I See you

Love Doesn't Require A Sound

The snow piled on the empty street in the quiet calm of the winter night. If Minseok wasn’t freezing and running towards the promising warmth of the college’s café, he would’ve stopped to appreciate the beauty of it all. The campus was remarkably gorgeous in the winter. Snow covered the ground in a sparkling white blanket, while ice glistened in the trees lining the road leading to the café from the library. Minseok had been spending the first part of his senior year jumping between the two places in hope of getting plenty of studying done. It was getting awfully close to the first semester’s finals.

He stepped into the café’s doors, blissfully welcoming the sweet smell of the coffee and the warmth on his face. It was busy that night due to the Friday night entertainment. Some local singer came in almost every Friday night to sing for a couple hours.  Minseok never really paid attention to the stage and the noise of the crowded café never bothered him either. Mostly because he couldn’t hear it.

Five years ago he and his best friend Luhan were in a car crash on the way home from their part-time job. A drunk driver ran a red light and hit Minseok’s driver’s side of the car. He lost his hearing and broke and arm. Luhan was lucky enough to be able to keep his hearing ability, but now can’t use his right for long periods of time. It’s become shaky and the entire thing has been numb since. Damaged nerves the doctor had said. Didn’t stop the idiot from living his half normal life with Minseok. Minseok couldn’t hear, so Luhan made himself learn sign language. Minseok wanted to go to college, Luhan started studying alongside him.  Minseok wanted to hang out at the café, and now there Luhan is, sitting in their private dark booth in the corner farthest from the stage. Sitting beside him is that idiot “Sehunnie”. Luhan started dating the freshman earlier this year. It was convenient that Sehun knew sign language, but honestly, the kid was an idiot.

“Hey,” he called to the two and he maneuvered his way around the people. Using his voice was awkward still, but he’s gotten used to it. “Why is it always so busy every Friday?”

Luhan scooted over in the booth to make room for him, signing with his hands as he talked. “Well I guess a lot of people like that guy who sings here. He’s pretty good.” Sehun handed Minseok the mocha he had ordered in Minseok’s place. The guy knew Minseok hated talking to people other than him and Luhan. That was the best thing about Sehun. He picked up on Minseok’s worries, almost as well as Luhan did.

“Well I wouldn’t know,” Minseok took a sip of his hot drink slowly, scanning over the heads in the café towards the empty stage. It sat slightly higher than the floor and had enough room for the keyboard sitting alongside the amp and solo microphone. “I haven’t watched his lips moving.”

Sehun snorted across the table. “You probably don’t want to. He’s got this weird rectangle mouth.” He signed quickly, dodging his boyfriend’s fists.

“Don’t say things like that! Baekhyun seems like a nice guy from what Yixing told me. And I really want to listen to him for once.” Luhan sank back into the booth, pouting at the two. Minseok chuckled as he waved his best friend off. He wasn’t particularly interested in watching this Baekhyun guy sing. It wasn’t only because he couldn’t even hear him, but because what’s the point of trying to squint your eyes to read the lips of someone on the complete other side of the larger room. Just thinking about it always gave him a headache. So he never even turned towards the stage to watch him.

Sure it’s probably rude, but it’s not like anyone pays any attention to Minseok anyways. Most people just think he’s that weird anti-social guy that’s always in that corner with the ert couple. Very few actually know he is deaf. Well when he actually thinks about it, the café owner is the only other person, not including Luhan and Sehun, in the entire café that knows. He often comes over to chat with him when they are empty and Minseok needs some coffee to stay awake.

“Hey, how is Yixing doing?” Minseok turned his attention towards the café’s owner, who was busy secretly making Minseok’s favorite drink. “We haven’t gotten the chance to talk much since he burnt his hand.”

Luhan cackled at the memory. Yixing wasn’t always the brightest and instead of pouring the coffee in the cup, he poured it all over his hand holding it. His poor boyfriend had to speed him to the hospital, trying not to freak out.

“Hello there, Minnie!” Yixing slid down next to them, sliding Minseok his specialty. He signed a speedy hello and headed back towards the counter.

“Why does he only spoil you?” Sehun grumpily leaned onto his boyfriend’s shoulder, staring at Minseok with envy.

“It’s because I’m cute and look like a steamed bun,” he rolled his eyes at the comparison and happily let the wonderful espresso flow into his mouth.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and a solo light focused itself towards the stage. A young boy with light brown hair sat behind the lonely keyboard. His eyes were lined with dark black eyeliner and he wore a simple white sweater and black skinny jeans. Gorgeous long fingers flowed across the keys as his small, rectangle shaped mouth moved. It was beautiful.

And it was the first time since his accident that Minseok wished he could still hear.

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evelynmtika #1
Chapter 8: What if Xingxing and Jongdae were like secretly making from that?... lol. I really need to go to church. :3
bananaicecream #2
Chapter 8: asfgjjdgjdgjfdsykl so hot!!! >.<
spray me holy water.. but at the end!!! xingdae omg! I agree with xing.. who want to miss minseok.. I wont. hehe
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: there was a of iuhan back then?? OMFG!!!

and they xiubaek finally said it.. <3
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 7: wutt what? why you leave me there hanging of whats going to happen >.<
luhun are very sweet friends I love them!!! and and and.. wutt with the talking?? you arent supposed talking about how you had a with your bestfriends in your first date, are you?? (//ω//) but well.. imagining min being sandwiched omg////w////
you been on hospital??? I hope you are okay now ;o;
dont worry about long not updating.. please take care of your health..
bananaicecream #5
Chapter 6: daaawwwww so sweet it filling my take of sugar for a month... XD
shy xiu is too cute.. I can understand baek's 'damn I love you' at minseok >.<
Chapter 6: OMG!! the way baek backhugged minseok and telling him he loves him is so cute! <3
Chapter 5: aaahh.. it's finally the start of their friendship and then into...... ㅋㅋ
minmin17 #8
Chapter 5: baek was so sweet to min >< and the kiss...
bananaicecream #9
Chapter 5: sweet update altho felt so short. but but.. the finally MET!!! OMG
And baek kisses seok kyaaaaa XD
Chapter 4: How did I just find this story?!?! /cries in a corner
XiuBaek is my ultimate OTP, how did I not know this amazing piece of work existed?
I am absolutely in love with this plot, this story, the characters, EVERYTHING.