Chapter 3

Killing time- Yoonseok

((Sorry this took so long; I've been stressed about getting my exam results.

But on a good note, guess who got into their dream college? :'D ))
The date came much later than Yoongi had expected.
"I'm sorry," Hoseok would whine with wide puppy eyes and his lower lip sticking out. "They keep making me do overtime at my other job. I'm really sorry! But all good things come to those who wait," he'd try to make Yoongi smile, and it usually worked.
But still, Yoongi didn't mind waiting. He still got to work beside him, and Hoseok was his ever hilarious self.
"Yoongiiiiiii~" he'd hear that voice behind him as he trailed his way through the aisles when he was looking for something to do,and immediately couldn't control the bashful smile on his face, couldn't control the warm blush working its way to his face.
"Found another reason to follow me?" He'd feel an arm wrap around his shoulders, Hoseok gaining confidence and pulling him close.
"Yeah, actually," Hoseok laughed, and Yoongi couldn't make eye contact when he was looking at him like that, eyes all over him like that. 
"I was wondering if you're busy tomorrow- well, today," Hoseok noted, remembering that it was now the small hours of the morning.
 "I could take you on that date I told you about." 
Yoongi looked up at him then, seeing the look of adoration in his eyes. Hoseok turned his own gaze away, the two still awkward in their infatuation.
"I'm pretty sure I am," Yoongi smiled, wishing Hoseok would look back to him. "What time?"
Hoseok's smile was almost blinding. 
"Uh, I was thinking I could take you out to this little place I know around five? Or whatever time's good for you, I don't mind if you wanna change-"
Yoongi just watched Hoseok's lips move as he babbled, thinking how he could just shut him up with a kiss if he just leant up enough.
He settled for a peck to the cheek instead, resisting the urge to laugh at the stunned silence he received, feeling his cheeks go a deep Crimson at his own embarrassing boldness.
"I'll see you at five, then?" Yoongi felt a little shy, nuzzled against Hoseok's side with a hand resting on his chest, the arm wrapped around his shoulders a little rigid from the kiss.
Hoseok cleared his throat.
"Yeah, sounds good," his voice sounded hoarse as he felt Yoongi moving, pulling away from his grip, much to his dismay.
Yoongi smiled and began to walk away, and Hoseok's hand fell over the place on his cheek Yoongi's lips had touched, noting how he, a confident young man who was great with both men and women, had been reduced to nothing but a babbling mess by a boy he barely knew.
"ing incredible," he mumbled, his eyes alight with an unremovable smile in place.
So Yoongi got home and immediately jumped into bed, setting an alarm and trying to catch a few hours of sleep.
But there was a problem;
Yoongi was too excited to do so. Every time he managed to close his eyes, managed to calm himself, the thought of Hoseok came to his mind and made him smile, curling himself up in the sheets and rolling about in excitement.
Though he did manage to get three or four hours of sleep, Yoongi's eyes flew open when he heard the buzzing of his phone. Time to get up.
He showered and put on his favourite outfit(a red flannel shirt with skinny ripped jeans, completed by black sneakers), clipping the black studs into his ears and fluffing up his hair until it was acceptably cool-looking. God, this was a bad idea... He was so nervous now! Maybe he could cancel this as a last minute thing, saying he felt sick or having trouble in his personal life-
A car horn beeped from outside.
Yoongi took a deep breath, steeling his nerves before heading down the stairs. He did a once over in the mirror, before opening the door. 
The sleekest black car Yoongi had ever seen was sitting on the curb. 
Hoseok was leaning against the hood of the car, his mouth twitching into a grin when he saw him.
Yoongi got a good look at what Hoseok was wearing when he stepped closer. He wore a button down, much like Yoongi was, only his was a plain, deep blue with rolled up sleeves and ed enough to show his collarbones and allowed a sneak peek at his tanned, muscular chest. , he was so hot...
"Ready to go?" Hoseok asked with a smile, popping Yoongi's bubble for a moment.
"Yeah, let's go," he tilted his chin to look up at Hoseok, and there was a moment, a moment where both sets of eyes flickered to the other's lips, and Yoongi could've sworn he could feel himself leaning in.
But Hoseok pulled away.
Yoongi followed, wondering where he was going before realising.
He was opening the car door for him.
"What a gentleman," Yoongi teased as he climbed in, noting how cool and comfortable the leather seats felt against him. 
"You better believe it, baby," Hoseok stepped in and sat down, looking so relaxed and nonchalant that he looked like something from a photoshoot.
Hoseok drove so smoothly Yoongi barely even felt like he was moving. Not that he'd turn his head to look at the road; he was too busy looking at his date.
