Chapter 6


Two of the princes, Chanyeol and Sehun, had left earlier that morning, the other boys falling back to sleep after their departure. However, Kyungsoo just couldn't join them. He instead sat on the bed that he shared with Yixing and looked to the forest just outside their window. Soon he got tired of looking and eased himself out of Yixing's hold and out of the room.

He checked over his shoulder as he let the door slide silently shut behind him. The princes had a long day yesterday and despite his dislike of some of them, he still wanted them to rest. He turned to give the door one more passing glance before heading downstairs into the inn's lobby. He pass through its double doors and sat on the wooden steps outside, watching the sky above him. The sun was almost at it's peak, not mid-day yet but very close.

“Good morning Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo turned wide eyes behind him to see the inn owner standing there with a broad hat on her head and a smile on her face. He smiled back as best he could, but even he knew how forced it must have looked.

“Good morning.”

The woman ruffled his chocolate hair, “You seem down. Mind telling me what's the matter?”

Kyungsoo looked up at her kind face and knew that he could never tell her the truth. He couldn't tell her how much he doubted his decision to join the rebellion and how much he wished that he had just told Yixing no. He had trouble even telling himself.

Kyungsoo sighed before looking away from the woman, “I do mind, sorry.”

“I understand,” she nodded, “Just know that if you need someone to chat to, I'm here.”

Again Kyungsoo gave an insincere smile, “Thank you.”

The woman patted Kyungsoo on the shoulder, deciding that she meddled enough for today and it's time to change subjects, “Are you free right now? I can use some help out back.”

“I'm free,” Kyungsoo said, “What can I help you with?”

“Well,” she began, “First things first, I wouldn't mind if you help me carry these little ones around back so I can plant them in the veggie garden.”

The elderly inn owner pointed to a large tray of various vegetable spouts behind her. Kyungsoo nodded before lifting them, the soil from their temporary pots sprinkling over his fingers. He let his hand press into the underside of the tray, digging his fingers into the soil of an arugula sprout. He could feel it's youth and fragility, finding that the plant might not make it. He silently made note to ask Yixing to help it later. He felt the little one shouldn't have to die so young.

Kyungsoo was lost in his thoughts as he followed the other to the back of the inn. Then he saw a tanned boy arm-deep in soil, chocolate hair curtaining his face as he concentrated on digging up last minute weeds and readying the garden bed for the new sprouts. He couldn't see the other fully until the young man finally looked up when he was called for.

“Jongin,” the inn owner called as the boy gave her a smile in return, “Come take these from Kyungsoo.”

The smile slid off Jongin's face when the woman mentioned Kyungsoo's name, “Aish, coming, Granny.”

The boy came over and reached to take the tray from Kyungsoo but the other pulled back with a glare, “Just tell me where do you want them?”

“Uh, over there is fine,” Jongin answered with a pout as he pointed to the bed he was working on. He was in so much trouble.

Kyungsoo nodded and took the plants to the bed. He plucked them carefully from their previous homes before placing them just as carefully into their new one.

Jongin stood carefully behind the other. He knew when he was being ignored. “Do you want a shovel or something,” he still tried.

“No,” Kyungsoo deadpanned.

“O-okay,” Jongin nodded, “No, shovel, that's okay. Um, how about some gloves? I mean, you don't want to get an infection right?”

“I don't want gloves,” Kyungsoo huffed as he continued to work in the bed.

Jongin sighed before looking to his grandmother for help. She just shrugged her shoulders before mouthing angrily, “What did you do?”

“I don't know,” Jongin mouthed back as he shrugged as well.

His grandmother just rolled her eyes before she kneel down next to Kyungsoo and took up a gardening shovel on her own. “Well don't just stand there, Jonginnie,” she said to her grandson, “I pay you to help out. Grab a shovel and get to work.”

“Y-yes ma'am,” Jongin stuttered before he too took a shovel and place on his grandmother's other side.

“Kyungsoo, be a dear and hand me a kale please.”

