Cat Cafe (Kenvi and mild Leobin)

Random story ideas/short scenarios
“Hyungggg, help me,” a deep voice whined uncharismatically.
“What. I am busy,” the other replied, completely stone-faced and absorbed into playing with the cat.
“But but…”
“I have been kind enough to accompany you for the past three weeks. You either do it or stay a chicken.”
The blonde male groaned and distracted himself by playing with a cat that sauntered by, all the while stealing glances at the waiter. Yes. Kim Wonshik has been visiting a cat cafe for the past three weeks to stare at his crush, a handsome and cute male with a really sharp nose. The brunet looked almost like a foreigner except when he started talking. But all in all, “Ken” was the perfect guy Wonshik wanted for a boyfriend, friendly, adorable and humorous.
“Binnnn~ What should I do? He's here again! Should I go talk to him? Should I ask for his number? Should I-”
“Hyung, decide for yourself,” his pink-haired dongsaeng replied without a care.
The older of the two pouted, upset at the lack of concern from the younger. Suddenly, an idea popped up in his head and he smirked. “Then I will go tell the black-haired male that you are interested in him if you-” Before the statement could be completed, a paw with sharp claws was presented in front of his face.
“If you dare, your face will look exceptionally pretty by tomorrow,” Hongbin threatened with the cat he was holding. Jaehwan gave a fake cry before swallowing hard and dashing back to the main area, leaving the other to continue t the cat’s nails.
The cute male continued to fret over what he should do to obtain the blonde’s number. His chance came when the other ordered a iced Americano and Jaehwan enthusiastically volunteered himself to serve the drink. It took Hongbin’s right foot and Taekwoon’s left hand to cause a spectacular fall by Jaehwan and a unbalanced Wonshik who leaned forward. (A/N Basically Hongbin tripped Jaehwan and Taekwoon pushed Wonshik forward) The brown mixture landed right smack in the middle of Wonshik’s clean white shirt and Jaehwan frantically apologised before pulling the other to the staff room for a new shirt.
“Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry!” Jaehwan practically cried out and whined, leaving Wonshik rather amused. “Here’s a clean shirt, and I will pay for the cleaning fees! I am sor-”
“It’s fine,” Wonshik interrupted, “Instead of paying for it, can I have your number instead?” After he dropped the lousy pick-up line, the blonde male dropped his head down to hide the rising heat on his face. He was prepared for a rejection when he felt a piece of paper and a clean shirt stuffed into his hands before a rather flustered brunet left the room.
Lee Jaehwan
Call me?
Wonshik's face broke into a wide grin and from then on, they went for countless dates until one day they ran into someone.
“Bin? Why are you here?” Jaehwan stared at his friend curiously. Just then, a stoic Taekwoon appeared to peck Hongbin's cheeks and Hongbin returned it with a smile.
“Wait, what? Taekwoon-hyung, you didn't say anything about this!” Wonshik demanded.
“You think that I would spend 3 weeks going to a cat cafe to play with cats only?” the older replied nonchalantly, pulling Hongbin with him and leaving Jaehwan and Wonshik stunned.

“WHAT? He went with me to pick up another guy and pretended to be helping me?”

The plotline is that Taekwoon went to the cat cafe with Wonshik and fell for Hongbin and continued to pursue Hongbin while pretending to help Wonshik. And at the point when Jaehwan was seeking Hongbin's help, the latter was already falling for Taekwoon.

It's been super long since I updated my drabbles... Haha, I think I am more of the long multi-chaptered kind of person...

Thank you for reading!!! :D

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