Final ❤

I Heard It Through The Door!

Jimin’s hands cupped his mouth as he silently screamed. Why?! He couldn’t believe this was happening. Two of his hyungs, together? like this? A shiver went down his spine. He was the only one that knew.

“Ugh” Namjoon’s groans were heard through the door. God Jimin wished they were back in the soundproof studio. Their first day off in months, and all he wanted to do is go back to the office.

“Yes yes yes!” Seokjin chanted.

Jimin slid to the ground, back against the wall. Out of all the members, the heavens just had to mess with his mind. He had to be the one to discover his hyungs dirty secret. His eyes squeezed closed tightly as he let out a frustrated whine.


“Guys!” Jimin shouted, pale faced and breathing heavy, having barely found his way back to the living room.

“Jimin’s dead, i’m calling it, time please?” Jungkook joked, looking up from his riveting game of chess with Taehyung. Even though neither of them knew how to play.

Taehyung pushed the game aside, popping out of his seat as he rushed to his friends side. He slid his palm against the older’s forehead. “Cold as ice” he concluded, good as dead he laughed.

“What’s wrong jiminie?” Hoseok cooed, ignoring the brush off from the other as he poked at the younger’s cheeks.

“I think Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung are, are” Jimin stuttered, tongue becoming as dry as a desert.

“Spit it out Jiminie” Yoongi pressured, Interest still on the phone screen in front of his eyes. Level three, nice. He gave a smug smiled, as he proceeded onto the next level.

“I think Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung are, are” Jimin took a sharp inhale. “Woohooing in Seokjin’s room as we speak!” he quickly let out in one breath, hand coming to rest over his quickly beating heart.

Everyone just blinked as they took in the new information. Expressions going from one of not caring, to one equally as not caring.

“What?” Yoongi questioned, eyes flicking up to send a suspicious look towards Jimin.

“Just, go” Jimin squeaked out. One hand pointed towards the hallway, as the other came up to shield his eyes.


Taehyung’s eyes widened as he pulled his ear away from the door. “’s really going down in there” he concluded.

“No duh, we heard everything you did. They aren’t exactly being quiet about it” Yoongi rolled his eyes. He didn’t care if they were together or not, he just hoped they weren’t making a mess of his half of the room.

“Should we, intervene?” Jungkook rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly.

“You can, i’m not risking my eyes” Jimin stated, covering his eyes as he looked away.

“Get back here!” Namjoon hissed.

“Catch me if you can Luigi! You’re no match for the power that is mario!” Seokjin shouted.

“Oh god they’re roleplaying” Yoongi cringed in disgust.

“Jin hyung is really taking his love for Mario a bit too far” Jungkook crinkled his nose. Sometimes he thinks he’s the only sane one in this band.

“I think it’s cute” Hoseok awed, hands grasping together as he stares at the door with a loving expression. “And here I had money on Namjoon being alone forever, i’m glad he found somebody. Even if that somebody is Jin.”

“Yeah yeah we are all happy for them deep down, now lets give them some space” Yoongi yawned, already over this so called ground breaking new drama. “Come on jiminie, letting me use you as pillow will keep your mind away from those dark places” he tugged at the others wrist.

“You guys are just as bad as those other two” Taehyung spit out under his breath, earning a snicker from Kookie.

“I’m sorry what was that Mr. Elephant?” Yoongi raised a brow, ignoring the now flustered Jungkook.

“That was one time!” Jungkook whisper shouted, face going red.

“And you thought jin was the weird one” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“Hyung” Jungkook whined, reaching out to try to give his hyung a shove.

Yoongi took a step back, bumping into a surprised jimin, who let out a little yelp as he felt himself stumble back against the door. Hand grabbing the doorknob for support, hoping to steady himself. Little did he know, hyungs didn’t lock the door. He felt the door creak open one second, and fly open the next.

Jimin landed with a loud plop as his came down on the surface of the floor.

“Ow” Jimin groaned, not yet grasping the situation. Hands coming down to rub at his now sore bum. His ears were filled with the sound of cheerful music, and the sound of people moving about the room. Realization hit him just as fast as he fell. “Wait, oh god! i’m so sorry!” he yelled, hands once again coming up to cover his face.

“ Oh my god!” Jin screamed, eyes wide with shock. “how could this happen?” He gasped, throwing his arms up in surprise.

“Hyung didn’t lock the door” Jimin cried, eyes still covered. Not moving from his spot on the floor.

