Love Fiction


A story about a female main character who lost all of her memories after a car accident and a male main character that she met at the hospital.  This story revolves around the two of them as they started to find more clues about the incident and her real identity. 




Main Characters:


OC (name will be revealed later)

-20 years old

-lost all of her memories before the car accident

-quiet, shy and reserved around people that she never met before

-loves to listen to music


Yook Sung Jae

-20 years old

-a rising idol, a member of BTOB

-was hospitalized due to an unknown reason and met OC

-can be weird but adorable at times

-loves to listen to music


Side Characters:


BTOB members








Writer: TvT I can't spoil too much. You will get to know the characters along the story


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