one; final

Bittersweet Hypocrisy

Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.”



It had been five, painful hours to her dismay. Five hours of staring and inwardly drooling over the mismatched leg-puller, oh how she wished that she wasn’t some law-breaker—then she wouldn’t hesitate to pull her into a rough, bruising kiss and later on marking her with vicious marks…and pleasingly savor her healthy body into wholeness of pleasure.


            If she wasn’t such an enticing, illicit felon – then she could do a lot heavier than the things beyond her expectations. A lot more than she can wickedly handle, actually.


Hand cuffed; the once smooth, pale wrists was marred with purple, stinging bruises; her platinum blonde hair disheveled into a taunting, yet y way; the thin lined bloody crimson lips; and the ghastly beautiful piercing eyes stuck onto her; and the way she looked was so stirring and it unknowingly lathered her entirety with pure and thick appeal that made her toes curl involuntarily— it was quite a big understatement to say that she was an upsetting, aching tease to the lady sheriff, Kang Seulgi.


            A criminal with a grimly picturesque facial and body proportions—therefore, she was nothing less than forbidden tease— unfortunately.


In front of her was Seoul’s very own highest paid female , Bae Joohyun, that had been caught  and put into jail for a temporary stay after her act of fraudulence to a big business conglomerate. The female had been evading the legal contract but continued receiving paychecks from him, which was unfortunately pulling the contract off the circle of agreement.


The was dressed in crimson, yet plumy dress that hugged her healthy curves and accentuated her perky, papaya-like s and her slightly flat, yet amatory – all Seulgi could do was just to stare at them like it was the mere impossible thing that she could ever get. Joohyun, with her stilettos on, was gracefully crossing her thighs that unknowingly helped Seulgi to increase more of her urge to pin down the lady to the wall and her hard.


The small hole that was showed between her legs when she crossed was teasing.


            And it was luring her face of malevolence.


            The teasing thought – that they were just the two of them in the female jail cell – and how ready the latter was – it was all contrasting to her sheriff’s oath of non-involvement to prisoners.


            “.” Seulgi couldn’t help but to mutter, her toes curling quite aggressively. “So this is how female escorts dress—“


And she stared purposely, albeit wincing at the sudden rush of an unknown ual urge at the sight of the unclothed opening of the latter. A pinkish clean, healthy and an aperture ready to be pounded by her rash fingers –


How enticing it is, eh?


She tried to divert her eyes onto the ceiling and the ragged interiors of the jail cell with a black stick clutched on her right hand, trying hard to act like she was just an ordinary cop that wanted doughnuts and coffee – not a sheriff who’s been ually frustrated at the unexpected at the vile, desirable woman in front of her. She had huffed the lady’s scent before she was thrown into the jail with a nice, indecent apparel that made her want to rip at the sight of it; the scent was mixed with a brash whiff of nicotine – and no matter how she hated cigarettes, she wouldn’t hate it if it was on the lady’s clothing, and it was unexpectedly y for her. Genuinely yet ominously y, no matter how she hated the scent of it.


How did this woman trigger her ual frustration towards ladies?


Just because she’s a lady of security and a legit sheriff of the town – doesn’t mean that she’s the   cleanest person you can meet. After all, she was just a person with an own personal flaw, and that is, her borderline mania that had been occurring at the tender age of 16, hence, another normal human with flaws indeed.


 Seulgi had been with cheaper male es (because it was her own personal stress reliever, that’s why – and having a personal stress reliever can’t allow you to have a romantic relationship – ual relationship, perhaps.) and all she was is just a pathetic, whimpering submissive that panted everytime a e’s manhood was pounded on her—in an animalistic pace at her inviting opening – the last time she could remember about her anomalous life is that she had with her very own favorite e Kim Jongin that she always liked to feel since she was sixteen, a male e that she had grew up with, but no romantic relationship was made throughout the length of their camaraderie.


She liked boys – just boys. She liked them for her personal pleasure.


Nothing else.


Nothing was supposed to cross the feeble line.


Yet this lady – a fraudulent e – a law-breaker – had been recently triggering her sickness on, and she doesn’t know why, either.


The moment when the lady entered the precinct – she knew that the latter was making her heat up. It was an unknown feeling to her, yet a pleasurable one too. Just the sight of her y face made her want to sink her teeth into the flawless neck – how much more if the wholeness, the pure body of Joohyun had infiltrated her already-corrupted mind and eventually putting a new taste of addiction into it?


The mantra that she had been saying inwardly all along with the silence of the jail cell was: “You boys, Seulgi. Remember that.” Still, it doesn’t help a single bit of her frustration.


The more she restrains…the more she gets heated up.


She knew that she was beautiful and she had the good looks – all the es would ask her if she was a customer or not, because their common patrons are actually bad looking and prominently ill-faced – she was a different one. The sheer power – she loved every single bit of it when the es request for a customer like her even when they don’t have the slightest right do it; the mere passion of getting everyone’s looks by a single sway of her jet black hair.


            Ah, but it was the first time that she actually begged mentally for a single touch of a lady – a criminal, ironically. In a snap, she knew what the es felt upon seeing her.


Being teased by unintentional acts wasn’t easy at all.


They had been alone—the two of them had been alone for 5 hours without any words nor looks exchanged, all the female could ever give was her incoherent, yet nonchalant stares which was equivalent to an unknowing invitation for a rough, pleasurable for the lady sheriff.


How can a lady be so y without saying something?


There was no between them; instead, awkwardness ate the two of them while they had been facing to each other for hours with no interactions stimulating between them.


Whilst Joohyun was stretching her legs, widening her two thigh’s radius and noncommittally her unwounded, beautiful dark red lips – she had no idea how her dispassionate acts made the cop yearn for a forbidden touch…and a forbidden act of indecency.


It was very, very wrong.


 It was hard for her to ease the woman in front of her—just looking at her for a straight minute urged her to relish her beautiful body. It was hard to act nonchalant at the lady’s inviting appeal, with the latter’s full, unmarked legs stretched every 5 minutes showing her welcoming body features…“Don’t make me drop my demure face, lady.” Seulgi cautiously thought whilst avoiding at looking Joohyun’s appealing body


 Joohyun was looking at her nails, bored from the straight contact to the sheriff for hours. Inevitably yawning, she took a brief glance at Seulgi’s evasive face and tilted her head whilst crossing her arms and a leg, allowing the latter to see once again the beautiful unclothed aperture – but Seulgi was trying her best not to be stained by a criminal, she had her pride over her maniac personality.


