Chapter 1

Counting the Days

The alarm went off without fail, filling the room with a cheery tune which was supposedly to give a good start to the day but clearly, it did not. 

"Turn it off!" Solar shouted as she threw a pillow to the floor and rolled over to the other side of the bed. 

"Yong Sun, wake up." Moonbyul knocked on the door. She opened the door slightly and peered into the room. "Yong Sun? Where are you?" 

Solar reached her hand out from under the blanket and waved it around. "Five more minutes please..." 

Moonbyul broke into a smile as she walked into the room. She stood silently by the bed and looked at the small bump on the bed. She knew what Solar disliked the most and she was going to do exactly just that. She grabbed onto the ends of the blanket and slowly pulled it away from the person lying face down on the bed. Just like what she expected, Solar got up, but Moonbyul knew better than to stay than for another second. 

As soon as she ran out of the room, she could hear Solar roar, "Moon Byul Yi, get back here!" 

Moments later, Solar dragged her feet out of her room, looking murderous, just like how she looked every morning. Moonbyul stood far away from her, behind the dining table. Eyes stuck on the other person in the room, Solar moved closer to her, flames visible in her eyes. "You. Come here." 

Moonbyul let out a nervous laughter. It was always a mistake to anger Solar in the morning. Weird how she always associated herself with the sun yet she hated getting up in the morning. Seeing Solar closing the distance between, Moonbyul quickly shoved the paper bag into Solar's hands. "Breakfast! I packed breakfast. Car... I'll start the car!" And she escaped. 

"Do you think you can run forever?" Solar shouted as she watched Moonbyul scurried out of the house and shook her head. She looked into the paper bag and let out a small smile. All her favourites, as usual. Well, she guessed she could forgive her just this once (just like other mornings). She saw her car stopped by the road side and Moonbyul behind the wheel. "Why are you driving my car?" 

Starting the engine, Moonbyul shrugged her shoulders carelessly. "I sent mine for some repair works." 

"So you think it's okay to drive mine?" Solar pushed the driver's head lightly.

"Oi, don't do that, I'm driving!" Moonbyul tilted her head away, and pointed to the dangling key. "If you're not okay with it, then why is your car key always with me?

"Well..." Solar mumbled, trying to think of a comeback but could not.

"And you hardly drive," Moonbyul stated, knowing that was a fact that even Solar could not deny. "When was the last time you drive? A year ago? To the supermarket?" 

Solar grunted and rolled her eyes. She could not win Moonbyul when it came to arguments. How could she? When the other person knew her better than she knew herself.

"Fine, fine, you win." Solar looked out of the window, upset that she lost another argument. 

"Again." Moonbyul shot Solar a satisfied smile while keeping her eyes on the road. The latter laughed in resignation, anyone would give in to the kid beside her. 

A short drive later, they arrived at the company and walked to the recording studio together. They went to the same middle school, high school and then college. Moonbyul could not remember the last time they each did a different thing. Honestly, she did not know what she wanted to do so she just decided to take up what Solar wanted, and thankfully, she was gifted in that area. 

"We're early again!" Solar exclaimed as she plopped down on the sofa. "I could've slept for five more minutes!"

Moonbyul listened to Solar's endless complaints as she poured out the coffee she had prepared at home. 

"If you do that again next time, I'll ma-" Solar got cut off mid-sentence as Moonbyul put the cup to with an innocent smile on her face. "Coffee."

Solar sighed as she took the cup. "Stop that, will you?"

"Stop what?" Moonbyul widened her eyes a little. What was she trying to say?



'Stop making it so difficult for me to stay mad at you' was what she wanted to say but what she really said in the end was, "Stop being so annoying." 

"Ah..." Moonbyul let out a small sigh, relieved it was just that. She heard it many times before so much so that she had developed some immunity to it. "Well, deal with it. You're going to be stuck with me forever." 

And she meant it.

Solar stuck out her tongue at Moonbyul. "No I'm not. I'm going to get married some day and I'll be free from you."

"And when will that be?" Moonbyul did not like the sound of that. 

"I don't know..." Solar said, deep in thought. "Maybe when I turn 30?"

That would be in 6 years time, not too short but not too long either. "Well then, I'm sure you won't miss this right?" Moonbyul tossed the paper bag towards the woman on the sofa.

"Don't do that! My breakfast!" Solar shouted as soon as she saw the paper bag being flung into the air. Thankfully, the sandwich was still intact. To be honest, of course she would miss that. Moonbyul always made sure she ate her breakfast and most importantly, how could she say no to free food? "What are you saying? Of course I'll miss this."

Hearing her response, a self-satisfied smile crept up Moonbyul's face. "So a guy like me won't be too bad right?"

"Eh?" Solar looked up from her sandwich. "No, no. Too greasy."

"Why do you always say that?" Moonbyul asked, disappointed. Was she really that greasy? "That reason is not a satisfactory!"

Solar looked quizzically at Moonbyul's little outburst. "Moon Byul Yi, why are you so worked up? It's not like I'm going to marry you right?"

"But I wan-" Just before she made the biggest slip of the history, the door to the recording studio swung open. Simultaneously, she bit her tongue and let out a small groan. Too close, too dangerous. 

"Oh, hello!" Solar stood up immediately as she saw the idols walked in. Moonbyul thanked her lucky stars that Solar could be a little dense at times but little did she know, the latter heard everything she said clearly. She just appeared to look a little dense. 

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Chapter 2: It's funny. I don't think anyone ever sets out to "turn someone" into the love of their lives, but they just do. I doubt this will ever get continued again seeing as it's been 7 years at the time I write this, but wherever author-nim is, I hope you are seeing how often our Yongkong and Byulkong are fondly deemed a comfortable and happy married couple ... even if they're now both past 30 : )
svela2233 #2
Chapter 2: 🥺🥺
EclipseMS #3
Chapter 2: Ohhh ... Moonbyul is just too cute ... I hope there is happy ending !
floatingcharm #4
Chapter 2: Cuteeeeeee
Chapter 2: Ooooooooh that small slip up Moonbyul XD Solar go do something about this information! Haha I love how much Moonbyul takes care of Solar, making her breakfast and waking up. Hehe they are so adorable together. I await your next update author!
because you promised that this is going to be full of fluff I'm subscribing! hahahaha
Chapter 1: Auww, why don't you like greasy person yongsun ah?