Chapter 8


Sehun frowned as his shoulder was roughly shook by a calloused hand and soft feathers tickled his exposed hip. He shrugged his shoulder just as roughly and shoved his head further between his folded arms, so much so that only his raven hair was seen on top. He could hear the one shaking him give an irritated sigh in his half-sleep and felt a sleepy smirk spread across his face. Finally, someone else felt as annoyed as he has for the past few days.

“Sehun, wake up! I know you hear me!”

“Fine,” the air prince moaned as he blew into his pillow and pushed himself onto his knees, “What do you want anyway, Kris.”

The winged-man sat next to Sehun and tucked his wings into himself as if he was trying to avoid contact. Sehun rolled his eyes at the motion but waited for the man to speak.

“We all need to talk,” Kris answered, “Yixing came back yesterday injured.”

The prince raised an eyebrow, surprised but not concerned.

“Injured,” Jongdae questioned as he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel hanging from his neck and his wet chocolate hair dripping onto his bare shoulders and chest.

“Yeah,” Kris nodded.

Chanyeol, who was in the corner putting on a pair of pants, stopped with his leg a quarter of the way through and frowned at the silent Yixing, “Are you ok?”

Yixing startled from the question, most likely not expecting to hear it and said, “Yes I’m fine, Chanyeol. Thank you for asking.”

“Look,” Sehun said as he yawned and stretched, “Sorry and all but shouldn’t you be sharing this with the sleeping dirtball there. Why was I woken out of my sleep to hear this? What does this have to do with me?”

“Sehun,” Kris scolded.

“What,” Sehun shrugged as he grabbed a towel and heading to the attached bathroom, “What do you expect from me. It’s not my fault that Yixing was careless.”

“How about a little compassion, Sehun,” Kris said as he stood and his wings flared in anger, “One of our own just got hurt and it means nothing to you.”

“One of my own,” Sehun repeated incredulously, “He’s not ‘one of my own’. Actually he’s the friend of my enemy.”

“I told you before,” Kris began, “We can’t hold grudges. We’ll get nothing done if we do.”

“There’s something I don’t think you understand, Kris,” Sehun began his eyes void of emotion, “I didn’t come here to make friends. I came to unify the nations so that the wars would end. This is only politics to me.”

“Did you ever stop to think,” Yixing began, “That to unify the nations that we have to unify ourselves?”

“Unify ourselves? You damn cowardly Zeverians and your unrealistic ideals of ‘peace’ and ‘neutrality’,” Sehun exploded, “You’ve never been on the battlefield a day of your life, weakling! You don’t know what it’s like to see the people you care about get smothered and crushed by the same man, mind you, that you blindly devote yourself to. So excuse me if I don’t give a damn if something happens to you – any of you!”

Sehun was in Yixing’s space now, bending down so that their noses nearly touched. The shutters snapped open and close as the air prince panted in anger. The balcony doors were blown open during his outburst and their entire linen blown off their beds.

Yixing, who was still sitting next to a sleeping Kyungsoo, finally stood and looked at the air prince with hard eyes that the rest of them haven’t seen on him before. Sehun still stood his ground, staring down at the slightly shorter prince.

“You know nothing of me or what I’ve seen,” Yixing answered calmly but there was still venom in the lower tones of his voice, “My neutrality means that I’ve seen both Eriagon and Areon soldiers fall. It also means that I’ve mourned for both. It means that I’ve stood in front of the blades of both of you and pulled you both back when you’ve gone too far. You don’t know how many times I’ve talked Kyungsoo out of killing one of your comrades – hell even you! You know what, you want the wars to end, Sehun? You want the killing and hatred to end? Then end the hatred that’s burning inside of you. End the war that’s brewing inside of you.”

Pain flashed across Sehun’s face for the briefest of moments before he scuffed and turned away from the Zeverian, snatching a towel from off the floor and marching into the bathroom. They heard a fist slam against tile before the water started to run as the princes sat in silence.

Jongdae sighed after the sound before turning to Yixing, “You have no idea what you started.”

“Hopefully a transformation,” Yixing answered.

