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The Man Who Cried Oppa

Once they arrived at the building where the photoshoot was to take place, they all piled into the dressing room. From the corner of his eye, Hyuk could see his adorable hyung’s head bounce up and down, trying to keep awake but failing. He snickered as Taekwoon ended up dozing off, makeup decorating his face finely.

Hyuk himself, however, wasn’t very tired. As the staff set makeup on his own face, he kept his eyes closed. Then his mind travelled to last night. He could feel his cheeks flare in shyness, thankful that the foundation hid any colour in his face. He just couldn’t forget the way his hyung had said that.

Gosh, this was like the dramas he watched on the television whenever he could. The really sappy and romantic dramas were his favourite.

“Why are you smiling?” one of the staff asked, chuckling.

Hyuk gave her a quizzical look, confused for a second before he realized it. He shook his head. He could literally feel steam of embarrassment come out of his ears and nose. “It’s nothing. I was just thinking of something,” he said quickly.

For the first batch, they were doing solo shots and the maknae volunteered to go first since he could have more time to bother the hyung who calls him oppa. Typically, Taekwoon always went last when it came to solo shots.

And there he was, sitting. Taekwoon wasn’t really sure why he preferred going last when it came to photoshoots. It felt more comfortable in a way. Even though tons of people were still watching – which was still awkward – he liked it. There just seemed to be less pressure.

All too soon, Hyuk was finished his solo shots. Taekwoon tried his best not to look interested as he saw the boy walk around things around the studio and make his way towards him. He turned his attention to Hakyeon, who was striking y and cool poses. But immediately, almost like it was without his control, he looked at Hyuk the second he sat down next to him.

He wore a smile on his face. It was almost impossible to do so but he did it: he managed not to smile at the sight of seeing Hyuk smile. Was his smiling always so contagious? He wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he was actually pretty happy that Hyuk came to sit next to him with the most precious smile he had ever seen in his life.

“Hi, Taekwoon-hyung,” Hyuk said in a sing-song voice.

The said man smiled. He couldn’t contain it as he looked at Hyuk shyly. Oh, gosh, what was happening to him? He had never been like this since…when? He couldn’t remember.

“Oppa,” Taekwoon said, “Good morning.”

The maknae grinned brightly, a sweet, quiet laughter leaving his lips.




Taekwoon wanted to squeeze his cheeks. He was absolutely and definitely the cutest boy to have walked into his life.

He groaned internally. In the past two weeks, there was a feeling bubbling up in him. They were for Hyuk, the maknae of the group he was also part of, a boy five years his junior. He was sure he was straight.

Recently, however, Taekwoon just had the need of wanting to kiss the boy! Kiss him! He was taken aback that one night.

The night they played the penalty game, Taekwoon had managed to go to sleep. Suddenly, Hyuk strolled along with him in his dream. They were hugging, Taekwoon was blushing. Hyuk was saying something but he couldn’t hear him. He saw his lips move, but nothing came out. Then he started crying and Taekwoon held him closely, about to kiss him.

Taekwoon woke up instantly. Then the game happened and it was as if he was doomed to hell.

In all aspects, he could not deny the single fact that he liked it.

Yes. Jeong Taekwoon liked to call Han Sanghyuk oppa.

It was a truth he was unwilling to admit or tell anybody. He would rather have his tongue cut off then speak of it. After he had dreamt that, the desire to cuddle and hug and kiss the boy was all that ever clouded his head lately. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it. One word he would use to describe being around Hyuk was: Happy.

It was quiet for a few minutes before Taekwoon felt his stomach churn in hunger. He looked at Hyuk. “Oppa, do you want to leave?”

Hyuk looked stupefied. “What?”

“I’m hungry,” Taekwoon said. He nodded towards where Hakyeon was still in the middle of his shoot.


“We have to be quick. I don’t want to get caught,” said Taekwoon.

Hyuk grunted in agreement. In a flash, they had already disappeared from the studio.

As swiftly as they could, they ran out of that building and didn’t look back. Taekwoon was smiling ear to eat, breathing heavily at the short marathon he and Hyuk just ran. Surprisingly, it actually felt good. It was exciting and stupid all at the same time.

They both slowed down to a stop to catch their breath. They were sure they just ran a couple blocks.

Then Taekwoon turned to look at Hyuk who wore the expression that mirrored his own.

Hyuk giggled, which caught him by surprise. “I like it when you smile like that, hyung,” said Hyuk.

Taekwoon caught himself blushing, hitting him softly on the shoulder. “Let’s go, oppa. I’m hungry. There should be some food around here somewhere.”