“ Jimin” Yoongi kicked at the youngers thigh, rolling his eyes when the younger didn’t move.

Namjoon’s laugh filled the small room, as everyone else watched the two after a roll of their own eyes.

“I don’t find this situation funny at all” Jimin whispered to himself mostly.

“Jimin!” Yoongi kicked the other’s thigh with a little more strength, watching as Jimin’s forehead scrunched together.

Jimin let out a pained groan as he finally removed his hands and looked up at Yoongi. The older just gave a nod towards the scene taking place prior to their intrusion.

Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed as he took in the situation. Luigi won the flower cup trophy.

They were playing Mario Kart. He let out a scoff as he picked himself up off the floor. “If you guys could keep it down next time that’d be great” he informed, as he dusted the invisible dust off his pants.

“Come on hyung” Jimin turns towards the door, grabbing Yoongi’s wrist as he makes his way out.

The others quickly follow, reclosing the door behind them.

“I’m the winner” Namjoon smiles, pulling Seokjin into his lap, placing little kisses on any piece of skin he could reach.

Seokjin rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up and away from the other. Ignoring the pout that formed on the younger’s lips.

“Hyung you promised” he faked hurt, giving his best puppy dog impression. Seokjin didn’t even have the heart to tell him it made him look god ugly. But it’s the effort that made it endearing, and that’s what Seokjin loved about that puppy dog look.

“Give me a minute would you” Jin feigned a glare, making his way towards the door. “Just gotta make sure we have no interruptions” he giggled, clicking the door locked.


Jimin’s hand came to rest at his side, as he got bored of playing with his hyungs hair. “Hyung i’m bored” he whined.

“Shame, should have brought something to do” Yoongi deadpanned, head resting on top of the youngers thigh, trapping him down on the couch.

Jimin looked around, nothing catching his interest. “Hey wheres my phone?”

“Maybe you lose it when you fell” Yoongi informed, eyes trained on his own phone.

Jimin nodded, as he poked at the others head. Hoping the other would catch his request.

Yoongi groaned, as he lifted his head up for the other to slide out. Letting it plop back against the sofa as the other stood up straight.

“Imma go check” Jimin explained, setting off down the hall.

“Hurry back” Yoongi called after.

“Why will you miss me” Jimin teased back, eyes crinkling together as a cheesy smile formed on his lips.
“Or just bring me a pillow” Yoongi added. “Now that I think about it, maybe the pillow would be better. Doesn’t talk as much.”
Jimin scoffed as he continued on his recon mission.

Jimin’s hand was halfway to the door when he heard it, his eyes grew wide. “Hyung!” he cried, running back towards the living room. “It’s happening again!”

“What’s his deal?” a yawning namjoon asked from the chair located next to the sofa.

“Who knows” Yoongi grinned, having passed yet another level of his game. “Find your phone?” He asked as Jimin appeared pale as a ghost for the second time that night. Opening his mouth, only to have no words come out.

“Oh I think I saw your phone in our room” Seokjin informed, coming out from the kitchen. “I’ll go grab it for you” he offered, already starting down the hall.

Jimin’s mouth just opened and closed like a fish out of water.

“Stop doing that you’ll catch flies” Yoongi glanced up.

“What happened see a ghost” Hoseok joked, eyes creasing up as he let out a chuckle at his own joke.

“Worse” Jimin managed to croak out.

“What could be worst than a ghost” Namjoon asked amused.

“Aw hell no Kim Taehyung!” Seokjin’s yells echoed through the apartment. “You open this door right now mister! How dare you do such activities! and with my baby Kookie out of all people!” he screeched. “You’re teaching him to live a bad lifestyle!”

A furious Seokjin emerged around the corner, putting a bit of fear in everyone’s eyes.

“What uh, what happened” Namjoon mustered up after a moment of silence.

“Those punks are playing Super Smash Bros! Without me! I heard it through the door” Seokjin shrieked.



Authors Note:

So yeah,

that's two hours of my life gone ^^

No regrets!

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notes_of_hell #1
Chapter 1: oh my freaking god xd
chokey #2
Chapter 1: haha.. so hilarious . another story like this please.. :)
BlueStorm96 #3
Chapter 1: poor Jimin and his ears
this is oh so hilarious xD
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 1: Seokjin seriouslyyyy??! LMAO and Jimin lmao OMG lol
this is hilarious really XD you should make another story like this!
jungdongwon1307 #6
Poor Jimin :))
Chapter 1: oh my god i can not
I'm dying this was so funny