“…a lady sheriff, huh?




The fraudulent lady spoke in nonchantly, her eyes fixed on Seulgi’s tensed figure. The latter’s once evasive face was focused to the lady’s mouth that spoke words like she’d been aching to hear – and how lovely it was to the sheriff, lovely may it seem, but it was witlessly wrong.


“Huh?” Countless possibilities covered Seulgi’s mind as her ears perked up after hearing the lady speak, but had only released a word of confusion, to her dismay.


            “I said…” Joohyun exhaled whilst crossing her other leg, “…it’s quite amusing to see a female sheriff nowadays.” She looked at Seulgi’s panting frontage, “…I never seen one in my whole life.” Joohyun said, stretching a warm, sincere smile to the sheriff.


The smile was given in a sincere manner, but all could the latter see was streaks of ersion, blurred lines, and censored images. Though it was clearly given non-tarnished and genuine – she couldn’t sense a bit of kindness in her tone – her ears were eaten by her personality, all she could hear was sultry voices repeating Joohyun’s words.


Albeit hazed by the delusional, schizo-like traits she’d been stumbling upon her sense, she tried her best to remain calm and silently prayed to keep her poise. It was harder done than said – she should’ve not underestimated this fact.


“Ah..” Seulgi focused her sight at the girl’s face, trying not to peek the body below the face. “…yes…” She said it quite trembling, he fists curled up into an aggressive touch and her toes curling beneath the layered- leather shoes, it was very uncomfortable. “…I’m the first female sheriff you’d seen – I’m g-glad to hear that.”


“And a beautiful sheriff, by the way.” Joohyun said through cute-pitchy giggles – Seulgi didn’t expect this criminal to be this high-pitched. “…well, your looks don’t give the slightest hint of a sheriff, you know?”


“You have no idea how my looks work in the underground…” Seulgi thought, a wicked rush of menace ran in her head. “Thank you.” Seulgi managed to speak, completely void of any stuttering – the thought made her mind race in horrid, sensual ride of vivid imaginations, thus showing the enthusiasm to the latter openly.


“No cop ever said ‘thanks’ to me.” Joohyun said plainly, swirling her tongue over her dry, red lips. Seulgi could only avoid her face. “I’ve been into a lot of prisons, actually. I never encountered a cop that never shouted at me and shout how disgusting I am…they were all rude to me….,”


And Seulgi thought that she was really a forbidden tease.


“…is your ‘thank you’ sincere enough?”  Joohyun asked, her head tilting curiously.


“Well—it’s not like I’m being nice to you or what, but I believe that I need to be thankful for a compliment.”  Seulgi answered honestly whilst avoiding her gaze.


“Ohohoho.” Joohyun gave an amused laugh and smiled. “If I get prisoned, I want to be locked here…” She looked at Seulgi’s untamed yet oblique stares and muttered a small phrase that completed Seulgi’s delusions. “…you’re kind.”


Seulgi looked at Joohyun with an eyebrow quirked in half confusion and amusement. “We just shared a few words – and you tell me that I’m a kind person?”  She chuckled quite darkly, the latter oblivious to the chuckle’s vile intentions. “…you’re quite gullible, aren’t you? Well you’re always welcome here whenever you commit fraud –” Seulgi smiled, a feral smile. “And I’d like it when you’d commit fraud all the time –I want to get you prisoned here every now and then and never leave – just you and me—and no one else. ” Seulgi dreamily thought, unknowingly biting her lips at the enticing thought.


“Doesn’t mean I said that you’re kind then I’m a gullible one – is that how low you think of compliments given straightly?” Joohyun put on an arrogant smile. Walking towards the sheriff, she elegantly sat by her side a few, lingering centimeters away before taking off her stilettos. “This pair of babies are making my bones crush – ah, !” She had trouble removing her heels whilst crossing her other leg to support her removing the shoes – and Seulgi could smell the literal aroma of going out of the latter’s unclothed private area.


Joohyun rigidly cursed at the pain of the stilettos’ steel digging into her white flesh – and she cursed it somewhat uneasily, it reminded Seulgi of how female stars artistically moan throughout the video – it was beautiful and seamless. “Go on, dig that steel into your skin and moan some more – just moan, and it’ll be enough for me to rub and not touch you.” Seulgi thought whilst her gaze was fixed outside of the cell, yet the waves of Joohyun’s moan-like curses was radiating continuously through her welcoming ears – oh how blissful it was for her.


“There we go.” The sounds of the clanking heels were heard dropping and Irene looked intently at her cagey looks. “Now I’m comfortable.” She shifted near at the female sheriff, getting a pack of cigarettes from her bra area (and it made Seulgi amazed of how big can be used as a safekeeping place, tangibly.). The lady got a stick and got steel lighter laid on the cell’s chairs and lit the nicotine stick up.


“You want some?” Joohyun handed her the box whilst blowing the smoke on the latter’s face. “Now don’t tell me you don’t smoke, sheriff.” She said it sternly while insisting the box on Seulgi.


Seulgi, on the other hand, is dead resisting to not give up to the lady’s persuasive request. She faced her whilst the latter was blowing the disgusting second-hand smoke – but it wasn’t disgusting for her – it was delightful, coming from her beautiful mouth. “N-no,” She said between panting, oblivious to the latter’s ears. “.., you’re right, I don’t smoke. Sorry.” She said rather sincerely and looked at the smoking Joohyun.


It was making her heat rise up, again. Joohyun was crossing her legs, her unclothed part visible again, and her face while smoking was as hot as she was currently feeling the smoke infiltrating her lungs. “All the prisons I entered…everybody smoked.” She looked at Seulgi, quirking an amused eyebrow. “Are you trying to impress me, sheriff?”


Seulgi gulped rather nervously. “N-no,” Reaching out Joohyun’s hands with the box, she threw the box away through the thin lines in the steel cell and looked at her sternly. “…I never smoked in my entire life.” Seulgi said it in all honesty, but her voice came out raspy and cracked, probably making Joohyun think that Seulgi was just trying to impress her and hold her impulse.


Truth was, she was inwardly fighting the tempt to do everything for the criminal, including her plea to let her smoke – nobody should said that it was easy.