“Yes,” Kyungsoo did as he was told and gently cradled a kale sprout before handing it to her.

“I could use a basil over here for his herb batch,” Jongin mumbled to himself before throwing Kyungsoo a nervous smile, “Please?”

Kyungsoo gave him a glare for his troubles before finally handing him a basil sprout. Jongin visibly deflated as he took it. He silently decided that yesterday was the last day he's ever wearing headphones outside. Especially if it meant he wouldn't have to deal with a hobbit staring at him like he wanted to kill him. He really should have just minded his own business yesterday.

The inn owner between the two boys shook her head at them. It seem that it was up to her to ease the tension.

“You know, you have to be carefully with these little guys,” she began and smiled gently when she noticed that both boys stopped brooding and were listening to her, “They're nothing but babies – newborns even. You have to cradle them, keep them safe. Just one wrong move and we could go from helping them to harming them.”

“It's frightening how easy things can go wrong,” Kyungsoo muttered.

The older woman frown. She had a feeling that he was talking about more than just plants. She reached for an arugula this time, the fragile one.

“But that shouldn't stop you from trying,” she said as she successfully transferred the plant into the bed amongst it brethren, “You never know, you just might succeed. I must admit, I was a little worried about this one, but it seems it'll make it after all.”

Kyungsoo smiled sincerely this time as he gently rubbed on the baby arugula's leaves, feeling its strength replenish after it took root in its new home. It seemed that he didn't need to ask Yixing after all.

“So it seems,” he said.

“You know,” the inn owner started again, “It's okay to take a few risks. You'll never know what you'll accomplish if you don't.”

With that the woman stood and dusted her hands on her worn jeans.

“Lunch,” Jongin asked.

“Lunch,” she answered, “So, I suggest you two take a break. How about you show Kyungsoo the forest out back, Nini? I think he'll like it.”

“Sure Granny,” Jongin said before mumbling, “That's if he doesn't kill me in it.”

“I heard you,” Kyungsoo growled as he walked ahead of him and into the trees beyond.

“Wait,” Jongin shouted after him, “I was just kidding!”

Jongin frowned as he heard his grandmother snicker behind him, “You just at this flirting thing, don't you?”

“Granny,” Jongin said with an insulted gasp.

“And to think,” the woman continued, “The little girls in this neighborhood think you're as smooth as a baby bottom. I beg to differ.”

“Grandma, please!”

“Well,” the woman said with a smirk, “Go and prove me wrong.”

“Kyungsoo,” Jongin called out, “Hey! Damn, where did he go?”

“You know I shouldn't even answer you!”

Jongin flinched then looked up, spotting Kyungsoo high in the tree above him.

“Look,” Jongin yelled into the tree, “I'm sorry!”

“Are you now,” Kyungsoo returned with an unimpressed expression that Jongin could barely see from how high he was in the tree.

“You know,” Jongin yell once more, “This conversation would be easier if you just came down here!”

“You're that one that wants to apologize to me,” Kyungsoo said and Jongin didn't have to see Kyungsoo to know he was smirking – he could hear it, “You come to me.”

“You really want me to,” Jongin started before he saw that the other wasn't making any type of moves to climb down, “You gotta be ting me.”

“I'm not.”

“Fine,” Jongin huffed before peeling off his lumberjack over-shirt and jumping to the lowest branch.

Again Kyungsoo looked on unimpressed as he watched the former dance struggle his way up the tree.

“You at this,” Kyungsoo deadpanned.

“Yeah well,” Jongin grunted as he continued to climb, “I haven't done this in a while, okay!”

Kyungsoo smiled deviously, “Well you better hurry up before I change my mind.”

Jongin stopped with his chest just above a nearby branch as he gave Kyungsoo the meanest glare he could muster in his state, “You better not ing dare!”

“Seems you got a backbone after all,” Kyungsoo chuckled before finally reaching his hand out to the other, “Grab on, I'll pull you up.”

“I don't need your help,” he grunted pulling up once more until he was just below Kyungsoo.

