holding hands and a cute couple

"i don't need your help!"


Seyong’s pov

We were having so much fun . the last ride for the day is the rollercoaster. As we were walking to the rollercoaster, yuri’s pace was getting slower and slower..

When it was our turn to take the ride, yuri suddenly looked very anxious. Don’t tell me she’s scared?!

Suddenly I felt her gripped my hand. “mianhae!!!” she was about to let go but I held her hands. “yuri ah. Why didn’t you tell me you were afraid? We could have skipped this”

“it’s okay. It’s because you looked really excited to ride this and since it was your birthday I don’t mind”.

“then during the ride, just hold my hand alright? It always made me feel better when I rode it with my mum when I was young” I gave her an encouraging smile.

“gomawo…” when we the ride started going up, I turned to look at my angel. She looked like she was about to faint. Omo otteokke?

When the ride went down, I saw her closing her eyes. She was screaming incoherent things like :” oppa!!!umma!!appa!!! help me!! Ohmygod get me off this thing. I hate this. I hate everything. I hate life” the last part cracked me up because she said it in a monotone voice. This girl is really interesting.

I saw her hands were trying to find something so I laced my hands through hers. She opened one eye and said thank you then quickly shut her eyes.

When we got off the ride, she immediately squatted. She was kinda kissing the floor while chanting “I’m thankful I’m alive. I love you floor! God, I’ll never be rude again”

We went to buy some drinks before we have to go back. We sat for awhile. That was when I noticed that my hand was in pain…. Why? Oh right! She literally crushed my hand during the rollercoaster ride. Not that I minded. I mean, we were holding hands!!

“eh? Seyong, your hand is red. Was it because of me?! Oh my!! I’ll wrap your hand in bandage when we get back!”

“it’s nothing really…but yuri ah… can I ask you something?”

“hmm.?? Sure”

“why don’t you call me oppa?”

Yuri’s pov

Eh? What am I suppose to answer now? Not that I know what to answer myself..

“waeyo? You even call junkyu oppa,but you don’t call me oppa” seyong said while showing me his puppy eyes. He was staring straight into my eyes that I had to look away.

I could feel my blush creeping up. Urgh. Stop it blush! You’re not helping my situation!

Great..now I talk to my ‘blush’.. I need more friends.. I must be lonely..

“I … don’t..know why…” I said while staring at the ground.. for some reason that little ant carrying his food is so interesting than looking at seyong’s face..

(a/n:pshh. Yeah right. You’re just shy around him)

What the?? Who are you?

(a/n: the author. Now shut up and continue the story)

“then yuri ah. Can you call me oppa?” seyong said.

“eh?oppa? okay then seyong oppa”

He broke into a huge grin and jumped around while screaming “SHE CALLED ME OPPA!!!”

“yah!!oppa. stop it. People are staring” for some reason, his reaction made me very happy. Oh,my heart’s beating faster again. Aish I need to get a medical check up.

“yuri ah. Let’s take a picture !”

(ps: this are their pose that they took the picture together)


that last picture was when were playing games when we were just sitting and a photographer took the picture for us. he said that we were a cute couple. we looked like a couple?

why do i feel happy hearing that ?

We made cute poses and he sent the pictures to my phone too.

“we better get going yuri ah…. Can I ask for just ONE more thing ?”

“well since it’s your birthday, okay then. What is it?”

“can we hold hands today? Until the end of the day…”


“please. I’ve always wanted to hold a girl’s hand on my birthday.”

“you’ve never had a girlfriend?”

“yup… I’m a lonely guy..”

“haha okay then…”

He took my hands and we went back to the café. From the corner of my eyes I could see him secretly smiling..what’s with him? But then again, what’s wrong with me?! Why do I feel so comfortable in his hands?


so how was it?? sorry i didnt update sooner,i was very busy so yeah. comments are LOVE!!

I want to try and get 30 subbies now.. just 3 more people~~

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yuxuan #1
Chapter 17: haha it was kinda of nice and i love this story
ilabya9 #2
Chapter 17: Kisses huh? >;p
Chapter 16: Hahaha omg seyong is too cute!!!!
Chapter 15: Update chinguuu update!! Maybe after hc okay but I will bug uu
You're an inspirit too? Hi5!! Wooh!Totally Agree with u! his smirk is Super hot
omigosh his smirk is so beautiful ;)
Really? I'll need to edit it when my laptop is okay then...thanks as lot! Yeah it's still hard for me I guess with all the new friends.. I'll try to update soon!
leficklerabbit #9
Yeah. It's all in one paragraph but still awesome~!! And you've entered a new school? 0.0 Ooooo~~ I changed my school last year cause I was promoted so yeah.. It's difficult but yeah... FIGHTING! :) UPDATE SOON~
Is the newest chapter all in one paragraph? Im using my phone so i cant see