[ 4 ]

The NY girl & The LA boy

You and Sammy were in the hallway, hella confused on where to even go. Damn, it was a HUGE school! 

"What the are those es glaring at? Im boutta dig their eyes out with my claws!" Sammy hissed. Shes not the type to cause or get involved in drama unless shes dragged in it, but seeing her like this just made you crack up.

She shot you a death glare as you laughed. She gets very uncomfortable when theres too much attention on her. But hey, its her fault for being pretty and coming in with a fancy car!

"Wheres this damn office?! This is not a school! Its a damn maze! Its 20x bigger than Dozo!" She huffed. Dozo was a short name for the school you guys went to back in NY.

You shrugged and just dragged her, arms still linked, straight down the hallway, not even knowing where youre even going. 

"omo omo!! Yahhhhh!!! Omgomg" "So en hot- Im gonna faint--" "move! My babe is coming!!"

A whole commotion started, and the girls that were just staring at you suddenly started freaking out, squealing and pulling out mirrors to fix their make up and hair, while others were fanning themselves dramatically, looking like theyre about to faint any second.

"What-- IS MY KIM WOOBIN OO HERE?!" Sammy screamed in your ear, jumping up and down, hyperventilating. 

You just gave here the -_- face and shook your head wondering why youre even friends with this crazy girl.

You saw a group of boys on the end of the hallway. You tippy-toed to see who it was, but had to squint to get a clearer vision. 'Damn my bad eyesight!'. You couldnt see their faces clearly but it looked as if there was about 10 boys-

"Is it some kpop idol boy group or something- IS IT INFINITE?" You shouted, deafening Sammy this time.

You dragged Sammy through the crowd to get a closer look. Once you got much closer, you squinted again to see a familiar face...

It was him! The guy on the plane. The guyS on the plane! 

"Hey- isnt that the boys you were talking to on the plane before-?" Sammy asked. You just nodded your head not saying anything.

'Hmm, so those cuties go to this school too, huh? Well this will be fun-' you thought. 

Thats when Jackson who was just giving silly grins, and waving hi to the girls like a innocent 5 year old met eyes with you. 

"Oh? Youre-- OH OH! I REMEMBER YOU! INSIDIOUS GIRL! DAHYUN WAS IT?" Jackson suddenly bursted, screaming and jumping up and down pointing at you, then came running at you.

Now- the girls were totally burning holes into you guys. Especially you, as Jackson pointed at you specifically. His friends turned to where Jackson ran to and followed. Then you saw Mark and Jinyoung behind too. 

"Oh! Dahyun- you go to this school?" Mark asked, coming up slinging an arm around Jacksons shoulder. 

You nodded. "Yea- first day haha" you gave a weak laugh as the girls glares were starting to get uncomfortable. You looked over at Sammy who was glaring back at the girls. 

The boys were also staring and whispering, and you even saw a cute boy winking at Sammy, but Sammy just looked away, not caring a bit. Gosh.. that girl needs to open her heart for boys-

"Oh really?! Wah! We must be fated to meet again! Ah- is this your friend" Jinyoung asked.

Sammy snapped back her attention to you guys and gave an awkward smile. You nodded. "Yea! This is Sammy haha" you answered for her.

She waved a hi as they did so back in return too.

Then the other 4 boys came up too. Ah- so there was 7 of them to be exact.

"Hi! Bambam here" a cute young looking boy said. You smiled and waved. "Dahyun. And this is Sammy". 

"Hey, Im Jaebum. Nice to meet you" he said, holding out his hand. You shook his hand and smiled back. "Nice to meet you too!"

"Annyeong, Im Youngjae, and this is the baby of our group, Yugyeom". "ah Hyung! Stop telling people im a baby!" Yugyeom said, with a frustrated pout.

"Hey, you know your way around?" Mark, the quietest conpared to the others in the group, suddenly asked.

"NOPE. THIS IS A MAZE YO." Sammy all of a sudden yelled, giving you a heart attack.

They laughed at her expression and she just looked clueless. 

"Well Im guessing you guys need to go to the office then?" Mark said, with a smile.

You nodded. "Well follow us then. Me and the boys start class at 2nd period. 1st period didnt even start but we came early to just practice some dancing" Mark said. 

"Ah that explains why the kids are still out" you said, realizing you guys were still the center of the attention. 

"Yeap. Well lets go then! Park Jinyoung principal just came in the building a few minutes ago!" Jackson said, squishing between you and  Sammy and linking arms with the both of you. Sammy gave the wtf-is-this-dude-doing face but laughed it off since she was actually finding this Jackson somewhat enertaining. The boys followed behind and the whisperings of the kids got louder.

"Yah- who is she? Yo the one in the black has a y body.."

"Did you see their cars?! Theyre prob one of the few that drives--"

"Daebak. Transfer students? Assa. I call dibs on both!"

"Who are those es to be so close to my oppas?!"

"What the -- do they know our oppas?!"

- - -

You guys reached the office and Jackson opened the door. "After you ladies" he said, grinning like an idiot. 

You and Sammy laughed and walked in. The boys followed as well, since they had a good reputation in the school so the principal liked them.

The secretary leaded you guys into the principals room. 

You knocked. "Come in!" You guys heard.

Sammy opened the door and the 9 of you walked in.

The principal which youre guessing is Park Jinyoung looked at you guys and beamed happily.