Finally impressed, Kyungsoo pull his hand back to himself with a smile. That didn't mean that he appreciated Jongin's lies though.

“I'm sorry,” Jongin began breathlessly.

“I heard,” Kyungsoo frowned, “How about instead of repeating yourself, you tell me why I'm seeing you again. Part of our deal was that we were to never meet again, but now here you are.”

“Look,” Jongin said guilt showing clearly on his face, “I really meant what I said. I really didn't think that I was going to see you again. Honestly, I thought you were just some repair guy or something. It wasn't until you started talking about staying in the inn that I realized that I wasn't going to be able to keep that end of the bargain. I really am sorry. I was just trying to help.”

“You could've stopped me once you found out,” Kyungsoo returned, face hard and closed off.

Jongin sighed but agreed, “You're right, I could've. I understand if you don't trust me anymore. What I did was dishonest, but I truly only wanted to help.”

“You know,” Kyungsoo began as he leaned back onto the trunk of the tree, “I told you some things I didn't even tell my closest friend. I told you things that I was afraid to even tell myself at the time.”

“I'm so sorr-”

“That woman,” Kyungsoo continued as if Jongin never spoke, “Is she the grandmother you mentioned last night?”

“Yes,” Jongin answered confused.

“I bet she doesn't even know why you chose to stay here, does she?”

Jongin blinked surprised. How could he have known? He then looked up to Kyungsoo. The other was staring out in front of him as if he was more mystified by the treetops around him than the conversation he was having with Jongin.

“No she doesn't,” Jongin sighed sitting back as well, “I didn't want her to think it was her fault. I'd rather she thinks I'm lazy or unmotivated than to blame herself.”

“I thought so,” Kyungsoo mumbled before finally looking to Jongin, “I suppose we're even then.”


“I shared something personal that I've never shared with anyone else and you were brave enough to do the same,” Kyungsoo shrugged, “I suppose we're on even ground, then.”

“I guess so,” Jongin whispered.

Kyungsoo leaned forward on his branch, his palms face-down on it as he stared at the horizon, “It's beautiful out here.”

“It is,” Jongin responded as he tore his eyes away from Kyungsoo to stare at the tree tops that were back-dropped by a deep blue cloudless sky, “Isn't it? I almost forgot.”

“Why did you stop climbing?”

“What,” Jongin questioned.

Kyungsoo looked down to Jongin for a moment before turning to the sky, “You said you haven't climbed a tree in a while. Why did you stop?”

Jongin shrugged, “Grew up, I guess.”

“If my lands still looked like this,” Kyungsoo began, his voice sounding heavy yet wishful, “This full, this lush, I would never stop climbing. If only to see the view, you know.”

Jongin glanced up at Kyungsoo, silenced. Jongin could remember when he once felt the same way. He remembered when he once loved to climb trees and play in the nearby creek with his friends, but they grew up. His friends changed. They didn't want to play in forest anymore. In following them to the malls and house parties he left this place behind him. He thought he out grew it, but sitting here with the sky and treetops stretching out endlessly in front of him, he realized just how wrong he was.

“Yeah,” Jongin smiled as a sense of contentment washed over him, “I know. I didn't realized how much I really missed this place.”

“Boys, I made lunch. Come and get it.”

The two boys turned to the voice, both frowning at the interruption.

“We can come back later, right, Jongin,” Kyungsoo asked Jongin as he swiftly climbed down from the tree.

“Sure,” Jongin said, “Anytime you like.”

“Boys,” Jongin's grandmother called once more.

“Coming,” Jongin called as well until he looked down and noticed how far he climbed up the tree, “As soon as a I find a way to get down."

After spending four hours behind a desk, doing what he does best, Chanyeol was finally allowed to take a break. As soon as Taeyeon announced his freedom, Baekhyun burst into the once peaceful store and dragged Chanyeol out in the loudest way possible. (Chanyeol was sure that the other was purposefully pulling him into display tables.) Chanyeol stayed along for the ride as he was pulled along halls and down moving stairs until they were met with dozens of eateries. The fire prince was in a daze as delicious smells surrounded him, making his stomach growl. Baekhyun had laughed at the sound before he finally stopped at a place selling flat bread topped with smashed tomatoes and other toppings.