He'd never noticed just how handsome, or beautiful or whatever, Jung Hoseok was. He had such a sharp jawline, skin that was such an even tone of caramel and so smooth he wanted to run his hands all over him. 
"You keep staring at me," Hoseok mumbled in a soft voice, and even when Yoongi turned away out of embarrassment he could see that sheepish smile creeping onto Hoseok's face. "Why's that?"
Yoongi didn't know what to say.
"Sorry about that," was about as much as he could force out, the cool air in the car becoming stifling and unbearable from the silence.
Yoongi spent so much of the journey fretting over how awkward he'd been  that he hadn't realised how quickly they'd got there.
"We're here, hold on a sec," Hoseok undid his seatbelt and got out, walking around to Yoongi's side of the car and opening the door. He offered Yoongi a hand, and when he took it, Hoseok held on tight and refused to let go. Yoongi breathed a deep sigh of relief; he hadn't ruined things after all. 
Hoseok led him out of the car and towards a beautiful building made of white marble, the interior tastefully decorated and lit dimly enough that it felt so soft and private to be sat at that table with Hoseok, shyly slipping his hand out of the taller boy's to pour himself a glass of wine that had appeared as if by magic.
"This is so beautiful," Yoongi breathed, feeling so breathless. Hoseok had pulled out all the stops, even just on the first date! Yoongi felt blown away.
"Just like you," Hoseok grinned, nudging his hand closer to brush his fingers over Yoongi's. "Besides, it was worth it." Hoseok lifted his glass.
"To us?"
Yoongi lifted his own glass with a soft smile, as if seeing Hoseok for the first time.
The clink of glass against glass chimed through the air.
"To us."
Yoongi had never tasted food quite like it, so delicious it melted in his mouth. 
Hoseok had insisted he tried everything. 
"C'mon, just a little," he coaxed, waving his fork with the food on it.
"But that's yours!" Yoongi felt guilty, like he was taking both Hoseok's money and food.
"Oh, just shut up and it eat it," Hoseok rolled his eyes, pushing the fork close to his face.
Yoongi slowly opened his mouth and allowed Hoseok to feed him, lips twitching at how good it was.
"How is it? Do you like it?" Yoongi nodded, feeling as though the whole restaurant was staring at them and how sickeningly sweet they were acting.
Yoongi could only lift his own fork with food to try to Hoseok's lips.
The two left much later than expected, laughter at the edges of their mouths as they stumbled out hand in hand.
Yoongi had laughed more in one evening than he had in weeks, months, years. 
But now the evening was coming to a close, and he knew it couldn't last forever.
Hoseok opened the door to the car, that cheesy grin stretched from ear to ear.
And even as he drove, Hoseok couldn't help but steal glances at Yoongi.
Yoongi turned towards the window this time, eyes on the stars that hung like frozen droplets against the velvety black of a night sky in a small town like this. He looked up and he wished, and he wondered, and he thought about how things were right now. He felt just great, the soft hum of the car beneath him turning warm and settling in his bones. It all felt so good he didn't want things to end, a part of him hoping Hoseok would keep driving until they reached some other small town with the same sky but far away from here. It was a strange feeling, not that he disliked it.
When the car fell silent, finishing its journey far too soon for the two, 
 Yoongi jumped a little. Hoseok turned his head, a smile with traces of an array of emotions flickering at the corner of his lips. 
"We should do this again sometime."
 Yoongi couldn't help but think how cliché Hoseok sounded, but he fell into agreement regardless.
"We really should."
Hoseok climbed out and over to Yoongi's side, the uninviting, chilly air biting at Yoongi's skin before Hoseok reached for him.
Hoseok shyly slipped an arm around Yoongi's petite waist, and Yoongi was suddenly so thankful for the dim street lighting as it hid the look of shy embarrassment 
when he looked away to fish out his keys.
"Y'know, we could hang out whenever," Hoseok seemed to struggle for words now, looking away and into the shadows. He'd never been good at goodbyes, after all.
Yoongi scoffed a little.
"Yeah, but you're busy as hell."
"There's always enough time for you, baby~"
"Oh my ing God," Yoongi had laughed for what he was sure was at least the hundredth time that night, shaking his head. "You're such a cheesy bastard!"
He smacked Hoseok gently on the arm, stopping at the top of the steps to his house and spinning to face his date. 
Hoseok was smiling, too.
"Oh, but you love it!" He was so cheerful, so endearing that Yoongi couldn't help but wrap his arms around his neck (though he almost had to go on his tiptoes, he would never admit it). 
Hoseok fell silent, as if shy. 
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," he answered playfully, a hand running up to place itself on Hoseok's cheek almost involuntarily.