"Oh! Hello boys! Hello girls! You must be Dahyun and Sammy!?" He asked, cheerfully. 

The boys grinned and bowed saying hello, and you and Sammy nodded with a smile. 

"Oh! So great to meet you. Welcome to JYP Seoul High. Now- in this school, its somewhat like the drama Heirs which im sure you guys have heard or watched. Theres the VIP students and the RG students. But no- no bullying for that. VIP students respect the RG students just as much here. And RG stands for Regular incase you both are wondering" JYP explained, laughing.

"Oh sit sit first! Boys, sit too. I know you guys dont start class yet anyways-" JYP said, sitting down. You guys followed too and took a seat.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying. These 7 boys are VIP's as they got into this school through a special audition I hold once every 3 years to get into this school with VIP access and scholarship. These boys passed with various talents such as singing, rapping, dance, and martial arts. Theyre very talented boys. Through this audition, only 10 boys and 10 gurls are chosen from the whole country that auditions. But you girls, Dahyun and Sammy, although you didnt get into this school through auditioning or business matters, because you got in through connection from me to Dahyuns mother who always treated me with kind and a warm heart, Ive accepted you two as VIP." He grinned.

You and Sammy looked stunned and smiled, giving a small bow politely. "Thankyou"

He nodded. "So for now, boys, hang out with these ladies and show them around. I made their schedules so that both of them will have atleast one of you in every of their classes so itll be easy to help them around" 

The boys grinned in excitement and nodded, as you and Sammy thanked him again. 

- - -

It was the start of second period. You and Sammy shared schedules with the boys. You were thrilled to see that you start at 2nd period and end at 6th. Only 5 periods! You all compared to see who shares what classes.

- - -

Your schedule:

2) Science - Youngjae, Jinyoung

3) Math - Jaebum

4) English - Sammy, Mark, Jackson (the only 4 that was fluent in english)

5) Gym - Yugyeom, Youngjae

6) Dance - Sammy, Mark, Jackson, BamBam

- - -

Sammy's Schedule:

2) Gym: Jackson, BamBam

3) Science: Yugyeom

4) English: You, Jackson, Mark

5) Math: Jinyoung, Yugyeom

6) Dance: you, Jackson, BamBam, Mark

- - -

You and Sammy grinned. Back in your old school, you guys had periods 1-8. 8 dreading loooong periods. But this new schedule seemed like itll make this school year real fun. The boys were hyped about it as well. 

The boys helped locate your lockers which were also right next ti the boys which you guys found a bit weird. Was the principal purposely putting you and Sammy everything with the boys?

You opened your lockers to find the school uniform neatly on a hanger, hanging on a hook. There was 3 pairs of the same, just so you can wash and wear throughout the year, as well as some books. You all set your bags in and took only a few books for the next class.

Then you heard the bell ring- signalling the start of second period. You waved bye to Sammy and said "hwaiting! Dont die or kill anyone!" To eachother and you followed Youngjae and Jinyoung to science, Youngjae constantlt poking your cheeks and your arm on the way, while Jinyoung was just laughing.

As you got in the class, the girls that were already in and sitting squealed as they saw the 2 boys, but their expressions changed so fast, probably in a matter of 0.0001 second once they saw you in the middle of them. 

You were seriously getting ticked off at all this glaring. You just wanted to give them the middle finger and tell them to off but you kept your cool, knowing youre still new and promised Sammy and yourself you will get through this year while on the down low.

The teachers were already informed of you and treated you like a damn princess. 

'Damn, VIP huh? Why couldnt Dozo be like this?!' You said, loving this school already-- just not the hole burning girls.

Youngjae dragged you to sit in the middle of him and Jinyoung at their table and you heard gasps and whining but you honestly couldnt care less.

With Youngjae and Jinyoung whispering random silly jokes and you three passing notes to eachother not caring the stares, the class went faster than ever.

The bell rang and 2nd period was dismissed.

As you were heading out, you were telling the teacher your email and other info, so you just told the boys to meet you at the locker and go ahead first. After you were done, you headed out the door and turned left to go to your locker, only to find 3 girls with their arms crossed as if they were waiting for you.

'Oh great. Ive seen these in the dramas.. they better off if dont want to get decked in the face' you sighed.

"Excuse me" you said kindly and tried going around, only to have them run again infront of you, standing in a straight line as if like a wall. 

They just glared and you just scoffed, finding this hilarious for a reason.

"Yah.. new student. You think your cool hanging out with my babes? You think you can get their attention by you and your little friend being the only ones not wearing the uniform and driving up in some fancy car?" The one in the middle said, with full on attitude and rolling her eyes.

You just gave her a blank face and shrugged. "Uniform? Got it today? Fancy car? Thanks. It was quite pricey. Glad to hear you find it fancy." You simply said and pushed them to the side, not to hard, and made your way to the locker to see Sammy and the boys were watching and you can see Sammy on the floor laughing her off. Although she looked like a dying seal, you grinned knowing she probably feels like a proud mother. And the boys were laughing, clutching on their stomachs. 

"YAH! DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE? WE ARE JYP SEOUL HIGHS QUEENKAS! AISH. ITS NOT OVER. THIS ISNT OVER !" you heard the three screaming and clacking off with their heels, growling in anger.

'Ahhh- queenkas. Now i see... then-- dont tell me..... those 7 are the kingkas-- "PUAHHAHAHAHAH" 


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