The latter scoffed. “Now that’s pathetic.” Joohyun walked away from her to get the box she had thrown and lit one again before sitting beside the sheriff. “Try one.” Trying to give the lighted cigarette to Seulgi, she shifted—much closer—to the latter whilst showing an affectionate face. “Trust me;” Looking intently at the lady sheriff, “…it tastes good. I don’t want you to get bored here staying ‘till 12pm and that’s the time that I get discharged –I’m just being polite and considerate, you know.” She leaned somewhat sneakily to Seulgi’s reddening ears whispering, “…I’m not trying to corrupt you or what.”


Seulgi gulped her seemingly warm saliva upon the latter’s hot, seductive breath tickling around her ears idyllically and tried to maintain eye contact to the wall. Her breath hitched on Joohyun’s words coming out unexpectedly from her crimson lips – and she was in the verge of letting go of her borderline personality – on the verge, not letting to go, or not letting to resist. Her mind was rambling at the thought of making out with a falsified lady; criminal; and a forbidden one.


“Oh dear, I’m already corrupted – and became more corrupted since I saw your bloody figure and godly face.” – Seulgi inevitably thought, her eyes blinking at a fast pace and her breath on a pursuit with a tingling feeling of adrenaline.


She was at the margin of ripping the lady’s bloody dress, and she wouldn’t hesitate to do it if was just an ordinary person and not a looming fraud committing deceit to every man she had been with – this thought just ached her at this moment.


She just wanted to dominate over her; and she was trying to avoid any of the latter’s touches – it might trigger her sickness once and for all and cross the forbidden, yet dangerously tempting bleak line.


It may seem ridiculously tempting for her; but a part of her inevitably yelled that she was dedicated to the government and to her affiliates and loathed bad people, criminals, to be exact– but ah, how could she resist this temptation?


Although these thoughts had infiltrated her mind; how brashly wicked and corrupted may it seem, but she probably looked tensely stupid to Joohyun’s eyes, completely oblivious of the one-sided released by Seulgi. She could see the sheriff panting in the lack of the jail cell’s fresh air (but it was her unknowingly making the atmosphere brutally suffocating); the constant gulping in the lack of hydration (her -whiff was the staid reason, that’s why); the constant tapping of her feet in awkwardness (it was the emitting from Seulgi’s heated body); and the flushing face in the poor-ventilated jail cell (it was the forbidden ual heat, not the literal atmosphere in that god-forsaken place). Totally unmindful and oblivious, so much for the sheriff’s frustration.


Joohyun giggled upon Seulgi’s constant gulping and leaned back away from her, “Do you need water?” The crimson-dressed lady looked at her with a look of concern. “You can go out if you want to…you don’t have to bother looking and staying here with me.” Shrugging, “You don’t look so well – maybe you need fresh air or something.” She went to the other side and lay on the cemented, horizontal chair with her legs split up. Seulgi could only look away – this was too much.


Seulgi nodded quite surely, “Maybe you’re right.” Saying such a short phrase, she stood up abruptly without any words and exited out of the cell. Grabbing the rusty padlock in her pocket, she managed to tuft it onto the steel to secure the lady from getting out. Another glance to the laying lady was given, and then she had the chance to get some fresh air and drink her favorite brewed coffee.




After hours of the unrequited , she felt her muscles getting loose and soften after being contractedly rigid and stiffened when she entered Dunkin’s coffee shop – “Ah, relief.” She thought. She ordered her usual strawberry doughnut with crème cheese and her black bean brewed coffee and drank it continuously, unmindful of the heat. All she could think about is how dangerously enticing the lady was to her eyes and she was the first female to make her feel in the brink of lawless temptations and urges.


And she thought, “Oh no, you’re not getting into my hurricane-stricken life, lady.”


Her life was quite a mess if you’d think about it, she had a lot of encounters of handsome male es that made her into a mess and waking up without them at her side, it wasn’t that sickening – but it was made her feel left alone and slightly lonely. She once dreamt of a man, even not a e, to wake up at her side and say a goodbye properly – it’s not that she wanted a romantic relationship, hell, she didn’t even need a man in her life, just a good and she’s done with the world, that is. But she felt left alone and had no one in life. Her mom and dad didn’t even bother to look back at her when she was a kid – she had no friends (workmates, maybe – but she considered no one as a friend. They were all endangered if they were close at her side); and no one.


Never did she felt self-pity despite of her invisible isolation, but she did feel alone.


Her life – or her life, perhaps, is already full of mind-twirling tornados and hurricanes – and here comes another girl who’s going to get lured at her malevolent life; it was all driving her crazy and unstable. Eating her doughnuts while looking at the fast paced city outside of the shop, she had wondered why she ought to be attracted to such woman with a shameful job, a e, and a rendered yet self-proclaimed thief and a fraud, or in general, she didn’t know why she liked a female for the first time.


No, she didn’t literally like her. She felt a splurge of unknown ecstasy from her and it troubled her, but it didn’t mean that she liked her. She felt danger, just a tinge of it, perhaps—and she could still feel the hot breath circling around her ears and her innocent words being sullied by her tainted mind. She doesn’t know if it’s a spark in her life that could create fire and give warmth, or it could possibly set her on dangerous fire.


Suddenly, she didn’t want to go back.


She had a trifling, shrewd thought about Seoul’s highest paid – and a part of her gut shouted not to go back at her until she gets discharged and leave prison, and yes…


She was aware that this was going too fast for her.


Seulgi could only wonder why the lady speaks so demurely; the way that e doesn’t usually does; and gives such unsullied pieces and acts of kindness – but ah, no— to Seulgi, she was still a criminal. She wouldn’t be thrown into jail if she didn’t do something abhorrent, would she?


Jails are meant for two types of people: The protectors and the felons. Unfortunately, Seulgi belonged to the protectors, and the lady belonged to the latter. The two types of people—according to Seulgi—aren’t meant to be together, not touching each other’s flesh, and her very own forbidden desire, to feel and make Joohyun scream in pleasure.


As much as she wanted to do it, she just couldn’t. And it was painful and tempting – her temporary escape place was only her guileful imagination.


How pitiful.


But she couldn’t afford being demoted of leaving her alone in the cell; she was scheduled to keep eye on the e until she was bailed out, she could only sigh and do her best to keep her composure.


“Damn.” Seulgi muttered as she finished her half-dozen mini donuts and coffee. Where should she go next?


Of course, her next stop was the prison, again.


