Exchange Gift.


This was written in under 4 hours, so I apologize for the lack of vocabulary and overall pizazz... I'll rewrite this one day! But yes, this contributes to the gift exchange I am in, so please enjoy!


Headlines from the media scatter across the entire country regarding Kyungsoo’s high intelligence and gift for his second skill: acting. With much praise received in 2014, this following year seems like the next big hit for him with the newly aired drama, “I Remember You” and the 2016 film entitled “Pure Love”. Despite the international recognition, it seems the pressure is slowly weighing the idol down to be as magnificent as his audience perceives him to be. Nonetheless, such high standards are achieved by the rookie (with a little bit of room for growth, of course).
“So scary! He pulls off the angsty characters so well! He needs to appear in more episodes!”

“To think that he debuted as an actor just last year… It’s unbelievable. He truly has a gift.”

The exhaustion and consciousness that come along with the process is a chore... he can admit it. But the challenge is worth it in the end. Compliments from every source known possible; what an award to receive, especially the unmanagable smiles and strong bonds between the cast members. Unforgetable memories have been made, and will continue to be made.

Chanyeol has been given opportunities for this arduous process himself, especially recently for his new role (a main role to be exact) in a romance drama expected to air in the early Fall season. The media explodes with headlines, news articles and leaked officials photos--while this may be a thrilling moment to reveal such a title, he doesn't note the pressure jolting onto his shoulders until the script piles on his desk. So many pages with so little time... No matter, Chanyeol's initial reaction benefits this situation entirely.

"KYUNGSOO! I need your help, I'm desperate! You're the only guy I know who's advanced at this!"

What an overstatement, but it's to catch the vocalist's attention.


"Page 138... turn to it. You told me this is the page where it starts, right?" Kyungsoo initiates with a hoisted brow. By 'it', he implies the beginning of the physical contact with the actress. Although, that's not the difficulty of the situation--the diolgue is where the rookie asks for guidance from the master (at least that's what Chanyeol thinks). With a nod, the taller male practically grips onto the thick paper in prevention from exposing his nervousness, his pulsing heart--how can he possibly rid this feeling?

A little practice will help... as he proceeds to convince himself.

Within minutes, the duo manages to acheive simple gestures and comments. Fortunately, Chanyeol's apprehension eases, but then rises when the page flips to the confession scene. The real question is: will he succeed in this? The past few bits were effortless it seems like. But, who knew the rapper was examining the entire scene prior because of this nervousness--the pressure to make this as perfect as possible. w\Who wouldn't worry? Maybe he can get through this. Maybe.

"Okay, Chanyeol listen. For this scene... hm... you need to look as comfortable as possible, don't look too--" A pause interrupts Kyungsoo with the lack of eye contact, finding Chanyeol's facial expression to be rather uninterested. Maybe irked, but who knows. He blinks for a moment before sighing heavily. "Hey, are you listening? You tick me off when you do that--"
The stapled script (from Chanyeol's possession) thrown across the bed is all Kyungsoo needs in order to transition from confused to terribly concerned. What is this kind of commitment?

That's until...

A deep breath is engulfed. "You know... We've known each other for a while now. 3... 4 years now? God, do you know how happy that makes me feel?" Chanyeol's eyebrows arch, implying his reassurance. "Your presence as a whole makes me so god damned happy. So breathtaking, so flawless, so... so perfect. Can we talk about your voice? So heavenly, I could listen to it for hours on repeat... I wouldn't hesitate, don't ask."

Throughout this bit, Kyungsoo can't seem to hint out if the rookie is either out of character or simply being sarcastic at this point. His expressions are realistic, his motions are slow yet assuring--this follows with the vocalist's heart pulsing ferociously. It could explode through his chest for all he knows. What the hell is going on? He's not reading the damn script!

Nonetheless, Chanyeol proceeds. "You don't fail to tug at my heartstrings with that adorable smile of yours... ah, damn, can't you see what I'm trying to point out here? I've known you for so long, and every thing you do has brought me in a state where I can't concentrate!

I'm... I'm hoping you feel the same way about me."

At this rate, the distance between the duo is close. Uncomfortably close, so much they can sense each other's breathing.

In return, Kyungsoo mutters, "...Chanyeol... I... What just..."

A giggle escapes the other's mouth, leaning away in the midst. "I hope that was good. I've been skimming through this part on the script like crazy, but really I don't know... All the feedback you can give me is appreciated, Soo.

God, that was nervewracking... but maybe the pressure helped me out."

How about a label on the script where it says: Chanyeol in an unrequited love with his best friend of 4 years? So realistic, this threw me off.


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