Part II

A numinous gift




Wendy and Joohyun feel like their breaths have been taken away, their soul drawn to the furthest sky fairies or mortal spaceships can ever reach.



In front of them stands no one other than their precious daughter Son Hyunae, who is now 3 years old and is dressed in a neatly-ironed kindergarten uniform. Looking so smart and beautiful than ever.



Hyunae blinks her big brown eyes and lifts a shy smile, folding her short little arms behind her back under the intense gazes from her mothers.



The half-blood is the first to kneel down to her child’s eye level and combs that silky brown hair with her own fingers, “It’s your first day in school. Do you want a ponytail or not, dear?” She can’t deny this girl got some great genes from her other mother who is lovingly fixing Hyun-ae’s tiny skirt. 



“Yes please.” The tender-looking girl chirps while grinning brightly towards her two mothers who are giving her all the love and attention she ever needs.



Joohyun chuckles because that toothy smile and that cheerful voice resemble her wife so much, which is uplifting like a plate of freshly-baked carrot cake or a pile of freshly-washed clothes, “Is there anything else you need, honey?”



“Hmm......” Placing a finger on her slightly jutted lips, the little Son ponders and shakes her head once her younger mother has finished tying that cute ponytail. “I don’t think so.”



Wendy stands back up and those cute ears that stick out from her locks caught her eye, “Then off we go. Are you ready?” Oh, she even has the same ears as the princess.



“Can I bring Teddy too?” The child innocently asks, pointing to her bedroom door. 



“You’ll be gone just for a few hours. Teddy would be fine.” Joohyun flashes her a motherly smile with the mention of “teddy”. It’s a fluffy teddy bear given by Kang Seulgi as Son Hyunae’s 2-year-old birthday present. It looks like Kang Seulgi too.



And Teddy actually comes with a yellow stuffed chicken plush but her dear daughter seems to favor the bear more, which discourages her other aunt Joy very much.




“You’ll meet lots of friends there.” Wendy takes Hyunae’s small hand seeing that hesitant look and gives it a gentle tug. “There you’ll learn how to put magic in good use too. You’ll love it.”



Joohyun gets a hold of their daughter’s other hand and grabs her adorable backpack, “Come on, we should move or we’ll be late. Don’t you always want to go to school?”



And so, Son Hyunae turns her head with her ponytail swinging behind, scrutinizes her mothers’ smiles before nodding. “You’ll pick me up and we can have ice cream today, right?”



“Yes, just like we’ve promised.” The rightful scholar sticks out her pinky. “When did we ever lie to you, my dear?”



“Yeah, so now let’s go! It’s gonna be a fun day, Hyunae!” Joohyun exclaims as the three exit the door and hop onto the car. The princess takes the wheel with a warm smile plastered on her face, while occasionally stealing glances of the backseat view, where the half-blood is patiently rehearsing how to properly initiate a conversation with their excited precious little daughter.












”I don’t really like that classmate of mine.” The kid puts down her spoon after having the last spoonful of her favorite ice cream. She always asks her parents to treat her ice cream whenever she is upset or not in the mood. And as a gifted child, she has never asked for too much, which pleases the two women very much.



It has been a semester in the kindergarten and Son Hyunae is not amused again.



“You have said that for at least 4 times in the past 15 minutes, honey.” Heaving a long sigh, Joohyun fishes out a napkin and cleans a few stains left on her daughter’s face.



“Son Hyunae,” Wendy grumbles and shoots the said girl a threatening glare. “How can you dislike a person that much when it has been only a couple of months? He is just another three-year-old like you, and how can he be that crafty as you claimed? Didn’t I ask you to be nice to people unless you have a good reason?”



“I saw him cheated on a test with my own eyes.” Hyunae confidently replies to her younger mother’s doubt, swinging her short legs under the table, “He peeped at Joycelyn’s paper in a quiz last month but she was too scared to tell the teachers. So I did. And he dared to deny it. He was stupid anyway. I bet he never really uses his brain.”



The scholar sits agape at the 3-year-old’s accusation, “Why haven’t you told us that? So what did the teachers do?”



“Nothing.” Hyunae cooly shrugs, “They did nothing. They said he is just a child so he didn’t know it’s wrong and he deserved a chance...... Well, today he cheated again.”



“Did he get the punishment he deserves this time?” The princess frowns hard thinking maybe they should file a complaint about that.



“Detention for a week. Joycelyn finally spoke up.” The child calmly answers as she puffs her cheeks at her caring mothers, “But I guess he’ll never learn. He is a bully, mom. I saw it.”



“Hmm,” After seeking an agreement from her wife, Wendy gently ruffles her unpleased daughter’s hair. “Do you want us to do something about it?”