 It was just a few meters away from the doughnut shop to the cell and she walked albeit hastily, yet anxious – she could sense that something wasn’t right about her, or the atmosphere was just plain kidding on her.


When she reached the prison, it was already eight PM, four more hours for the lady to get out and go wherever she likes. Seulgi could feel a tinge of thwart upon the thought of the fraud leaving the prison, but she knew that she would be always committing that crimes—based on what Joohyun said. She’s also gonna be here after few months, Seulgi thought.


She may be disappointed, but hell no, she didn’t want to touch a single part of the latter’s body—she wretchedly eased her ual frustration on Joohyun. She knew that resisting her ual urge is malevolent and can only worsen her personality. But she tried to resist as hard as she can.


es are meant to be disgusted and they are the lowest class of humans, she said – but it was real no more, for the sheriff had the nastiest thoughts to flaw such human. Ironic, plain ironic.


Having with a e—in a jail cell—maybe passed as a good kink, but it was amateurish and unprofessional for a sheriff like her. She would lose her job if she didn’t resist her urge—yes, because she was so sure that the latter would hand over her body and give it to her then and there, she was a e after all—it was enticing, but it wasn’t just the risk to be taken.


It wasn’t just a drab risk, it was a dangerous risk.


She saw Joohyun lying on the top of the cemented ground and twirled her jet black hair around, simply looking at the dim-lighted room’s ceiling, and it was turning Seulgi on again. “This is bull.” Seulgi muttered, mad, yet seemingly elated to the latter’s body laid on the ground like she was ready to be ed hard at the moment.


Joohyun was unaware that the lady sheriff was looking at her with lust-filled stares and continued lying on the cold, hard ground for a few minutes. On her hand was the menthol box she had been holding 2 hours ago and with the same lighter that lighted her first cigarette. Surprisingly, she wasn’t smoking- yet she was just playing with the box, completely unmindful that there was a lady she was unknowingly teasing.


A few minute passed and Seulgi continued admiring her beautiful curves laid on the ground; and suddenly, a thought of having with her was struck to her and made her groan in annoyance and slight frustration.


Joohyun heard the groan and snappily stopped playing with the box and stood up rather edgily, “Oh…you’re here” She gave a demure, sheepish smile, bowed, and tucked her loose hair in her right ear gracefully. “…you’ve been gone for two hours.”


“Y-yeah.” Seulgi averted her gaze in the blank wall behind Joohyun to avoid her getting flushed, “I—‘m sorry, though.”


“Don’t apologize for lessening your bore.” She winked playfully as the latter sighed and picked up the key in her pocket and opened the big padlock, entering the jail cell where Joohyun had been. “I do understand that you’re bored with a lady like me in this prison, but hey…” She looked at her quite assuringly, “…you’re the most well-mannered sheriff in this city. I don’t really mind if you get awkward with me.”


And Seulgi could only think about stubborn thoughts, “I was never bored with you, you tease. And it’s not awkwardness…it’s just I wanna touch you so bad but you’re a God-forsaken criminal…” In the end Seulgi just gave a nervous laugh before she can say something utterly stupid to her.


“Who told you I was bored with you?” Seulgi asked rather curiously, the heat evanescing in her system as she tried to clear any dirty thoughts and tried to be a friendly professional. Oh dear, it wasn’t easy.


“Nothing.” Joohyun shrugged. “I just felt like we were awkward. We haven’t talked in 5 hours straight –are you uneasy with me?” She looked at her pensively, seeing Seulgi’s beads of sweat dripping like dew drops from her temples.


“No.” Seulgi snapped, her smoky eyes somewhat evasive. “I never became uneasy with a detainee, just so you know.” She gave a crackly laugh and stared with her best to keep away from the dangerous urge. “We can talk if you want to. I don’t want you to get bored either.” Sincerely speaking, a more honest thought hit her hard, actually. “There’s a way that we can’t get bored…and you can feel good too.” Seulgi could only cringe at her thought.This is ing wrong, she thought.


“Talk?” Joohyun chuckled, a squeaky one. “Never did a single police officer offer me to talk about things.” She faced her with an enthusiastic face and put her palm under her chin. “You’re pretty interesting, Sheriff.” She looked at her quite cloyed, “You start.”


“No, you start.” Seulgi gestured to let her talk first, only to be rejected with the same response.


“No. You start.” Joohyun said playfully, her pearly teeth glimmering and contrasting to her crimson lips.


“We’re not gonna talk if you keep on saying that.” Seulgi feigned an annoyed expression while eying Joohyun’s hot, bashful look – wishing that the conversation would be interesting to let her urge go away – or stay, oh no— she did not just wish that to happen.


Joohyun felt threatened upon the Sheriff’s once kind look changed into an annoyed one, so she decided to think for a very interesting topic to talk about. “Ok, lady sheriff.” Joohyun sighed, her eyes fixed on Seulgi’s. “I’ll say one word and you’ll explain it to me, and what you think about it. When you’re done, do the same thing to me – is that a deal?”


Seulgi smirked. Talking normally to this tease wasn’t that bad, really. “ Positive. Game on.”


“….” Joohyun gave a thinking look. “Oh. Super Junior.”


“They’re the nation’s official boy band—duh, Joohyun—any much interesting words?” Seulgi smiled annoyingly while eying her fierce looks.


“Of course they’re interesting!” The latter half-shouted seemingly outraged by the remark, making Seulgi giggle waggishly. “I’m their fan! Don’t you dare to call them uninteresting! ” She looked at her once again, her eyes making a hole on the latter’s face. “And don’t call me Joohyun, sheriff.” She gave her a sneer look, “Call me Irene.”


“Irene, huh?” Seulgi quirked an amused eyebrow.


“I just like the name—and I’m gonna say this the kindest way possible…you don’t have the right to call me by my real name.” She smiled at Seulgi warmly, void of any annoyance. “Take it as a reminder, please?”


Seulgi nodded. “Ok, Irene.” She smirked once again, eyeing Irene quite menacingly. “Super Junior…they made their own company’s fame and they need to get married and have kids. You don’t have to call them ‘oppa’ anymore, you know? Honestly, they’re old to be dancing on stage. All I ever want for them to get married.” Seulgi giggled, amused by the latter’s deep frown. “You’re just a fan…come on. You can’t marry them.”


“I know that, and it’s obvious that they need to get married – and would you please stop slapping it hard to my face, will you? I know that they need to get married and I’m just a fan. Don’t repeat it over and over again— it’s ing annoying.” Irene frowned, her arms crossing and her sneer visible to Seulgi’s eyes.