Sehun stood underneath the spray of the shower, his palms flat on the tiles in front of him with his head lowered between his shoulders. He watched mindlessly as the water swirled into the drain below, the liquid tinged blue. Deep down, he knew that Yixing was right. He knew that they had to forgive one another for their pasts – pasts that they didn’t have any control over even. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was angry to his core about the Eriagons previous transactions against his loved ones. It was this anger that motivated him to join this rebellion in the first place. He didn’t care about the relations between nations. He just wanted his family to be safe and if uniting was the only way to ensure their safety then so be it. He didn’t even believe it could happen, honestly. He thought Kris and Yixing were fools for believing so wholeheartedly, yet he envied their naivety. He too wanted to believe that peace was the way to go, that unity could happen, but he’s killed too many people to even fathom such a hopeful thought.

He sighed once more before shaking his hair as he pulled it out of the spray. He watched navy blue water splash against the shower walls and even stained his hands when he ran his fingers through his hair. The color reminded him of the day he left Areon and the final conversation he had before his entire life changed.


Sehun silently watched his sleeping country from on high. He gave a deep sigh as he looked. Areon was beautiful. Its lands levitated righteously above its enemy Eriagon, the wind currents of its people keeping it afloat. Floating even further above it was the palace of its royal family. Sehun stood on the edge of the floating island that held his home – the home he was abandoning. He stepped forward, his foot dangling from the ledge just as his grounded ankle was tugged on by small chubby hands.

He turned around giving a bittersweet smile as he spotted his little brother pulling on his pants leg and looking at him with wide eyes. He kneeled down to the other’s level and placed a finger over his lips, making a shushing sound. The small boy laughed as the wind his brother created playfully ruffled his bright blonde hair before putting both hands over his mouth so he could be quiet as his brother asked. 

“Where are you going?”

Sehun startled before sighed deeply at the additional voice. It seemed like he was caught.

He gave a reassuring smiled to his little brother before pushing him towards the other man, towards their mother, “Why don’t you go back inside, Sungmin?”

The boy frowned, “But I wanna go with you.”

“Trust me Minnie,” he said with a sad smile before standing again and nudging his brother once more, “You don’t want to go where I’m going.”

The boy finally walked over to the other blond with a worried frown on his little face. Their mother, Leeteuk of Areon, easily scooped him up in his arms, nuzzling the boy playfully before looking to Sehun again, “And where would that be, Sehun?”

“Away,” Sehun mumbled as he faced the edge again readying to jump off and ride the currents to the main land below.

“I know what you’re doing Sehun,” the blond said loudly.

Sehun turned away from the edge then to eye the other pleadingly, “Then-“

“I get it,” Leeteuk said cutting Sehun off, “I don’t agree with your reasons and I swear to you that your brother and I are fine, but I understand.”

“Then let me go,” Sehun beseeched. They both knew that if Leeteuk wanted his son to stay that he will. They also knew that the prince wasn’t influential enough to say otherwise or willing enough to force otherwise.

“You want me to let my son go to die,” Leeteuk asked. Sehun opened his mouth to refute but Leeteuk raised a hand to stop him. “What you’re doing, some would say is impossible and some would say that you’re a fool for taking it on,” Leeteuk began before giving his oldest son a soft dimpled smile, “Yet I say that it’s quite possible, difficult but possible and Sehun, I don’t call you a fool. I call you a brave visionary. I’m proud of you for deciding to do this. I know how difficult this decision must have been.”

Sehun stared wide eyed at his mother, “I- thank you.”

Leeteuk smiled wider at his speechless son, “But you have to promise me this, Sehun. If you’re going to do this – risk your life like this – then do this for Areon. Don’t do this for me or little Sungmin here, but for Areon and his people. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good,” Leeteuk nodded before walking to his eldest and pulling him into his arms, smiling to Sungmin, “Do you see Sungmin? Your big brother is a brave man. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”


The three of them turned to the voice they heard bellow from within the palace walls, eyes wide and scared.

“You need to go now,” Leeteuk said pushing his son closer to the ledge.

“But Dad’s going to know that you allowed me to leave,” Sehun countered. He didn’t care what happened to him. He was ready to face the consequences of his actions, but he didn’t want to drag his mother into this too.

“Don’t worry about me,” Leeteuk said, “I’ve been married to your father for years. I know how to handle Kangin. Worry more about yourself, Prince. Now go. I’ll be fine. You won’t be.”

