Leeteuk's a Huge Ball of Hate.

Living With Famous Idiots! -edited-


Their performance was over, and here I am, dead…In the seats…Again. I mean, I’d talk to the managers, but they’re too busy talking about what to do, performances and what not. I’m just here, deteriorating in the dark. Yeah, it’s no problem at all, totally.

However, secretly, I’m going to kill Donghae.

Yes there can be no other way than to brutally kill my brother, Donghae! I mean, would that even be possible? I’m so mad at him, and I’m tired. Yeah, mostly tired.

I yawned, lying on the couch, listening to music. It was a song sung by Sam Tsui, and I just fell in love with it like always. A smile fell on my face as his voice filled my mind, making me a little bit more calm than I was before.

Note to self: Never come to music bank unless your favorite group is up.

I stared at the ceiling, playing with my socks.

What’s so great about meeting singers? I wanna meet actors!

The door suddenly opened, and I looked up and saw Leeteuk. Almost immediately, I gulped as I stared at him. Okay, okay Alex. Look away, look away. He probably isn’t going to say anything to you. Looking back at my sock, I just stared at it and played with the fabric (Yes, I am that bored) as if he wasn’t there.

“Where are the members?” he asked, informally.

I looked up, my brow raised, “Members?”

“You know who I’m talking about, where are they?”

I hate this guy.

“I don’t know.” I said as informally as I could in an irritated Mokpo accent, “Please don’t ask me something I don’t know.”

His eyebrow rose, “You’re how many years younger than me?” he asked in such a reminding tone that I just wanted to choke him.

I took a deep breath, basturd, “Ten. I’m ten years younger than you, sir.” and by ‘sir’ I mean, old hag that should die.

He gave me the worst glare that I would’ve received. And I swear, if looks could kill, I’d be dead by now.

“If you excuse me,” I started, “I’m gonna walk home.” I quickly went to look for my converse. (Great, I lost them again!)

“Do you even know the way?” he asked in such a snarky manner.

“No, but I will put my faith in God and pray that He leads me in the right direction.”

“To death? Have fun.”

I huffed, wanting to strangle him, but nope! Nope! I’m just here, looking for my shoes because if I strangle him, then I know I’m going to get killed by fangirls. Urgh, why must he be such a snarky celebrity? WHY?

“Hey, are these yours?”

I turned around and saw him hold my teal converse (Yes, I said teal; I know my colors like a woman does.) “Yes.” I mumbled, walking over to him.

His phone rang, going, “I’m phone, and I approve of this message.” He took it out (still holding my shoe) and read it.

“You’re kidding, right?” he asked out loud, still holding onto my shoe.

I sat down next to him, grabbing the other show that he wasn’t holding and put it on. He sighed, looking down at me before throwing my shoe. I caught it before putting it on.

“They already left.” Leeteuk said.

I looked up, “I’m sorry?”

“They left without us.”

I blinked for a bit, letting the words flow in my mind. “Lemme get this straight. They left the station, without you, a Super Junior member.”

“There are too many members, and some of the members—Siwon—don’t live with us, and some of the members have things to go to.”

“I see.” I muttered before standing up. He let out a tired groan before taking his clothes off in front of me. I quickly turned red before turning around, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I scolded him; cover my eyes even though he was behind me.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m trying to change clothes!”

“In front of me?”

There was a small silence before he continued, “…You’re…Gay?”

“W-what?” I stuttered, “N-no! N-no I’m not! A-at least warn me when you’re going to strip!”

“Well sorry…” he muttered.

“I-It’s fine.” I took a deep breath, “A-anyways! Off I go!”

Quickly, I walked out of the door and closed it, taking a deep breath. He’s suppose to be how old and have that kind of body?

I put back on my earphones, listening to whatever was playing as I started walking. My back was killing me; I just had to say that. I’m sorry, I don’t care what you say, I’m a lazy bum who complains when her back hurts, okay? Urgh, I’m getting so old.

It was as if there was no one here other than staff and PD people. I mean, it’s understandable, right? The shows over, fans left, so on and so forth. Nothing much left to do once all the weekly drama is gone.

“Oh baby touch the sky~” I started singing as I walked out of the building. (Yes, I’m singing SNSD! Be jealous! SNSD are that legit!)

Once I was out of the building, I wanted to shout, “THANK GOD!” to the world because…Well, I was tired and I don’t like being near people. Yeah, I say not being near people sounds amazing. Why, you ask? It’s simply because I hate people. Yup, no other answer, I just hate people.

I continued my walk until realization suddenly hit me.

I don’t know where to go.


