SHINee Mission


You are only 18, yet you have to deal with all the crimes going on in this country which holds little space on the map. Many people at your age would love to travel around the world all the time, but you dread it. Why? Because each time you are asked to pack your luggage, or rather, a light luggage, you know there is something coming up. Something which might cost your life, or any of your family member's.

The good and innocent doesn't know you, the bad and evil ones do. You wish to make friends and hang out with them like any normal schoolgirl does, but you can't. They say, the grass is always greener on the other side. Each time you walk out of safety (a.k.a your house), you are risking your life just to breathe the air outside. You are a teenager but you don't seem like one. You handle guns and dangerous weapons often, so frequent that it has become your best friend. While everyone is worrying about their schoolwork, you skip school multiple times every fortnight.

No one knows your family's contribution to the society, but it all changed when a newly-transferred student became your first friend in your 18 years of living.


Disclaimer: As much as I want to, I do not own any of the characters in this fan-fiction, except for the fictional ones. Any form of similarities in any part of the story is purely coincidence. This storyline belongs to NTLMHO and no one else.

I stuck my body closely against the wall and gripped onto my weapon tightly. I filled my lungs with a deep breathe. I looked up at my only source of light in the sky as I traced along my small wireless headset. I found the button I was looking for and pressed on it as I report my exact location. After doing so, my partner, who was standing nowhere near me, did the same. We waited impatiently for further movements without letting our guards down.

“Approaching,” my partner's whispering voice echoed in my ears. Straight after my mind acknowledged the information, my body got ready for a fruitful action-packed night. True enough, a white light shone onto the cold cement wall and a faint sound of a car hitting against the uneven road could be heard. As the sound got louder and the faint light got brighter, I took more breaths to calm myself down and gripped onto my weapon tighter.

I looked at my partner and nodded. He peeped out warily with his gun held up near his left cheek. The man was at my side of the alley, I could hardly make out his conversation. “He must be standing quite a distance away,” I told myself, since I could not hear what he was saying and taking into consideration my hearing is the best among all of us. “He's out,” my partner's voice came as his protruding face disappeared slowly behind his cover.

“It's finally coming,” I thought.

The Differences; the Day and the Night

Your name is Gladys Constanzye Kyung-hyun.
Birth day: 18 July, 1993
Age: 18 (Korea) / 17 (Int'l)
Blood type: O
Place of Education: Yevgeny Zaydok High

Your brothers

Onew Jay Jin-ki
Xeno Jasper Jong-hyun
Aston Key Ki-bum
Bryne Kenneth Min-ho
Edward Evan Tae-min

The Differences; the Day and the Night

The Differences; the Day and the Night, brought to you by NTLMHO with SHINee and fictional as lead.

Started on 23 October 2010.


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foundationgirl #1
super super nice!
New Reader!i'm from Singapore.but,what is NP red camp?'re going to the JYP audition?my sis told me bout that.