“Sooooo, how was you first day!”

“Um,” Chanyeol shrugged, “Not over yet?”

“You know what I meant,” the other pouted before brightening up again, “So I was thinking that we'll have pizza today. You're okay with that?”

Chanyeol blinked down at the little assertive blond confused, “Pizza?”

“Yeah,” Baekhyun shrugged, “Pizza. OMG please don't tell me that you don't know what pizza is!”

“Okay,” Chanyeol said now looking both scared and confused, “Should I know what pizza is?”

“Yes,” Baekhyun said with his hands on his hips, “Why yes you should! Did you grow up on another planet or something?”

Chanyeol froze. He couldn't have been found out so soon.

“No,” he answered unsurely.

“You could've fooled me,” Baekhyun sassed, “This 'not knowing pizza' stuff has to end here.”

Just as the words were said, it was their turn in line. Baekhyun turned to the server with a serious scowl on his face.

“Can I help you,” the waiter asked somewhat scared.

“Yes you can,” Baekhyun snapped, “Get his giant two slices of your meat lovers, everything on it. Supreme for me.”

“Will do.”

Baekhyun slammed his hand on the counter making the man behind it startle into a stop at the sound, “And when I say everything on it, I mean everything. Except for pineapples, I don't think he's ready for pineapples.”

The waiter nodded before hurrying off to complete Baekhyun's order.

“Um, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol mumbled, “I think you're scared the man.”

“Good,” he responded with a bright smile, “Means he won't mess this up!”

“I don't think this is as serious as you're making it out to be.”

“Of course you won't,” Baekhyun bellowed, “You've never had pizza before! You don't know what you're missing.”

“Sir, your order,” the waiter said as he reluctantly returned to his post with the slices handed out to Baekhyun.

“Thank you,” the boy said sweetly.

“I'm sorry for him,” Chanyeol said gravely.

“No dude,” the waiter countered before Chanyeol was dragged off, “I'm sorry for you.”

Chanyeol was pushed into a seat and a plate of triangular flat bread was shoved in front of him. He looked down at it and his stomach growled once more.

“What are you waiting for,” Baekhyun said, “Eat it!”

“Fine,” Chanyeol said as he snatched the slice and bit harshly into it, “You act like the stars are going to a.....line or..... something. Holy crap this is good!!!”

“Told cha,” Baekhyun smirked, “Amazing right!”

Chanyeol however didn't answer as he was too busy stuffing his face with pizza.

“Ummm, Oh my Exo,” Chanyeol mumbled around the food in his mouth, “This has to be the best thing I've ever tasted.”

“You don't get out much do you,” Baekhyun laughed as he also took a bite of his pizza.

“No, actually,” Chanyeol answered finally putting the slice down, “I don't get out much and my family don't cook. I usually eat instant meals. Actually, I can't remember the last time I sat down to eat a meal with someone.”

Baekhyun frowned as he watched Chanyeol tear into his pizza once again. Baekhyun could remember the days he was forced to eat microwave dinners alone in his room because his drunk of a father couldn't give two s about feeding him. He knew exactly how something as simple as pizza could taste to someone who was raised like that. It felt good to share what he loved with someone else and now he can finally understand why Minseok brought him here all those years ago.

“You don't have to worry about that anymore,” Baekhyun said with a bitter smile.

Chanyeol easily caught the change, “What's wrong?”

“Nothing,” Baekhyun chirped hyper once more, “Just thinking of all the cool places I can take you. If you think pizza good, you haven't seen anything yet!”

“There's stuff out there better than this,” Chanyeol exclaimed.

Baekhyun felt bittersweet at Chanyeol naivety but still gave him a bright squared grin, “Oh, we're only scratching the surface. Just wait until I show you ice cream!”

