the house: the reboot


there is a legend surronded an abandoned house in black lagoon. it previous inhabitant was the mars family who adopted an orphane named lisa in 1964 who was feared by black lagoon as a demon .however,the entire family and it staff was mysteriously died in a horrible but gruesome way. years later,in 1988, the charleston family bought the house but the family all went insane and left the house after just only 3 days. the place was since abandoned and never was explored.until now (2007) 

at the present, a group of student : dean, andrea, sam and liz was taking a trip to black lagoon house. during their stay,they all were warned by the villager not to enter the black lagoon house but because of their curiosity, they decided to camp there. while the other exploring the house, andrea saw a figure and chased it but found nothing.she felt strange and turned back as a woman can be seen rocking the chair. later at night, the other decided to explore more due to dean challenge. sam explored the bathroom and found blood dripped from the shower.he screamed in panic and ran to the other but no one found the blood trail. sam returned back,thinking he was hallucinating but the blood dripped from the shower began to pour more,noises can be heard and mirrors suddenly shattered itself. as sam fell and crawled back, a hand can be seen grabbed him and dragged him to the darkness. after the first night, everyone thought that sam had left but andrea found it hard to belive. while exploring the house,she was attacked in the living room but survived and warned the other but they didnt belive it. during the night, they decied to explore more. liz found lisa bedroom,her certificate as well as her belonging. the item began to attack lisa but she ran. the door locked itself as liz knocking the door in panic. liz screamed as a demonic figure appeared and covered her. andrea and dean,the only survivor, rushed to liz but all they found was a trail of blood. they began to run to the door to escape,now beliving that the house was cursed,but the door locked mysteriously, forcing sam and andrea to explore the house for escape route . while there,andrea learned the truth upon inspecting a potrait in the master bedroom , it reaveled that the mars family was actually a victim of lisa,who used her manipulative power, in fact, lisa was a witch who took shape of a child,totured happy family and took their souls away for her pathethic " happy family". andrea was attacked by lisa,who was the one responsible for the death of liz and sam but was blocked by dean. lisa grabbed dean and took his soul away. andrea ran to the final room,the attic and locked the door. she crawled back and cried in panic. as she praying,her flashlight went out and lisa was seen staring at her. andrea screamed as lisa killed her 




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