"Don't believe in Love, believe in Me."

Chapter 2.


"Ohmygosh, where did you go? I was so worried! Why do you have scratches on your arms? Where did you get that bruise?" Taeyeon attacked you like a predator hunting for its prey. She twirled you around, checking you for further injuries.

"Relax." You laughed. "One question at a time. I fell down a cliff-"

"YOU FELL DOWN A CLIFF!" Taeyeon shrieked. People started looking your way and you bowed, embarrassed

"Shh!" You held a finger to your lips.

"And your hair is so messy! Come, I brought my first-aid kit." She tugged you to the room and started treating your wounds. "So how did you get back safely? Was there a hot guy involved?" She asked, wriggling her eyebrows.

"Well, yes. Two in fact." You admitted.

"Did you get his number?" She asked, bouncing on the bed excitedly.

"No.. Why would I want his number?" You yanked your hand back defensively. "You know how much I hate-"

"Dating." Taeyeon finished for you. "But still.. You could have inroduced me!"

You shook your head in exasperation. "You have too many admirers! They can form one line from Seoul to Anyang!"

"Thats exaggerating!" She grinned and scooted closer to you. "On a scale of one to ten, how hot were they?"

"6?" You replied uncertainly.

"6?! Only?! Mirae-"

"Okay, maybe 7?" You held up your fingers timidly.

"Oh, my god."


"Thank you! We'll see you later!" Jiyeon winked at a redhead, then skipped excitedly to her room, anticipating the next day.


"Wake up, sleepyheads!" Jiyeon shook you and Taeyeon awake.

"Huh?" You mumbled. "How did you get in here?" You muttered groggily.

"I have my ways. Now, hurry up. Taeyeonnie! Hot guys waiting for you!"

At the mention of hot guys, Taeyeon jumped out of bed immediately. "Where?!" She looked around, putting on her black-framed glasses.

"At the cafe." Jiyeon smirked mysteriously. "Don't be late." She waved. "Oh, Mirae, wear a nice dress."


"Try this." Taeyeon stuffed the dress in your hands as she rummaged through her luggage.

"Its too lacy!" You complained.

"Okay, this is the last one." She stood up and ed the lacy dress at you. "Like it or not, you are going to wear it." She pushed you inside the washroom.

"But I hate lace!" You stomped your feet angrily.

"Sweetie, its for your own good. I want you to seduce a guy today." She sat down at the vanity table and started applying light make up.

You came out pouting. She slammed the brush on the table and looked at you from head to toe. "You look amazing. Come here." She gestured and held up dozens of tubes of make up.

Soon, you and Taeyeon (Yoona's version) arrived at the lobby. "We are overdressed! See, everyone is shooting us those weird glances.."

"Calm down! Its because you are gorgeous, thats why they are staring at you." Taeyeon reassured.

You saw Jiyeon waving at you so you and Taeyeon made your way over.

"No way!" You heard someone whisper and you whirled around to see Gunwoo and Insoo.

"Hello." You bowed.

"You know them?" Taeyeon murmured in your ear.

"The one on the right," You said, referring to Gunwoo "saved me yesterday."

"He is so good looking!" She gushed.

"Guys, we are going to pair up for tomorrow's event." Jiyeon announced, looping her arm around a boy with flaming red hair. "He is Seyong. That is JoonQ, Chaejin, Insoo and Gunwoo."

"How are we going to choose?" Tiffany asked.

"Erm.. Very simple, we will pick an item from our bags and the guys will choose one?"

Jiyeon dragged the girls to the toilet. "Listen, the redhead is mine, okay? JoonQ can be Tiffany's, Chaejin can go with Krystal."

"Then I want to be Gunwoo's partner." You raised up your hand.

"Ohhhhh!" The girls teased.

"Thats fine by me, I think Insoo is handsome."

"Looks can be deceiving." You muttered.


Tiffany took out an expensive fountain pen, Krystal took out a tube of pink gloss, Jiyeon chose mascara, Taeyeon had a mirror and you reluctantly undid the hair clip from your hair and placed it on the table while the guys had their backs to you.

"Chaejin first." JoonQ nodded. Chaejin took the pink gloss and Tiffany shouted, "Krystal!"

Next, Insoo picked the hair clip. "Taeyeon!" Tiffany giggled. You saw Insoo look at you but you just looked down.

Seyong chose the mirror but Tiffany nudged Jiyeon. JoonQ picked the mascara and Tiffany blushed.

"I guess we are partners huh?" Gunwoo grinned.

"Yeah." You gave him a small smile.

"Alright! Now, please sit with your partners." Jiyeon played with a lock of her hair, then scooted next to Seyong.

"What are we going to do now?" JoonQ questioned.

"Fold if you did!" Krystal answered.


"Fold if you've never had a boyfriend!" Taeyeon said.

"Damn." You gulped the beer down in one shot.

"Seriously? You've never dated before?" Seyong asked incredously.

You nodded, then lifted your palm in the air. "Fold if your partner is Insoo." You then stuck out your tongue at your best friend.

"Kim Mirae!" Taeyeon fumed. Her little finger was still up so she didn't drink.

"My turn!" Tiffany said gleefully. "Fold if you are wearing pants!"

Gunwoo had to drink since he had no fingers left.

"I.. er.. need to clear my head, I'm getting a bit tipsy." You smiled and left the table.

"I'll go with you." Gunwoo offered.

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Chapter 5: i think this is sooooo good ! i really like it !
ilabya2 #2
salty_sugar_puff #3
omomo i blieve in you already =3
magical_cupcakes #4
@Evangelynne: Yup! :) Haha, yes, both are leaders too! <3
It's impossible not to be envious! The place is gorgeous D:<br />
Oh, Taeyeon, you know it doesn't sound bad, and she can take care of him when the fail-weak leader-shi gets sick and such *nods* n__n!
magical_cupcakes #6
@Evangelynne: Yeah! I'm jealous too! >.< Hehheh. I'm thinking of pairing Gunwoo with Taeyeon! :D Leader & Leader! At least he won't be alone~ ^^
oh my, her house is freaking gorgeous *envious* and that wardrobe afjalfjf *_*<br />
And wow, totally loved the updates! Insoo totally likes her (obviously) , I wonder if that girl Jaena will cause more trouble D: Needs more Gunwoo! *biased* :3
magical_cupcakes #8
@Evangelynne: Yeah! I love Insoo too! :3 Hehe! Thank you! I'll try to include more! ^^ Updated! :) I'll tryyyy to update tomorrow! :> Thank you for reading and commenting! :]
Aww Insoo is so adorable! I knew he wasn't a total xP<br />
I loved the fact that you also included pictures and stuff, it was a nice addition to the fic.<br />
Hope you write more soon! *_*!
magical_cupcakes #10
@Evangelynne: Thank you! I'm really really happy that someone likes my story and is reading it! :] Yup! They will get along! *smirk* <3