“Ice cream?”

Baekhyun went to drag Chanyeol to the closest ice cream parlor but was cut short when his new iPad began to beep inside his bag.

“Crap,” he mumble as he pulled it out and shut it off, “Break's over! I guess we can go after work? Oh crap, no I can't. I forgot, I have to go early today. I have to prepare for my showcase and I asked for Minnie to meet me at the library. I guess we just have to meet up for ice cream after work tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow then,” Chanyeol questioned.

“Tomorrow then,” Baekhyun smiled, “You need me to walk you back?”

“If you wanna,” Chanyeol said nervously, not used to so much positive attention on him.

“I wanna,” Baekhyun said, dragging Chanyeol by the elbow again, “Be good at work, big guy! See you later.”

“Okay,” Chayeol smiled as he returned to his store across from Baekhyun's, “Later.”

“I won't let you eat alone anymore,” Baekhyun mumbled to himself as he walked into his store.

Jongdae sighed as he looked at the elderly man that stood behind the librarian desk. The older man was fiddling with his glasses as he ran a wrinkled finger over his directory, looking to answer Jongdae's simple question. Jongdae sighed again, his own slimmer fingers drumming impatiently on the counter-top. All he wanted to know was were the science section was. It wasn't like he asked the man to solve a murder mystery or something.

“Sir,” Jongdae spoke up but the old man raised a finger to him.

“I almost got it, sonny,” he muttered as he continued to finger the paper in front of him, “Oh boy, I lost my place. Just give me second.”

“Right,” Jongdae sighed once more, “Just give you a second.”

He turned away from the old librarian, deciding to scope the place out during his wait. The library was actually quite empty, with only a few guest scattered along the may lounges the sat between shelves. He could see a clear view of the front lobby where there were a few cushioned chairs and round tables covered in stacks of books. Sitting at one of the tables was a young man, who's button nose and oval eyes were buried deep into a collection of Edger Allen Poe's most popular works.

“Poe,” Jongdae muttered to himself.

“Oh,” the old librarian answered, “You're looking for Poe? Why didn't you say so? Now I have to look all over-”

“Actually,” Jongdae said with a charming smile as he pointed to the round-faced boy sitting across from them, “I just found my friend over there. I think I'll be fine. Thank you so much for your help.”

“Oh, I see,” the older man looked up disappointed.

“But if I need anymore help,” Jongdae said smiling, “I'll be sure to ask you.”

“Well, I'll be here,” the man smiled as well as Jongdae started to wonder off, “Such a nice kid.”

Jongdae flopped into a cushioned chair across the table from the Poe reader and sighed in relief.

“Go easy on him,” the boy said from behind his book, “He's been running this place for decades.”

“Maybe he should start looking into finding a replacement,” Jongdae said as he gave a passing glance to the man behind the desk before turning away before he was noticed again.

The boy laughed finally lowering his book from his face. “I agree with you there,” he said, “Glad I can be you scapegoat by the way, friend.”

“Well,” Jongdae shrugged playing along as well, “That is what friends are for.”

The young man raised a playful eyebrow, “Mind telling me the name of my new friend?”

“Jongdae,” the genius said as he flash a mischievous cat-like smile, “You?”


“It's nice to meet you, Miseok,” Jongdae said teasingly before becoming strangely serious, “If you don't mind me asking, what of Poe are you reading?”

“A fan,” Minseok asked.

“I suppose so.”

Though he was a fan of the Earthling 19th century writer, he didn't ask because of that. There were many writer's by the name of Poe throughout the universe. Although they may go by a similar name, no one writer writes the same story. If this is the Poe that he's a fan of, then he'll have a better idea of where they were.

“The Raven is what I'm reading now, actually,” Minseok replied, “You know it?”

“Oh, the one with the foolish protagonist that believed a mere bird was answer questions about his fate,” Jongdae tried, hoping he was right.

“Tell me how you really feel,” Minseok laughed, “If that's how you view the protagonist, then yes, that's the one.”

