Partners in crime

Fashion terrorists

Yuna looked at all of all her clothes. She was about to pick a black shirt with navy blue jumpers, plus a hat but she thought about Namjoon. "Maybe I should dress normal for today. I'll let that ugly Namjoon be the fashion terrorist for today. " Yuna thought. So she put all of the clothes back and took her white shirt, jeans and high cut red converse. "Ugh... It's so normal... Just for today Yuna... Just for today..." Yuna mumbled. Honestly, she hates that there's someone wearing the exact same thing as hers. She felt like her fashion dreams were all blown away.

Mina opened the door when she heard the knock. Obviously, it was Yuna. But in her surprise, she was wearing something normal... And she looks good on it. "Hey Yuna. You look good today!" Mina said. Behind Yuna's smile, she can see a pout. "Hey... I wore this in case Mr. Namjoon will be wearing the same thing. Anyways, let's go before we'll be late." Yuna said.

The two went to school together, as usual. But this time, students were shocked because of Yuna's new attire. It was something new and trendy. They just decided to go straight to their classroom to avoid other students. When Mina opened the door, there were people there already. Which is, the seven new guys. 

Yuna's face fell even more when she saw Namjoon wearing the same thing. "Woah! They really are meant to be!" Hoseok exclaimed followed by snickers from the other six boys. Yuna scoffed and rolled her eyes. For the whole time, Yuna and Namjoon were arguing about fashion. Mina knew that they were destined. After what Hoseok said. And she felt like the universe is making them one. But how?

While Mina was in the middle of deep thinking, Seokjin came in front of her waving his hand on his face. Now that she was back to earth, she blinked several times before looking at him. "I know what you're talking. So let's go to the nearest rice cake restaurant nearest school so we could talk." Seokjin said. He stood up and left the classroom. Mina sat there frozen. Bjt she felt like this is something she needs to be in, so she's definitely going to go.

When classes ended, Seokjin and Mina went to the rice cake restaurant to talk. "Hey Mina, upyou do think there's something between those two. Right?" Seokjin said. "I really, really do. It seems like Namjoon is the boy version of Yuna." Mina replied. "How about you?" Seokjin asked out of a sudden. "What do you mean how about me?" Mina asked curiously. "How about you with love?" Seokjin asked.

With that question, Mina looked down and replied, "Love doesn't exist for an ugly person like me." Seokjin was surprised. "No you're not." Seokjin said and lifted her head by holding her chin lightly. "For me, you'tpre pretty. You know why? Because you're beatiful in the inside, and the outside. You're not like those girls who cover their faces with make-up just to cover their ugly imperfections. But for me, a pretty girl doesn't matter if she has imperfections or not. A pretty girl, can be seen naturally, by those people who thinks you're really special. And love? It will come your way. Wether you're pretty, or not. But remember this, you're beatiful." Seokjin said.

Mina was flusterd. No one called her pretty, even her own family, she feels this warm feeling inside her. She was about to say something but a weird commercial tune came from the television. They both looked over the t.v. "Get a free ticket to fly in Hawaii or get a new car by joining in our live show 'fashion, fashion, terrorist'! If you can make the worst fashion mission in two months in this live show, you will get these prizes! So join now! Auditions are starting tomorrow at noon till two o' clock! Or dial +48* *** ***!" The guy in the commercial said. 

Seokjin and Mina looked at each other. "You know what I'm thinking?" Seokjin said. And childish grins appeared on their faces. They knew that this is the perfect plan to make them one. 

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