I'm Sorry

Love Doesn't Require A Sound

Baekhyun strolled along the path towards the music hall, sighing into his mocha. He had started working full-time at the café about a week ago, spending his mornings in the store before his afternoon classes in the music hall. His roommate Jongdae had begged him to help out, since their previous full-timer was focusing on exams. A cute boy with single lidded eyes, Minseok he had learned. The older boy was surprisingly a senior in their school, with a child-like face, dark thick eyebrows, cherry kissed lips, and the cutest he had ever seen.

Baekhyun shook his head, an attempt to erase the indecent thoughts floating into his mind about the older boy. It wasn’t his fault the boy was so cute. He still found it hard to believe the boy was two years older than he was.

You guessed it, unrequited love. Baekhyun hated the phrase. Every Friday he pined over the older boy, singing love songs to him with everything he could muster. Never once did the older even look at him. Well until last Friday.

Baekhyun sighed, drinking the somehow still warm drink in his hands. Minseok had finally looked his way. The singer was elated, singing with more passion that night than he had ever sang before. But nearly two minutes after he had started singing, the older boy was looking like he was in extreme pain and was dragged out swiftly with that Luhan guy and some tall blonde. And he had to sit there and sing for the rest of the night. Not even knowing what happened to his Minseok. (What Baekhyun wanted, was practically already his.)

Luckily Luhan showed up early that morning to buy some coffee for the two boys. Baekhyun had conned him into information on how Minseok was feeling by having him sample his poor attempts at an Americano. Needless to say Yixing was the one to make their coffee, and to his delight asked Luhan to convince Minseok to help out on Fridays again. So now not only did he get to sing for the café patrons, but he also would get to see the object of his desire making coffee again. It was like a dream come true.

Baekhyun giggled, turning the corner at the edge of the business hall. As he rounded the corner he saw a pair of boys standing near the doorway. Instantly recognizing them as Minseok and Luhan, Baekhyun squeaked and hid behind the building corner. It wasn’t like he meant to listen in on their conversation… He was just there and they happened to be talking. Looking between the two he noticed the two kept moving their hands all over the place.

“Minseok,” Luhan stopped grabbing the smaller boy to turn him towards himself. “I know that look. You don’t like him do you? You don’t even have to talk to him. But unless you’ve forgot within the past month, you love working there. I don’t know what Baekhyun did, but don’t let it stop you.”

Were they talking about him? Baekhyun squinted towards the boys, confused. Did he do something to offend Minseok? He couldn’t remember if he did. The only time he was ever able to even talk to the other boy was when Minseok used to make coffee. And even then it was only a mere “Thank you” before the older smiled and went back to the espresso machine.

The smaller boy stared wide-eyed at his best friend. Baekhyun lowered his head, unable to look at the look the other was giving the Chinese boy.

“It’s nothing like that. I don’t dislike him. I don’t even know him.” Minseok nearly whispered, making it hard for Baekhyun to hear what he was saying. “I was jealous I guess. He really looked like he loved being up there, and everyone looked so happy listening to him sing. I was jealous I couldn’t hear him like everyone else.”

Couldn’t hear him like everyone else? What did that mean? Did it mean that Minseok didn’t like listening to him? It was extremely confusing for the singer. More than that, he was more saddened to hear Minseok say he didn’t know him. Sure they hadn’t really had a conversation in the past two years he had spent at the school, but he had been buying coffee from the boy since his freshman year! And he had been singing there for the past year. Every time he managed to muster up the courage to say anything to the older boy though, Minseok ignored him completely.

“And here I thought something happened between you two,” Luhan sighed, starting to walk towards the doors. “Baekhyun asked how you were feeling since you ran out of there so soon. Said he was worried since even  though you usually stay until close, you left after taking one look at him and looked like you were about to be sick.”

Baekhyun blushed realizing Luhan actually paid attention to what he was saying to Yixing that morning.