For some people, Irene’s angry look was quite plain – but it was tempting and ridiculously hot to the sheriff’s eyes. Her locks was drowned in own sweat, sticking to her face – yet her scent was just the evident whiff Seulgi could smell a few meters away. Her frown was deepened gracefully and dashed with such sultriness that it made Seulgi distance herself away from her – Irene was a forbidden, legit tease no matter how she tried to conceal it.


“Ok.” Seulgi said, the playful expression still on her face while her toes were curling and her hands was hardly gripped on the metal stick – damn, it was just becoming more and more harder for her. Scoffing spitefully, she said stultifyingly “I can’t play puns on you anymore.”


Irene smirked. “Your turn.”


Seulgi actually took it as a chance to make a forbidden move, but a part of her still said no – no matter how the ual frustration took over her entirety, there was still a lingering part of her that said ‘no’. “Ok…” Gulping, she thought about an interesting word… “Modeling.


“Oh.” Joohyun smiled quite gleefully. “Modeling is a good job, actually. I modeled for a children’s’ apparel when I was ten years old – and I originally wanted to be one. But fate kinda hates me…so I became like this.” Seulgi heard a blue laugh from her lips, a sad one. “They said that I was a waste…I could’ve pursued a much more honorable job than this.”


Seulgi could only make her smile falter. Joohyun’s smile was in seething a heavy veil of self-pity.


“Hey…” Even though Seulgi blatantly agreed that es were the filthiest human beings, a pint of lingering empathy surprisingly circled around her at the very moment. Seulgi didn’t know what to say; the latter’s look was so weak that it sadistically delighted her – and generally, she didn’t know what to say either. They didn’t know each other that well; Joohyun even said that she didn’t want to be called by her own name.


Before a thin air of awkwardness surrounds them, Joohyun smiled and assured Seulgi not to worry. “Oh come on, it doesn’t matter anymore – it’s your turn, by the way.”


Seulgi could only smile. Getting curious of what Joohyun thinks about the main element of her job, she decided to let Irene know of what’s she’s gonna say next. “Let’s be open minded here—“ She snapped, then looked intently to the latter’s eyes whilst  morbid curiosity was eating her alive.


Irene somewhat turned her faltered look into a wickedly sly one, before spitting out words that made Seulgi divert her eyes to the blank wall behind her, again, for evasive tactics. “I am..,” her red lips whilst implying the act of seductiveness— “…already that open-mined. I already was…A long, long time ago, to be exact.”


Seulgi inevitably glanced at the lady’s legs crossed again – and her unclothed rose—oh, it was already deemed as a lopsided fate for her. Gulping, she said quite indecisively, “Do you know what I’m talking about?” Her voice came out in cracks, making the latter shriek a dry ounce of red laughter.


?” Joohyun quirked an eyebrow and twirled her hair. With Seulgi’s edgy habits coming again, she doubted it the latter wanted to talk this private topic – but for her, it was alright and good, this was her job, anyways. “You’re the one who initiated this – maybe I should be the one who’d be saying that. The point is: Let’s be open-minded about things, ok? It’s not like I avoid it like a nun – you know what my job is, don’t you?”


Seulgi winced at Joohyun’s words retaliated to her, oh how she loved hearing that words. Her looks was evasive again – and she had the biggest urge to bite her nails, but she could show any interest to the lady in front of her. She thought that she’d look pathetically wretched if she did that.


“Oh my…” Joohyun laughed upon seeing the latter’s face flushed and edgy. “Don’t tell me you’re a !”


“No.” Seulgi looked at her, waywardly embarrassed of the way the latter laughed at her. She was half pissed and amused of how Irene was so insensible to her ual frustration – she doesn’t have the slightest idea what the sheriff was imagining to do to her and if she did, well it’s up to her. Gaining the strength to look at the lady with a forced tranquil, she said rather loud and clear to avoid embarrassment,


 “You have no idea how good am I in bed.”


And the terrific luck got down.


Seulgi said it out of her frustration and her aloofness to Irene, and to say that it got out from involuntarily wasn’t a lie – and before she could grasp what she just said, Irene looked at Seulgi with an interesting, sly smirk – “Oh, that good, really, huh?” A twinkle of irony sparked upon Irene’s eyes. She had brains too, and a philanthropist would not hesitate to talk about such academe and routine, ah – she loved seeing the sheriff all embarrassed and tad uneasy.


Chuckling quite darkly, interest came upon Irene’s head causing her to stir facts out of the sheriff’s ‘good life’; while Seulgi, on the other hand, turned her body around Irene to avoid looking at her – yet Irene can still see her pink ears yelling that she was utterly mortified, and covering her naughty mouth in shock. She, in all honesty, didn’t expect the words to get out of , and she currently thought that she already looked pathetic to the latter’s eyes – it’s the way that she doesn’t wanna go and it’s just so rigidly unfortunate on her.


“Turn around and face me or I can’t say what is like to me.” She said impassively stiff and tonelessly cold, causing Seulgi to slowly face her and look at her with queasy eyes.


ing—or not in a vulgar term, , – is a way of forgetting rusty and bothering things practically through shoving a man’s to a swelling … It can be one, though.” Seulgi was surprised of how Irene spoke it so loud yet nonchalantly, it’s almost like she conversed it in a casual, everyday conversation.


The words stung hardly to the latter’s mere brain; oh how good was she in ing? Perhaps if it would get out when her pink tongue rolls against her beautiful lobelia, then it’s worth the ing while. Seulgi was quite amused, but she held the biggest urge to her then and there; she just kept on listening whilst eyeing her.


“It can be through ing too, like rubbing your untouched crotch; s and toys – you should see my collection at home – they’re bought at a high-class shop in Suwon.” Nonchantly speaking, she looked at Seulgi’s bemused face and her question collapsed rigidly, somewhat like a cascading set of knife targeted to Seulgi upon seeing her amused stares. “I don’t know why you’re so shy or what. Just don’t lie and admit it. You don’t look like you’re good in bed.”


And that was it.


