Reasons and Conditions

Living With Famous Idiots! -edited-


“Donghae, why are we here?” I finally asked after we had walked around Seoul, and finally stopped at the SM building.

He was quiet, walking through the back, sliding his SM card before walking in. He pulled me into the elevator and up to the roof.

 “SO? What is Super Junior’s Donghae going to do?” I asked once again, but of course, he ignored me and just went to the edge of the roof.

“Watch” was all he said as he looked over the edge.

“W-W-WAIT! Y-YOU AREN’T GONNA COMMIT SUISIDE, ARE YOU?!” I yelled, he laughed and took off his cap.

“Come over here” he said, I followed.

“So?” I asked again, curious at what his move would be.

“Look down”
I listened, and I saw over 200, no 500 girls sitting at the side entrance of the SM practice room.

“What are you going to do?” I said still staring at the crowd of people.

“HEY! IT’S LEE DONGHAE’S HAT THAT HE WORE ALL DAY! HE EVEN SWEATED ON IT!” Donghae yelled then dropped his hat.

“AAAAHHH!!!” was the next thing I heard before I covered my ears. It was so loud! Someone could go deaf!

I placed my hands over my ears to try to soften the screams, but they were still as loud as ever—it was as if I was at a concert, but rather than having music along with the screams, it was just really loud screams.

“WHAT’S WITH THEM SCREAMING?!” I finally yelled in utter frustration.

Donghae turned to look at me, his hands in his pockets, and a small lopsided smile on his face. “See?” he shouted as the screaming were still as loud as ever, “Now, think how negative it would be if someone yelled, ‘hey there’s Donghae’s girlfriend’”

“But I’m your sister” I yelled as my hands were still cupped around my ears.

“But the media will lie; they’ll twist words and such. Even if they found out that you were my sister, they’ll still lie. They’ll say that we have that kind of step brother sister relationships like in those dramas.” Donghae yelled back. “Worst off, they’ll make you look bad so that fan girls may kill you or talk bad about you. And I absolutely don’t want my little sister to be talked badly of.” He got away from the edge, and walked closer to me.

“But they might think I’m a guy” I roared, “So I don’t need to live as a guy!”

He stood in front of me, his eyes squinting because the sun was just coming down on him as the wind blew his short hair. “They’ll find out.” He started, putting his hands in his pockets. “They’ll do anything to find things out about you.”

“Why would the media do that?”

“Because they’ll either bring up your reputation, or bring it down. Some of the reporters are my fans; most of them are not. What they write is what my fans will think. If the report about you is bad, then the ELFs will kill you. And there is little chance that they’ll write a good report about you.”

I didn’t answer, but plopped down onto the ground and scratched my head. The screams from the fans was still going on.

Was Donghae right? Should I really pretend to be a guy? No! No way! Out of the question! I cannot allow that! I mean, I’m a woman for Pete’s sake! God made me a woman, and I intend to stay that way! I mean, sure, I have possibly no s, and my hair’s short, and…You know what? I don’t have time for this! I mean, no! I’m defiantly not going to do this! I will tell you that! No way in a bagillion years will I ever do something like that!

I kept on scratching my head, osh, who said thinking was healthy? IT’S HURTING MY HEAD RIGHT NOW!

“I CAUGHT IT FIRST!” said a few hundred fans that were on the ground. I rolled my eyes at those desperate fan girls. I mean, I’ve been a fan girl before, but I’ve never been that desperate!

Donghae coughed, gaining my attention. “As your big brother, I don’t want people to bully you” he started, patting my head. “I really do care about you; I want what’s best for you! And…I want to protect you and make youhappy.”

I stared at him and soon sneered, “Really? Then why didn’t you e-mail me when I was in America? Why didn’t you ever call me? Would it have hurt to just call me once? JUST ONCE? I knew that you were busy because of Super Junior. I know all of that. But since it’s because of Super Junior I hate them for that”

He had no idea how much I missed him. How much I wanted just one phone call from him! Would that have been so hard?!  Or even…One text, yes, just one! I mean, I would’ve been so much…So much more relieved if he had done that! He has no idea how much I missed him, how many times my friends at my school would complain, “For goodness sakes Alex! WHY DO YOU CALL YOUR BROTHER EAST SEA?!”
“Donghae, why didn’t you send my any letters, or a gift on my birthday?” I clenched my hands, “No texts, no phone calls, just nothing!”

“Alex,” I could feel Donghae staring at me, I let out a sigh.

“Don’t act like I don’t know why you’re letting me stay with you. I know that mom forced you to let me stay with you.” Sighing, I continued “If it wasn’t for her, you probably wouldn’t have let me stay.”

