
in the year 1994, heather donhue and her parent alongside with her baby sister, judy was seen recording her packing her stuff and doing research about the blair witch curse. micheal and joshua is seen in the film as well, helping heather packing her stuff. her mother,mrs.donhue,told her to be careful and be strong. as the car drove out to maryland,this was the last time heather,micheal and joshua was ever heard or found. until now 

20 years after the original blair witch project's member disappearance, a new group was formed to investigate the original member of the blair witch project whereabout as well as  the history of the carving of nandu,which said to once belong to the blair witch. one of the member of the group is judy,the sister of heather who seek for her upon the request of her bed-ridden mom. while the other belived that everyone from the original group has died, judy still believed that her sister is still alive and is somewhere in the burkitsville. the group,which is lead by the professor of demonology AJ, rushed down to the last site of the original blair witch's project member 

on 22 july 2014, judy and her classmate,with the leading of AJ, drive to the now deserted burkitsville. an old farmer stopping them,warning them about the fate of the 3 original member of the blair witch. while the other not paying attention to any world the old farmer was saying,judy sat down and listen carefully. the farmer,realised that judy is the sister of heather,warned her about the danger and told her that he saw someone look like her passing her last month. judy immidiately rushed to the last known location of heather only to find a large field and a mysterious videotape which revealed more about the original blair witch project whereabout. judy stumbled across the now abandoned camp of heather along with her classmate and found a second clue, a cassette tape recording her interviews and night,judy have a dream that heather told her to check the video so she sneaked out from her room,watching the tape and listening to the original recording of her sister. on this day in 1994, heather,like judy,also interviewed the old farmer but was scolded for attempting to ask him reveal anything about the blair witch. micheal and joshua were also there when the old farmer suddenly felt scared and shocked, they turned around to see nothing. forgetting to turn his camera foward, micheal accidentaly recording the blair witch shadow and the camera began to malfunctioned,thus ending the tape. as judy was watching the tape. the blair witch could be seen spying on her and left 

the next morning,23 july 2014, the other hiked to the creepy house that heather and her crew was last seen. judy immidieatly recognised the pink bag of heather and learnt that everything is empty,except for another mysterious videotape. while the other checking out the house, judy intend to search for her sister in the real last known location of heather,the basement. while judy was checking for the stuff left behind, she was hit and felt unconscious as the phone record a ghostly figure of heather,micheal and joshua. she was later rescued but most of the videotape has been missing,realised something isn't right. judy warned the other but nobody listen to her. they,even though judy has protested,camped one night at the house. during the night,she dream heather telling her that she is still alive but trapped and needed judy's help to escape. judy waked up to find it was all a dream

the next morning 24 july 2014, judy insisted the group to check the basement. they opened the secret basement which judy has been told about by heather.while investigating, the group finally found the remaining of the original blair witch's project. a final videotape is played and revealed, heather,in an attempt to escape,was dragged by the blair witch.micheal and joshua came in to save her only to have their neck broken and heather be strangled to death,realized she has been tricked by the blair witch to open her seal,judy tried to escape only to find that all of her classmate has disappeared and them,has been killed and possed,trying to attack her. she successfully escaped and hid in the original blair witch project member tent. as she crying and tell her love to her mother and father. she felt something touching her and as she turned down, heather and the other member as well as her classmate,attack her. thus ending the footage

it is later stated that following heather last remaining call, the police reached to the crime scene and found 11 bodies, include the skeletons of the original blair witch project and the corspe of the new blair witch project student and teacher. the police couldn't find judy whereabout. as they removed the bodies, the now ghostly judy is seen watching them and left 




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