Season 2 - Think about marriage

That season, we love

“Seunghyun?”, Jiyong asked out loud as he saw a drinking shadow in their quiet lounge.

“It’s me”, Seunghyun confirmed as he looked at Jiyong direction.

“Drinking? Why?”

Jiyong plopped down next to Seunghyun on the couch and looked at his hyung.

“I thought you were crying of happy unicorns, aren’t you?”, he mocked and grinned.

In return, Seunghyun just snorted.  “It’s been so blurry lately. I just want to sit for a while”.

Jiyong nodded, “That complicated?”

“Bom wants everything perfect”, Seunghyun said softly.

“Tsk. I’ll just got an event agency. They created wedding planner for this kind of job, Seunghyun”

“Yeah, if you have a bride, which I sincerely doubt”.

Seunghyun twirled his glass and smirked at it.

“ you, hyung”

“Love you too, baebae”

Jiyong chuckled and reached out for his own drink, pouring the amber liquid in.

“Are you happy hyung?”

“Yes, I am”, he paused, “Though these wedding freak is damn tired”

“Glad to know that”

Jiyong beamed sincerely at him and offer his glass for a toast. “Wish you the best, hyung”

“Thank you”, Seunghyun gladly clicked his glass with Jiyong’s. “How about you?”

“My mom, for the last ten year knowing that I started sleeping with girls, asked about marriage for the first time”. His eyes squinted. “ your invitation, hyung. Now everyone is in chaos”

Seunghyun laughed a little, not saying anything.

“I don’t know”, Jiyong honestly said. “I think it’s just fine”

“Dara is not getting younger, Jiyong”, Seunghyun remarked.

“Yeah, we’re all getting older”

“You know what I meant, Ji”

Seunghyun just calmly replied and taking a ship from his glass.

Jiyong stayed quiet for a while, twirling his glass, looking at the flare that ice and light merrily collaborated to produce.

“Why does everyone is telling me to marry Dara?”

“Because you are going to get bald, real soon?”, Seunghyun chuckled.

“Same to you, hyung!”, Jiyong grunted.

“I'm going to get married”

“Marriage cannot save you from getting bald”

Seunghyun laughed loudly. “It ratherly makes you bald out, Jiyong”. He contemplated for a while and continued, “But it worth all the pain. You have a companion for the rest of your life”

“I have one”


“No, you. I love you”, Jiyong said cheekily.

Seunghyun laughed again while Jiyong showed his heart-shooting hand gesture.

“Think about Dara, Jiyong”

“What to think about her?”

“When she get married to someone else”

Jiyong groaned, “That’s brilliant”.

“You cannot selfishly keep her forever. You’re being a jerk, Jiyong”

“Yes, a completely jerk”.

Taeyang’s voice startled both of them. The smiling guy sat down at one of the single chair and waved his hand dismissively. “Keep going, I just want to curse him”.

That made both Seunghyun and Jiyong simper.

“We are comfortable”, Jiyong slipped out a small sigh together with his words.

“Be honest Jiyong, did you get affected by my wedding?”.

He was silent for a moment, before nodding at Seunghyun question.

“What would it be in Dara’s shoe? Her best friend is marrying off”

Jiyong sighed and shipped his drink.

“Talking about yourself, you two need someone to warm up. You’re not any younger”

“Hyung”, Taeyang looked at Top scandalously, “For a moment, you heard exactly like my mother there”.

Jiyong chuckled, “See, everyone is in chaos because of you”

“I don’t care”, Top shrugged.

“Damn you, hyung. My mother keep talking about it these days, and I don’t even have a girl to start with”, Taeyang leaned back on his seat tiredly. “But talking about Dara, I think it’s inevitable, bro”.

“What is?”

“She will hold someone’s hand for the rest of her life, whether it is you or someone else”

“We’ve always been good. Changes are complicated”

“He said it, Jiyong. You change it, or someone will”, Seunghyun patted his back.

“He is someone who doesn’t know anything beside his precious company”

“I know condoms have apple flavor, Jiyong”, Taeyang snorted.


"Dara?", Jiyong sat up on her sofa, looking at the entrance direction.

"Ohhhhh! Jiyong! Our Jiyongie!", she giddily greeted.

"Are you drunk?", he walked towards her, who was stumbled with shoelaces.

"Yah! Why are you not untying? Why?!", she growled.

He chuckled lightly and bent down on one knee to help her.

"Had fun?"

"Jiyonggggggg", she purred like a cat.


"Why are you keep moving round and round? Stay put!", she swung from side to side.

"Sorry", he tried to move in sync with her with great effort not to burst out laughing.

"Good", she smiled in satisfaction.

"Have you eaten?", he sneaked an arm around her waist.

"Yesssssss", she purred again.

"Drink with your colleagues?"

"Yesssss", her hand flare up in the air.

Jiyong chuckled while letting her down on the couch.

"Jiyongggggg", she whined, flailing her arms and legs childishly.

