Chapter 4

Killing time- Yoonseok

(I AM SO SORRY I DISSAPEARED OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET OMFG COLLEGE IS SO STRESSFUL >.< still, I'm gonna try and upload more often, I'm sorry to keep you all waiting!) 


Yoongi and Hoseok soon fell into a rather comfortable routine.

Of course, Yoongi took a little longer to get used to the constant affection of his sort-of-kind-of-boyfriend. The kisses, the compliments on every little thing about him... It sometimes felt too much. But still, Yoongi kept quiet about it until he was comfortable, revelling in the attention he was showered in.
There was only one problem.
"I've never been so in my ing life," Yoongi breathed out smoke against the sunrise, smoke snaking its way through the orange and gold of daybreak.
Yoongi and Jimin had become a set of close friends, Jimin being so charming and trustworthy. They often spent their breaks like this, talking about their struggles or interests, knowing that it was unlikely these secrets would leave the cold curb they perched on despite the encroaching frost.
Jimin hummed, flicking the ash off the end of his cigarette. 
"He seriously hasn't done anything about it since...?" 
Yoongi just shook his head.
Since their first date, and Yoongi's refusal to let him in, Hoseok had been nothing but a gentlemen, pulling away from kisses before they got too heated. Not that Yoongi could be angry at that; he was glad he didn't feel pressured to do anything he'd regret, but he was starting to become impatient. 
Jimin lifted the cigarette back to his lips, taking a long drag as the end became as orange as the sky above them.
"Well, maybe you'll have to make the first move," Jimin mused, smoke escaping from his mouth and into the biting breeze. "I know I find it pretty hot when Jungkookie makes the first move, and if you're the bottom it might make him a little rougher."
Jimin sent him a smirk, and Yoongi's face became incredibly hot. It still felt a little awkward to discuss these things, but since it was only Jimin, he felt he could trust him. 
"Invite him over tonight,or something."
Yoongi froze, eyes trained on his lap. He nodded to avoid letting his voice betray him.
When the two went back in, Yoongi felt unready to ask Hoseok to come over.
This was ridiculous! He'd slept with quite a few people admittedly, but he'd never felt so absolutely terrified as he was walking back into the building. He shouldn't have been so nervous,
Seeing how kind and gentle Hoseok had been for weeks now.
But as soon as his face turned towards Yoongi, and his mouth stretched into a smile, Yoongi's mouth was as dry as sand. 
"Hey, good lookin'," Hoseok grinned, chin rested in his hand. "What's up? Looks like you've just seen a ghost or something."
Yoongi took a moment to collect himself before he spoke. 
"I'm all good," he sent a grin that matched Hoseok's his way, spinning on his chair. "Just ready to go home, is all."
Hoseok nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I am too." Hoseok's eyes flickered away, as if to avoid this growing silence between them. "Though I haven't got many plans."
Yoongi was so tempted to back out of the proposal he was about to give. Hoseok would be sleeping ready for work tomorrow, right? He shouldn't bother him.
But before he could choke the words back down, they were tumbling out of his mouth.
"Y'know, if you've got nothing else to do, you could come round to my house," Yoongi's voice sounded much braver than he felt. "We could watch a movie or something."
Hoseok looked so taken aback by this, and Yoongi would've retracted the offer once he'd realised, all flushed cheeks and stuttered apologies, if Hoseok's voice hadn't broken his train of thought, as quiet as his words were. 
"I'd love to."
Yoongi had felt a little awkward since he'd asked. 
He fidgeted with his fingers and avoided Hoseok's gaze, trying to occupy himself with menial tasks. 
But he could still feel the occasional glance from Hoseok's direction as if they grazed his skin.
Once work was over with, on a usual day, Yoongi would sigh in relief. Instead, his breath hitched from anxiety. 
He came face to face with Hoseok when he turned.
"Ready to go?" He was so close that his breath could ruffle Yoongi's hair, so Yoongi turned away slightly, worried about looking unprofessional and losing his job as a result, a job that was more about seeing Hoseok and Jimin than bringing home a Paycheck now.
Yoongi gave a shy nod, dodging around hoseok to briskly grab his jacket and bag. The bag was held in his left hand, Hoseok's hand in his right.
"Then let's go."
The walk home was far from silent.
It was still peaceful and chilly, the warmth of Hoseok's skin pressed to Yoongi's hand making him forget all about that, helping him forget he really needed to buy gloves sometime soon.
Hoseok seemed restless, antsy. He hummed a tune he created off the top of his head, shimmying  and creating a mini dance as he walked. Yoongi huffed out of his nose, his version of laughter.
"You're a weirdo."
Hoseok's face seemed to fall for a second, but Yoongi had realised just how good this boy was at covering his emotions with a painted on smile. How good he was at hiding his own sensitivity.
"What's wrong with a little weirdness?" Hoseok tugged on his arm, coaxing him to join in. "C'mon, live a little!"
Yoongi was hesitant, walking a little stiffly and awkwardly as his sort-of-kind-of-boyfriend made a scene, before a warm arm wrapped around his waist melted his resolve, putty in Hoseok's hands as he let his smile show, his true smile that was one of sticky-out teeth and he felt was a little cringeworthy, dancing along with the taller boy who made his heart melt and stomach and cheeks hurt from laughter.
Yoongi wiped the tears away as he pulled out his keys, laughter drifting away. 
"...Yoongi?" Hoseok ventured, as the smaller boy realised his hand had paused, fingers clasped around the key in the lock. 
No answer.
"What's wrong? Is your place messy?" He poked Yoongi in the shoulder, pushing his face closer to catch his attention. "Don't be embarrassed! My place is like a landfill right now, I don't mind if it is. I'm here to see you, not your house." 
Yoongi turned, a tiny smile creeping onto his mouth. This boy was too sweet.
His fingers turned the key.
As the door swung open, and Yoongi pulled Hoseok through into the house, he got little glimpses of the sort of person Min Yoongi was.
Worn-looking records hung on the walls; CDs sat in precarious stacks on and around coffee tables. Magazine cuttings and photographs from some Polaroid stashed in Yoongi's cabinet tacked onto walls with rusting pins.
This was Min Yoongi's mind, all around Him.
Hoseok couldn't help but smile. 
"You're right, it is kind of a dump," Yoongi admitted shyly. He scuffed the soles of his shoes against the floor, not knowing that the boy who's hand he clasped was staring around him in amazement. "I would've cleaned up if I knew you were coming, usually it'd be-"
"I love it."