As the both of them wandered into a restaurant, Taekwoon couldn’t stop himself from sneaking glances at the boy. Gosh, he was so damn adorable and so manly. When had that happened? He never realized Hyuk had grown taller or even looked different at all. Compared to their debut days, Taekwoon took a full look at him. He wasn’t sure why he never noticed at all.

“Why are you looking at me?” Hyuk asked.

“Nothing,” Taekwoon said quickly, turning to his food.

He mentally slapped himself, embarrassed that he was caught staring. He took one more look at Hyuk before finally, after many failed attempts, he lavished on his meal. All too soon, they were both finished. Taekwoon got out his wallet to pay but Hyuk immediately stopped him.

“It’s okay, hyung, I’ll pay,” he said.

Taekwoon shook his head in disagreement. “No, oppa, I’ll pay for it.”

At this, the people around them gave them weird glances. Taekwoon ignored them. He didn’t really care at the moment despite the fact that the restaurant was full and he had spoken loudly. Curse the penalty.

In the end, Hyuk paid for it. The both of them took their time walking back to the studio. They didn’t run or jog, but just strolled along slowly.

Taekwoon couldn’t admit that he liked it rather a lot, to say the least. It was calming and endearing to him. Even though they had to walk quite a ways, it was okay. The chilly summer air bathing his face was refreshing as he walked alongside Hyuk.

“Oppa,” Taekwoon started softly. He inched a bit closer to the maknae, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “Can I ask you a question?”

Hyuk nodded and motioned for him to ask his question. Unexpectedly, he edged closer to Taekwoon too.

Taekwoon felt his cheeks go hot. That better be some kind of coincidence by whoever controls fate, he thought. He stuffed his hands in his pocket, eyes watching the ground beneath him. “Is there anybody you like right now?”

Oh, what was going on? He definitely wasn’t one to ask these kinds of questions, and yet, and yet, and yet… THERE WAS NO EXPLANATION! Taekwoon hoped to the devil that Hyuk would laugh and say he had a crush on whoever that was impossible to have. Then something popped inside of him. Something so foreign and extraordinary, it was like stepping foot on a whole different planet outside the solar system, except that it wasn’t the planet he wanted to be on. He wanted to be on the bigger and better planet. Not the small, tiny planet.

The reserved man suddenly felt jealous.

The sound of Hyuk’s snicker brought him back. His expression showed to be nervous, his head shaking no. “Someone I like?” He took a second to think about it before responding. “I have someone. I like them a lot, actually. I’ve liked them for a long time. I’m really hoping to tell them soon, maybe.

Taekwoon could hear the uncertainty in the younger man’s voice. It dripped with uneasiness and longing. Instead of jealously, he could feel disappointment mixed with sadness.

He sighed inaudibly, tucking his head lower in displeasure. As weird as it was, Taekwoon was strongly hoping that he would say that it was him. Ah… He scoffed at himself laughingly. Why, of course. Taekwoon felt as if he tripped over his own idiocy. Maybe it was true that he liked him more than he thought.

“Have you asked him yet?” Taekwoon questioned.

Him? You’re saying that as if it’s a guy,” Hyuk retorted.

Oh. Taekwoon could feel sadness washing him all over now. “It’s a girl?”

Hyuk simply shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t give any other response. Before long, they arrived in front of the studio. Nobody made a move to enter the building.

Then without thinking, Taekwoon turned to Hyuk and grabbed him tightly and kissed him.

Those little seconds felt like a forever spent in bliss. It all ended too quickly and Taekwoon felt hot all over. A glimpse of the kiss-ee told a million stories.

Taekwoon was nervous. Without saying a thing, he hurriedly left Hyuk outside and went into the studio. With any luck, he hoped they weren’t gone too long. Luckily when he arrived where the shoot was taking place upstairs, nobody said a thing. He was just in time for his turn. A makeup artist went up to him and quickly fixed him up and then he went to get his photos taken.

All that was on his mind was Hyuk and the kiss. It was everything. It was unexpected, astonishing, amazing, peculiar, great, wonderful, amazing, astounding, remarkable, marvellous, incredible, and mindboggling! He wasn’t sure how to describe it. The kiss happened so fast even though he was the one to engage it.

What made him nervous was the expression Hyuk wore. He wasn’t sure if he was happy, stunned or just plain revolted. He wished it to be the first and not the latter. It would be absolutely mortifying.

