
Fangs and Claws (On Hold)

Walking through the office door I notices everyone was tensed. Are they that scared of me? That's when it it me or more like smelled it. "Vampire" I whispered under my breath. Looking up I walked to the headmasters office. When I entered I noticed the disgusted face he was pulling. 

I turned my head to the right and notice the vamps back was towards me. Apparently they haven't notice my presence. Clearing my throat I spoke." What do you need me for?" . Mr.J looked up and he showed the brightest smile ever for the first time in my presence. "Ah Ms.Harmony I would like to introduce you to Mr. Kim the new history teacher".

Mr. Kim I presumed turned around and I could only gape at him. I have never seen a Korean vamp up close,they mostly stay in their country away from foreign matters. Honestly speaking he was quite the looker with his tanned skin which is a surprise itself. I smiled at him to only receive a confused look from him . "Now sense you are the only para-vamp in school I decided you will give him a tour of the place"Mr. J said. I nodded like he wasn't just choosing me because he thought we are of the same breed. 

He made shooing motions with his hand indicating for us to get the hell out of his office. Taking our lead I notice Mr. Kim hasn't said a word. "So why are you working here?" I asked trying to make conversation. Instead of answering my question he asked one. "Why is he calling you a vampire you don't even smell like one"he said looking at me. I just smiled. 

"Your right I'm not but no one in this school knows that apparently the mutts keen of smell ain't all that great"I laughed. We continued walking while i was pointing out places. 

When we reached the classroom I was about to bid my goodbyes when he did something unexpected. He lifted his palm and placed it on my cheek."Ah I see what a rare gem a beautiful one at that"was all he said as he went to introduce hisself to his class. I just stood there in shock and I'm sure my face was red.That was pretty weird shrugging that off I made my way to my class. Forty-five minutes later it was finally lunch. Finding an empty table was easy for I was always one of the few that arrived early. Sitting down and taking out my water bottle the only thing I need. I guess it could be considered a blood bottle as the contents inside was blood. 

That's the difference between my kind and vamps were while they can live off normal food I can only live off blood. Normally I would drink only animal blood but today I was drinking vamp blood. 

They have a certain taste that I enjoy; animal blood taste like human blood but sweeter and vamp blood as weird as it sounds is pure blood almost like alcohol drink to much and you'll get intoxicated. After finishing my drink I laid my head down and listen in on the conversations going on.

"Oh my god I don't know what to do I missed my last period"

"Hey, I heard Mr.Lift was fired after being caught with a student"

"The parasite gets on my nerves like she doesn't belong here"

"So our new history teacher is kinda hot" that statement peeked my interest as I blocked everyone else's conversations and only listened to theirs.

"Eww you just said a parasite was hot what's wrong with you"

"We'll he is! I mean have you seen him he puts my boyfriend to shame"

"Also did you know Korean vamps and wolves coexist with each other,like go to school together and even have relationships"

"That's even more gross can you imagine a wolf and a parasite together? It gives me the creeps just thinking about it"

"Why do you call them parasites? What have they done to you?"

"Nothing I just don't like them besides now we have two of them here once my parents hear about this they might explode"

"Haha your right they'll freak"

"I guess Mr.Kim is hot for a parasite that is"

"Hey is that Mr.Kim over there"

"Oh my god he is walking towards Harmony"that made me look up. As they pointed out Mr.Kim was coming in my direction. Sitting down across me he took out his food. I sniffed a little of the air and noticed he had a bloody looking sand which smothered with human blood. I scrunched my nose up in disgust human blood is bland to much iron. "What did you have to eat?"he questioned.

 I kinda froze up not sure how he'll take of me drinking vamp blood.Clearing my throat which made me sound weird I spoke."Vampire blood". He looked up at me with wide eyes. "Your allowed to drink that?" I just nodded. I guess he is shocked because its illegal for vamps to drink another's blood as it will cause certain complications. He just kept staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No I just.. how does it taste does it taste good?" He questioned. 

"It tastes really good it's just like drinking alcohol except without the alcohol it's very pure" 

"Let's say if you drink mine would it taste good?

"We'll I don't know depends on your blood type I personally like black and orange bloods although white blood is also pretty good"

"I see that's interesting".

"What blood type are you anyway?"

"If I tell you your not allowed to tell anyone else" I nodded like a obedient puppy.

"I'm a red blood"

I sat there in shock trying to comprehend what he said. A red blood? No way he's pulling my leg if my kind is rare than they are more rarer than me almost nonexistent. "Your lying why would a red blood be teaching here, a place full of mutts" I said still in denial.He just smiled and stood up and took his leave. When he was gone was when I noticed lunch was over groaning I got up and stretched wondering if I should skip or not. 

Walking towards the exit I was making a decision on where I want to go. I could go home but than I would have to explain why I skipped or I could just roam freely in the woods and be my normal self. Choosing the latter I made my way towards the forest. Passing the boarder separating the school and the forest I went a little deeper. 

Finding a good spot I undressed and let out my wings. The huge clear like wings were a light shade of purple indicating my blood type. My wings fluttered as I floated in the air feeling all my worries disappear. 

Just as I was about to land I heard footsteps coming my way. Panicking I shrunk my self as tiny as possible and hid on a branch. I waiting what felt like eternity when the stranger appeared and honestly I kinda freaked out. It was an alpha. I sniffed the air and his smell was foreign just like Mr.Kim. Actually he kinda smells of Mr.Kim. Do they know each other? A wolf and a vamp? This day just gets weirder. 

"Hello anyone there? I can smell you you know". I just stayed still praying he would leave.

"Seriously vamps in America are very stubborn"he said to himself. Sighing out in relief when he left I quickly changed back got dressed and headed home.

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