With that he pushed Sehun onto the rushing wind currents below. The blond rode them without thought, his eyes still on the fading back of his mother and younger brother.

“I really hope that I’m doing the right thing,” Sehun whispered, “If not for Areon than at least for them.”

 As the current began to blow closer to the busy streets of the main land below Sehun finally turned away, pulling the hood of his silver cloak around his locks and kept his head down before dipping into a shop. His mother trusted him to complete this and he won’t let him down. However, firstly, he had to get rid of the one trait that classifies an Areon royal – blond hair.


His heart lurched at the thought of his mother and brother alone in Areon, covering his sins. He backed from the spray and grabbed the soap, readying for the day ahead. This had to work. He sacrificed too much for it not to. He’d be damned if he let his pride be the reason it doesn’t, but he doesn’t even know where to begin to rectify it.

Kris sighed and sat on the bed he shared with Chanyeol. He watched as the boy stared worriedly at the closed bathroom door. This was all falling apart. He could feel it.

“Why is he still asleep?”

Kris raised he head from between his hands when Jongdae spoke, the remaining princes in the room all directing their attention to Kyungsoo.

“Good question,” Chanyeol added, “I would have thought that the wind would have waked him up.”

“As did I,” Yixing said as he picked up a fallen sheet and recovered the sleeping earth prince with it, “I guess I took more than I thought.”

“Took more what,” Jongdae questioned as he leaned forward in his seat waiting for the answer.

Yixing was a mystery to him. The Prince of Therman and the Prince of Zeveria had no reasons to cross paths before the rebellion. Actually Yixing didn’t have a reason to cross paths with any of the other princes before the rebellion. The only reason he was friends with Kyungsoo was because the Queen of Eriagon and the Queen of Zeveria were close friends and grew up together, the two wanting the same for their children. Also Sehun and he have crossed paths but only because of the rivalry between the air prince and Kyungsoo. Yixing was the prince of a neutral nation. Jongdae didn’t even know what Yixing could do outside of his acrobatics and talking to animals.

“I drained too much of his life-force,” Yixing answered Jongdae but his eyes were still on Kyungsoo, “I didn’t want him to be down for this long.”

“Life-force,” Jongdae questioned in awe, “So that means you’re a-“

“Life Knight,” Chanyeol finished, “Amazing! Who would’ve thought that our medic was an actual Life Knight? I just that you were good at bandaging stuff.”

“Wait, how the hell did you get injured last night then,” Kris asked also looking at the other in amazement, “I mean can’t you heal yourself?”

“I can,” Yixing explained, “As well as others. I over exerted myself.”

“So your powers must have a limit,” Jongdae suggested, “You healed someone else and yourself at the same time. Balancing the two life-forces must have been too difficult for you.”

Yixing looked at the other strangely impressed, “Yes. In balancing the forces, I drained myself. I used some of Kyungsoo’s life-force to replenish my own, but it seems I took too much.”

“Is he going to be ok,” Kris asked.

“Yes,” Yixing said, “As he sleeps his force will be refilled. So would mine but Kyungsoo has to tendency to forget that fact.”

“He’s very protective of you,” Chanyeol commented off-handedly as he slipped his now clean (thanks to Grandma Kim) Apple tee over his head.

“As Kris to you,” Yixing answered.

Jongdae picked up on the other’s defensive tone but Chanyeol must’ve not since the other just continued to get dress.

“Who did you heal,” Jongdae asked instead. He’ll investigate that later.

“A man named Kim Joonmyun,” Yixing said, “He was a former Knight from my father’s elite forces. He used to protect our people.”

“And now he’s an exile for killing one,” Jongdae continued, “I’ve heard the story. The man that was once a hero now exiled because of his heroism, sent away for killing a ‘would be’ .”

“Yes,” Yixing agreed, “That is how the story goes.”

“That’s an odd choice of words,” Jongdae smirked, “Does the truth go differently?”

 “I don’t know,” Yixing frowned, “He thought that my father sent me there to kill him, but he of all people should know that killing is frowned upon in Zeveria. Even killing the wicked, so why would he think that I would kill him?”

“A good question,” Jongdae nodded with his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, “Something’s not right here.”

