Surprises At The Mall

When Troubles Arises

Soojin sipped on her chocolate bubble tea as she scanned through the crowd of people inside the mall. She was waiting for Minyoung to arrive before they could begin to shop. Her class had ended early, which gave her time to go home and change from her school uniform into casual ones; a baby pink shirt with a black star printed on it, denim jeans and black converse highs. Her hair was set up into a ponytail with a few bobby pins to keep her hair in place. Since she and Minyoung was not in the same grade they ended school on different time. Minyoung had texted her about twenty minutes ago that she ended school and was going home first to change clothes like she had done.


The witch leaned against the railing, sipping on her drink while looking everywhere. She was bored but she patiently waited for her friend to come. Among the crowd she could spot some girl and boy groups walking around, still in their uniforms. Some of them was from her school. When their gazes met hers they bowed their heads while walking past her as she did the same back and smiled to them. It wasn’t a surprise that they knew who she was. The top 7 best students are all very popular and are the most respected students in S.N High.


Chewing on some of the tapioca pearls, she stared into the air while thinking about something. “Hm?” Her eyes got locked on a person who was staring at her for a second but soon disappeared among the crowd, not giving her enough time to recognize the person.




She blinked her eyes. Why did it feel like she has seen that person before? “Soojin!” She heard someone call her name and turned her head to see Minyoung walking up to her with a big smile on her face. She wore a light green sleeveless shirt and a white skirt with matching flats. In her hair was a small white ribbon that was clipping her bangs away from her face.


“Hi, Minyoung!” Soojin smiled at her.


“I’m sorry it took so long time to get here. Mr Kim wouldn’t let us go when the bell rang because of some immature boys in my class was playing around.” She puffed out her cheeks and frowned when she recalled the past hour.


“It’s alright, don’t worry about it. We have plenty of time to spend,” she assured. “Shall we begin shopping?” she asked which the fairy beamed in reply.


They walked around the mall, going back and forth, wanting to visit every store the mall had. Minyoung was holding at least five bags in her hands while Soojin held onto two. It didn’t surprise them at how different they were when it came to shopping and fashion style. But when it comes to food, both of them were similar. They decided to sit down at a café for a break, and probably eat something sweet to regain their energy. Both of them ordered chocolate cake with drinks.


“What specie is your boyfriend?” Soojin smiled and sipped on her drink.


“He’s a wizard of plants. It sounds plain but he’s really skillfull with his powers. He can create a sunflowers with the size of a skyscraper,” said Minyoung and stretched out her arms to show her how big the flowers could get.


“You’re a fairy, he’s a wizard of plants— it’s a good combination. You two really fit each other like two puzzles,” said Soojin while scooping a piece of cake and stuffed it into .


Minyoung giggled. “Thank you. It means a lot.” She smiled. “When are you going to get yourself a boyfriend?” she asked and cut a piece of cake.


“Dunno.” Soojin chewed. “I’ve never thought about it,” she answered, honestly. “I always hang out with the boys so I’ve never been thinking about having a boyfriend.”


“How long have you known eacj other? You all are so close with each other that it makes other girls jealous,” she chuckled.


The witch chuckled along with her. “I’m aware of the jealousy they have and I always ignore it. If they want my friends’ attention then they have to button up their shirts and pull down their skirts so their butts won't show before approaching them.” They laughed. “I’ve known the boys since we were nine, after I moved here from the country side.” She smiled at the memory. “I was really shy when I was younger and they all had a hard time to befriend me. But then Jin began to annoy me by poking me till I snapped and chased after him for revenge,” she huffed and shook her head. “After that I finally opened up for the others and we became best friends.”


“How cute~” Minyoung cooed at her story. She gave her a shrewd smile. “Looks like he liked you even then,” she said under her breath that didn’t go unnoticed by the witch.


“Pardon?” She blinked her eyes.


An angry shout interrupted their conversation. They looked outside to see people forming a circle, watching the scene with curious gazes. Minyoung narrowed her eyes to see what the ruckus was about. Her eyes widened. “They are from our school!” she gasped.


Soojin grabbed her bags and ran out of the café with Minyoung tailing after her. “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me,” she apologized as she walked through the crowd. She could spot two boys from her school since they both were wearing their school’s navy blue uniform, their back’s were facing her. Infront of them were three boy students and a girl. All of them were dressed in green uniforms, meaning that they are studying in another school. Judging by the elegant uniform, she was sure that they were from a private school. One of the boys from her school was clenshing his fists, trying to contain his anger while the other one glared while letting out a low growl. “What’s with this commotion?” she asked as she stepped inside the circle with Minyoung following her.


The two boys turned their head to her and smiled. “Jo Soojin!” She saw that they were a mage and a werewolf.


“Changsub! Peniel! What happened?” Minyoung asked when she approached the boys.


