es and Stitches

Don't Question It

"Why do you always come home with new bruises?" Do Kyungsoo examined his 21 year old roommate, staring closely at the bruise on his left cheek. "I could ask you the same thing, Squishy." Kai could feel him tense up at the mention of his nickname. He let out a small smile, unable to smile any further unless he wanted to feel like he was being punched again. Mumbling a Kyungsoo pushed himself up, wincing as the couch made contact with the stitches on his hands. 

"You really need to stop going out so much, Kai." Settling back down on the couch, Kyungsoo grabbed Kai's face, making him wince and hiss out curse words under his breath. "Hyuuung, don't do thaaat!" Letting out a low whine, the latter let the older one do his thing, feeling cold liquid escape the cotton ball held in his hand and onto his face. Kai took a once over at Kyungsoo and noticed a few things. One, he wasn't in his pajama's like usual; Two, food network wasn't on the TV; And three, he had bruises too.

"What's up with your hands?"

"Shh, shut up."

His response made the younger pout but he didn't push any further. For now, anyway.


"Yah, hyung, you still haven't told me what happened to you hands." Kai poked his roommate's squishy cheek before getting his hand whacked away. "Shhh! Let me watch them make food! I cook for this family you know, without me, you'd be skinnier than me!" 

"But, hyung, I am-"

"DO YOU NOT WANT FOOD TOMORROW?" Kyungsoo tore his eyes from the screen and fixated them on Kai.

"... I do but-" Kai stopped himself, alarmed at the other's harsh words that were obviously meant as a false-threat. Silence washed over the two and all that was heard was some old professional cooking guy yelling at people. A loud sigh came out of the elder. "Look, just don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. I'm fine." 



Kai got food the next day, so all was well. He woke up the next day with the smell of coffee filling the apartment and a messily written note from Kyungsoo.

I made you food. I also went somewhere. Just, just eat your food.



"What did you call me for, Kris?" Kyungsoo let out a loud groan, walking into the EXO headquarters, hair still messed up and eyes half-lidded. "Did you find out who that kid was?" Kris leaned back on a black chair, glancing up at the smaller boy. "That kid that gave me these stitches?" Kyungsoo held up his right hand, "No. He ran off somewhere before I could catch him." 

Kris shook his head, face laced with annoyance and disappointment. "Bro, you had one job-" Crossing his arms, Kyungsoo let out a frustrated sigh, interrupting his leader. "Look, I didn't choose to be a superhero!" His words echoed around the room, causing a few of his friends to stare at him. 

"Kyungsoo, none of us did. But we're not screaming like little girls are we?" Kris gave him a side smirk, causing Chen to let out a laugh he's clearly been holding in for a while. 

Kyungsoo wanted to slap that smirk off Kris's face. But he didn't.

Which is something he'll most definitely regret in the long run.


"Stupid villain , stupid villain meetings, stupid bruise on my pretty face, stupid-" 

"Kai, what are you doing?" At the sound of his best friend's voice, Kai stopped grumbling to himself and took a seat beside him. "What happened to your lip?" Avoiding Sehun's question, he threw back his own question and gestured to his lip. Sehun merely rolled his eyes like the sassy little he is and muttered something about Luhan. "That 5 year old? Again? How do you always manage to get beat up by him?" Kai let out a small laugh, earning a hit on the shoulder from the other. The hit was half-hearted but it was enough to make Kai wince, remembering the bruise patching his whole left arm. "I didn't hit you that hard, jesus. What happened to your arm? Little satan boy got you again?" Sehun's face lit up at the thought and began laughing, causing Kai to blush furiously. "Shut up, okay! He's strong."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so is my grandma, got a point?"


"What's with the mask pretty boy? Afraid to show your face after I messed it up?" 

"Look, satan spawn, why don't you take your hood down and show me your ugly face? This isn't an Assassin's Creed game, you know that right?"

"Of course I do, you're too pathetic to be in one." 

"Little -" Kyungsoo dodged the other's attack, managing to keep the hood covering his face intact. His mind raced with plans on how to get his nemesis' mask off his face and finally reveal his identity, if he was actually a boy and not a girl with a really deep voice because otherwise, dear god, he's hurting a girl-. 

The black hood covered his entire face but spared his mouth. Despite these conditions, Kyungsoo was able to examine his surroundings. The dark alley way had one quick exit on his left side but his enemy was blocking it. The moon was half full, lighting down their path but not much. He almost got tackled down by the taller one but managed to slip aside, making him (or her???) charge at the brick wall. 

"Let's dance pretty boy." Showing a smirk, Kyungsoo took a swing at the other's stomach.


"..." Escaped Kyungsoo's mouth, clutching onto his side. Gripping onto the wall (which was completely useless, mind you), he slid down it, blood escaping his beat-up lip. He closed his eyes, wincing every time he took a shallow breath. The masked boy managed to escape with minor bruises but Kyungsoo was half dead. Kris is dying tomorrow, He thought. Kyungsoo coughed, clutching his chest. Dead. He's dead. 




So uh, yeah. Oops. CCC:


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smilewhy #1
Come on! Don't leave me hanging girl!