“You’re right,” Kris added, “Of all places, how did we end up here with an exile.”

“Again,” Jongdae smirked, “Another good question.”

“I’m just glad that you’re ok,” Chanyeol said as he gave a wide smile to Yixing. He stood and grabbed the pouch that he kept his tools in and strapped it to his hip.

“Heading out,” Kris asked, “Be safe, Yeol.”

“Will do!”

“Actually, wait up,” Jongdae called right before Chanyeol walked out of the door, “I’ll go out with you. I want to go back to the library.”

The taller man waited for Jongdae to follow him, the two stepping into the hall together and letting the door close softly behind them. The two walked down the hall for a short while before the two hit the stairs.

“What’s going on, Chanyeol,” Jongdae said slyly, “Not every day we come across an exile, especially after he’s been exiled.”

“What are you saying,” Chanyeol asked cautiously.

Jongdae stopped, the sly smirk on his face gone, “Stop playing games, Chanyeol. What are we doing here?”

“What makes you think I know,” Chanyeol shrugged as he turned to face the stilled prince, “It was an accident.”

“Accident my ,” Jongdae growled back, “I’m anything but a fool, Chanyeol. Don’t dare insult my intelligence like that. Now I’m going to ask again. How the hell did when end up on the same planet with the first person Zeveria exiled in years? I don’t believe in coincidences, Prince. Now tell me, why are we here!”

 “It’s none of your concern,” Chanyeol answered, “It won’t jeopardize the mission. We needed a place to escape to. I gave us one.”

Jongdae sighed before giving a bitter laugh, “You wanna know what’s really going to make this ‘unity’ bull crash and burn?”

Chanyeol gave the genius a hard stare, “What?”

“The secrets,” Jongdae laughed, “The lies. I mean, we didn’t even know that Yixing was a Life Knight until now. Hell, we don’t even know why Kris decided to even start this rebellion. We don’t have any idea of the hell Sehun and Kyungsoo has bottled up inside of them. Then there’s you. You have a whole secret agenda going on.”

“It’s not like you’re any better,” Chanyeol countered, “You must have your own secrets too.”

“Surprisingly no,” Jongdae shrugged, “I, the Prince of the infamously manipulative Thermos, have nothing to hide. My reasoning is simple really. Joining the rebellion was the best option. The only other was to be left behind and I didn’t want my countrymen to have to face a united front if the five of you do happen to fix your differences. There’s also the thought of trade and commerce that would grow exponentially if we share our resources together. The economy would sky rocket. Plus the abundance of academic, medical and technological breakthroughs we could have if Zeveria, Finonia and Thermos would combine their efforts. Not to mention the power house of an intergalactic army we’d have if Areon, Anegil and Eriagon were to actually join forces. We’d be the most powerful planet on our side of the galaxy. It’s the best way to move forward as a planet. It’s not about politics or some silly ethical code. It’s just the most logical option.”

“That’s heartless,” Chanyeol frowned.

“Well, Thermans aren’t known for being heartfelt,” Jongdae shrugged.

Chanyeol shook his head as he walked away from the man.

“By the way,” Jongdae called to Chanyeol’s retreating back, “I hope it really was just an accident. If Kyungsoo catches just a hint that you were the reason Yixing got hurt, not even Kris can save you.”

“I’m pretty sure that if I’m found out,” Chanyeol called over his shoulder, “Kyungsoo would be the least of my worries.”

“What can I get for you,” Sehun said and gave a charming smile as he walked up to the two young men that sat at the table.

“Um, I don’t know,” the blond one began before yelling across the once quiet café to its owner at the cash register, “What’s good here, Lu?”

Luhan rolled his eyes before giving his customer their change along with a sheepish smile. He walked to their table once he was free and stared down at the boy.

“Baekhyun,” Luhan began, “What did I tell you about yelling in my store?”

“Probably not to,” Baekhyun shrugged, “But you were all the way over there and I’m all the way over here. I had to make do.”

“You know that’s what he’s here for, right,” Luhan asked as he gestured to a frowning Sehun.

“Yeah,” Baekhyun answered, “But his smexy face was distracting me. I don’t get that problem with you.”

Luhan sighed tiredly but he couldn’t keep the small smile off his face, “I love you.”