“No, I’m okay.” Hyunae holds her mother’s hand and mutters, “Grandpa Ian always says there’re things I’ll learn gradually as I grow up and I guess this is one of them. Though I am just...... not happy.”



Joohyun raises an eyebrow at her daughter’s amazing maturity. She only knows Son Seungwan has been outsmarting people since her birth but she didn’t expect Son Hyunae would be the same. So she lightly pecks her cheek and coos, “Just talk to us if you want to, okay? We’re always there for you.”



“Mommy would help you no matter what.” The older Son gives a solid nod to the younger one before mimicking her wife’s action.



“Thanks, mom, mommy.” Hyunae immediately lets off a soft giggle with both of her cheeks showered with kisses, “I feel much better now.”



Then the family leaves happily after paying the bill. They walk hand in hand and spend the rest of the day in their cozy home - cuddling, playing, doing homework, watching tv, cooking. Just enough to make Son Hyunae feel loved again.












Son Hyunae is undoubtedly one of a kind that she can master a skill within a week. It blows everyone’s mind and even her mothers'. For instance, she has successfully mastered the basics of playing the piano in two days and of archery in three. Seulgi only can scratches her head in awe, while Joy has never failed to praise this clever and diligent kid. 



The queen doesn’t know what to say because Hyunae is very much like the rebellious Joohyun when she was also this small. Fortunately, she has inherited a bit of gentleness from Son Seungwan so she is not so much of a headache. The kind and Ian cannot be more thrilled at this perfect combination of their daughters. They only hope she doesn’t get much of their flaws. Like, their height perhaps?



As for Franco, he just prays she would grow up faster so she can stop bothering his “cat” in a childish way.



Today, there is bad news for Wendy and Joohyun. Hyunae is now a 6-year-old who has already been spent 2 years in a united elementary school which accepts both children from the Above and the Below. Their headmaster called Jooyhun near noon and asked if one of her parents can drop by because her daughter has been officially suspended.



Wendy has lectures to hold today so Joohyun drove herself there. Son Hyunae was sitting on the bench, looking all lonesome and troubled when her mother got there.



“Hey,” The princess stops right in front of the grumpy kid and greets her with a scoop of ice cream, “I figure you might need that before you spill everything to me.”



Her daughter looks up with tangled eyebrows and teary eyes and trembling lips. She throws herself to her mother and hugs her by the waist, totally ignoring the fact that there is ice cream for her. It takes Hyunae 20 more minutes to calm down and finish the ice-cream. Boring her eyes on her little palms, she sniffles and confesses to her mother what has made her suspended.



And it hurts Joohyun witnessing her daughter cry, and more when she takes notice of the small, tiny cut under her left eye. Hyunae is a strong kid, everyone knows.



“So you punched her because she said those things?” The older woman concludes as she is sitting side by side with the child.



“But mom, she laughed at me!” Hyunae huffs and clutches her tiny fists, “She and her minions said two women shouldn’t be together and I shouldn’t exist! They might be older and bigger but it doesn’t mean they can say that to me…… And you and mommy.” 



“They just don’t know who your mothers are,” Joohyun mumbles bringing the angry little girl into a warm embrace, “Once they care to understand, they would stop. But you gotta know it’s still not right to hurt your classmates, okay?” She is glad that Wendy and she have taught the grumpy Hyunae how to control her temper and magic beforehand so she didn’t really hurt that mortal girl.



“But she threw my notebook at me first.” The kid continues after burying her small face in her mother’s embrace, “So I finally lost it and pushed her onto the floor. And...... I shouted at her. Mommy always says it’s not nice. But I......”



Joohyun pulls away a little and brings her fingers to the cut under Hyunae’s left eye, “Does it hurt?”



She bits her bottom lip and shakes her head, “Nope.”


“You sure?” She has her lips pursed into a thin line. 



Feeling intimated by her mother’s gaze, the child casts her eyes down, “Maybe a little bit.”



“I bet.” Joohyun smiles after she has healed it with her pink sparkles, “Now we go in and you tell the principal what you’ve just told me. Everything. Then mom'll take you home, and mommy and I will handle it later, no?” 



“Hmm, yeah.” Hyunae’s hand clings tighter to her mother’s and her tears are on the verge of falling again with the thought of her two mothers who always try their very best to understand and protect her.



She is not that scared anymore, although she knows she might have done wrong. Her mothers are there. And she wants to protect them for once too.




In the late afternoon, Hyunae’s petite body stiffens up when she hears the keys, following by the crackling of the front door as it opens. 



She has overheard her mom talking with mommy on the phone earlier. So it is very possible that her mommy would come back and scold her head off for breaking at least three school rules and hitting her classmates. And now, she is hiding behind a huge cushion while Wendy steps into the living room, dragging her tired body. Clearly, she has paid a visit to the school before heading home.



