Sehun's Wise Words Of Wisdom

Giving Up

Macy's POV;
*Plops On Couch* Slurp Slurp... ^V^(Mommy lives with funny people. Like the big giant meanie who makes mommy mad, big ert brother Sehun? and I think I saw a panda somewhere? I wish the panda could come play with me. I'm bored now. -3- .... Speaking about being bored I think brother Sehun's coming into the living room.)

Oh, hey! Sorry about the noise and the trouble by the way, you know how Tao gets.


Oh yeah I forgot, um, the guy with the dark eye bags.

OH! Mr. Panda! 

Hahaha, Mr. Panda?! That's hilarious!*Plops Self On Couch*

Ha ha?

I never got you name by the way.


That's a pretty name, did you catch my name? My name's-

ert Sehun brother, right? ^V^

...Ah-....*O*...Where'd you get ert from?!

Oh, you were talking about bad things with the big meanie giant.

No-I mean-that's not why-*Flustered*

Haha, brother Sehun you're funny.

*Chuckles* Haha, I guess so. You do know that doesn't classify me as a ert, right?

Really? Then what's a ert?

Ahhh- ^_^ll....Well, it when a person touches another person when the other person doesn't want to be touched, and they continue to bug the other person.

Wait, would that mean I'm a ert?!


Well, I always grab mommy's hand because mommy makes me feel safe. So, am I making erted actions toward mommy?!

Pfthahaha!! That's hilar-

*Starts To Tear Up*

Ah-No, no, no, no it's different. Doing stuff like that doesn't make you a ert, it's only if you attack D.O., which I highly doubt you'll do, that would make you someone like that.

Does that mean as long as I know the person, it's okay to hug them?

Well, yeah. I guess that'd be fine.

YAY! I'M NOT A ERT!*Hugs Sehun*

Eh-! Y-you're welcome.

Hey, brother Sehun?

Yeah? ^v^

What's a ity?


What does it mean to lose your ity?

*Flails* W-Wh-what are you asking me that for?!

Well, you seem to know things, and Chanyeol never finished his sentence.


Cause mommy put him in a choke hold-


B-but why do you have to ask me?!*Flustered*

Caaaause, you know things, I don't want to ask the meanie, and I don't think mommy would be happy if I knew what it was, but I want to know!


*Tightens Grip On Sehun* SEEEEHHHUUUUNNNN!!!!*Puppy Dog Eyes*

AH-*Heavy Sigh* You win.

YAY!! So, tell me what it means to lose your ity! ^V^

Wait! That wasn't the question before!

Well, that's what the meanie said, so tell me!

*Bright Red*'s when a boy and a girl....Um, like each other.

Like how you like me and I like you! ^V^


B-but...I thought you liked me too *Starts Tearing Up*

I-I do, b-b-but not like that!

*Lets Go Of Sehun and Sobs Into Hands* Waahhhh-!!

I-I'm sorry! That's not what I meant! I-I like you, just not in that way! So, please stop crying!*Tries To Wipe Up Tears*

Y-you mean it?

Y-yeah. I like you, and you like me too, right?

*Hiccups* M-hm.

Now, don't cry anymore, okay?



*Looks At Macy* You-

Lay, hyung-!

Macy, come here.

Okay.*Walks Over*

Let's go see what's mommy's making, okay?

*Hiccups* M-hm.

Okay.*Smiles**Glares Back At Sehun*


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