Way Back to You

It has been a regular basis of Sehun to pass by at the café near their school after his classes. Sometimes, when he’s feeling down and don’t have the motivation to attend his classes, he skips them and quietly escape at the back gate of their school just to visit the said café.

There’s only one thing that keeps Sehun on going to that café, it’s the kind of music it serves. Or maybe, the person who’s voice is as clear as the spring sky and as soft and melodious as his mother’s lullaby.




It was Wednesday night and the sky is dark and cloudy, ready to pour its collected water droplets when Sehun left the premises of their school. He was already half- way to the bus stop but it suddenly rained so hard and Sehun has no umbrella at that time, so, he entered the nearest establishment he can find, searching for warmth.

On his stay on the establishment, he learned that it was a café that serves coffee, teas, and oddly, wines for dinner; it also serves Italian meals.  

When the ranging rain calmed and slowly turned into drizzles, Sehun already had his feet on the café’s doorstep, ready to continue his interrupted journey to his home when suddenly, a voice so warmth and calm, started to sing.

He slowly turned to see a young man smiling while sweetly pouring and giving his melodious singing voice to an old couple having their dinner anniversary at that moment.

Sehun was struck. He somehow felt floating in the cloud nine. It was as like Heaven on earth.

At that moment, Sehun knew he loves the café. But again, was it really the café or the angelic boy?

After that evening, the young boy started to visit the said café, leaving with a smile and warm heart after an hour or so.



When his mother’s birthday came, he surprised her and brought the beautiful woman on the café Sehun regularly visits. They sat on an area where they could enjoy the view of the whole place and ordered an Italian dish for themselves. Sehun also bought a small cake, and combined white and pink roses for her mother. Mrs. Oh’s eyes smiled at his baby boy’s surprise gifts and hugged him so dearly as if there’s no more tomorrow.

The café’s manager, Kim Minseok, saw the heartwarming sight and quickly called their resident singer and his bandmates to give a simple gift to the celebrating customers.


When Sehun and Mrs. Oh were already settled on their seats again, they started to eat their meal.

As they were on the middle of their cute talk about Sehun’s love life, the manager came together with the singer and his bandmates.

Sehun froze at his place and looked at the beautiful person in front of them, singing ‘Happy Birthday’ with such sweetness and warmth while Mrs. Oh was looking and smiling at the said singer.

“I’m Luhan, together with our café crew,” the angelic singer introduced, “wishes you a blissful and healthy life, madam.”


Sehun’s eyes never left the singer even after they left, after his mother thanked them; and when Mrs. Oh noticed his son, she called him and the boy immediately tore his eyes from the said singer.

“You liked him?” Mrs. Oh cutely asked her son with a voice so soothing and soft.

Sehun furrows his eyebrows at the sudden question and said “ah… the singer? of course not mom… I just… like his voice and café?”

“really?” She asked again, not contented with his son’s answer.

“reall….y…” Sehun reassured her and her mother just smiled at his son’s innocence.





Two days after Mrs. Oh’s birthday came an accident.

Sehun ran out of their school with his heart, throbbing in pain. He ran to the hospital, on the dull hallway, to the emergency room.

He peeks at the door’s small window with his eyes swollen, his hands trembling and his forehead’s full of sweat beads.

He waited for the doctor and nurses to come out with a good news in hands but to his dismay, his mother’s soul already left and went to Heaven.


Sehun’s heart broke into little pieces and was smashed with the dullness of their home. Sehun felt alone. He felt like there’s really no more tomorrow after her mother’s sudden death.

A week had passed but it felt like just yesterday when he was rushing to the hospital just to be welcomed by the sad, painful, excruciating accident.

His classmates and teachers knew about the happening and quickly offered their shoulders and collected money for the bills. But Sehun didn’t want their money, he needs his mother. He needs her lullaby at night. He needs her beautiful and encouraging smile in the morning, her warm and securing embrace. He badly needs and misses her.


Two weeks had passed but he has still no energy to go to school. He was so drown in the sadness that his grades also fell as he ignores to do his school works that his close classmates--- Kai and Tao sends to him.

When they visits Sehun, Kai and Tao only leaves with the almost the same sadness the young boy feels. They leave with worries painted on their faces.

The school counselor also came to visit the poor boy once every other day. She, Ms. Jung, tries to comfort Sehun with all her compassionate heart but the boy just stays quiet the whole time.




Sehun accidentally knocked his body into his mother’s drawer when he was dragging his body to meet his classmates out on the living room. The books on top of it fell on the ground and he immediately picks them with such worry painted on his face because Sehun knows that her mother dearly treasures her books. When he was already going to pick the last one, his eyes started to become watery. There, written in a neat manner was his mother’s daily diary writing.

Sehunnie surprised me today! He’s such a baby~ I really love my son so much. I told him to study well so that he can have a brighter future and he smiled to me after saying “yes, Mom, I will.” I also noticed that he has some crush on this singer at the café we went to. Ahhhh~~ my baby’s probably too innocent to know that. He can’t even take his eyes off of the singer. Such a cutie~ J I just really hoped that he’ll be with someone he truly likes and loves someday. I’m getting old, please, God, guide my son always. Thank you again, son. Love you always, forever.


Tear drops fell on the said diary and made the paper wet with such bitter- sweet feeling.

When his classmates heard him sobbing, they immediately went to him and awkwardly patted him, Tao, gently rubbing his back and Kai brushing his jet black hair.



After Sehun found his mother’s diary, he felt revived, he felt energized. He felt like a withering flower slowly coming back to life after being lightened with the sunlight.

Sehun came back to their school with a lighter feeling, with an optimistic mind and heart. He decided that he wants to make his mother proud of him even when she’s already up above with their creator. He wants to fulfil his mother’s dream for him.

Strangely, his classmates quickly went to him and gave him comforting words and warm hugs. Sehun shyly smiled and thank them despite being detached from them 3 weeks ago, despite being invisible to them days ago.

Some teachers were also glad to see their student, child, Sehun, now slowly moving on from the sudden accident. But Sehun wasn’t able to escape the lectures he got from his strict professors. He reminded himself to already start doing all his missed activities and to start communicating with his other classmates too, opting to be an isolationist again.


Sehun was now barely seen frowning, he was already smiling with his new found friends--- Tao, Kai, and Junmyeon--- a senior one--- eating and chatting at the cafeteria.

Sometimes, he, together with Kai and Tao would ask Junmyeon to tutor them when he’s having troubles with some of his classes or certain topics. Junmyeon to them is a great hyung they trust and look upon to since he’s more advanced and has a really great humor within him. He cracks jokes that would make you cringe because of its corniness but that’s what funny about him. 

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OhParkKim #1
Chapter 2: Waaahh !! "Love is Love, no matter what." ta-dah !! Update soon please. :)
hmmmmm...i'll take a look at this fafic later!