“Mommy?” Cautiously, she calls and peeks at the slim figure who has just done changing her shoes.



Much to her surprise, she is engulfed in a tight hug and is lifted to her mommy’s lap as she joins her at the sofa. So, the girl puts the cushion away and is greeted by the older woman’s inviting, hazel orbs.



“Son Hyunae,” Wendy calls tenderly when she leans in, making their nose-tips kiss, “I know what you did today.”



She slowly circles her arms around her mother’s neck, “I’m sorry, mommy. I won’t do it again.”




“It’s not all your fault really.” The older Son proceeds with placing a genuine kiss on her daughter’s pouty lips, “They don’t understand something like you do, so sometimes we will be misunderstood. And we ought not to be mad at them. Endurance and patience are always virtues.”



“So you mean they won’t disrespect you and mom anymore when they understand those things?” 



“Yes, and it would be much later.” She turns to her other half who is smiling back at them from the kitchen, “I’ve talked to the principal. You can go back to school tomorrow.”



“Really?” The younger Son beams.



“Yep. And I heard from your mom that you got hurt today.”



“Ugh...... Yes?”



Wendy chuckles at her daughter’s timid reaction and plants another kiss under her left eye, “Be careful next time. Don’t hurt people easily or else you will get hurt too.”



“Okay.” Hyunae keeps glancing at the funny looks from her mothers. 



“Now go to wash your hands. I’m hungry.” 



“Let’s go together, mommy!”



“I will race you there, darling.”



The two Sons dashes towards the bathroom in a rather playful manner and the other woman is left with no choice but yells, “You two dorks’d better come and help me out after that!”












“You two can actually just kiss in front of me. I know more than you think. Don’t need to excuse yourselves from me every 30 minutes.” The 9-year-old quietly drops the bomb while they are having their annual family barbecue up the hills, causing the bear and the giant jump from their seats.



Kim Yerim laughs hysterically at the embarrassed couple and the proud parents, “What did you two teach her at home?”



“She's it figured out herself.” Joohyun giggles and Wendy just nods.



“It’s my grandchild.” Ian claps.



“Very observant, Hyunae.” The king trims his beard and flashes her a satisfied smile.




Seulgi’s cheeks are flushed and she covers it with her bear paws not wanting to face this clever kid.



“Hyunae,” Joy clears timidly. “Sorry for keeping it from you before.”



“It’s alright.” The girl waves her hand. “It can be difficult to explain so I don’t really mind.” She then takes off and goes back to mingle with the animals, one of her favourite things to do.



The queen can only sigh while smiling, “How can she sound so much like Seungwan and act so much like Joohyun?”



Franco takes a huge bite from his grilled ribs and his black pegasus is munching on grass right beside him, “I guess it’s a good thing for us right?”



The rest of the family gladly agree, including the parents themselves.













Joohyun tosses and turns on their spacious comfy bed one night, rethinking those words her now-teenage daughter said to them when they were having dinne earlier. 



And a hand drapes over her waist, followed by a body snuggling closer from behind. “Still thinking about it, huh?”



So she turns around and faces her half-asleep wife, “Seungwan, how can you sleep?”



“It’s pretty normal if you think about it......”




“Our daughter is having a crush on the son of whatever prince.” The princess gives her other half’s shoulder a slight push, “And you call that normal?”



“She’s thirteen.” Wendy rubs her sleepy eyes, “Mortal girls normally have their first crush around that age.”



“Isn’t she growing up too fast?” Joohyun is suddenly in fear of losing their precious Hyunae. 



“We can’t keep her by our side forever.” The half-blood stokes her wife’s cheek, “And, we'll educate her more on dating and love later. She’ll be fine, she’s smart.”




“Anyway.” She tangles their limbs together, finally getting the warmth she longs for. “I think she looks more and more like you. That nose and that grin.”



“Huh?” She chuckles brightly as her sleepiness is long gone, and pulls her closer, “But she’ll be prettier if she looks like you, princess.”



“Sweet talker.” Joohyun turns her head away and dodges a kiss from her wife. 



“Really.” Wendy stares at her so deeply and sincerely. “Don’t you worry because I’ll be by your side no matter how old we become.” 




The older woman doesn’t know how to react except for pressing her own pair of lips on her wife’s. Who would know your other half can still be this zealous and loving when you have a child this old?   She once doubted if Wendy would love her like she does - once in a lifetime kind of love. But she is awfully grateful that she is proven wrong. Wendy only loves her more after Son Hyunae comes.



And Wendy has no idea why Joohyun is still that ravishing, just like when she first laid her eyes on her. She even wonders if she would ever age. Her hands caress her smooth skin as she reciprocates her kiss. It already feels heavenly contented when she is with Joohyun, yet it feels greater when they have a child and raise her together. It fears them but fascinates them just as much.