As the camera flashed, he saw Hyuk come into the studio from the corner of his eye. Hyuk didn’t look at him until he sat down next to Hongbin and Jaehwan. For the next several minutes, Hyuk watched Taekwoon intently, a deep stained blush abusing his cheeks.

After Taekwoon was done taking his solo shots for the new album, they were allowed a break. Next were couple shots and after were the group shots. Adding the change of makeup and outfits and breaks, they would most likely finish late in the evening.

Taekwoon sighed heavily and flopped himself onto the couch. Hakyeon, who was next to him, immediately cuddled into him. Taekwoon in all honesty, didn’t mind. If he tried to push him away it would only result in a restless leader. He didn’t want that. Instead, he tried to get comfier on the couch but it was hard. His head was occupied in a mess of hyukkissingkisshyukohmygoshIkissedhimhyuk. It wasn’t pretty. Not even the slightest appealing.

With his eyes closed and head inclined back, he felt Hakyeon snuggle closer. The rest of the members sounded like they were resting up too.

“So what’s with you and our maknae?” Hakyeon asked in a whisper.

Taekwoon shot up, shocked. Before he could say anything, the leader continued.

“I’m not an idiot. I do notice things, Taekwoonie,” said Hakyeon quietly.

Things were left unsaid after that. During the photoshoot, it became normal again. The kiss between Hyuk and Taekwoon was left alone. Both didn’t question it or try to bring it up again. The day went on like any other day in life.

Tomorrow was the end of his punishment. Hyuk was terribly saddened and he dreaded for it to come. It was midnight, so technically his punishment penalty had already ended. Ever since Taekwoon started calling him oppa on day one, he liked it. It almost became a natural thing between them, which was pretty unusual. The whole thing was weird. Hyuk thought he got too accustomed to Taekwoon calling him oppa.

Sighing, he stared longingly at the ceiling. He snorted. It was like in those sappy romance dramas when they suffered heartbreak and stared at something for so long with sorrowful music. As softly as he could to not wake up Wonsik, he sang their song Blue Blossom. That would have to do.

He couldn’t sleep. Tonight was one of those nights when it was just too hot to sleep. He threw the blanket off of himself left the room. He closed the door gently. When he looked up, he saw Taekwoon in front of him. Hyuk was surprised to see him. Taekwoon looked to be the same.

“I heard you singing, so…” he trailed off.

Hyuk laughed shyly. “Was I that loud? I tried being quiet.”

“Do you want to eat?” Taekwoon asked.

“Sure,” Hyuk agreed.

They both went into the kitchen. The maknae watched his hyung prepare their midnight snack. He admittedly wanted to ask about the kiss, but he wasn’t sure if he should bring it up. It was definitely unexpected, yes, but what? Taekwoon hadn’t brought it up yet and it was all so confusing.

“Taekwoon-hyung, there’s something that I want to say,” said Hyuk.

The said man turned to face the younger. “Me too. I like you, Sanghyuk,” said Taekwoon.


Taekwoon hid his face behind his hands. He sighed, stepping towards him and burying his face into Hyuk’s neck. “I like you, Sanghyuk,” Taekwoon mumbled incoherently.

Hyuk’s face burnt as hot as the sun. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around the smaller man. It was weirdly perfect how they fit together.

He was tongue-tied. He couldn’t say anything. “I like you too, Taekwoon-hyung,” Hyuk stammered.

Face still buried in his neck, Taekwoon said, “Only me?”

“Only you,” he said. He was blushing crazy and he couldn’t stop the happiness from taking over his body. “Can you say it again?”

Taekwoon’s head perked up, looking curiously at Hyuk. “Say what again?” he asked.

“That thing.”

He smiled coyly and leaned in to peck Hyuk on the lips. “I like you, oppa.”

A/N: I am terribly sorry for the late update once again, school is an ;; And I am terribly greasy for writing this crappy ending ohmycinnamonbuns. I AM SORRY FOR THIS ENDING L O L . This is the final part so it has ended unfortunately ; ;
I hope you liked it nevertheless lol. Please subscribe and comment, it would mean a lot especially I would love to know your opinions about my story:') I really thank you for those already subscribed and stayed with me despite the fact that it has taken forever for me to update, thank you so much ;;;;

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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 2: CUTEEEEE o"(//><//)o"
Chapter 2: Cutecutecutecutecute and...........
more cute XD
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 2: This waaaaaaaaaay too cute!
Chapter 2: hihihi this was soo cute *-*
can't wait for more!!!
and good luck tomorrow, bby! <3
Feed my LUCK feels~