A strong pinch was given to Seulgi’s pride as the latter underestimated her skills – her ever wonderful gift – that she had been remaining it as a sign of dominance to others, yet she’s here, decisively being thrown to the deepest noob pit of unprofessional studs, and she felt that she had been pushed to the ground hardly –  there, Seulgi was holding her impulsed words like “Let me prove it to you right there where you’re sitting, and you can’t even speak when I do it to you.” Angrily looking at the latter with staid, cold eyes, she muttered with an ireful, stern tone;


“I’m a conservative lady, Irene. Of course I would get awkward talking about it vulgarly—”


“A conservative sheriff, yet you tell me that you’re good in bed? Cocky, huh?”


Irene could only laugh in irony. “Don’t with me and stop lying.” She spat, making Seulgi look at her the same she was looking at her, a livid, yet righteous look. “I—my dear—is a professional one, a non-amateur worker who s to have bags of money for years, darling—and perhaps you’ve heard about it, haven’t you?” The crimson-dressed woman meticulously looked at Seulgi’s unharmonized looks before spluttering other words that triggered Seulgi’s explanation. “If you’re good in ing, then you wouldn’t hesitate talking like it was a daily conversation – for Pete’s sake, lady sheriff.” her lips, “Plus, you wouldn’t pull off that ‘I’m-a-conservative-lady’ bull. It’s pathetic. Spill it out. I won’t able to see you in a matter of hours from now, anyway. It’s not like we meet together every day.” After saying the words, Irene was albeit hazed by an overwhelming sense of silence, and then guilt upon her words spoken – but there was never regret. She could only smile and give her a warm smile in apologizing looks—


Look—I’m sorry. I just hate people without confidence, the secretive ones, precisely.”


The latter gave an indefinable stare. Seulgi was a bit enlightened after Irene’s fierce, yet sense-making words; she was logically witty too – not a mediocre who s around guys in town without any logic and brains. It was petty for her, perhaps, to act naively shy and all feebly immaculate to the e in front of her. Irene can see her like a transparent glass – can read her like an open book, and damn – when is this lady going to stop teasing her?


Seulgi tranquilized in a matter of minutes, giving a forced breath and looking at Joohyun molecularly. “Eat what you said to me.”




“Bring back what you said to me.” Seulgi snapped, her eyes fixed on hers.


“Nu-uh.” Joohyun practically blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes at the sheriff’s petty attempt. “It’s you who should bring back your words.”


Seulgi was on the very brink of pulling the latter into a deep yet angry searing kiss – but then; she tried not to do it. Convinced that they wouldn’t meet every day, she ought to tell her personality and her biggest secret.


“Look—“ Sighing, a tad nervous about the next words, “—I’m a borderline maniac, you happy? I can’t live without and I’m worse than a e—I’m worse than you.”


Irene wasn’t a bit amused. “It’s easier said than done, dear. You wouldn’t wish to get that condition, so be careful what you wish for.”


“I’m not kidding, Irene.” Seulgi said honestly, a blank stare given to the latter before continuing. “I’ve told you this because like what you said, it’s not like we’re gonna meet every day, right? So can we talk—or just comfort me and say nothing, alright?” Her voice was cracking, pitiful to Irene’s ears. Her brown orbs gleamed upon seeing her speak it so sincerely yet gloomily – Joohyun really didn’t see this coming.


Irene frowned in legit concern, a deep one, before rubbing Seulgi’s back in utter comforting and slight pity. An overwhelming silence, then a vague, indecisive phrase was given.


“Oh my… It’s okay, I’m here. I know, Seulgi. I understand, I’m a friend—I know that—“


“Huh—aha. ing great, so you know what it feels like, huh? You really know, is that it? You’re my friend, ing hilarious. And you ing understand, don’t you? Ironic.”


Irene’s words were cut by a surprising screak of dry laughter, an ironic one that made the latter glower in confusion—“What do you even know, lady? Tell me. What do you know? What, that I get money whenever I male es? That I enjoy ing strangers? That this can be stopped? What, are you gonna heal me? Good riddance, Irene—you don’t have the ing right to say that you know! Because you don’t ing know a single thing—” Seulgi nipped, shoving Irene’s hand away from her back—


 “Because—you—are just the perfect person to dump on these ing problems—because you’re going outside of this prison and I’ll be alone—again!” Seulgi said, hyperventilating whilst giving infuriated stares. “I told you not to say anything and just comfort me—“ A weeping, pathetic laugh was given—“And you tell me that you ing know—aha, to a stranger you just met inside of the prison—have people told you how much of an ignominy you are? You people for money and you act like you know miserable things, and you know what? Let’s just not talk and I’m getting out of here ‘till you get out.”


Spluttering, there was Irene’s hurdled hurt expression – before saying something that was just enough to make Joohyun’s heart curdle into a thin veneer of humiliation, and make her face scrunch in a palpable sight of an of indignant, hurt look;


“You’re just a , not just a ing – but a fraudulent, indecent criminal that I don’t know, just a wretched stranger who crashed in prison. Talk about ing combos!” Seulgi’s eyes twinkled with raw irony and mockery, laughing with blue, gnawing laughs. “Who am I to share this with you, anyway—it’s not like you’re valuable enough to be dumped on such petty things, right? You think you know it because your job is all about , and having this condition deals with ing—and booyah, you know what’s having a maniac personality is all about just because it involves ing, oh— you’re pretty expensive for a ing because you know everything— now I’m guessing that I’m right, am I not?“


With that tonelessly yet critically said words, Seulgi reached for the key to the padlock before getting out and locking it again, slamming the metal doors that made Irene feel like pathetically sobbing, but she doesn’t know why – it made her yearn for the suffocating time in this prison and doesn’t wanna go out, and she doesn’t know why, either.


Oblivious to Seulgi’s unwelcoming ears, Irene breathed a deep sigh and muttered bluely something like, “I understand.”




The cold breeze of nine pm hit Seulgi brashly, albeit having the urge to drink and get wasted – but she just couldn’t easily do that; there was a single nuisance inside of the prison that she was obliged to look after until she gets out. Slipping through some building’s rooftop, she realized that she had just overreacted to the lady’s mere act of concern; oh this wasn’t going so well – although she was amused of how she said the words with full conviction in all honesty.


She had not expected that to come out from .


Maybe she got so emotional from her words, perhaps – because she wasn’t so used to open-minded people, that’s why. Her rough fingers were running through her hair as she watched the night star twinkle, ah—what would be Irene doing right now? Or thinking right now? She did fill a twinge of guilt after she said such words- nevertheless, it was all true, but it were just stated in a harsh way—but she still felt guilty. But yes, to her opinion, es were cold-blooded humans – nothing more. They can’t feel pain nor understand humanity; ironically, they’re the ones ruining it. The sole reasons for committing adultery, and satisfying the forbidden needs of the pure ones; they taint everything with lust; and perhaps the axis of evil surrounding around men and women.


