Protect You (Yoonmin)

BTS one-shots

“Hyung I’m scared,” Jimin said, burying his face into the older’s chest.

Yoongi knew that Jimin was afraid of thunderstorms. Whenever it started raining, he could see a panicked look in the younger’s eyes until Yoongi reached out his hand to draw small, soothing circles into whatever patch of skin was available. This time, it was his back. They were sitting on the couch, and Yoongi was just about to show Jimin the newest episode of the show they had been watching together, some lame action series that they had both gotten addicted to.

Yoongi knew how to take care of the younger when he was like this. Although the first couple of times this happened he had gotten annoyed, he felt himself get more protective of Jimin whenever he was scared. By now, Yoongi was excited, ready to protect his angel from the harshness of the world, no matter how cheesy it sounded.

Therefore, when Jimin curled into Yoongi’s chest, whimpering in fear, Yoongi simply pulled the younger into his arms, and his back soothingly. Digging around in his pocket while being careful not to disturb Jimin, Yoongi pulled out his phone, slipped both of the earbuds into Jimin’s ears, and opened the playlist that he made for when Jimin was like this.

There was another flash of lightning, and Jimin fisted the older’s shirt, pulling himself impossibly close, hoping to shield himself from the storm with his boyfriend. Yoongi chuckled lightly and arranged the younger so he was sitting on his lap, facing him so that Jimin could be completely engulfed in Yoongi’s embrace. Yoongi turned the volume on the playlist up so that Jimin couldn’t hear the storm, and continued to trace soothing patterns into his back. He whispered words of encouragement into Jimin’s ear, even though he knew that the younger could no longer hear him.

By the time Jimin’s breath had evened out and Yoongi could tell he was asleep, the rain had stopped. He did not want to disrupt the younger though, preferring to watch his face as it relaxed while he slept. Yoongi chuckled to himself, watching how Jimin’s cheeks were smushed against his chest. He looked like an infant.

Yoongi eventually let the sleep overtake him, holding Jimin protectively in his arms the whole night. Though when he woke up he would vehemently deny his actions to his fellow members, Jimin would know the soft spot for him that was underneath his Hyung’s cold and grumpy demeanor. After all, Jimin fell in love with Yoongi for a reson.


Thank you everyone for reading! Please be sure to comment any requests and I will get to them as soon as I can. 

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Chapter 1: Hello! That was really nice to read, I just adore when Yoongi is protective of Jimin and would do anything to have him relaxed. I have a request: Yoongi accidentally sees Jimin and Taehyung kissing and he can't decide what he feels about it, as it was both y and disturbing, I'll leave the ending at your latitude. Thanks a lot if you gonna write this. Bye, bye!
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