
The Green Planet

"What should be wrong with you Jisoo?",Mrs Park walked over to my seat and looked at me curious. I showed her my empty wrists:"I don't have a tattoo,not even some dots or any sort of signs that I'll get one soon".

"Hm,that shouldn't be true. Did you already looked at your ankles? It isn't uncommon for tattoos to appear there,my daughter-in-law has-"

"No,you don't get what I mean. I don't have a tattoo anywhere! There's absoulutly nothing!"

"Jisoo. First of; It is very rude to disturb someone,even more a teacher,in the midst of their sentence and second,is it impossible for you not to have any tattoo at all. Let me take a look,alright?" She was right,I was being rude towards her but I couldn't care less at that moment. Who wouldn't panic when they've been told all their lives that they'll get a tatto but there's nothing at all?!

As she looked closely at my legs,I took a look around me at all the other girls. How they laughed and giggled,happy with their tattoos. Even Bomi,a few seats afar from me was looking at hers,totally trapped in her own world. I bet hers was one of the most prettiest tattoos from all the girls here.

"I can't find anything either. But it isn't so uncommon for a tattoo to appear later,I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet but I already heard of it. You shouldn't panic in this situation now but relax and wait. You don't have to be worried,not now. Maybe you're just a late bloomer and your tattoo appears within this week,I'm sure of it."

"Do you really believe that? What if I'm one of those that don't get a partner. What if I'm fated to live alone?"

"Jisoo,don't. I don't think that it is like that. And how comes you think you'll end up alone? Only the ones who are sick since birth,so sick that there isn't any chance of a cure,they probably won't have a partner. But even then,sometimes they get the chance to meet their fated ones. So don't worry Jisoo-ah.",she patted my shoulder and walked through the rows of tables,looking at each tattoo of the other girls.

I sighed,this day,I wished that it would've been differently.


"That's all what she said?",Bomi asked me and took a sip from her iced mocha latte. I held the glass water I ordered for myself tightly,my knuckles turned white already.

"Yeah,I think I'll just have to wait. I don't have another choice anyway."

"But don't you think it's weird? I mean,we all got our tattoos,marks or what ever they call these. How comes you're the only one without even the slightest trace of it? I don't understand it at all."

"Neither do I. I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to Jin,Hakyeon or my mother. They all waited for this day ...",I took a sip from my water because my mouth felt way too dry.

"But why do they even care that much? Sure,my family cares for my tattoo too but not to that extend like yours does."

"Yeah,my family pays a lot of attention to things like that. Even my sisters-in-law,it's kind of weird though my brothers aren't as bad as my mother is."

"Aish,isn't that a bit too much? But you know that if you don't feel well or you have a fight again with your family,you can always come with me. You know that my family likes you and all.",she looked at my pityfull,just like she always did when I told her about my mother.

She was difficult to handle,that's what I always like to say. I don't know when it all started but at some point we just couldn't get along anymore. My father supported me and my siblings with all what we did,no matter what. But my mother was always a bit different. She wanted perfection. And that's something I couldn't give her,the same with my two brothers. That's why we live in a different house than the rest of our family members.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm not some kind of a charity case. I like to go at your familys house because they're nice,just like you. That's why we're friends afterall.",I emptied my water and placed it back on the table. "I'll call you,alright? If I'll be any later Jin's going to kill me. He prepared some special menu or what ever he called it like. See you.",I grabbed my bag and jacket,but before I could walk away Bomi grabbed me by my sleeve.

"I mean it Jisoo. If something's bothering you,I'll try to help you out in any possible way.",she looked at me with those brown-green eyes of hers,that I didn't have another choice than to believe in her words. She might be stronger than I thought ...

"Yeah,I know. Take care". I smiled at her and went on my way back home,hoping that it won't be as bad as I think it will be.


The keys hit against the door knob and were a bit difficult to put in the lock,it was already dark outside as I tried to open the front door. But then it clicked and I pushed the door open,slipped out of my shoes,put my jacket on the wardrobe and went into my indoor slippers.

"I'm back!",I yelled through the house.

Jin ran around the corner,an apron around his waist and a wooden spoon in his hand. He looked angry,"You're late! I thought you'd back at 8 and now it's already 9:30 pm! The food will get cold~". He whined and grabbed my hand,pulled me with him in the kitchen were he prepared a big meal. I knew it,he over did it again.

"Oppa~ Why did you made so much food again? I told you that I don't want so much and it's already after 4 pm,you know that I don't like to eat that much after that hour passed."

"Oh come on! It's not like you have to watch what you're eating and when. Just enjoy the food~",he forced me to sit on a chair and poured some juice in a glass,which he placed beside my plate. "I'll get Hakyeon,wait a moment",he walked out of the kitchen and yelled,"Haykyeon! Food's done!". He walked back in and sat down beside me. I looked at him speecheless and burst out in laughters.

"What? Why are you laughing?",he asked and I patted his shoulder without any words.

Hakyeon walked into the kitchen a few moments later,grinned and grabbed the free chair beside me.

"And how was it?",he asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"You're kidding right? Your tattoo?",he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Ah,that's what you meant. Ehm,alright I think?"

They looked at me with an asking expression. "What do you mean with alright? You did get yours,didn't you?",Jin pointed at me with his chopsticks. I looked down on my lab,trying to avoid their eyes. Those movements only made it more obvious to them that something was wrong.

"Don't tell me...",Hakyeon whispered. He knew it,or should I say figured it out?

I nodded. He sighed and placed his spoon back beside his plate. He wiped his hands over his face and groaned.

"I-it's not that bad. I mean,Mrs Park told me I should wait and-"

"We can't say anything to Mom. She'll go crazy",Hakyeon pointed out.

"So ... You didn't get one?",Jin asked,"I mean like absoulutely nothing? Zero?". I nodded and told them what happened,or better -what didn't happened- and after the whole conversation,we came to the conclusion that it'd be better if we don't tell anything at all to the rest of our family members and just wait,like Mrs Park suggested.

Hello to all the new readers! :3 And a big thanks to my 11 subscribers! I hope you'll stick with me and the story 'til the end c: Of course,the first chapters are a bit lame in the beginning and it's hard for me too until I totally get into the world and such,I hope you'll understand but I'll give my best!! 

have a nice day/night and don't forget to drink enough water (did you know that our brain uses up to 10 cups of water per day? or something like that :DD I read it somewhere though)


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Chapter 6: I really like your story! Good luck in therapy and feel better :)
Chapter 5: Gdi I love Young Jae so much ahdksla
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 5: Yeay she found her mate is the whole Got7 her mates...I would love that!
Chapter 5: Eeeeeep, she matches with Youngjae! I'm squealing like a crazed fan girl lol
Chapter 5: Ahhh yeah 1 down... wht is it 6 more to go!! Whoop whoop
nerry55 #6
Chapter 4: I cannot wait till she her partners!! I really wonder what's up with her mom and why she is so stiff around her own children. Thank you for updating!!!
Scarlet_Flower #7
Chapter 4: Loved this update great job! :D
Scarlet_Flower #8
Chapter 3: I'm a new reader and this story is awesome! :D
Chapter 3: Haha she was worrying for nothing ^-^
Chapter 1: Ooh, this is interesting. ^^ I love it. I'll wait for your next update!