Jongdae inwardly sighed. Minseok just unknowingly told him what planet in the Milky Way they landed on. Now all he had to do was keep the conversation going, “You see him differently?”

“Yes,” Minseok answered with a smile, “I see him as grieving man that needed closer and found it the only way he knew how.”

“By pretending that a bird could talk to him,” Jongdae questioned teasingly.

“By projecting his sorrows onto someone else,” Minseok countered, “So that they could be easier for him to understand.”

“Ah easier,” Jongdae teased once more his face breaking into an unconscious grin, “He sounds like a coward to me. He hid behind something as illogical as a talking bird to come to terms with something that he should have been able to handle by himself.”

“But he did come to terms with his love's death on his own,” Minseok answered excitedly as he too grinned and slid to the edge of his seat, “It was the protagonist that twisted the raven's words to suit his needs. Remember, the raven only repeated one word, it was the man that used them to pacify his grief.”

“Or to send him into madness,” Jongdae returned just as excited and also moving forward in his seat, “Remember, it wasn't clear if the bird was even there or not.”

“True,” Minseok agreed.

“So, the man may have made up an entity to help him with his grief and it somewhat works,” Jongdae concluded, “So the true question becomes does the man’s actions make him a genius or psychotic?”

“Well,” Minseok said as he lend back into his chair, “Sometimes psychotic means are needed to meet ingenious ends.”

“Now that I agree with,” Jongdae smiled deviously as he sat back in his chair as well.

Minseok laughed, “I have feeling that you're nothing but trouble.”

“But you'll continue to speak to me anyway,” Jongdae completed confidently.

“Yes,” Minseok sighed defeated but still happy, “Yes, I will.”

“I wasn't asking,” Jongdae smirked.

“You know,” Minseok said as he sat on the edge of his chair once again, “I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?”

“That I am,” Jongdae nodded, meeting Minseok in the middle, “Actually my friends and I kinda got stranded in this town. I honestly have no idea where we are. If it wasn't for the old woman in the inn, we'd be sleeping outside.”

“Oh, you mean Mrs. Kim,” Minseok said as he looked in the direction of the inn, “Well to answer your question you're in Kimseol, just south of Seoul.”

“Ah,” Jongdae nodded, now he knew without a doubt where they were. “I see. We saw the city on the way in,” he lied.

“Why didn't you stop,” Minseok joked.

“I like smaller places.”

“As do I.”

The two opened their mouths to speak once more but was stopped when a bubbly blond bounced over to their table and flopped into a empty chair.

“Hey Minnie,” the boy said as he noisily dug into his bag and pull out a square electrical pad, “I finished my sketches. Mind checking them out?”

Minseok look flustered before finally smiling at he hyper blond, “Sure.”

“Great,” he responded, “Go for broke. Oh, and don't touch that app right there, personal stuff. I'll show you later.”

The little blond pointed to a picture that was labeled '3D'.

“Got it,” Minseok answered before turning to Jongdae, “Sorry about that, Baek can be kind of a handful sometimes.”

Jongdae nodded.

“So,” Baekhyun called from his bag, “What do you think?”

“Oh, I love this mustard color for the fall,” Minseok answered as he flipped through the drawing and saw a gown.

“I'd knew you'd say that,” Baek smiled as he finally faced his friend, “Keep going!”

Minseok did as he was told eyes falling on the beginnings of an ox blood blazer and slacks, “I love this Baek! Since when you started making men's clothes?”

“Since I found this freakishly tall, walking canvas,” Baek answered absentmindedly, “Keep going. Tell you about it later.”

“You better,” Minseok added, “And it better be over some good food.”

“Of course, dumpling,” Baekhyun teased, “Any who, I was thinking of a song to use for the showcase and I've come up blank.”

“Really, Mr. Sings-a-lot,” Minseok teased right back, “Nothing?”

“I know, right,” Baek pouted, “But, I mean, I know what kind of sound I want. Something slow, but not boring, powerful but not overly pretentious.”

