
'D Nightly Heaven

"Ugh," Yoongi complains. He struggles with removing the comforter of the bed without lifting anything besides his arm, and after a while he successfully flings it at Jimin's face.

Jimin, who is innocently sleeping on the carpet on the floor a few meters from the end of bed, sits up to glare at the older. "What the heck, hyung?" Said older just groans in response, and lifts his sweat-damp shirt above his shoulder.

"It's so hot, ." Yoongi lifts his upper torso to fully rid himself of his shirt, Jimin ignores him in favor of scooting closer towards the a-bit-large-in-size battery-operated fan on the corner of Yoongi's bedroom, which ends up with him being hit with a pillow at the back of his neck.

"What did I ever do to you?" He half-scream, half-groans at Yoongi, who still has eyes closed and his hand twirling his shirt as a makeshift fan. "Stop hogging all the air to yourself."

Jimin scowls at him, but wordlessly knee-crawls back to his original position two feet from the bed, his hands clutching the back of the fan and places it in such a way that there won't be an inch of Yoongi that doesn't get hit with air.

He cozies himself on the rug, despite the itch it gives his bare shoulder, the cloth still somehow feels cool on his skin.


He gets at most a ten-minute nap before Yoongi (the hibernating grandpa bear as he calls him when he's asleep) groans again and blindly smacks Jimin on the neck. "Why did you turn off the fan?"

"I didn't," He whines with a pout. He lifts himself on one elbow to look at the dramatic way the fan is slowing down to its end. Jimin stretches his arm to smack the top of the fan repeatedly, as if knocking some sense into it. He does this for a minute before Yoongi is whining again at how hot it is and Jimin smacking the fan he just bought isn’t helping at all.

The younger turns his head slowly to pointedly glare at Yoongi, which the other tries to ignore but fails horribly at it. “Stop staring, it isn’t making me feel cooler.” Jimin squints at him, “Why did you buy a battery-operated fan but didn’t buy extra batteries?” He scolds, but Yoongi, again, only ignores that and tries his hardest to reach the folder that is balanced on the edge of his working table. “Well maybe if you remembered to turn it off before sleeping, then maybe we wouldn’t need extra batteries.” He interjects, before Jimin can continue with his obviously long sermon.

Jimin’s glare only gets more heated at that, he sits up straight on the floor beside Yoongi’s head and pokes the other’s cheek hard. He ignores the other’s pathetic attempt at removing his finger, “Hyung, you sleep much later than I do, you should be the one to turn it off.” Yoongi scoffs, but Jimin continues, “And besides, you have an air condition why do you even open your fan at night?” He scolds again, his voice raising at the end.

Yoongi opens his mouth as if only now remembering the existence of his precious precious air-condition unit, but closes it immediately as he remembers the dreadful moment of having his aircon die on him just this morning. To make it worst, today might just be the hottest day of the year for them, a whopping 33⁰c before the clock even hit 12 in the afternoon. He fans himself violently with his folder, ignoring Jimin’s perfect argument and mumbles about flies biting his leg at night.

Jimin rolls his eyes at him, before going out the bedroom and in the kitchen (to try and cool himself by staying by the open refrigerator door for ten minutes), leaving Yoongi fanning himself so hard his folder is already bent in half.


He gets to nap for an hour this time before he feels Yoongi slap his abdomen with his folder, and whispers at his ear. “Jimin-ah, buy us some ice cream.” Jimin opens his eyes, and leans his head backward and arching his back to look at the desk clock on Yoongi’s table. 4:37 pm. It’s almost evening, and he bets his life that the heat would subside soon, but the persistent older guy poking his ribs doesn’t realize this.

Yoongi continuously digs his index finger on different parts of Jimin’s exposed side, it’s when he accidentally drags his finger on the younger’s at the same moment when his whining gets high-pitched that something snaps in Jimin’s mind.

He grabs Yoongi’s wrist and pulls him off the bed, he rolls them on the carpet until he has Yoongi, who is still whining, effectively trapped in between the floor and his body.

Jimin leans down and brushes his lips at Yoongi’s earlobe, and says, “Hyung, I swear if you don’t shut the hell up about the weather being so hot you can feel the sweat roll down your balls, I’m going to give you another reason to feel really really hot that it’s not only sweat you’ll feel rolling down your balls.” He drags on every syllable he can just to tease the other, and he’d be fooled that Yoongi wasn’t affected if not for the slow manner the older has swallowed whatever lump it is in his throat.

“Jimin, I swear if you don’t get off of me right this instant, I am going to dump you an entire drum of ice-cold water once I get out of here.” Yoongi threatens.

Jimin only grins down at him, “Aw, hyung, you know that doesn’t work on me anymore.” He laughs, and brings his head in the juncture between Yoongi’s neck and his shoulder.

“Yah, yah. Get off me.” Yoongi wills his voice back to it’s usual stern tone, and it actually got the younger to look at him with a defeated look, but didn’t budge from his place on top of him (which is a comfortable position if you ask Jimin.)

“But, hyun-” Jimin starts to whine, but Yoongi only looks at him seriously. “I still haven’t forgiven you for what you said last month.” With that Jimin stands up quickly and kneels down beside him to pout and apologizes cutely.

Yoongi laughs at him, before patting his knee, “Help me up.” Jimin holds him in both elbows and pulls him up to his feet. Jimin’s lips are still set on a pout and Yoongi can’t help but ruffle his hair messily.

“Let’s go.” Jimin’s eyes are wide and questioning, his head tilted on the side. Yoongi hooks his arm on his neck despite the disgusting feeling of their sweat-sticky skins coming in contact, and Jimin smiles back at him in response to the grin he gave him.


“Let’s buy ice cream.”


lame lame lame ending ;;;
next chapter would be about what jimin said to yoongi that he hadn't forgiven him for yet

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Chapter 2: I was SO surprised when I found out jimin was a love doll. So shocked. Anyway, good work. Can't wait for next chapter!
BlueeWings #2
Keep writing
This is awesome