“I know,” Baekhyun chirped, “But answer my question! Whatcha got cooking, big daddy?”

Minseok snorted from across Baekhyun before bursting out into a full laugh, “Big Daddy, really?”

 “Shhhh,” Baekhyun stage-whispered, “I’m trying to get free food.”

“Really,” Luhan huffed, “You call me ugly and now you want free food from me.”

“I didn’t call you ugly,” Baekhyun defended, “I just said that your smexy face doesn’t distract me anymore. I’ve moved on to... bigger things.”

Sehun sighed from where he stood, his patience clearly running out, “Am I done here?”

“Yes,” Luhan sighed, “Permanently, if you don’t change your attitude.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” the raven replied before he walked off to clear an empty table and take the utensil to the back.

“Is he ok,” Baekhyun asked.

“I don’t know,” Luhan shrugged before flopping in the seat next to Minseok, “He’s been like that all day.”

“Maybe you should check on him,” Minseok suggested.

“Maybe,” Luhan said, “But he’s a brat and he hates me. I doubt he’ll hash it out with me.”

“I wouldn’t hash it out with anyone that calls me a brat either,” Minseok mumbled to which Baekhyun laughed.

“You haven’t seen him at his worst,” Luhan argued, “The guy’s like a whiny five-year-old.”

“Well,” Baekhyun began, “You’re like a happy five-year-old. Maybe guys will balance each other out.”

“Get the hell out of my shop, Baekhyun,” Luhan deadpanned.

“Feed me and I will!”

“Fine, I’ll be back with some strawberry cheesecake or something,” Luhan said as he stood and headed to the kitchen, “I want you out afterwards.”

“No guarantees!”

Luhan rolled his eyes at Baekhyun once more before sliding past the double doors and into the kitchen. He stopped by his mother, tapping her on her shoulder so she would know that it was her turn to man the tables. He reached inside the refrigerator and pulled out his unfinished cheesecake. He sat it on the table before going to gather different toppings and the icing but was stopped short when he noticed Sehun solemnly starting into the dishwater as he rubbed circles into the plate in his hand continuously.

Luhan sighed at the lost boy, seriously thinking of just grabbing what he needed and letting the other sulk. He sighed again and roughly pushed the thought out of his mind. He just knew if he didn’t talk to this boy, he’d never hear the end of it from Minseok. He damned Minseok and his gentle heart.

He walked up to the other and leaned as casually as he could to the other side of the sink, “What’s wrong with you? Missed out on a brooding session and decided to make up for it here?”

Sehun startled from the voice, nearly dropping the plate into the sink, “Damn, make noise! What are you even doing in here?”

“I work here,” Luhan provided, “Did you forget?”

“You know what I mean,” Sehun replied with a scowl, “What are you doing in the kitchen?”

“The answer remains the same, brat,” Luhan smiled wickedly, “I’m a baker. I work in here.”

Sehun sighed deep before focusing on the dishes again, “I don’t have time for your foolishness.”

Luhan blinked confused at being blown off so easily. The Sehun he met the day before would have continued the back and forth. Maybe something really was wrong with him. He shook off the rejection and tried again.

“Fine, Mr. Better-than-thou,” Luhan sassed, “I’m back here to finish up a cake to give to my friends.”

“Get to it then,” Sehun answered his eyes on his submerged hands, “Stop wasting your time.”

Luhan frowned. He was being blown off again. He really didn’t like being blown off.

“Wasting my,” Luhan began before he threw he hands up, “Ok. You don’t have to tell me twice. Seriously, you try to give a guy a pep talk and this is how they treat you!”

“A pep talk,” Sehun frowned, “That was what that was supposed to be? You .”

“I- really,” Luhan stuttered, “I was trying to help you because you’ve been moping around my shop all day – “

“Moping,” Sehun shot back a fire that was missing in his eyes all day making a reappearance, “I don’t ‘mope’.”

Luhan smirked. He got him, “I beg to differ. You were frowning so much, strangers wanted to know what was wrong with you.”

“Whatever,” Sehun frowned once more, “It doesn’t matter anyway.”