“I can answer that; he punched me in the face,” answered a boy with the green uniform infront of them. He was tall and had dark brown hair. When Soojin looked closer she could see a bruise on his left cheek, confirming his statement.


A scowl appeared on her face. “Is that true?” Soojin turned to the boys.


“You were the one who began!” spat Peniel, his fists clenshed more so the knuckles eventually turned white from the anger. Changsub placed his hand on Peniel’s shoulder, trying to calm him down.


“They were talking down on our school,” said Changsub, calmly yet there was a hint of anger within. “They said our school only contained troubled cockroaches–us students–and we all were acting all almighty when we had this system of top students just to feel special.” He glared at the people infront of them.


Soojin watched the people infront of her with an emotionless face, scanning them from head to toe. She took a few steps forward and stopped infront of the brown haired boy, who was expecting them to apologize. He looked down at her with a small smirk on his face. “So, are you going to apologize?” he asked.


Peniel huffed. “Never!” he growled. Changsub nodded his head, agreeing with his friend.


“Tsk, you troublesome cockroaches. This is why I don’t like the students of S.N High. They act so special when they’re clearly not worth anything,” the girl sighed as she pulled her blond strand of hair behind her ear and rolled her eyes. The boys from her school nodded their heads as they quietly chuckled.


‘Troublesome cockroaches’ huh? You clearly don’t know us and our school so don't act like you know everything when you obviously don't.” Soojin huffed, her voice got darker as her eyes were filled with irritation, which surprised the people around her. “We have this school system for a reason, a reason people like you will never understand. The students of S.N High are not troublesome, we’re unique and that makes us different from the others,” she narrowed her eyes at him. The gaze she sent him was fierce which sent him shivers down his spine. “Our behaviour to you was not good and we will apologize. However, I would like you to apologize to us first,” she said with a stern voice.


Everyone looked at her in surprise, especially the students infront of her. “Why should I apologize?” the boy asked.


“Because you were the first to insult our students, causing them to punch you. Honestly, I want to punch you, too.” She cracked her knuckles which scared him a little. “Nothing lets you call the students of S.N High ‘troublesome cockroaches’. I demand an apology from you!” She glared. Whispers rose around them after she said that.


“Who do you think you are?” the blonde girl beside the boy spoke up. “Hanseul, you can’t let a girl like her speak to you like that.” She tugged the hem of his sleeve. The boy, Hanseul, nervously glanced at her.


“I’m Jo Soojin. I’m the 2nd rank of the Top 7 students of S.N High.” The witch crossed her arms and glared at the girl.


“Which means she’s one of the most respected students of our school,” she heard Peniel say behind her. The girl's eyes got wide and she backed away slightly under her glare, feeling a little scared.


“That doesn’t mean I will respect you,” said Hanseul, stubbornly. He straightened his back and glared down at her. “You two let a girl protect you? Hah! So ridiculous…” He shook his head at them.


“You’re the one who’s ridiculous,” said a man voice beside Soojin. She turned to her left and saw Jimin standing beside her with a scowl on his face. His fluffy ears and tail was gone because they were among humans. But if they were visible, she was sure that the ears would be pointed down while the tail would be still. She turned to her right and saw Jungkook and Hoseok having similar frowns as Jimin. Jungkook had his arms crossed over his chest while Hoseok had his hands in his pockets trousers.


“Are you trying to pick a fight with us? Geez, so immature.” Hoseok huffed and rolled his eyes.


“We can’t let guys like you off so easily after you picked a fight with us,” said Jungkook with a dark tone. "We're not afraid to go back at you, ya' know."


“They are also one of the top students of S.N High,” chirped Peniel and smirked.


Hanseul and his friends stiffened, except for the girl who was fanning herself with her hand from the sight of the boys. ‘They are so hot!’ she muttered to herself. “Hanseul,” one of his friends went up to him. “Let’s go. We shall not fight with them,” he said and glanced to them. “Can’t you feel their strong presence? There is something about them that feels... intimidating. I can feel it just by looking at them. They are the top students of S.N High for a reason,” he tried to reason, wanting to get away as soon as possible.


“This is not over.” Hanseul gave Soojin one last glare before he turned around and stomped away from the scene with his friends tailing after him.


Soojin and the others watched them walk away till they were out of their sight. They bowed in apology for causing such a commotion to the people around them. Soon the people continued their shopping. “Woah, you guys were sooo cool!” Peniel cheered as he went up to them.


“Thank you for saving us and I’m sorry for getting us into trouble.” Changsub bowed in apology.


“You don’t have to apologize, but please think before you take action or it will lead to serious circumstances.” Soojin smiled to them. She turned to the three boys beside her and her smile dropped. “What are you three doing here?” she asked.


“Just looking around, you know.” Hoseok shrugged his shoulders and sent her an innocent smile.


Jungkook gave her a grin. “We came to look after you of course,” he said low enough for the four of them to hear.


Hoseok nudged him. "You were not supposed to say that to her."