Yoongi looked up at Hoseok and saw a million things; his face in awe as he took in all these words and pictures, this ty little apartment that Yoongi had plastered himself onto, and suddenly he felt very exposed. 
Yoongi interrupted the silence by pulling on Hoseok's hand.
"Hey, want me to show you around?" 
Hoseok just nodded, and Yoongi could see the temptation in Hoseok's eyes to start kissing him, could sense he was about to lean in, but Yoongi turned away. Their first time would not be on the floor of his hallway. He just couldn't let it happen like that.
So Yoongi showed him all that he could; a living room with photos of family and friends scattered haphazardly across the walls, a TV collecting dust in the corner (honestly, it was more to entertain guests than anything), and two beat up but comfortable couches. A kitchen with baby blue walls and the rising sun echoing from its surface.
Yoongi saved his bedroom until last.
As Yoongi opened the door, he tried to imagine what seeing it through Hoseok's eyes would be like. Would he think the bookshelf was stupid for containing more CDs than actual books? Would he think the turntables in the corner were old fashioned? What about the battered posters of hip hop legends that adorned his walls, these people he'd looked up to since he was a child?
Hoseok just let out a breath neither had realised he'd been holding.
"Wow." Yoongi waited for criticism, or worse- diplomatic but transparent words, polite but still just as scathing. Neither one came.
"You're really something."
Yoongi just turned, confused, to face him. He'd never realised until now just how much he had to look up just to look into Hoseok's eyes.
"What does that mean?" 
Of course, Yoongi was immediately defensive. Hoseok just shook his head.
"No, it's not a bad thing. It's just..." Trailing off, he searched for words he hadn't yet plucked out of the air. "You're usually pretty reserved about who you are... It's kinda amazing to see who you really are. And you're really something, something good." 
Maybe Hoseok didn't have the best way with words, nor the most descriptive vocabulary. But then again, neither did Yoongi. 
And, with the phrase 'actions speak louder than words' kept in mind, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck, and kissed him. 
Hoseok was so good at sweeping Yoongi off his feet that the two were breathless in seconds, as just because Yoongi was the one to initiate the kiss didn't mean he was the one who leads. 
Hoseok's arms were around him in an instant, pulling him close by the hips and eagerly kissing back with such a smile it was so hard to pull away. 
But Yoongi knew he had to.
"We could, uhm..." His hands had slid down to Hoseok's chest, toying with the buttons of his shirt shyly. He didn't meet his gaze. "We could have ," his face was burning, hanging his head a little. "If you want to."
Instead of an awkward rejection, there was another sigh from Hoseok. This one was one of relief.
"Oh, thank god." 
Hoseok was then so much more passionate when he kissed him, not that he was dispassionate to begin with. Hands slipped up Yoongi's shirt and he shivered, thrills from this feeling snaking up his spine. It felt so good, so exhilarating as Hoseok nipped at his lower lip.
Yoongi was pushed down on the bed, open mouthed kisses pressed to his neck.
"Just let me take charge, okay, baby?" Hoseok's voice sounded just as it had the day he met him, husky and low in a way that brought a shudder from Yoongi as Hoseok nipped at his ear.
"Okay," Yoongi replied in an overexcited whisper, trembling as Hoseok's touched trailed down his chest, fingers moving deftly and opening one button after the other.
Yoongi let his eyes fall closed, fingers tangling into Hoseok's hair. 
The day was coming alive beyond the windows.
Cars that had lain dormant now trundled along the streets, the whispers of their engines permeating the air. The sun was visible above the buildings, the hour later and later; the digital clock in Yoongi's bathroom told Hoseok so.
Hoseok wiped himself down, removing sweat and from his skin. There was nothing sensual about this part of the post- ritual.
Opening the door to the bathroom and entering Yoongi's room once more, he couldn't help but smile, almost his lips.
Yoongi lay with his back against the rumpled sheets, coming down from his high with trembling breaths and  hair sticking to his clammy forehead.
Though Hoseok had very much wanted pleasure for himself (naturally), he'd taken his time with Yoongi first, the bruises snaking their way up the smaller boy's thighs. He'd almost to the point of begging, hardly able to hold back himself but knew that getting Yoongi so desperate like that would make this so much more pleasurable for the two of them. 
"God," Hoseok crawled onto the bed, pinning Yoongi down. Half-lidded eyes came up to meet his, along with a dreamy smile to accompany them. "You look ing amazing."
Yoongi just let out a little laugh, hands coming up to Hoseok's chest.
"And you sure know how to move your hips," Yoongi replied, tilting his face up weakly to meet Hoseok's hovering lips. He was spent, drained, but surrounded by such a euphoric glow that he couldn't help but smile into the kiss. 
When the two pulled back, the smiles faded. There was something there to fill the quiet, some confession or three words, and it would've been so easy to just say them now...
But maybe not just yet. Right now, the two knew they were relying purely on potential. 
Yoongi lifted his fingers to cup Hoseok's cheek.
"Don't you have work in a few hours?" Yoongi whispered. Hoseok just sighed with a disheartened nod.
"'re welcome to stay the night," Yoongi reassured, face turning to the window. "Or stay the morning, I guess. I keep spare toothbrushes in the bathroom, so we're all good."
Hoseok couldn't help the smile, shaking his head. 
"I guess you're prepared for everything, huh?" Hoseok rolled and lead on his back beside Yoongi, to which the smaller boy's only natural reaction was to turn and nuzzle his face into his warm chest. 
"As long as we get to cuddle," Hoseok whispered against his hair, a soft peck placed against Yoongi's temple. 
Yoongi, so used to his ual partner either getting dressed and taking their awkward leave or sleeping as far away from his as possible, as if disgusted by the thought of even touching him despite the previous intimacy. 
Hoseok's soft touch was an incredibly refreshing change. 
"Deal," Yoongi mumbled, his voice croaky with sleep. He leant up for one last soft kiss, before crawling back into Hoseok's arms.
"Good night," Hoseok whispered, then paused. "Or good morning, whatever."
"Goodnight and good morning," Yoongi's muffled voice answered, eyes having already drifting closed.
Yoongi had never slept so well in his entire life. 
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Would anyone be interested in reading another chapter? I haven't written in years. But if any of you are still there, and you're still reading, let me know in the comments if you have any requests or thoughts.