Then Luhan lost him. He watched with a frown of his own as the usually arrogant man calmly washed the remaining dishes. The pride that kept his shoulders straight and his eyes alit was completely gone.  The raven reached around the staring Luhan to grab a hand towel and instead of hitting Luhan with it like he did for the most of yesterday, he just dried his hands and placed it back.

“Stop it,” Luhan yelled to which Sehun looked back with an uncaring raised eyebrow, “Stop moping.”

“I’m not moping,” Sehun returned.

“Whatever you’re doing,” Luhan said, “Just stop it.”

Sehun just looked at the little store owner indifferently before heading to the door once more.

“Hey,” Luhan called, “I don’t know what your problem is but you’re clearly not ready to meet the public. So just stay back here and help me finish this cake.”

“Fine,” Sehun huffed, “What do you want me to do?”

“Can you cut the strawberries into slices,” Luhan asked.

“I’m not incompetent,” Sehun said as he took the knife and wove it through his fingers before gently bringing it down on the strawberry and thinly slicing it.

“I guess you aren’t.”

Luhan took the bagged icing and made interesting designs around the edges of the cake. His wrist deftly swerved and swirled as he made loops and waves around the cake. He took the strawberries from Sehun once he was done and gently placed each one onto the perimeter of the cake.

“What kind of cake is that,” Sehun quietly question from over Luhan’s shoulder.

The baker briefly glanced at Sehun before getting caught up in his creation again, “Strawberry Cheesecake. Want some?”

“Cheese and cake,” Sehun questioned, “That doesn’t sound like that goes together.”

Luhan laughed before finally turning towards the other, “Have some then. I’ll prove you wrong.”

Sehun raised an eyebrow in defiance, clearly accepting Luhan’s challenge. Luhan could feel just a bit of the old brat he met the day before making himself known once more. He made a small slice before making two bigger ones and gave the smallest serving to Sehun. The air prince scuffed at it before he took a bite from the cake, chewing it slowly before a look of pure sorrow flashed across his face.

“What’s wrong,” Luhan asked.

“I’ve had this before,” he whispered.

Luhan walked up to the other with his hand raised as if to touch him but he quickly pulled it back. The other seemed to be in his own little world

“Sehun,” the baker tried instead.

The raven blinked away his foggy eyes before he handed the rest of the cake back in a daze.  

“What do you think,” Luhan asked.

“I’ve tasted that before,” Sehun answered his voice hollow and choked, “Back home my mother, baby brother and I used to make cakes like those together.”

“Used to.”

Sehun looked down then, his eyes burning with so much rage it made Luhan back away, “My father didn’t approve. He felt that I was wasting my time playing in the kitchen when I could be elsewhere.”

“Oh wow I didn’t. I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Luhan answered before touching Sehun shoulder, “But you don’t have to listen to him anymore. You can do what you want to now. If you want, I’ll let you help me bake. It seems like you have some type of skills.”

“Some type of skills,” Sehun flared, “Please, I can make you quit in shame.”

Luhan laughed at this. He laughed hard and joyfully. The disrespectful brat he knew was back. However he couldn’t help but wonder what Sehun hid behind his overconfidence and smart remarks. What happened to make him end up here in Luhan’s little café?

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope it wasn't too 'all over the place' there were so many scenes I wanted  to show, but not enough space. Anywho, I think we'll be heading back to EXO next chapter to check up on the parents and finally FINALLY meet Tao! (Seriously where has he been this whole story!!)

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TinaTissue28 #1
Chapter 11: Just finished re-reading it again! I hope you can pick it up soon and that this gets more subs. It's too good to not be popular!
TinaTissue28 #2
Chapter 11: Ah so looking forward to Taoris after this chapter. Hope you can update this soon!
Chapter 11: Even in fics JW doesn't stop being weird XD
can't wait for Taoris *o*
Chapter 11: Nice job Yesung you have confused me. Tao's right.... You're weird XD
bookwonderer24 #5
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Nice chapter it was very good. I loving the story so far. Keep updating please
Chapter 10: ahhh, I love this chapter ~~ and I love this story ~~ cannot wait for the next chapter xD
TinaTissue28 #7
Chapter 10: Hmm maybe Tao has something to do with Kris starting the resistance. joonmyun clearly knows some things that Yixings father doesn't want to be known. Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one
Chapter 9: Im so glad i found this fic :D