She sighed and turned to Jimin. “When is your friend done with the sensors? I seriously can’t have all of you glued to my side.” She rolled her eyes. Her eyes locked on a person a few feet away from them. It was the same person she saw earlier that day. The person sent her a smirk as soon as their gazes met. The witch's eyes widened when she finally recognized the person. Then the person walked away. She let out a growl. “Wait here, Minyoung. I need to do something first, I’ll be back soon!” she said and sprinted off after the person.


Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok looked at each other and then ran after her. “Wait here!” Jimin told the fairy before he ran off.


"O-Okay..." Minyoung blinked her eyes, wondering what the reason could be.


Soojin was panting as she ran up the stairs that led to the roof of the mall. She could hear the boys faint running footsteps behind her, trying to catch up with her.


'It’s him. It really is him.'


Her pantings became heavier as she struggled to reach the top of the stairs. When she finally got up she opened the door since it was unlocked and ran out. She looked around, trying to find him. “Where are you?!” she yelled.


“Hehehe, you found me.” Seunghwan cackled from behind. She turned around to see him standing on top of the railings with his arms behind his head as a smirk was plastered on his lips. “You’re really good. It was entertaining to watch you stand up for those fools from your school.” Soojin clenshed her fists, narrowed her eyes while gritting her teeth. Anger was slowly boiling up within her. “But it’s more fun to see you when I’m the reason behind your struggles.” He let out a cackle.


“What do you want?” she asked.


He crouched down, his elbow on his knee while he rested his chin on his palm. “I want to see you, of course~” He sing-songed.


Shouts and panting could be heard behind Soojin. The boys stumbled out from the stairs, panting heavily. Hoseok clutched his kness. “Gosh I really have to exercise…” he panted.


“Why stairs?” Jungkook wiped away the sweat that was trickling down his forehead.


“Seriously… why… stairs?!” panted Jimin, who was sitting on his knees. “I’ll take the elevator next time,” he said. Hoseok and Jungkook nodded their heads.


Seunghwan watched them with a mixture of boredom and annoyance. “Everytime I want to play with you you always have someone by your side, and it’s always a boy,” he said. “Are you trying to make me jealous?” he asked, his voice dark. When she didn’t answer him, he chuckled. “I will make you talk to me,” he said as he picked a red ruby out from his pocket trousers. He then threw it towards them. “Wake up, my monster!”


“Watch out!” Soojin shouted and they jumped aside as the ruby flew past them and hit the corner of the door.


Jungkook looked at the ruby that was just lying there before he turned around to face Seunghwan. “Hah! You missed!” he mocked.


“It’s that…” Jimin breathed.


“It is.” Soojin furrowed her brows.


They didn’t know if they should pick up the ruby up or not, they watched as it suddenly glowed. It got attached to something! The glow made them turn their heads away from the brightness. When the light died, they turned their heads back and saw a spider in the same size as a van. Hoseok widened his eyes and stumbled back in shock and fear. His panting got heavier while his heartbeat fastened. He then let out a high pitched scream that made everyone flinch. The spider let out a ear-piercing shriek after him, making him quiet, and then glared at them with its red eight eyes. It moved its spikey jaw and sharp teeths, ready to chop them in half.


“This is really bad…” Jungkook gulped as he watched the giant spider infront of him with wide eyes.

“Really, really bad.”






A/N: Oh gosh! What will happen next?

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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 44: Your updates always make my day. I never knew I could love fantasy stories so much.
I can't wait for the next updates, FIGHTING
mariaceciliaeusebio #2
Chapter 44: Please up date real soon on yhe next chapter
eechangel #3
Chapter 44: Yonggiiiii!! Oh gosh hoseok he need you!!
I'm so sad I'm up to date with the chapters, I've been binging this for the last few days. I hope you update soon, I love it!
eechangel #5
Chapter 43: Aww i want more TT
thekeytodestiny #6
Chapter 41: Okay, I'm honestly a Yoonjin shipper. They are just adorable! Typical Jimin to forget their homework! Hahahah.
hlakupaw #7
Chapter 40: Even though I want to be a journalist when I grow up, I don't have the slightest energy to do anything. I don't think I can even write a good story. And we'll wait for your story, author-nim, no matter what problems or challenges you are facing.
Chapter 40: Oh my gosh!! Thanks for updating author-nim! I've been waiting for this story to continue... hope to be able to read another new great chapter soon... hopefully they're fine... I was hoping that Jin could play a big part for their next hunt for the other jewel... anyway, Fighting!
thekeytodestiny #9
Chapter 39: Wow. The book is interesting. I think it's a clue, clue into the past. But why was it about Yoongi and not any other person? That's strange, was it planned by someone? Or does each person have their own book and Taehyung just so happened to grab Yoongi's book,
hlakupaw #10
Chapter 39: Now that we've seen yoongi past let's finish this journey. Man I don't want this to end, this is one of my favorite BTS fanifics.