The next morning, the two women wake up with a teenage girl standing at the end of their bed.



“Hyunae!” The older mother screams in a rather hoarse tone pulling the covers to her bare chest.



The younger squints and almost falls off the bed again after spotting the intruder, “What..... What are you doing here? Why didn’t you knock?”



The teenage girl donning a messy bun shows them a toothy, knowing grin while rubbing her bare feet on the carpeted floor, “I wanna tell you two something after last night but I didn’t know this isn’t good timing. I’ve fixed you some breakfast so......” 



If you ask the family, they again would say she definitely looks like a mixture of young Wendy and Joohyun. Not only those features but also those antics and demeanors.



“What’s it then?” Wendy is the first to recover and hugs the duvet sitting up. 



“Yeah,” Joohyun combs her bed hair and tries to hide her blushes with it, “Just tell us.” It embarrasses her so much about how their daughter just walked in and witnessed their morning-after state.




Son Hyunae, out of the blue, giggles by herself. Her parents are beyond adorable. She is always proud of her parents like they are proud of her. It is not because they are the Wendy Son and the Princess Irene. It is simply because there isn’t a time that they don’t put her needs before anything. They provide her a home, a family.



She remembers the family told her mom and mommy were all there for her first breath, her first word, her first step, her first tear, her first day in school, her first mistake. 



Originally, she just wanted to troll her parents by telling them she had a crush on a prince’s son. It was supposed to be a fun bet with her rebellious friends that they all said her mothers would kill her for that.



But no. She said they wouldn’t. She swore on the name of unicorns and rainbows. And she would never forget how her mom and mommy always give her a warm hug whenever she has a rough day, a sweet kiss whenever she does something nice, and a long lecture whenever she does wrong.



Surely, she also notices how she resembles them bit by bit. Her mothers are beautiful, which peoples in both worlds always tell her so. How badly she wants to live up to them.



She has heard that fairytale about Neverwhere, that love story about her parents. It is no doubt that they are in love with each other, just like how they love her.




She just doesn’t know they were “in that mood" after hearing that “news" last night. But with that erted mind from her mom, Hyunae laughs imagining what exactly the two women did on that bed as she is witnessing the aftermath, right then and there.



“Son Hyunae.” Joohyun’s husky voice brings the girl back to the awkward situation they are in, “Hand us the clothes.”



So, their dear daughter kindly picks up the clothes scattering around the room with her magic and places them on the edge of the bed, “There.”



Wendy takes a deep breath and slips back into the covers, “Now turn around.”



“Fine.” She complies and the two take their time getting dressed. 



“Now turn back around.”




The three look at one another’s eyes. And then, the teenager girl tells them the truth.



Joohyun’s face is nreadable, “Come here.”



Son Hyunae climbs onto the bed and sits in front of her mothers, waiting for their next move.



Exchanging a look, Wendy encloses her daughter’s body from behind so that Joohyun can tackle her and tickle her sides.



“This is what you get from lying to us!”



“Don’t you ever lie to us again!”



“O-oh… Sorry… Mom, s-stop! Mommy? Hahahaha, I GIVE UP!”




They all have a good laugh messing with one another. Some quality time actually. Family bonding time it is.



A panting Hyunae lays between her smiling mothers, who are looking at their daughter with loving eyes, like they always do, “Just so you know, there’s no chance of me liking that dude.” 



“Either way, we would still love you the same.” Wendy cups her cheeks and places a soft kiss.



Joohyun pecks the crown of her head, “You have no idea how you mean to us, honey.”




Son Hyunae is not simply a gift for them. Wendy could also be a gift to Joohyun and vice versa.



What matters is that they complete one another, numinously.





























So this is it?

I'm sorry I took so long to update. Hope you all would forgive me with this :)


btw I really wanna see how Son Hyunae would look like hahaha

Aren't they a lovely family?


See you soon


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 2: Ugh! They're so adorbs!
aRedBerry #2
Chapter 1: Cutiee🥺
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 2: 👏👏👏💙❤️
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 2: Sweet
Chapter 2: Can't stop imagining wenrene's lovechild will look like. All i know is that it will be lovely indeed. Also, wenrene with a child is always lovely. This is beautiful and thanks authornim.
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: No wonder Irene became angry when pregnant
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Wait, I'm not ready to read this yet. I will imagine it first
Rolz0103 #9
Chapter 2: Okay i think i legit just imagined a wenrene child with like both features, beautiful graceful cute girl who's also short ;) Wenrene as parents made ma night~~ the last scene where she walked into her parents in bdae suits gotta be my fav. AWKWARDLY AMUSING. Something to use to attack in the future as well muahahaha