That Hot Waiter, is MINE


What will happen when a HOT waiter meets a BROKEN HEARTED girl? 



LittleMissHappy is back! With a new one/two/three/four shot or short story!

Random idea, no offense ~ 



YOU: A 16 years and a half years old. Have a player as your boyfriend. You know he's a player but you didn't care. You need to maintain your reputation as a queenka of Seoul High School. You're a beautiful teenager with an awesome dad. You're a stuck up brat who only cares about yourself until you met someone, who changed your life 360 degree.

HIM: A 17 years old teenager. Went to Seoul High School as a scholar kid. A part timer as a waiter in a cafe. Grow as an only son with her only mom. Works very hard to achieve his dream. Loves his mother so much. He's kind and caring. He's hot and y in his own way. Very loving <33



Her name is Stella Choo Ji Hyun

His name is Lee Byung Hun

As their name rhymes, will their heart rhymes too? 

One hot innocent waiter. 

One beautiful broken hearted girl. 

What fate awaits them in the future?

Maybe fate loves them too much to play trick a bit. 

Let's see if they were really meant to be together.

Because people once said, "love comes and go,"

Will their love just come and go? ;)


Do comments and subscribe! :D 

Ljjangs, Andromedas, Angels are welcomed to read this <3


You HAVE to love L. Joe first :P

Enjoy this and I wish you a happy 11/11/11 ♥

May all of your wish come true :D

Much Love ♥


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you got featured!
Iminthezone #3
youxo #4
Chapter 9: im reading this in 2018 and it hit me when you talked about jonghyun..... i miss him... nevertheless, i’ll still continue reading this :’)
Chapter 14: lol jonghyun married with me. haha
my username lol.
Smiles never leave my face when I read this! I just love it too much!
Thank you for sharing... <333
lol you put that thingy what says who reads your story XD.
I'm happy for l.joe and Jihyun are togetter. I wonder when do they marrie
-ximini #8
Cute fic!
timeofmylife03 #9
This is a really cute fic! Me likey :)