I grabbed my phone and started to call Donghae to try and find my way home. However, it was as if he was ignoring me on purpose, again. I let out a groan in annoyance when I heard that his voice inbox was full, like always.

I let out a small groan before I started to walk to wherever to try to find a way home—or to their dorms at least.

Gosh, I wish I paid attention to the streets.

I let out a small yawn before staring at my wall. I feel tired. I feel so gosh darn tired, that it’s almost unbearable. Shoot, I wish I could fall to the ground right now.

My phone started ringing, psh, it’s possibly Donghae! I picked it up without even checking the ID, “Ello?”

“Who are you and why did you call Donghae?”

“Excuse me?” I questioned, surprised at how blunt this unknown person was. I mean, it’s pretty rude.

“Who are you?” she asked in a more strict tone.

I rolled my eyes and hung up. Gosh, rude much? Urgh, I hate people like her. I mean, of all things, why be so rude? Is she a stalker? Possibly. I mean, why else would some woman call me at night asking me why I was talking to Donghae…Unless he’s dating…Yeah, then that would make sense.

I continued to walk, changing the song on my ipod whenever I got really bored. Gah, all my songs are pretty old, so I should update it. But eh, it’s not like there are any interesting songs here nowadays. They’re all boring.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps.

The footsteps came closer.

They became louder.

Okay, I’m guessing that you’re thinking I’m paranoid, but I can’t help it. They sound like they’re following me, and it’s creepy. Plus, it’s late at night, what else am I suppose to think? That everything is all nice and dandy? Psh, hecks no!

A hand was placed on my shoulder, I stopped—and so did my heart.

It’s going to kill me.

Okay, rather than lie to people and say that I was totally kick and beat the snot out of the guy who touched me, I’m going to be honest here. I screamed. I screamed like a little girl the second the person jerked me back.



I immediately shut up, realizing who it was. I looked up and saw Jung su give me one of the most irritated looks in the world.

“Oh, Sunbae.”

“Do you really have to yell?” he asked, quite irritated if I might add.

“I’m sorry, I thought you were a .”

He narrowed his eyes, “Yes, because that makes everything better.” He muttered, scratching his head.

I looked at him, “Sorry…”

“And how many times have I heard that?” he asked, irritated.

I pouted my lips before playing with my fingers, “I’m really sorry…”

“Aish, anyways, try to be useful and find a taxi.”

Jung su hatred switch is flipped back on, “I’m going to walk home thank you very much.”

“Not for you, for me.”

“No thank you.” I started to walk away.

“ALEX!” he yelled.

I wanted to scream at that moment, but no one was around here, so it wouldn’t work. Wonderful, right? I mean, it would’ve been a perfect revenge plan since he’s so famous and all. But nope, no one could be here because it’s a neighborhood.

“Do you expect me to walk all the way home?”

“Yes.” I mumbled, walking away, paying more attention to my ipod than him.




I don’t want him in my life, and I need to find a way to move out from the dorms, he’s so annoying. It’s like that pest that won’t leave you alone, you know what I mean?

Urgh, humans.

Well, mostly Park Jung Su. Most humans, I can stand since they know when to shut up. However, for Park Jung Su, it’s almost impossible since he won’t ever shut up and rant about me every single moment I see him which is soo annoying. You know what I mean, right?

Gosh, I never knew someone could hate me so fast! I mean, I’m loveable! I’m adorable! I’m Alex freaking Lee who’s done nothing to this guy yet! Urgh. Park Jung Su is like a ball of hate. A huge ball of hate if you ask me.


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exoticshawol125 #1
wow I really like your poster!
dahlia_hart #2
Chapter 12: Wow, I read the first version a long time ago and this is so much better^^
im-awkward #3
Chapter 12: I love this version
shelyng2 #4
Chapter 12: yeay! i have read ur older version of this story,after read this revision story, it feel like read ur new fanfic rather than revision. great job! :D
Sammiwammi65 #5
Chapter 12: I love this revision. There's so much more detail, and SuJu insiders, it's hilarious!!! :D
shinichinarita #6
Chapter 3: I love your fanfics! HILARIOUS! I don't know the old version, but this one is awesome.
KillaGurl #7
Chapter 7: Kuala it's,Ikuto!!!
kikyochan #8
The story is suuper goood!!!! plzz update!!
exhaustion #9
I really liked he old version but this version is EVEN better! PLEASE UPDATE OKAY OKAY?! PLEASE! I'LL DIE IF YOU DON'T UPDATE!! T____T
You got yourself a new subscriber! HEHEHE!