“You live for pretentious, Baekhyun.”

“I know, who am I kidding, right,” Baekhyun grinned, “I mean look at that gown. Such a beautiful rusty orange color, by the way. You should dye your hair that color.”

“Focus, Baek,” Minseok chastised.

“Right song,” Baek said.

“How about Flower, from Xiah.”

“You are a genius,” Baekhyun cheered earning a shush from the old librarian, “Seriously that man hasn't died yet?”

“My thoughts exactly,” Jongdae added after being quiet for so long.

“I like you,” Baekhyun began before his phone went off and he turned to answer it, “One second everybody.”

“Everything's okay,” Minseok asked after he was done.

“No,” Baekhyun frowned, “My old man's at his stupid tricks again. I swear, I just want to give up.”

“I know Baek,” Minseok said frowning as well.

“Talk to you later?”

“Just call.”

With that Baekhyun rushes out the door taking his bag and tablet with him.

“That was interesting,” Minseok sighed, “Sorry about that. Goodness, with Baek's endless chatter I forgot to introduce the two of you.”

Jongdae waved the apology off as his mind was on something else, “Why did you do that?”

“Do what,” Minseok asked clearly confused.

“Indulge him like that,” Jongdae answered, “It seemed like you really cared about what he was talking about.”

“That's because I did,” Minseok frowned even more confused.

“Okay, I suppose,” Jongdae answered, “But why? He's clearly less intelligent than you.”

“Excuse me,” Minseok snapped.

“I mean,” Jongdae continued on as though Minseok never spoke, “How could someone that can analyze Poe be interested in something so trivial? Shouldn’t it bore you? Shouldn’t your mind hunger for more advanced conversation and topics? I don't understand. I might joke with my less intelligent friends, but to actually invest in them, as you clearly did with that boy, that's something I can't see myself wasting the time to do. How can you do it?”

Minseok just stared at the other. How can someone that seemed so charming and playful be such an elitist? Minseok didn't know if he should be angry or feel pity for the boy. He truly did seem so confused.

“You know,” he began as he stood to leave, “Intellect isn’t everything. Even though I enjoy the complexities of authors like Poe, I also enjoy fashion and music. There's a whole world outside of these books, Jongdae. Art and culture, you can't read about that. It's something that you have to experience. I love talking to Baekhyun, because he experiences it and lets me join him. That's why I 'waste my time' with him.”

He left without another word. Jongdae sighed at the other's words. He didn't believe in them but they left him feeling inadequate. He decided not to think on it anymore, though. He had more pressing things to attend to, like delivering the message to the princes that they were stranded on the planet Earth.   

AN: Man this was meaty, but there's just something about writing Baekhyun that just does it for me. Also any pointers for writing Kaisoo. They're my favorite EXO couple, but I always write established Kaisoo, not 'just now starting out' Kaisoo. If you have any pointers, I'd appreciate them. Sulay in next Chapter. Since I'm doing this in chronological order, Chanbaek gets two sections (they met in the early morning and lunch) and Sulay is late (because they meet in the evening, can't be fighting in a store full of people....) See you next time!

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TinaTissue28 #1
Chapter 11: Just finished re-reading it again! I hope you can pick it up soon and that this gets more subs. It's too good to not be popular!
TinaTissue28 #2
Chapter 11: Ah so looking forward to Taoris after this chapter. Hope you can update this soon!
Chapter 11: Even in fics JW doesn't stop being weird XD
can't wait for Taoris *o*
Chapter 11: Nice job Yesung you have confused me. Tao's right.... You're weird XD
bookwonderer24 #5
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Nice chapter it was very good. I loving the story so far. Keep updating please
Chapter 10: ahhh, I love this chapter ~~ and I love this story ~~ cannot wait for the next chapter xD
TinaTissue28 #7
Chapter 10: Hmm maybe Tao has something to do with Kris starting the resistance. joonmyun clearly knows some things that Yixings father doesn't want to be known. Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one
Chapter 9: Im so glad i found this fic :D