh, you’re a Kim too? I am Kim Taehyung.” He smiled when she looked up in surprise.


The light mage raised his hand up. “I’m Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. And they are Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Jo Soojin, Jung Hoseok and your abductor, Min Yoongi.” He chuckled when the vampire scowled at the introduce.


“I’m susprised you have ordinary names,” said Hwayoung.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Jimin in confusion.


She looked at him with big eyes. “I thought all magical creature had names like Bahram, Ogma, Helion, Damaseus or something like that.”





The group of supernaturals tilted their heads at her words. Why did she assume they would have those strange names. Wait… That would mean she knows what they are. Their faces turned pale one by one at the realization and they all stared at her with wide eyes. “You.. You-u know what we are?” asked Soojin, slowly.


Hwayoung nodded her head to their disbelief with a bright smile on her face. “I saw you fighting against those monster a few nights ago. It was awesome!” She squealed a little while jumping on her seat. The way she acted reminded them of the way fangirls behave when they were near their idols. When they thought about it, they were kind of idolised at the moment by her. “I like the way you cast the spells to attack and the way you fight with your own bare hands! Oh! And also when you flew on that broom to attack from above was so cool!” The more she spoke, the more her eyes sparkled. They could see how much she adored them. “You all are so cool! I even recorded the whole fight, here I can show you.” She picked up her phone and after a few taps on the screen she showed them the video of them fighting.


“That’s… amazing…” Jungkook forced a smile. Cold sweat ran down his back. They had to get rid of the video as quick as possible or the entire human race will know their existence. He slowly raised his hand to grab the phone but pulled it back when Hwayoung pulled the phone closer to her.


“Tell me,” her eyes glimmered, “are there more of you?” she asked. Taehyung hesitated but answered it was a secret. “Wah~” she awed. “Are you all full-bloods or half-bloods?”


“Well, we are—” Namjoon tried to answer but got interrupted.




“Do you call us humans muggles? Are there similarities to your world and the Harry Potter world?” Her questions rambled on, not giving them a chance to answer them. “Do you go to a school like Hogwarts where you learn spells and magical potions? Are you all warlocks?” She turned to Soojin. “How many girls goes to your school? How come you are the only girl that hangs out with them? Who’s your boyfriend? Is it him?” She pointed to Taehyung. His face turned red at the question, same thing happened for the witch.


“A-Ah no..” She stuttered, completely flustered by the questions she threw at her. “It’s not like that… uh...” She felt her face burn in embarrassment, and it didn’t ease when Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at her. She glared at him for him to stop but he only laughed more.


Jimin sighed. “Why do humans assume we live in Harry Potter’s world?” He sighed again, rubbing his temple. “J.K. Rowling have spread so much false information about us…”


“They are much better than Twilight tho.” Namjoon pointed out.


“Can’t argue with that,” said the shorter werewolf and shrugged.


“I think you have read too many Harry Potter books,” laughed Hoseok, awkwardly while patting her head.


“Listen, Hwayoung.” Jin began. He was standing with his arms crossed above his chest with a serious look on his face. “Even if you promise us you won’t tell anyone about our existence we will still be unsafe. Even you can not be safe because of your knowledge. You have to forget everything about us.”


Her eyes widened at his words. “W-What?” she stammered. “But…” She looked down to her phone. “I’m only 11 years old… I can’t end like this...” she whispered, her voice shaking in fear.


Jungkook and Jimin couldn’t hold back their chuckle. She was really cute assuming they had to kill her in order to be safe. “No, no.” Jin shook his head when he understood what she meant. “Oh gosh, we’re not going to kill you. We won’t, I promise.” He placed his hand on the left side of his chest.


She looked up to him. Tears could be visible in her eyes but she held them back. “Okay.. I trust you.” She sniffled a little. “It’s hard to doubt your words when you look like a prince. It’s unbelivable that you actually are a warlock.”