“Wait, what?” Minseok stopped walking and held onto Luhan’s arms, moving his arms frantically. Baekhyun was slightly confused with the other’s actions. Why did they use their hands to talk so much? Sure Baekhyun used his hands a lot too, but that just came with his sassy nature. He couldn’t help but realize it looked a lot like sign language.

“Apparently he’s been watching you. Doesn’t seem to know you’re deaf though. But he seemed pretty worried about you. It was kinda cute.” Luhan teased poking his best friend in the side.

“What?” Minseok looked at the younger with shock in his eyes. “I didn’t realize… Do you think he’s mad that I don’t watch him perform? I’m sure he knows. Ugh, maybe I should try explaining it to him.” The small boy hugged himself, looking over the ground in worry. “But what if he makes fun of my voice? I can’t always control it remember? Deaf voice? Do you think he hates me? Should I even say yes to Yixing now? What do I do?” Minseok continued to ramble as Luhan laughed, holding his stomach with one arm and wiping the tears that forming in his amused-filled eyes.

“I’m positive he doesn’t hate you. It’s impossible.”  Luhan straightened himself up quickly signing the words to a frustrated Minseok. “Just go back to work already. Your moping around the apartment is depressing.”

“Fine,” Minseok grudgingly gave in as they finally entered the building, giggling with each other.

Baekhyun had been frozen in his spot as he listened to the older boys speak. An indescribable feeling passing over him. Guilt, anger at himself, sadness, relief, guilt again…

Minseok was deaf. He wasn’t ignoring the singer. He didn’t speak to him, because he didn’t hear him. He never watches him, because he couldn’t hear. Minseok didn’t know who he was, because he avoided talking out of fear of his deaf voice. Minseok didn’t hate him, he just couldn’t hear him.

Minseok couldn’t hear.

Baekhyun wrongly thought Minseok was avoiding him because he didn’t like him. But Minseok never even heard him call his name.

Baekhyun sank to his knees, staring at the door where the older boy disappeared behind. His face felt warm for the hot tears streaming down his face. Guilt settled low in his stomach.

Minseok would never be able to listen to his voice call his name.

Minseok couldn’t hear.

Two Chapters in one night?! What??? The second chapter was a bit too short for me to be satisfied. I'm sorry if there was too much angst. I'm not great at holding stuff back. 

Poor Baekhyun though. 

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evelynmtika #1
Chapter 8: What if Xingxing and Jongdae were like secretly making from that?... lol. I really need to go to church. :3
bananaicecream #2
Chapter 8: asfgjjdgjdgjfdsykl so hot!!! >.<
spray me holy water.. but at the end!!! xingdae omg! I agree with xing.. who want to miss minseok.. I wont. hehe
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: there was a of iuhan back then?? OMFG!!!

and they xiubaek finally said it.. <3
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 7: wutt what? why you leave me there hanging of whats going to happen >.<
luhun are very sweet friends I love them!!! and and and.. wutt with the talking?? you arent supposed talking about how you had a with your bestfriends in your first date, are you?? (//ω//) but well.. imagining min being sandwiched omg////w////
you been on hospital??? I hope you are okay now ;o;
dont worry about long not updating.. please take care of your health..
bananaicecream #5
Chapter 6: daaawwwww so sweet it filling my take of sugar for a month... XD
shy xiu is too cute.. I can understand baek's 'damn I love you' at minseok >.<
Chapter 6: OMG!! the way baek backhugged minseok and telling him he loves him is so cute! <3
Chapter 5: aaahh.. it's finally the start of their friendship and then into...... ㅋㅋ
minmin17 #8
Chapter 5: baek was so sweet to min >< and the kiss...
bananaicecream #9
Chapter 5: sweet update altho felt so short. but but.. the finally MET!!! OMG
And baek kisses seok kyaaaaa XD
Chapter 4: How did I just find this story?!?! /cries in a corner
XiuBaek is my ultimate OTP, how did I not know this amazing piece of work existed?
I am absolutely in love with this plot, this story, the characters, EVERYTHING.