Kwangmin Knowing The Problem

Close Friends or True Love?

The bell for first period have already rung, all the girls just walked away with out saying a word.

"I wonder what's wrong with them?" Jeongmin asked confused.

"I'm not sure, but it probably something that happen with ______." Minwoo suggested.

Kwangmin arrived at first period and spotted ______ sitting at her seat with a sad look.

Kwangmin walked up to ______ and sat next to her.

In the middle of class, Kwangmin wrote a note and pass it over to ______.

______ started to read the note from Kwangmin saying:

You and everyone else seem sad this morning. Did something happen?

______ started to look up at Kwangmin then she wrote something and pass the note back to Kwangmin.

Kwangmin unfolded the note and read:

I really don't want to talk about it right now Kwangmin.

Kwangmin sighed sadly and then wrote something and pass it to ______.

Can't you please tell me?

______ sighed sadly and then wrote something and pass it back to Kwangmin:

I'm not sure if it ok for ______...  Fine! But don't tell Youngmin or anyone else about this.

Kwangmin read the note pass it back to ______ and nodded.

_______ then started to write:

Ok, we were all just talking about how much we have fun last night at the carnival. Suddenly, ______ walked up to us and she was angry about something. We were all confused. She seem serious about something. All of a sudden she started to argue with ______  about what's going on between her and Youngmin.  ______ has been explaining that's there nothing going on between her and Youngmin. After how many times she explained it, _______ just slapped _______ out of nowhere. We were all surprise. She then just said "Stay away from Youngmin." Then she just walked away. We felt bad for what happen to _______. You need to kind of tell Youngmin the truth about his girlfriend's personality. Because, no one hurts my twin!

_______ sighed then she passed the note back to Kwangmin.

Kwangmin started reading it and he made a surprise look. The bell rang and ______ was the first one to get out of class.

Kwangmin followed along and he made a sad look.

I can't believe that actually happen to ______... Kwangmin thought sadly.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 4: Im very confused with the colours and blanks
Aw... :)
im reading this all over again <3
Happy ending!
Haha happy?
yay! they finally get together!!!!!! XDDDDDDD
Haha dang! I's almost done...
Dont leave unnie~!!!!:'( and youngmin u pabo how dare u get there late?!!! D:<