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Chapter 4: This is so well written...I love it ^^
Chapter 4: This is very good. I enjoy this story a lot ^^
nikolette #4
Chapter 4: You are back lovely... I missed you soo bad... yeah .. I know what you mean sometimes ... and it really bad when you have a job in addition... but this update made me really happy... It was really refreshing... there are not many good fics these days... last time i went through my older subscriptions and was thinking of you :) if everything is fine :) but as I see you are as busy as me :) let's get through it together ... I cannot wait for upcoming Chrismas break school and..finally I am flying back to my country... so take your time and enjoy your college life :) and please participate in BTS comeback on 30th November a right ARMY... I cannot wait for it ... sooo excited... see you bye for now :*
Chapter 3: I love this story so much!! *.*
I forgot to write a Comment the first time I read it but after I read the story again, I had to write something!!
Hope you find the time to continue and that you don't have tooooo much stress in collage (congratulations by the way! A little late, but....nya) and can enjoy yourself! :)
nikolette #6
Chapter 3: This is soo sweet...but I am sensing some drama :) Please have an easy time with your dream collage... I started studying collage now too... so I understand your feelings.. I've even moved to totally other country... so take it easy peazy... no stress :) wish you good luck
And update soon :)
Jaeryeolover #7
Chapter 3: Oh my gawd... The hot kiss on first date... Asddffjklg... XD ... I love this story.. Thanks for the update.. ^^b
nikolette #8
Chapter 2: During the part Hoseok was walking Yoongi home... I was still thinking .. "KISS!!!KISS!!!KISS!!!" But Hobi asking him on date was pretty much enough...
Oh my... this story is great.. I am looking forward to some action...drama ...and of course their first date :3
Please update soon :)