“It’s not like that” Donghae bit his lip, “It’s because—”

“Don’t lie” I looked up at him, “Mom asked you to do it didn’t she? She’s the only reason why you would call.”

“Alex, she did, but she didn’t force me…It’s another sto—”

“Stop lying”

“I said ‘yes’ simply because I wanted to spend time with you”

“You didn’t have to—”

“I know that you’re mad at me”

 “I’m not—”

“Liar, I’ve known that since you stopped e-mailing me when dad died”

My brow twitched, “Should it matter? What if I was too busy?”

“Even when you stayed here for the summer when dad died, you never e-mailed me, or called me”

“E-mailing people is so old, and I didn’t have your new number”

“And when has things becoming ‘old’ mattered to you? You would rather watch movies from the 30’s like ‘Roman Holiday’ or anything with Audrey Hepburn in it rather than watching something made in the 21 century! You love listening to Classics like Glen Miller’s ‘Moonlight Serenade’ rather than listen to me singing a rap song back when we were kids. You hate all the newer groups and will only listen to the groups that debuted before 2005.”

 “So? What if I like old things? What does that have to do with emails?”

“Alex,” he started before patting my shoulder, “I’ve missed seeing your e-mails so much. I missed about reading about your day, your complaints of the day, the people you would do anything to murder, I miss every bit of reading those emails!”

I sighed; glaring at him, feeling nothing but sympathy for that idiot I called my brother. “Then why didn’t you ever e-mail me back?” I questioned.

 I mean, that’s why I was so hurt in America. Donghae was my brother! I can’t just…It’s like the pain you get when your best friend ignores you. That hurt feeling, the feeling that pretty much stabs you? Yeah, that’s what I felt.

Hearing Donghae groan, I looked up. “I’m sorry Al, it’s because-”

“You were busy?” I scoffed, “Like always.”

“No, because I kept on breaking the laptop whenever I got on one” he whispered then he started to look embarrassed. I stared at him.

Well that ended the dramatic brother and sister second.


“Whenever I finished reading your e-mails, I would try to e-mail you back. But then just somehow… it, the computer, would break” he gave me a pouty face as he continued, “Kyuhyun, Heechul, Ryeowook, no one would let me use their computer”

“It’s called the library?” I thought out loud.

“I got kicked out of 2 already because whenever a fan girl saw me they would scream”

“Your phone?”

“I didn’t like using it to e-mail you because I would usually hit the wrong buttons” he muttered, ha, his face was getting too cute every second! I mean, it kept on getting sadder, but it was so funny!

I started to laugh after hearing all this. His face, his excuses… They were so funny! Donghae is so bad with technology! Of course, the Fishy “Lee” family has always been bad with technology! It’s only understandable!

“I get it.” I mumbled, trying to hide my laugh.

Donghae’s face lightened up, “So will you pretend to be a guy?”

My brow rose, “Do the other guys know that I’m a girl?”


“Only Henry.” he pointed out, “Maybe the managers since I already told them about you, but mostly Henry.”

“Will the other guys know that I’m a girl?”

“No,” Donghae simply put, “I refuse!”


“Because! They’ll feel uncomfortable” he placed a hand on his hip before continuing, “So will you do it?”

“Under a few conditions”

 “Like?” Donghae’s brow rose, “I refuse doing anything dirty!”

“Oh like that has ever stopped you before!”

“Alex!” Donghae pouted.

“Don’t ‘ALEX’ me!”

Rolling his eyes, he muttered, “Continue.”

I grinned, giving him one finger. “One, if any of the members asks if I’m a girl, I get to answer either yes or no, you can’t chose for me!”

Donghae frowned, “Alex! Come on, it’d be pointless for me to tell you to be a boy if that happens!”

“I don’t care! OBEY ME. Besides, I want to chose the day I tell the members that I’m a girl! Knowing you, you’ll forget about everything and have me live as a boy for the rest of my life!”


I think I made my point.

“TWO!” I continued, “Because of this agreement, you have to pay for my credit card bill!”

“What? What do you usually buy?”

Shrugging, I simply replied with, “Nothing much, it’s just that I have no job. No job…No money, so…”

“So then until you have a job, I shall pay for everything?”

“Nope! You still pay! Anywho! Next is condition 3! If I don’t have a boyfriend because of you, prepare to die”

Donghae rolled his eyes, “I won’t interfere in your love life.” He grumbled.

“Knowing you when I was 13, I say that thou shalt!”

“Speaking King James on me?”

I nodded, “Yup!”

I mean, seriously, knowing Doing for even a short while, it’s insane! He’s the overprotective type towards me! All he wants to do is save me from the horror of guys ever since I was little, which made no sense since he was a guy too, but eh, I’ve had my doubts on that!