What she said probably doesn’t matter to Irene, and that’s what she practically thought.


Irene, behind her demure, kind way of saying alluring words, was an inner demon lurking inside her bleak, sophisticated form. She was still a pathetic e, a mere homewrecker, and a criminal.


It was—to Seulgi’s frustration—a fact that she couldn’t bear to face, or a fact that was burdening her.


She didn’t know why she felt so alone, and when Irene began talking to her – the lust was half-concealed with camaraderie; and she didn’t feel alone anymore. That was very wrong to her, the lust – and the thought of friendship made her utter discomfiture rise.. She hates criminals. Seulgi loathes and curses criminals. Seulgi doesn’t spare a moment to talk to them, not interact with kindness or whatever deed they can give. She didn’t equalize felons to reciprocity. She didn’t neutralize them. She blatantly ignored them. Seulgi let them rot in prison.


She loved seeing them dying and being tortured. She was supposed to love them if they all disappear.


Seulgi was supposed to hate criminals, and she finds herself pulling her hair in self-disgust – and oh, the idea of her being a mere hypocrite rose up her psyche, infiltrating every nerves of the conscience she had, it was painful and unacceptable.


It was because conscience was eating her. Kang Seulgi was supposed to have an undying hatred for felons.


“No.” Seulgi crackly muttered, her hands pulling her hair painfully in self-abasement, “I’m not a hypocrite.” Lying down on the cemented, coolly rooftop ground, she looked above with hot tears blurring her vision, the dark blue sky’s stars becoming circles of bokeh and her misery being poured out unexpectedly rough, yet with an ugly stain of self-loathing and pity.


“…right? Mom…dad…unnie…Yeri…right?” She had shamelessly wept and sobbed, remembering how criminals took their fortune and massacred her whole family – this was the reason she was supposed to hate all criminals, no matter how enticing they were.  It seemed like her tears were wintry and bitter, cooled by the breeze of the place she was in. She was left alone in the world with no one to talk to, because everyone distanced away from her thinking she was an outcast, a creep, and a kid who loves – she had no one; until one person had to share a decent conversation with her, and she—on the other hand—would ruin it and end it once and for all. She didn’t like where this was going.


She was barely sixteen, just ten, agonizing years ago when she was still mentally stable, free from all murky and dark elements in the world; where she enjoyed the earthly-things and paradise, a room of cash and money, and a family known for the fortune, power, and fame itself.


She was an all-time model youth.


But she doesn’t know why God hates her so much and decided her fate to be that sick and pathetic. She lost faith.The total faith of the heavens and its celestial entirety.


She remembers how her mother’s throat was slit rigidly upon mouthing to Seulgi that ‘she loved her so much, and she should remember that’, and finally losing her conscience and died agonizingly, crimson, sticky blood seeping out of her mother’s mutilated throat. How the man dressed in black didn’t seem to get contented and chop her body off. How he feebly laughed at it. How he made an insidious remark like ‘who wants to go next?’


Seulgi remembered how her father was beat to semi-consciousness before peeling his skin alive and throwing deadly acid to his face, alive. How her father pitifully did the wretched attempts of going out and shouting for help before his mouth was ironed with a hellfire heat. How his father’s tears were restrained by digging his eyeballs out with a spoon. How he died from the pain after chopping his fingers and toes alive. How the metallic, disgusting scent of the blood swept the entire house.


Thinking about it makes her cry and revolt; vomit in disgust of the vile vibrancy of the horrific scenes.


The clear, saturated images of her two young siblings being gang- by the man’s goons – how her sixteen –year old younger sister screamed for help while being tied with spiked, steel wires and seeing her frail, delicate wrists marred with purple bruises and splatters of blood onto her untainted skin. How she fell in unconsciousness and the men still playing with her body like it was a low-cost toy; how she died after being stabbed to death; and how fear washed her younger sister’s immaculate face – and the feeling of not seeing her again made her insane for a while;


Her older sister was terrified; she witnessed how her elder jumped from the mansion’s third floor – then nothing was heard again. She witnessed a live murder, a suicide; she witnessed herself witness these unimaginable things alive and breathing. Then she heard footsteps and sounds resonating from the vault…and everything was gone. The fortune, the safety, the half of her sanity, the past composure, the hushed loving whispers of her mom, the advices of her dad, the blinding smile of her beautiful elder sister, and the immaculacy of her youngest sister. They were all gone.


They were all murdered. They were swindled with fraudulent people. They’ve been betrayed. They were envied. And she was all alone in a snap.


She perceived the passionate killings too fast that she was deadly overwhelmed with it. Seulgi was hiding inside of the closet, the ray of sun focusing towards the massacre; all she could do was cry silently and tried to close her eyes whenever her family screamed for help – after all, she was just a teen – she was afraid of getting killed and she knew that she had a life after this, she knew that she was going to be alone.


It was all vivid to Seulgi’s mind until now, and it wasn’t easy everytime she sees the unwelcoming images.


But on the contrary, she seemed to underestimate the surreal truth of isolation and being alone.


It was harder than she thought it would be.


If she knew that this was that hard, then she would’ve joined the killing fiasco and let herself get killed. She would die with them even if it’s agonizing, but they’re still together – and that’s the thing Seulgi wanted to do, realizing it after years of the murders.


She spent years to ease her neverending trauma; and yes, easing it through physical bedlam and contact, that is. It made her pathetic than she was already before – she was alone, yet she finds pleasure in earthly, selfish es – Tried to avenge for her lost family….and tried to get away with the cruel world and step on the bleak line of selflessness and isolation.


She was pitied yet unwanted, various hushes of ‘Is she the sole survivor of the Kang Massacre, pitiful, isn’t she? But I heard that she sleeps around guys, so no.’; and all the phrases of rejections given to her. She was an outcast in the society, a pitiful one without a family and she’s a disgusting mania


She all accepted it.


The only thing she can do is to loathe criminals, and that would be the biggest justice she can give to her family.


Until this lady came.