“Thanks. But I’m not a warlock– I’m a mage,” he corrected with a smile on his lips. “None of us are warlocks. Hoseok, Jungkook and I are mages; Soojin is a witch; Namjoon is a shapeshifter; Jimin and Taehyung are werewolves and Yoongi is a vampire.”


“Wow~” formed like an ‘o’ at the information. She then smiled. “It’s bad I have to forget about this. You all seems so nice, even you.” She looked at Yoongi, who only chuckled at her.


“It won’t hurt,” he said as he standed infront of her. “Just look into my eyes.” She did what he told her to do. From the corner of his eye he saw Jin signalling him that it was not many people around and it was okay to use his powers. “Now.” The colour of his eyes changed into violet. They watched the light in Hwayoung’s eyes fade away when Yoongi hypnotized her. “Listen to me. I want you to forget everything about us. Delete the video footage you have and return home. Tomorrow you won’t know who we are and forget everything you’ve seen, is that clear?”


“Yes, master.” Hwayoung replied with a lifeless tone in her voice. Taehyung had to admit it was a little frightening to see the drastic change of behaviour. But he knew it was the vampire’s doing. They watched her tap on her phone screen a few times, deleting the video she had recorded of them. Then she jumped off the park bench and walked away. No one could’ve guessed at first glance that she was hypnotized.


“Bye, Hwayoung.” Jimin waved his hand as they watched her slowly disappear in the distance. He knew she couldn’t hear him but it felt right to wave her off. Everyone followed his action so they all waved her off till she disappeared from their sights.


“I’m going to miss her even though we met her today,” sobbed Jungkook.


“The world is smaller than you think,” said Soojin and smiled. “Who knows, maybe we’ll meet her soon,”


On their way to school the next day the group of friends saw middle schoolers walk toward their own school. Among them was Hwayoung, walking with her face burrowed in a thick book. On the cover was a boy with round glasses. They exchanged knowing looks to each other and chuckled. “Like you said, Soojin; the world is indeed a small place,” chuckled Yoongi.


“I know.” She grinned and her gaze met Taehyung’s, who was smiling at her. He ruffled her hair before he placed his arm around her neck, bringing her closer to him.

Everybody was laughing happily as they continued their way to school.





A/N: Just a side story - not an actual chapter. I'm still working on it but I thought it had been a while since I last updated so I created this quickly to update. More side stories will appear 'cause it's fun to write them^^

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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 44: Your updates always make my day. I never knew I could love fantasy stories so much.
I can't wait for the next updates, FIGHTING
mariaceciliaeusebio #2
Chapter 44: Please up date real soon on yhe next chapter
eechangel #3
Chapter 44: Yonggiiiii!! Oh gosh hoseok he need you!!
I'm so sad I'm up to date with the chapters, I've been binging this for the last few days. I hope you update soon, I love it!
eechangel #5
Chapter 43: Aww i want more TT
thekeytodestiny #6
Chapter 41: Okay, I'm honestly a Yoonjin shipper. They are just adorable! Typical Jimin to forget their homework! Hahahah.
hlakupaw #7
Chapter 40: Even though I want to be a journalist when I grow up, I don't have the slightest energy to do anything. I don't think I can even write a good story. And we'll wait for your story, author-nim, no matter what problems or challenges you are facing.
Chapter 40: Oh my gosh!! Thanks for updating author-nim! I've been waiting for this story to continue... hope to be able to read another new great chapter soon... hopefully they're fine... I was hoping that Jin could play a big part for their next hunt for the other jewel... anyway, Fighting!
thekeytodestiny #9
Chapter 39: Wow. The book is interesting. I think it's a clue, clue into the past. But why was it about Yoongi and not any other person? That's strange, was it planned by someone? Or does each person have their own book and Taehyung just so happened to grab Yoongi's book,
hlakupaw #10
Chapter 39: Now that we've seen yoongi past let's finish this journey. Man I don't want this to end, this is one of my favorite BTS fanifics.