“Is that all?” Hae asked, breaking my chain of thought.

“I’m done.”

He grinned, “Ok, now it’s my turn to give you MY conditions.”

“What?” I suddenly became surprised, “But I’m pretending to be a boy because of you!” I gasped. I mean, that totally makes sense right? A girl giving up her right to be her gender—just because her brother is letting her live with him? That’s just not fair!

“Yes, but you’re giving me conditions that don’t relate to you being a boy” he pointed out.
I paused for a bit, then sighed

“Whatever, give them to me.”

“One, if you fall in love with any of the members, I WILL be involved in THAT love life” Donghae pointed out.

I scoffed at that idea, “That’s NEVER going to happen!”

“YOU never know~ two; I’ll pay for your credit card, only 200 bucks, if it’s over, then I’m only going to give you 200 bucks”

“Fair enough”

“Three, if you’re going out, tell me. Text me, call me, I don’t care.”

“Fine, but it’s on you if you don’t get it”

“FOUR, don’t wear anything girly around the guys, if you’re going out of the dorms, wear guy clothes, hid somewhere when you’re out, then you can change into something girly”

“Fine, but I might forget.”

 “If any rules are broken then we have to have punishment”

“Like what?

“I don’t know, anything we decide on I guess”

“Alright then, anything else?”

“Don’t bug me about saying ‘oppa’ anymore ok?” I added, adding that small, random fact that Donghae has always bugged me about.

“Aish, I guess little siblings really do follow older sibling’s steps” he groaned. If you’re confused about that, then it’s because he believes that I call them “Hyung” because they’re boys, and boys tend to call each other hyungs, while girls call the guys “Oppa” or, as international fangirls say, “OPPARRRRS”

Then it got awkwardly silent. I looked at Donghae, who was staring at the crowd. I smiled; my brother really did grow up. Then, for no apparent reason, the thought of the bed head came into mind.
“Oh, and who was that guy earlier?” I finally asked, breaking the silence.

Donghae jerked his head away from the ground, and cocked his brow, “Who?”

“The one with the messy short bed hair, he had light skin, was skinny,”

“That’s all the members,”

“No, no, uh, the guy with that, baby face, and he was sitting at the desk with the laptop” 
Donghae thought for a bit, placing his fingertip on his lip.

He snapped his fingers before answering, “OH! KYUHYUN! I forgot to mention, he’s going to the same university as you!”


“Yeah, but I don’t think you two will be in the same class, you’re a…”

“I’m a major in the arts”

Donghae was quiet for a while. Then he sighed and scratched his head“ Pretend to be a boy in the Fine Arts section, ok?”

“Why?” I questioned even though I knew the answer. But I wanted to see if he had the nerve to say it

“Because, he might see you, and I defiantly don’t want him to ask if you’re a girl!” he said, 
I sighed, yep, he said it! That idiot.

“I get it,” I grumbled while standing up, brushing the imaginary dust off of my legs.

“Good then” he beamed.
“But you can change into girl clothes when you get to your fine arts class, I don’t think he would see you” Hae continued, “So it’s all good!”

“Thank you, I totally would have loved doing such a thing, wasting my time changing clothes to show a guy that I’m a guy when I’m a girl.” I said in a flat voice.

“Lets go home, the members are already awake!” he yelled over the screaming noise over the fans, seriously, they scream FOREVER just because of an idiot like him!


Guys, I know this is really wierd asking you this, but could you guys please pray for my mom? She has a back and neck problem, and she keeps on whimpering about her arm about how much it hurts. Could you please do it for me? :(

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exoticshawol125 #1
wow I really like your poster!
dahlia_hart #2
Chapter 12: Wow, I read the first version a long time ago and this is so much better^^
im-awkward #3
Chapter 12: I love this version
shelyng2 #4
Chapter 12: yeay! i have read ur older version of this story,after read this revision story, it feel like read ur new fanfic rather than revision. great job! :D
Sammiwammi65 #5
Chapter 12: I love this revision. There's so much more detail, and SuJu insiders, it's hilarious!!! :D
shinichinarita #6
Chapter 3: I love your fanfics! HILARIOUS! I don't know the old version, but this one is awesome.
KillaGurl #7
Chapter 7: Kuala it's,Ikuto!!!
kikyochan #8
The story is suuper goood!!!! plzz update!!
exhaustion #9
I really liked he old version but this version is EVEN better! PLEASE UPDATE OKAY OKAY?! PLEASE! I'LL DIE IF YOU DON'T UPDATE!! T____T
You got yourself a new subscriber! HEHEHE!