Hoseok cautiously s his arms around Yoongi's waist, like he was unsure of himself.
"Well," a Slow, warm smirk making Yoongi melt a little in his arms.
"Maybe I'll just have to kiss you to find out."
Yoongi was so ready with a sarcastic answer, only to be cut off by what could only be described as something so pure and warm even someone as awkward as he was couldn't help but pull the taller boy closer.
A kiss.
It started out gentle, a brush of lips that was barely there, before Yoongi was pulling him closer, a quick burst of courage that had him on his tiptoes despite his embarrassment about his height or how unsure he'd been about this whole date.
Before he knew it, he was backed up against the door, cracked wood and peeling paint pressed into his back and Hoseok's warm skin and gentle touch at his front. 
Hoseok kissed with such passion, so warm that even when they gasped for air Yoongi was smiling. 
"Not tonight," Yoongi whispered. 
Hoseok seemed confused, realisation only dawning once Yoongi nodded towards the door of his house.
"I'm not ready yet."
Hoseok nodded in complete understanding.
"Okay, baby," he whispered, foreheads leant together now. "We don't have to just yet."
Then Hoseok was reconnecting their lips one last time, so warm that Yoongi's hands couldn't help but slip down and grab his shirt as if to say, 'don't go'.
Hoseok had to tug his fingers free.
"C'mon, Yoongi," Hoseok laughed, entwining Yoongi's fingers with his own once he'd pulled them away. "I know I'm an amazing kisser, but this is just ridiculous." 
Yoongi smacked him again, huffing. 
"Goddammit, Hoseok, you ruined the moment!" 
Not that any moment he'd had so far tonight had been boring, but still. 
Hoseok leant down, proceeding to kiss Yoongi's lips repeatedly in quick succession. 
"No I didn't, see?" Hoseok's words where delayed by each kiss, breathless and so warm that he'd love to just keep doing it. "I'm overflowing with romance."
Yoongi couldn't help but roll his eyes as Hoseok pushed back, letting Yoongi free. 
He leant up to kiss Hoseok on the  cheek, bringing back the original sweetness of what was supposed to be a serious date. 
"But really, thanks for tonight," Yoongi gave his most genuine grin,  Hoseok just squeezing his hand.
"Not a problem. Hey, next time you're free, just let me know okay? We could hang out or some ."
Yoongi wasn't sure if that was supposed to be another date or just being friendly, but he wouldn't be against either.
He nodded in response.
"Great," Hoseok kissed Yoongi's cheek as if in return, and Yoongi couldn't help but melt just a little bit again. 
Hoseok was turning around, the temptation to pull him back almost overwhelming. 
"I'll see you soon then, baby." 
Yoongi watched through the blinds as Jung Hoseok, who he could all too easily call his second love, drove away. 
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Would anyone be interested in reading another chapter? I haven't written in years. But if any of you are still there, and you're still reading, let me know in the comments if you have any requests or thoughts.


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Chapter 4: This is so well written...I love it ^^
Chapter 4: This is very good. I enjoy this story a lot ^^
nikolette #4
Chapter 4: You are back lovely... I missed you soo bad... yeah .. I know what you mean sometimes ... and it really bad when you have a job in addition... but this update made me really happy... It was really refreshing... there are not many good fics these days... last time i went through my older subscriptions and was thinking of you :) if everything is fine :) but as I see you are as busy as me :) let's get through it together ... I cannot wait for upcoming Chrismas break school and..finally I am flying back to my country... so take your time and enjoy your college life :) and please participate in BTS comeback on 30th November a right ARMY... I cannot wait for it ... sooo excited... see you bye for now :*
Chapter 3: I love this story so much!! *.*
I forgot to write a Comment the first time I read it but after I read the story again, I had to write something!!
Hope you find the time to continue and that you don't have tooooo much stress in collage (congratulations by the way! A little late, but....nya) and can enjoy yourself! :)
nikolette #6
Chapter 3: This is soo sweet...but I am sensing some drama :) Please have an easy time with your dream collage... I started studying collage now too... so I understand your feelings.. I've even moved to totally other country... so take it easy peazy... no stress :) wish you good luck
And update soon :)
Jaeryeolover #7
Chapter 3: Oh my gawd... The hot kiss on first date... Asddffjklg... XD ... I love this story.. Thanks for the update.. ^^b
nikolette #8
Chapter 2: During the part Hoseok was walking Yoongi home... I was still thinking .. "KISS!!!KISS!!!KISS!!!" But Hobi asking him on date was pretty much enough...
Oh my... this story is great.. I am looking forward to some action...drama ...and of course their first date :3
Please update soon :)