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The NY girl & The LA boy


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Its February winter vacation which meant 10 days no school! And- your birthday which was tomorrow! 

You were at karaoke with your friends, Alex, Dana, Hannah, Sally, and your bestest friend, Sammy.

Everyone was pretty exhausted after singing and dancing for about an hour except for Sally... oh Sally.

She was singi-- no- YELLING to u&i by Ailee, jumping up and down.

"Aish, this girl! Does she know the different between singing and just screaming her lungs out?!" You said, shaking your head.

The others just laughed and shrugged, drinking and eating. Yes.. drinking. Not juice, not water. But about 5 cans of beer, with cola mixed with vodka. But I mean-- thats normal.. almost everyone in high school drinks.. yea youre still 16.. but even 12 year olds these days smoke weed and get high too. You took too many shots of the cola-vodka but didnt want to get yourself drunk so you just leaned back and watched Sally having fun by herself. And Sammy is the type of girl that hates drinking and smoking. She's a really smart girl too, considering shes a 90 and above avg girl while you on the other hand is always between 70-80. But atleast youre passing over a 65..

Youre turning 17 tomorrow. Gee. Another year older. You already had a permit since you can get permits at 16 in America. Just not a car. But Sammy haa a old used lexus car her parents got her. So you drove that occasionally on the days she didnt feel like driving. Sammy was a year older as she was originally born in Korea. So shes already 17. But by tomorrow, you will be the same age~

You suddenly felt your phone vibrate and light up. You picked it up to see a text from your mom.

From: Umma -_- ♡

Dahyun-ah! Are you still with your friends? Come home as soon as you can~ I got a huge gift for you and Sammy. Bring Sammy too! Her mom is here as well. And if shes driving, tell her to be careful! Roads are extremely slippery! Hurry safely kids! 

You showed Sammy the text and she nodded, stopping the song earning a glare from Sally and telling the others. Everyone whined and refused to let them go, but once they left the karaoke building, they bid their goodbyes and went the opposite way.

You and Sammy walked to her car. 

"Hmm.. huge gift.. MAYBE YOUR MOM GOT YOU A CAR! ... but why would my mom be there too... --" Sammy said.

"Or-- OUR FIRST FAMILY VACATION TOGETHER!! IVE BEEN BEGGING MY MOM TO GO TO HAWAII FOR A MONTH!! MAYBE WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME!!" You shouted excitedly jumping up and down, only to slip on your on the hard ice.

Sammy took your hand to help you up, giving a stern glare and shaking her head. "Tsktsk, I dont get why you would wear boots that are high heels on a snowy icy day! You and the heels! And thats why you bust your young lady!" She lectured.

You rolled your eyes. "Yea yea. Okokok grandma" you said, laughing at your own words, but earned a hard smack on your head. "YAH! SAMMY. WANNA DIE?!" 

You guys got in the car. Sammy in the drivers and you in the passengers seat.

"Oh yea, here. Take a mint. your breath still smells like alcohol . Dont wanna get killed by your mom, do you?" Sammy said, holding out the mint candy box she took out from the car, before starting the engine and driving off to your apartment.

You smiled and took some mint, putting some into Sammys mouth as well. "And thats why youre my best friend" you laughed.

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You unlocked the door with your keys and walked in. Sammy's mom and sister as well as your mom and sister were all sitting down on the dining table with a few paper and documents, talking seriously. Everyone turned to you guys as you guys walked in.

"Oh kids! Youre here! Take off your jackets and come sit!" Sammy's mom said, motioning to come and sit.

You guys did as said and went to sit together.

"Ok. So Dahyun-ah, remember how you always whine to move to Korea and you told me that you and Sammy are going to move to Korea after you graduate high school and attend college there? Well.. YOU GUYS ARE MOVING TO KOREA TOMORROW!" Your mom shouted, with a huge grin. 

"Mom... stop joking around...--- what?!!" Sammy said, looking at her mom.

Her mom just gave the same grin, and picked up two airplane tickets and waved it around.

"Ok so, me and Sammy's mom discussed this for a while now. But about 3 weeks ago, you know how Park Jinyoung always comes to my resturaunt right? Well he came and told me he not only owns malls and etc, but also a huge high school called JYP Seoul High School. So through connections, we decided to make you and Sammy attend. They have great education systems as well as everything you guys love! Dance, a health gym, gymnastics, even a karaoke room, and more!" Your mom explained.

"But mom, you dont even let me hang with my friends past 6pm! And now youre actually letting me live alone?! But if youre actually being serious.. how about where we live? Transportation? The bill? Money?!" You asked, in utter shock.

"We got everything settled. Dahyun, you said you wanted to try getting into Hongik College right? So we got you that apartment you showed us before in Hongdae neat that college that you dreamed of living in with Sammy! Although JYP high school is pretty far. Being as of, a 20 minute drive or a 45 minute walk. And Sammy, you can work to get into Seoul University like you wanted! Your aunts and uncle in Korea already furnished the apartment to your taste! And the best part.. we got you guys a car! A brand new car! And yes.. although it was awfully expensive.. we got you your own cars each... We got you that white ferrari you dreamed of, and Sammy the red Jaguar sports car. And as for the money and bills, your bills will fly to us and your money will be transmitted through the bank onto your credit cards. But dont you DARE spend money on useless things like how you always do, Kwon Dahyun!" You mom said sternly.

"But other than that, everything is settled dears. Your flight is tomorrow at 5am. Its really early but that was the only way we got you first class for a cheap price." Sammys mom said, smiling.

"How about Jiyeon unnie? Or Annie?" You asked, wondering about your older sister and Sammys younger sister who were sitting there too.

"Annie is gonna stay here and Jiyeon.. you know she would never live in Korea. So only you two. I already told your dads side of the family. And we are only doing this cause we trust--" your mom was about to start lecturing so you cut her off.

"Ok ok umma. No need to start a lecture. But wow... I never knew you'd let me love in Korea.. especially RIGHT NOW.. ALONE!" You were so excited and you can see Sammy was too, except she was kinda scared. But you couldnt lie. You were kinda nervous too.

"UMMA THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I LOVE YOOOOOU!" You shouted, running to the other side of the table and squishing your mom. And Sammy doing the same while your sister is just giving you the "ew" face. You rolled your eyes. 

"Why that ew face. You know youre gonna miss me~" you said at your sister, laughing. But she just rolled her eyes and went into her room. 

'Wow.. goodbye New York. Hello Korea'

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Chapter 4: wow ! its a nice storyy ... please update soon ^^
Chapter 4: I love it please update ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Please update soon ~