
Path of Memories
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The sun is shining on the clear sky. The birds are singing and there's no wind at all.

It's a perfect weather, but not a perfect day. Not to Junhui at least. He's sitting at a bench in the park he used to visit one year ago. It's not normal for him to go there anymore, but today he's there.

It's been a year. He can't get his mind to understand it, but there's nothing he can do about it.

He's alone in the park. There's no other people at all. It's weird. It's the perfect weather, yet he's still alone.

"It's been a year," he says to himself and laughs a bitter laugh. There's no happiness, it's just empty.

A part of him expects someone to pat his shoulder, and he'll turn around to see him. There's no one of course. There's no Xu Minghao.

Junhui remembers the first time he met Minghao. He remembers it clearly, as if it was yesterday.


Junhui was laying on his desk. Tiredness had overcome him, because of the game he and Soonyoung had played the night before. They both had known that they would have to go to school the day after, but it had been totally worth it - Junhui ended up winning, making it even more worth it.

"Yah, Junhui!" he heard someone say beside him.

With an annoyed sound, he creaked his eyes open to look at the person disturbing his peace. It wasn't a surprise that it was Wonwoo.

The other boy smiled at him. "You played late last night, didn't you?"

The only answer he got, was a groan. It was answer enough and Wonwoo chuckled a little. He always found it fun to annoy his friends, when they were like this - tired.

Moving his chair a little closer to the almost sleeping boy, he leaned his elbow on the other's table.

"You know what Mingyu told me?" he asked.

"What?" Junhui mumbled, eyes closed, not really paying much attention to the other. It wasn't like it would be anything important anyways. It most likely wouldn't, but the other boy wouldn't go away before he got to say what he wanted.

"There's a new transfer student starting in his class," Wonwoo said. "He's Chinese."

The last sentence got him Junhui's attention, Junhui's eyes opening and looking directly at him.

All this time, Junhui had been the only Chinese person at the whole school. It had been a long time since he had talked to a Chinese person, that wasn't his little brother or his parents. This was the first time since they moved to Korea.

"Now you're interested, huh?" Wonwoo complained, annoyed that he hadn't been able to catch his attention.  

Junhui didn't answer. He's still not interested in what Wonwoo says. He's only interested in the transfer student.

Finally escaping the classroom after the last class, Junhui smiled at the smell of hallway instead of the smell of sweat from twenty other guys. It's like paradise and he felt free when he walked in the middle of the rest of the boys, down the hallway into the freedom of the night.

Apparently not paying enough attention to his surroundings, he collided with someone, said person falling to the ground. People around them didn't really care about it. They were too busy going home.

"I'm sorry," Junhui said, helping the other get up from the cold floor. "I'm really sorry."

The boy he walked into smiles at him, shaking his head. He's cute, Junhui noticed. His body was thin and the hair on top of his head was dyed blond, the black roots starting to show.

"It's fine," the other boy said, dusting his pants off, "I should look where I'm going."

It's only then, Junhui realized that both of them were speaking in Mandarin. The shorter boy seemed to notice it too, looking surprised at the taller.

"You're the transfer student," Junhui exclaimed. The way he said it didn't indicate that it's a question, it's more like an ascertainment.

"I am," the boy said, nodding his head to emphasize his answer. "I'm Xu Minghao."

Xu Minghao. Junhui smiled at that.

"I'm Wen Junhui."


It's a good memory, Junhui decides. The thought of it makes a smile creep onto his face. The memory of Minghao's smile when they first met each other.

With a sigh Junhui stands up from his place on the bench. With heavy steps, he starts to walk deeper into the park, knowing the memories that'll hit him there. He goes anyways.

The next stop is the playground in the middle of the park. Looking at it, it looks exactly like it did the last time he was there. Except he wasn't alone back then.

Sitting down at the one of the two swings, he remembers their first date. His and Minghao's first date right here.


"Just wear whatever," Soonyoung said, not even looking at his friends outfit.

It was outfit number ten anyways, he couldn't remember the previous ones at all. How would he be able to say which one was best?

Wonwoo however seemed to be a little more interested. Not in the clothes, but in the date itself.

With curiosity in his voice, he asked questions about it all.

"Where are you planning to take him?" he asked and shook his head at the shirt Junhui's wearing. A green shirt didn't really go that well with blue pants.

"I thought about going to watch a movie," Junhui admitted as he took off the shirt, finally deciding to just go for the first outfit - a plain black shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. It looked great, he decided and that was exactly what he was looking for.

"Which movie?" Soonyoung asked, trying to sound interested, but it didn't really do anything when he still was on the phone - probably messaging Seokmin. The two of them had something, but their friend didn't want to admit it. No matter how many times they tried to make him.

"I don't know," Junhui said quietly. "Whatever he wants to watch, I guess."

Both of his friends cringed at that, none of them used to see him like that. Usually he would choose a movie, then if you didn't want to watch it, he would go alone.

"I think you need to go," Wonwoo suggested, looking at his watch to see what time it was. He had twenty minutes to get to the other's dorm - Minghao shared a dorm-room with Mingyu and Seokmin, while Junhui lived with his parents and his little brother.

"You're right," the Chinese boy said, leaving the room and his friends alone. After having visited at least twenty times, they should be able to find the way

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mushuhayun #2
Chapter 1: That was one of the saddest things I have ever read. Its a really good story, so congrats for making a story like this. I could really picture everything. I could feel the sadness that was this story. I could also feel my soul shatter into a million pieces because of Minghao's death. PROPS TO YOU!
yoshiwoo #3
Chapter 1: why didint i notice thi earlier?? this is such a good story and I--I--its so good. there needs to be more well written junhao angsts around here. this one is definetley my favourites. ill give u an upvote which i rarely do :P i loved it. thx
cgao753 #4
Chapter 1: awwwwww </333333 JUNHUIIIII </33333 SO SADDDDDD
Chapter 1: My poor heart.. I read this for the 5th time and yet my heart still clenched painfully..
Chapter 1: This is... too much T^T I'm crying this is so good
Chapter 1: omg this breaks my heart T.T
Chapter 1: Oh my god, no, this is too much T_T but it's so good!