On the other thought, if she would be asked to pick who’ll be for her, her murdered family or the enticing yet possible friend – she would definitely pick the latter. But it was a different case when the realization of her pitiful isolation came to her senses, she imagined how pathetic she looked to God’s eyes— she has this wretched illness, and she was, for the jackpot, indeed alone. Very alone and darkly forlorn; a fact that made her lower her self value than the way it was before everyone she loved left her, before they were killed, and before she had a definite hate to all villains.


When that realization came to her, she would unhesitantly pick the criminal friend, and selfishly, not her deceased family. They were all gone and they can’t come back anymore. They simply can’t. They were all gone and here she is, alone – isolated— depressed and pathetic, who would she run to if she had nothing? Herself? No, she can’t rely on herself. She was an incontrollable maniac, but she wondered how she eased Irene’s wonderful frontage. No one would accept her; until Irene comes and says that she knows what she feels. Ah, wasn’t it just a twisted fate of her sick fairytale life?


 Seulgi often wonders if she has to be selfish or not—but it can be seriously deemed this time—she just needs a friend, and it’s a shame how she became this desperate and faulty – oh, wasn’t she a hypocrite, was she?


Just a friend, nothing more – but a part of her tells that she has morality to know what is wrong and right, and it made her a shady hypocrite.


There were no one she could properly talk to in years and Irene was the first one-   a fraud and a ridiculous – and a stranger too…and a criminal.


To say that she was overwhelmed with such outlawed conversation was such a blissful disgrace to her; the uncensored, bright images of her blinding smiles, her healthy body, her pitchy voice, and her unintentional act of seduction made her twirl into a mixed ball of emotions.


She wanted her for a friend; she was supposed to hate her for her family; she was supposed to ignore the latter’s talks and never respond to it – but it was ironically thrown into ditch of mockery and opposition.


Had the ever kind goody-two-shoes Mary Sue become selfish right now?


Had Alice fall into the rabbit’s hole the moment she saw her?


Had the Blue Diamond become cracked and frail?


            Had Red Riding Hood lose her red hood?


It was all ironic, the fate; hypocrisy; selfishness; and the urge were pushing her into an endless pit of confusion.


Was it the time to become selfish?


And Seulgi realized that she was worst of all criminals;

For a hypocrite is no match to millions of murderers, infidels, swindlers, frauds, robbers, thieves, and es.


Seulgi was worse than Irene; and she had wished never to respond to her like that, but the clock is running through her lopsided destiny…she wants a friend to clear her isolation.


Slap to her face that she’s a good-for-nothing hypocrite and a selfish person, but she’ll turn back away and apologize. She accepts and cries, she accepts that she’s worse than a criminal; she will not bark at you, but she will bite you with her changes, because nothing is much better than making yourself much more better –


As bad it may seem, but admit it, being selfish is undeniably a blissful and entrancing sin, isn’t it?




If we had no faults of our own, we would not take so much pleasure in noticing those of others.



“Forgive me…mom…dad…my siblings… This is the first time I get to be selfish.”


And the Sheriff Seulgi was freed from the jailed hell; and that’s where she welcomes the jailed paradise.


Because Joohyun, the lady felon, told her that she knows, she understands… she’s a friend….and she’s there for her.



She hasn’t heard that in years.


But before she could think of accepting such friend, the first thing she thought of was going back to apologize to her. She didn’t know why she found the cell– confusion started to eat her.



The prison cell was blank, insipid, and empty—and the padlock was opened.


Checking her coat, the prison cell key wasn’t in there at all.



“I’m more of a criminal; you see…I’m more of a wicked felon.”

She knew that voice, nevertheless, it was surprisingly dark and ghastly.


And she felt somebody putting a handkerchief on her face.


A syringe on her delicate skin.


A pill forced on .


The smell of sterilized steel and the strong whiff of antiseptics.



The hypocrisy wasn’t sweet at all for Cinderella;

The witch had her deceived and tricked.

She was blinded by love –

The want of somebody…

Somebody that she just met that day…



In a blink of an eye, Irene’s clothes changed from a skimpy red dress to a clean white coat and pants. Her face void of any makeup and cosmetics; and her aura changed into something different…something she fears.


She felt like escaping there, for the needles on her wrists were painful and too many.



It was foolish of Seulgi not realize what Irene really was.


Or what she really was.




Word Count: 10,124





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Chapter 1: I'm flabbergasted like woooowwwwww. Great twist!
Chapter 2: What daa effing , this is mind-blowing!! Didn't expect it to be this deep like WOW WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS . PHEW. The plot twist sure got me feeling like "Am I too stupid, or did I missed something?"

Thank you for writing this amazingly written piece!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! (^^)
Dingus1 #3
Chapter 1: Hello, I would first like to say that this story was amazing. I was wondering if I could write a story with a similar concept as this (delusional psycho + doc + plot twist). I don't plan uploading it but showing it to by friend who loves short stories (but not kpop). I will credit you as an inspiration but I wanted to confirm with you. Thank you for this amazing story.
assej7IM #4
Chapter 2: that was a mind blowing yow. And heck its almost 4am amd here I am a mumbling mess and heck my mind is in the mess, what the heck did I just read hahaha oh my I am turning crazy right now. Holy . Anyways DAEBAK! author nim I love this story whoooohooo daebak
aphroditexyz #5
Chapter 2: HOLY !!!! THE PLOT TWIST THO~~~~~~

the moment irene clothes change into white and the words "or what she really was" i was like 'wait', 'WHAT' i re-read 'HUH?' and then 'HOLY ' i really got goosebumps, breathing heavily and swearing for about 4 minutes because i still can't believe what i just read (ಥ_ಥ)
Chapter 2: Kekeke is it possible having psycho problem and u know u have one?
Chapter 2: Thank god im not that dense,coz the moment I read that irene clothes change into a white coat,I just knew it that shes a psychiatric.remind me of halle berry movie or limb bizkit hazel eyes mv
redlighton #8
Chapter 2: Wow. This was epic!! I don't even know what to say here o_o uhm, god!! This is really good... I was asking myself why the hell this didn't become an ongoing, but you gave that plot twist in the end and wrote an explanation and thought, yeah, it's perfect as it is. Thank you so much for writing an epic seulrene!! I'll be looking out for your other/future works ^^
kgbgarcia #9
Chapter 2: Holy sh**!! Menbong (Mind Blown)! This is freakin' AWESOME!! Didn't see that one coming haha! You are seriously good!
Chapter 1: holy ,that was one hell of a plot twist!!