"What now?"

"Let's hug! I'm cold"

He sat down next to her, Dara climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes drooped but she tried to blink away. She pouted.

"Feeling bad?"

She rested her head on the crook of his neck, let out a heavy sigh.

"One of my friend was getting married"

"You went to the wedding? Was the food bad?

"No, but they keep teasing me"

"Did you bite them?"

"Yah", she countered back weakly.

"What did they tease? Do you want me to toss them out of your hospital?"

"Then you got have to fire half of my emergency room"

"That bad?"

"Uh huh", she nodded, snuggling deeper.

His hands went to hold her back and rubbed it gently.

"They asked me about you. Why don't I get married to you already? What are we? How have we been?", she paused for a while and suddenly bolted up, cupping his face in between her hands. "What are we, Jiyong?"

He blinked at her, opened his mouth to say something but decided against it. In the end, he just smirked and asked her back, "You don't know, Dara?"

"Ughrrrrrrr!", she grunted.

He laughed.

"You're always avoiding this question", she glared. "Tell me, what are we?"

"Friend forever?"

"Are you friend zoning me?"

He just laughed again and went resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Jiyongggggg", she whined.

"Does it really matter? We're happy together like this"

She shook her head and suddenly sniffed in his scent. "I like your smell, your blood is so fresh Jiyong"

"Oh no, not Vampire Dara again!", he groaned. 

The next second, Jiyong already felt his neck was gnawed by her teeth. She playfully bit him, leaving a mark behind.

"I'm forever young!", she yell, imposing a victorious pose.

"Dara, I have an important meeting tomorrow, don't bite there", he addressed her in panic when she reached further to his front and intended leaving a mark where would definitely say hello from his shirt's collar.

"Nooooo, I want your blood, Jiyong!"

"Ok, but not there"

"Oh why?", she blinked at him, already on the verge of tears.

"Ok, fine, just bite me", he surrendered.

She beamed gleefully at him. "You're the best".

"Why are you always having your nasty way with me?"


He laid her down on her single bed and sat on the chair beside. Combing her hair quietly, he smiled upon seeing her stirring in her sleep and let out a moan.

"Is there some guys making love to you in your dream?"

"Jiyong", she whispered as if answering him. 

He chuckled and pulled the blanket further to her chin, tucking her tightly before sitting back down.



Jiyong's POV

She's so cute whenever she is drunk. Doesn't she know she is damn inviting when she does that sit-on-lap to men?

Come to think of it, does Dara even do it to anyone?

That is not so good. But I doubted it, Dara wouldn't hold any guy's hand in the first place, why would she do it to other men. Yeah right, she just do it because I'm the only one didn't leave after getting bitten.

I chuckled at that. She really get funny whenever she's drunk.

Dara stirred again and settled on her side, facing me completely.

Her lips pouted then puckered then pouted again.


For some odd reason, Top's words came to surface. Now, not only I guess she was affected, she does really get affected by marriage lately. We're going to be thirty soon and sure she's going to think of it soon.

Just that, we've always been somewhere above friends but never bothered to get it clear. We loved each other, from the bottom of our heart, I just know that. Everything seems quite okay for us up until now. But Top, being the devil himself, must have to snatch Dara's only best friend away by a huge wedding. And here, leaving me behind with all the question of future and us.

Dara's small hand came out of the blanket, hanging limply outside her bed.

I reached out and hold it. Just like always, it fits perfectly. And it feels warm.

'Think about Dara, Jiyong'

Seems like Top was true to some extent, though I hate to admit that. Dara must feel insecure as nothing is clear for us.But how can I say it? We're not ready? Or rather I'm not ready? In any thought, we're just comfortable of this.

Actually, there has always been a little discomfort when it comes to Dara and me and something called . I'm a healthy man, of course I have needs. I used to mingle with lots of girls for that matter but one year? No, two years ago, everything became a little bored and I stop mingling. Honestly, sometime, when Dara got really drunk and all over me in intimacy, a cold shower is not enough to cool down, and I had to go to one of them.

Letting out a sigh, Dara's rising up and down chest come to my eyes. Even though I tried to stop myself from thinking about her that way, Dara still has an effect on me.

But marry Dara for having is quite stupid to say, isn't it?

Raking my hair in the middle of all this complicated thoughts, I stood up and went out.

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DaragonButterfly #1
Chapter 3: Love this thanks for sharing
Missnotsogirly24 #2
Chapter 3: Thanks for sharing the story with us.......Epilogue please ^•^
Ne3zHa #3
Chapter 3: Epilogue juseyo~
ApplerJiDee #4
Chapter 3: This is really good! So light but with sweet, deep love between Dara and Jiyong! Love is in the air for DARAGON in every way...until whenever! Thanks for sharing this story!
wenkie0414 #5
Chapter 1: next please.. this is fun lol..
wenkie0414 #6
this is interesting... next pleaseee